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Bump Drafting
Stewart recently had a meeting with the President of Nascar about bump drafting. What's everyone's opinions?

I think they should let it stay. They have made enough restrictions and rules that's taking away from the sport of Nascar.
It's really dangerous when not done nearly perfect. Rubbing is racing is one thing as you pass someone. But bumping them straight from behind, or getting on someone's back quarterpanel should be illegal. It shouldn't take another death to try to figure all of that out.
I love watching it like everyone else, but it's getting out of hand with all the rookies coming into the cup action, not to mention the experienced cup drivers who don't know when or how to bump draft, I agree that something needs to be done before another tragedy hits NASCAR.
I think that they have made the right move. Bump drafting is no big deal if you are in a straightaway. But--it causes issues when you are in the turns.

Either way--the drivers truly need to be the ones to police it. It would be next to impossible to stop everyone from doing it. So--they need to get together as a group and decide that they are not going to do it anymore. Or at least--have a gentlemens agreement to just keep it out of the turns.
i don't agree with stewart all he is is a coward and just like holding in football its a part of the game if you don't like the risk get out of the game
"OJ Simpson" Wrote:i don't agree with stewart all he is is a coward and just like holding in football its a part of the game if you don't like the risk get out of the game

I totally agree oj
"clubber_layne" Wrote:I totally agree oj

That is all well and good until someone gets killed.

There is a time and place for bump drafting--I agree that it shouldn't be banned completely--but it is almost impossible to not wreck someone if you decide to bump draft in the turns. So again--what is the point? Intentionally wrecking someone at 190? Come on, guys . .. .
ask Mikey Waltrip what he thinks of bump drafting, since his (ex) teammate about killed him doing it last year
"OJ Simpson" Wrote:i don't agree with stewart all he is is a coward and just like holding in football its a part of the game if you don't like the risk get out of the game
Holding is part of the game alright but is holding that dangerous to compare it with bump drafting? If your going to compare it to a football situation then it would probably be closer to helment to helment contact which is dangerous and gets a penalty. Some other solution is needed other than having someone trying to make a judgement call on the bump drafting. As long as they run restrictor plates they're going to bump and then they're going to get mad because some will wind up getting called for it while others get away with it.
I think it makes it more fun to watch ! I dont want to watch a boring race with no wrecks ! They have to many saftey equip. that they will not going to get hurt serously !
stewart is a lil puss if he dont like bump draftin he dont like nascar he needs to suk it up and quit complaining
i find it very ironic that stewart talked about people need to quit bumping other people and yet he was the one hitting everyone today during the race
"blackcatfan_48" Wrote:i find it very ironic that stewart talked about people need to quit bumping other people and yet he was the one hitting everyone today during the race

yes, exactly. I mean i'm not the biggest Kenseth fan but tony clearly threw him over in the grass there on purpose and wrecked him.
I personally like watching the bump drafting. I think without it the races at Daytona and Talladega would be boring and somewhat pointless. I mean, when you think about plate tracks you think of bump drafting and someone jacking someone's rear tires off the track and spinning them out. Too me, plate track racing isn't the same without it.

However, I do agree with Stewart that someone is going to get hurt. Rookies don't know how to bump draft like the veterans. But, does NASCAR need to police it? No. The drivers should police themselves, NASCAR can't control every little thing a driver does.
I think bump drafting was made famous by Dale Earnhardt and he seems to be the only one that could do it right. Today everyone seems to be using it to clear people out and not to push them through the field. In this aspect I believe they should pentalize anyone doing it.
When you are going close to 200 mph, anything can happen. Bump drafting is a part of the "game". You can play or don't.

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