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American Sniper
Nothing diminishes the heroism of courageous acts in the service of this country. I have not seen the movie yet, but I worked with a former sniper for a couple of years and it is not a job for cowards. He sometimes had to lie motionless for three days in the desert waiting for a target and as soon as he fired a shot, then he had to scramble to find a new position before the enemy closed in.

Being a sniper is a nasty and extremely dangerous job but it is an equally important role that somebody must do for the sake of the troops. People who disparage snipers as cowards are fools, as are those who think that human imperfections diminish their wartime heroics.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Well at least im in good company with these good folks instead of the likes of the Michael Moore's of the world. I never said you was stupid, I said you comment was stupid. For one you probably should never put Chris Kyle and that other guys name in the same comment together. And not everyone is a hero. That literally does lessen the meaning of the word when everyone is one. I dont think you're stupid, just misinformed and misguided.

DW, just let it go. With some people.....

Stardust Wrote:DW, just let it go. With some people.....


As you have proven several times. One example is your admiration of wrestling, at 50 years old. At least, after your last ass tearing from QQ for the way you talk to posters, you toned it down a little.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nothing diminishes the heroism of courageous acts in the service of this country. I have not seen the movie yet, but I worked with a former sniper for a couple of years and it is not a job for cowards. He sometimes had to lie motionless for three days in the desert waiting for a target and as soon as he fired a shot, then he had to scramble to find a new position before the enemy closed in.

Being a sniper is a nasty and extremely dangerous job but it is an equally important role that somebody must do for the sake of the troops. People who disparage snipers as cowards are fools, as are those who think that human imperfections diminish their wartime heroics.
I guess, according to you, since we shouldn't bring war soldier's imperfections to criticism, I shouldn't have named Timothy McVeigh, and his killing of innocent people to light.
I can't see the big deal. I've been calling all war soldiers heros. I only named Kyle didn't need to lie about things to be a hero. Just that fact, in the minds of people, and all the publicity, is proof that his hero status is being diminished by those lies. He is a hero to me, and that's why I said he didn't need to do that, to be a hero to people. ANY soldier that goes to war for this country is a hero. Nuff said...........
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess, according to you, since we shouldn't bring war soldier's imperfections to criticism, I shouldn't have named Timothy McVeigh, and his killing of innocent people to light.
The comparison to McVeigh was stupid. People who make such outrageous statements never want for attention.
TheRealVille Wrote:I can't see the big deal. I've been calling all war soldiers heros. I only named Kyle didn't need to lie about things to be a hero. Just that fact, in the minds of people, and all the publicity, is proof that his hero status is being diminished by those lies. He is a hero to me, and that's why I said he didn't need to do that, to be a hero to people. ANY soldier that goes to war for this country is a hero. Nuff said...........
Bowe Bergdahl was no hero. He is a zero, as is the man who released five Taliban terrorists in exchange for one American deserter.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Bowe Bergdahl was no hero. He is a zero, as is the man who released five Taliban terrorists in exchange for one American deserter.

Looks like you have tried Bergdahl before the court has. Hmmm, seems I remember you slamming me before Zimmerman was tried.
TheRealVille Wrote:Looks like you have tried Bergdahl before the court has. Hmmm, seems I remember you slamming me before Zimmerman was tried.
You swallowed every lie that the media and Obama administration fed you about the Martin shooting and repeated it like it was fact. You were wrong then and if you think Bergdahl is innocent, then you are wrong now too.

The only reason that Bergdahl is not still training with our enemies is that Obama wants to empty Gitmo in the worst way possible. Bergdahl's battle buddies know that he is a deserter and so did Obama. All that has kept Bergdahl free this long is the Obama administration's meddling in military justice. If he walks free, then it will be thanks to Obama abusing his power once again. Bergdahl deserves justice, which in his case is the impartial judgment of a Court-Martial.

BTW, the Soldier pictured above was severely wounded searching for Obama's beloved deserter.

It never ceases to amaze me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You swallowed every lie that the media and Obama administration fed you about the Martin shooting and repeated it like it was fact. You were wrong then and if you think Bergdahl is innocent, then you are wrong now too.

The only reason that Bergdahl is not still training with our enemies is that Obama wants to empty Gitmo in the worst way possible. Bergdahl's battle buddies know that he is a deserter and so did Obama. All that has kept Bergdahl free this long is the Obama administration's meddling in military justice. If he walks free, then it will be thanks to Obama abusing his power once again. Bergdahl deserves justice, which in his case is the impartial judgment of a Court-Martial.

BTW, the Soldier pictured above was severely wounded searching for Obama's beloved deserter.
Kind of like you are believing every lie(until they are proven, they are lies) conservative media is feeding you about Bergdahl? The military hasn't said Bergdahl is guilty, so how are you doing any different than me? Is innocent until proven guilty only viable for cases that you haven't already judged yourself, before the court decides?

FTR, your innocent Zimmerman has been in tons of gun trouble, and domestic violence since being set free. So, I'm not so sure I was wrong.
TheRealVille Wrote:Kind of like you are believing every lie(until they are proven, they are lies) conservative media is feeding you about Bergdahl? The military hasn't said Bergdahl is guilty, so how are you doing any different than me? Is innocent until proven guilty only viable for cases that you haven't already judged yourself, before the court decides?

FTR, your innocent Zimmerman has been in tons of gun trouble, and domestic violence since being set free. So, I'm not so sure I was wrong.
What you repeated about Zimmerman was proven to be lies. Zimmerman was found not guilty of the charges in the Martin case by a jury of his peers. If he kills 10 people tomorrow, then it will not make him guilty of the charges on which he has already been acquitted. Nothing Zimmerman can do will make your posts sound any more intelligent.

Let's see if the Obama administration tosses out the Uniform Code of Military Justice and continues to run interference for Bowe Bergdahl, or if they decide to follow the law for a change and let the system work as it is designed.
^ And, right on cue, like your dad and grandfather, you think you are the only one that is right about anything.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ And, right on cue, like your dad and grandfather, you think you are the only one that is right about anything.
All I know that you are more often wrong than right. You made a fool out of yourself in the Zimmerman threads and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. I know that I make mistakes, but the difference between us is that I learn from mine.
Take your debate to the political thread guys....both of you are diminishing the previously mentioned stated, "hero" platform, by turning this thread honoring a hero into a political debate.

Back to the movie...more feedback from others who have seen it in the last week? What did you think?

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
TheRealVille Wrote:As you have proven several times. One example is your admiration of wrestling, at 50 years old. At least, after your last ass tearing from QQ for the way you talk to posters, you toned it down a little.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:All I know that you are more often wrong than right. You made a fool out of yourself in the Zimmerman threads and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. I know that I make mistakes, but the difference between us is that I learn from mine.

Hoot, we have members on here that have stated in so many ways their hatred for US American soldiers. It's embarrassing!
Stardust Wrote:Hoot, we have members on here that have stated in so many ways their hatred for US American soldiers. It's embarrassing!
Indeed it is. There is very little collateral damage when snipers do their work. They are much more precise than drones.
Stardust Wrote:Hoot, we have members on here that have stated in so many ways their hatred for US American soldiers. It's embarrassing!
I love and respect American soldiers, especially war fighters, I just hate people like you, Hoot, and TRT. Bringing to light soldiers imperfections isn't taboo, but you guys seem to think so. And, keep your criticisms of me clean, or I WILL have QQ involved. Just saying.......
TheRealVille Wrote:I love and respect American soldiers, especially war fighters, I just hate people like you, Hoot, and TRT. Bringing to light soldiers imperfections isn't taboo, but you guys seem to think so. And, keep your criticisms of me clean, or I WILL have QQ involved. Just saying.......

Confusednicker: YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!
Stardust Wrote:[Image:]
Did you not notice that WILL was written in all CAPS? That is like a triple-dog dare! :biglmao:
too bad I chose to watch Into the woods over American Sniper on a weekend..
One of the all time great movies of any genre, and by far one of my all time favorites. Thank you Chris Kyle for your duty, and your service!

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