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Leslie Co. @ Buckhorn All "A" 1/13/15


Horn by 6
Buckhorn - 77
Leslie Co. - 66

The Horn Marches On!
Game postponed till tomorrow night due to the weather
Buck Horn is A good team,
Leslie went to the All A regional championship last year losing to Corida by less than 10. I think that experience they gain returning everyone helps the Eagles in this tourney. They go to the horn and come out with a W by 2.
Horn wins this battle by 5. Should be a good one.
Eagles by 1 in an exciting game.Leslie struggles at times in the halfcourt and need to get out in transition.Defensive rebounding will be a huge factor in this game.Like Coach Day said a while back,stay focused and just buy in.I expect Bray and Collet to have a great game.Buckhorn has a very good team but I can't go against the Eagles.
53 - 66 a win for the horn!
will be A good game.

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