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Potential Clay Coach?
I think it will be Combs when it is all said and done. I know he went and watched them last night in the mountain classic. He will do a great job at Clay if he is there. Will support the kids that want to play basketball, baseball, etc. no head coaching experience but you have to realize who he coached under and what system he came out of. Holcomb runs a great system and I'm sure it will be a mirror image to that. Wish whoever luck that gets this job. People will be expecting big things from whomever. You people will have to realize it can't be built over night. Give whoever it is some time to build it.
Clay Co always have had good systems. One year we had an option qb who ran for over 1000 yards then the next year had a qb who threw for over 3000. The staff from last year had a lot to do with both so the system is not the question IMO. Its figuring out what it would take to turn this program around. I don't have the answers but I know who ever gets the job needs every resource available to help them succeed. That's not always been the case here.
former Wrote:Keep hearing Bert Brown, Greg Duncum, a Sizemore guy, and some guy from out of state.

I am not even sure if Sizemore is interested, I haven't talked to him in several weeks, would have thought it would have made sense for the guy to go to Clay, he is originally from there. His current school has 19 wins total in 13 years of playing football, He has accumulated I think 8 of those wins in his 3 years there, Him and Holcomb run the same offense, not sure what he is running on defense now though, obviously the guy can coach, he's won some games at a place where winning any games has been virtually non existent.
What I meant by system is the program. My fault. Lose my thinking in my old age. I meant to say combs would run the program like Holcomb ran his program in the 90s and early 2000s. From grade school all the way up. If Clay will let someone do this. I know Haddix and that group ran the same offense from when they were in 5th grade till they graduated. I agree the system may be fine but the program needs some work. Don't see how Clay has only won 5 or 6 games in 3 years. Used to be tough back in the day.
SLHSCard Wrote:I am not even sure if Sizemore is interested, I haven't talked to him in several weeks, would have thought it would have made sense for the guy to go to Clay, he is originally from there. His current school has 19 wins total in 13 years of playing football, He has accumulated I think 8 of those wins in his 3 years there, Him and Holcomb run the same offense, not sure what he is running on defense now though, obviously the guy can coach, he's won some games at a place where winning any games has been virtually non existent.

I heard Sizemore had pulled his name out of consideration, Don't know how true it is. You're right though, if you can win a game where he's at you can win anywhere.
If you're talking about Coach Sizemore @ BC, I don't see him leaving, He's put in too much time here, has a pretty good set up and is starting to get the community support. BCHS had an undefeated JV season this year, His middle school team has played for two straight NKY conference titles, and several youth teams won the NKY Conference Super Bowls this year. He's done a great job here building the program from the bottom up and getting everyone on the same page and I don't see him leaving now when the rewards are getting ready to come. I coach some youth ball here and I just don't see him leaving right now, he has already started his guys in offseason conditioning.
Lol. When did Friday Night Tykes coaches get in the hunt? Heck I'm flag champion and if Jodi Nelson has great post season then im sure I'm fantasy winner. It will get me at least get me a coord job there.
Tigercreek Wrote:Don't understand and may be wrong why Hensley is not on hiring committee. Same ole ignorance if not.
Not very attractive job right now. Top two choices have refused to even be interviewed shows me that a trust and commitment issue is questioned. Say what you want but wish Stepp was still here. At least he provided excitement!
T Creek now I remember where I read that it was called HIRING comm.It was in one of your previous post.
Glacier Wrote:If you're talking about Coach Sizemore @ BC, I don't see him leaving, He's put in too much time here, has a pretty good set up and is starting to get the community support. BCHS had an undefeated JV season this year, His middle school team has played for two straight NKY conference titles, and several youth teams won the NKY Conference Super Bowls this year. He's done a great job here building the program from the bottom up and getting everyone on the same page and I don't see him leaving now when the rewards are getting ready to come. I coach some youth ball here and I just don't see him leaving right now, he has already started his guys in offseason conditioning.

he is not the head coach at Breathitt is he? if he isn't why wouldn't he leave?
Is combs the same guy that went 6-20 at Breathitt in baseball and was the coach for one year? Was he also the middle school football coach there? I hope this is a reflection on talent instead of coaching. I heard interviews have started. Shouldnt be long!
Yeah he was forced to coach baseball. Won 6 games with a middle school team in baseball too. Started 6 8th graders...never coached middle school football though. Always high school. As a D coordinator he has won over 50 games. How many have you won. Oh and he's only been coaching for 5 years. So that's what 10 games a season as a d coordinator. Hmm well. I may be a stupid old man but I'd say his resume is pretty solid. With a state title as a player. Wait only won over 50 games as a player too in 4 seasons. Yeah go ahead and troll all you want but when it comes to FOOTBALL he knows the game.
I, my friend, have won exactly 0, so you could say I've won as many as Combs Wink Holcomb probably won 50 in the four years before combs was holding his hand to. You're playing some tough D though. It's okay, if he comes to the tiger den he's going to be under scrutiny get used to it. He's not half the coach Evan Napier is and probably not a fourth of the coach old man Napier is and we kicked out our own. In all honesty though, he was hire at Sebastian to be ms football coach I think and was a teacher in the district, what happened?
He left to help coach chapman at pike central. Ah I'm not worried about it. If Clay kicks him out he will land at breathitt again. He never taught at breathitt. He did some kind if gear up and he wanted a teaching job so he went to central with chapman. Napier is a good guy. I think if Dudley was hired there he would be under fire by someone of course. That's part of coaching.
No he never did middle school. It was TJ Fraley and Matt Hudson I believe.
We scrutinize ours a little more than most I do believe. Tough coaching here as well.
It's everywhere you go. Doesn't matter. Always going to be people out to get ya. If you can't handle it you better not go into coaching.
bobcatsfan Wrote:It's everywhere you go. Doesn't matter. Always going to be people out to get ya. If you can't handle it you better not go into coaching.

If you ain't got a tough hide, stay out of the coaching business.
I agree, guys that go into coachin are begging for punishment, I mentioned a candidate that I had heard that had pulled his name out and get a pointless msg just to dog the guy. You'd be crazy to go into coaching these days. The only guys I dog on here are DC Turner just kidding and Bert Browne, but thats just because he is cool wears his hat backwards and occasionally comes "back to town" haha but it's all in good fun, don't mean anything by it.
Yeah it is all in fun. I like it. Tiger eye likes to ruffle my feathers which is fun. He lands some good arguments. I give some coaches a hard time just not my breathitt guys. It's a hometown thing I suppose. Just like people from Clay wants to hire their own. I do wish Clay the best no matter who they get. That program needs someone with some fire in them. Clay in the 80s and 90s was pretty tough. Don't know a lot of them in 2000s. I know Napier struggled as well as some others. Just hope someone gets the program up off the ground. And yes breathitt talent pool is way down right now. But my bobcats will get back in a few years.
It's absolutely everywhere you go. Whack job parents and political crap in every county and every school.
You are correct!! And guess who, in the end, gets to pay for all that crap....
when my sons where playing I saw some parents that thought there sons should be playing at Alabama and they weren't even good enough to play or at least be a good high school player. And all they did was complain about the coach not playing there son in the right position. if parents would just shut up and let coaches coach and kids play it would be a lot better for the kids.
When you really get to thinking about it, the stuff like politics and crazy parents are the most difficult problems we've mentioned in this entire thread. It ain't the "on the field" aspects of the program.That's a real commentary on today's society. No wonder so many people get out of coaching these days.
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:It's absolutely everywhere you go. Whack job parents and political crap in every county and every school.

You got that right. is it possible to get the politics out of it?
IMO Politics have always played a part in clay county sports and will continue to do so.Just the way it is in most small communities.
Any updates on the Coaching position??
pjdoug Wrote:You got that right. is it possible to get the politics out of it?

Not sure.

Winning the dinner table is first. Can't win on the field until that is done (parents not mf'ing the coaches in front of the kids).

I do know this....24 jobs open right now and not a one of them is open due to a coach playing leap frog. Either forced to resign or guys finally getting smart and saying screw it, I'm out, not worth it.
Politics are going nowhere, IMO that's why the numbers are soo low, everybody knows who is going to play what spot in each sport from the time they are in 3rd or 4th grade til they graduate high school. Just the way it is here, and people wonder why parents get upset? Parents will let the coaches coach when the coaches let the "players" play.
I am going to have to say to you on that bird THAT COACHES WANT TO WIN!!!! At least the coaches I had. And I have heard several parents when my boys played complaining about the coach plays favorites. I heard one coach say we sure do our favorites are the guys that bust there tale and make plays! yall need a strong head coach who don't take crap from parents kids admin etc.....
Really Bird? I never saw that in Clay Co. Parents don't see practice but just hear that son or daughter Johnny is getting done wrong.
Recently we have seen a kid quit basketball team and was starting. We have seen players quit football team cause coaches were pushing them. Dang even girls and parents on golf team were trying to start on their coach because her kin was best player.
Clay Co has faults but they will play the best players I promise 99% of the time.
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