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John Paul Chapman to Knott County Central
Heard the official announcement that JPC is the headman of Knott County. Thoughts?
Would love to see that program turned around. School has always had alot of athletes in it year in and year out..Best of luck JPC.
I have always been hard on Chapman... with that said I wish him luck.

Knott Central is a super tough gig. If he can win there it will go to show the man knows football and can make any team win.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
This is a very risky hire by Knott. There is no doubt that he is one of the best coaches in eastern ky and I agree that he is the best coach in the district and region they are in. However, he is no stranger to controversy. Everywhere he has been there have been things happen, even having to forfeit a lot of wins a few years ago. He is a very good football coach that has been apart of a lot of good teams and championship teams. He was very involved in recruiting players while he was in Pile County and that is really not a secret to anyone. His character has always been a an issue every place he's been. I never understood some of the things that happened, but I do know that anyone that resigns like he did from PCC cares very little about anyone but himself. He left the administration and those players in the middle of the summer right before practice was getting ready to start and left the school scrambling to find someone. He has burned a lot of bridges and has been a terrible role model for his players, going as far as refusing to shake coach's hand and not letting his team shake hands either. My guess is that his ego got tired of not running things and now he staying in that area hoping the Breathitt job comes open soon. One thing is for sure about him, losing brings out his true character and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even make it through his first season. I know Knott wanted to make a move to turn their program around, but at what cost? I hope he has grown up some, but chances are he'll keep doing things the same way and could get himself and Knott in trouble. With that being said he'll find a way to win some games, but you just may have to give those wins back at a later date.

One thing to consider is where will his transfers come from if it happens?

To the North is Breathitt County where he is revered and respected. Breathitt right now needs all hands on deck to stay competitive.

To the West is Perry County where he was just hired as a DC.

To the South is Letcher County where his old buddy Mike Holcomb is trying to build something.

To the East is Floyd County and Pburg under Coach D. Coach D has always been friendly with Chapman and a scheduling partner.

If transfers come from any of those areas it will potentially burn a major bridge. Not sure that happens.

The key here will be the patience of the Knott Central Admin. Their Feeder Program is essentially non-existent. This will be a slow burn to build a program. The biggest key will be recruiting the existing talent pool in the halls that are focused on basketball.
I hope for his sake and Knotts that he stays, but given his track record, the first thing that comes along with better potential he'll jump on it. I think this was convienent because if the breathitt job comes open he'll be close enough to make an easy transition. With the amount of bridges he's already burned, I can't imagine him having any luck recruiting. He's going to have to develop what he has and that'll drive him crazy. I don't understand him at all. If he would've just relied on his abilities from that start, he could be coaching college right now. Instead, he tried to go the quick route and it bit him. I'm sure he was tired of taking orders from a kid half his age too. I don't see this being anything more than a "transition job" for him and I hate that for Knott because theres no telling what he told them.
Chapman has went into Breathitt County before to get players who's to say he won't do it again?
LClion4life Wrote:Chapman has went into Breathitt County before to get players who's to say he won't do it again?

I think he's just arrogant enough to try. The KHSAA is well aware that he's a head coach again and it will be hard for him to get away with the same stuff he use to pull. That's why I think it'll be difficult for him and I'm sure there are plenty of people around eastern ky that will let the khsaa know every time he leaves the county. Ha
First thing he will have to do is keep his old buddy as you say from taking his players. Holcomb has been into Knott and raiding the land.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:^^^^

One thing to consider is where will his transfers come from if it happens?

To the North is Breathitt County where he is revered and respected. Breathitt right now needs all hands on deck to stay competitive.

To the West is Perry County where he was just hired as a DC.

To the South is Letcher County where his old buddy Mike Holcomb is trying to build something.

To the East is Floyd County and Pburg under Coach D. Coach D has always been friendly with Chapman and a scheduling partner.

If transfers come from any of those areas it will potentially burn a major bridge. Not sure that happens.

The key here will be the patience of the Knott Central Admin. Their Feeder Program is essentially non-existent. This will be a slow burn to build a program. The biggest key will be recruiting the existing talent pool in the halls that are focused on basketball.

You evidently are speculating on Administration, and feeder program. 7/8th grade team 14-1, 5/6th grade team 9-1, 3/4th grade team 9-1, non-existent? Speaking of adminstration both the Principal and Vice-Principal have children playing football, so there goes that speculation. Welcome to Knott County Coach Chapman!
killerb Wrote:You evidently are speculating on Administration, and feeder program. 7/8th grade team 14-1, 5/6th grade team 9-1, 3/4th grade team 9-1, non-existent? Speaking of adminstration both the Principal and Vice-Principal have children playing football, so there goes that speculation. Welcome to Knott County Coach Chapman!

No offense , is this a serious post? The middle school played 15 games and lost 1? Can you provide the schedule? Just curious on that
Recruiting...I hate to hear this because I know the Shouse family and Boggs family and they sent their kids to Chapman. When a parent asks hey will you take my child on your team at Pike. They were the superstars there. Shouse came back to breathitt for his senior season because of a possible state title run. People talk to much negative about Chapman. He don't put up with any non sense in turn people call him a butthole. He don't talk to media much mainly because they like to spin stuff. Did he leave pike late, yes. But if u were offered more money and less travel what would you do? Simple. You go. So get off the mans back and let him build something that none of us are even capable of. He is a excellent coach. If knott wants to win they keep him around for a while.
killerb Wrote:You evidently are speculating on Administration, and feeder program. 7/8th grade team 14-1, 5/6th grade team 9-1, 3/4th grade team 9-1, non-existent? Speaking of adminstration both the Principal and Vice-Principal have children playing football, so there goes that speculation. Welcome to Knott County Coach Chapman!

The 7th and 8th grade team was very much improved this year for Knott, but I know for a fact that they lost to Perry Central twice. They have some good talent in their feeder program, it's in much better shape than what Hollon had coming in IMO.
Exit Fab four in basketball. In JPC . He came at a great time . I say they'll have around 4 wins this season maybe 6 as weak as the district is.
Knott could do this a hundred times over again and not find a better football coach than John Chapman. With that being said, the kids and the parents are going to go through a very tough transition phase. I mean the man absolutely does not care what you think, and puts up with zero bull. It was a no brainer for him..more money, being the head man, playing in the weakest district in the state. He will win some games, but my biggest concern is how strong of a commitment is he willing to make being only 3 years away from retirement?
geauxtigers75 Wrote:The 7th and 8th grade team was very much improved this year for Knott, but I know for a fact that they lost to Perry Central twice. They have some good talent in their feeder program, it's in much better shape than what Hollon had coming in IMO.

You are right, but 1st game was scrimmage.
TigerBlues Wrote:No offense , is this a serious post? The middle school played 15 games and lost 1? Can you provide the schedule? Just curious on that

Yes, I'm not one to post BS, if I post something it is true and correct, have no reason to do otherwise.
killerb Wrote:Yes, I'm not one to post BS, if I post something it is true and correct, have no reason to do otherwise.

Thanks killer b, I follow middle school football pretty close in the east ky area but never heard much about them during the season. Sounds like Knott will be having a much needed upswing soon and that's great news, best to all the players in Hindman !
Called this one before the announcement.He will do a great job at Knott.May take a while to get it going but the talent is coming up through the middle school that will give Chapman some good prospective players to compete for the next few years.Those in the hiring process are high on him and as well they should be.Good luck John!
Not so sure that will happen zone buster. From my understanding, the upcoming middle school players will be traveling elsewhere as well as a couple of current players.
Middle school records can be deceiving when you look at strength of schedule. Would love for someone to post their middle school schedule. I know they played our middle school several years ago. They would only play against our 7th graders with their 7th and 8th but they eventually decided to quit doing that. The key to preparing kids for the high school is not beating people in middle school but playing quality competition to get better.
He is a good coach. If anyone can get Knott headed in the right direction it is Coach Chapman.
I think Knott county central got a winner in hiring Chapman....May be just what the doctor order. Confusederiously:
Good luck Chapman. You are gonna need it! This aint like Pike Central was when you got there and nothing like Pikeville. Have fun. :flush:
You would think schools would learn from the aftermath left behind from every coaching job he's had. More of the same to come, imo.
mandan Wrote:You would think schools would learn from the aftermath left behind from every coaching job he's had. More of the same to come, imo.

You would think? There is a chance he's turned over a new leaf for the new year, a very small meniscule chance, but still a chance.
Everybody wants to see a loser win. It's simple!
Give him A chance. He is already hired.
they got a great coach when they hired him but he only as good as the player that he got to coach that the bottom line
topnotch Wrote:Give him A chance. He is already hired.

He's had plenty of chances and he always leaves a place worse than when he took over. When it comes to just basic coaching he's one of the best. It's everything else that he brings with him that is risky. If a coach screws up or gets caught recruiting once then maybe you give them another chance, but when it happens everywhere that is called a pattern of behavior, and they usually will not change.

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