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Potential Clay Coach?
Well... how about it fellars?
Mills may be on his way to Tiger town.Wants to find his wife a nice paying job also, If clay can dig deep enough in the wallet they might just pull it off.
Out of around 30 applications I think it's down to about 10 after the first committee meeting. Still don't know who they are though.
I expect them to make a play at Mills, but in the end will he leave Bell? Clay isn't even a lateral move for him on the field. Makes one think it will come down to monetary amounts
If they are smart, they'll make a play for Mills....IMO. Also, perhaps Mills sees the handwriting on the Blue wall!!

[Image: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/image...HKz9mhFqZl]
As I stated earlier, a coach who helped Mills would be a good hire for us. Now, if Mills himself is looking at Clay. Get him his money, find his wife a good job and overpay her aswell. They will have much work ahead of them, at Knox or Bell there wasn't a basketball program that was the vocal point like it is here at Clay. He is proven, pay the man.
I really don't think Mills is leaving Bell. Did he just settle in to new house there
well I thought nobody really knew who they were talking to how does anyone know about millis
Word on street is things are getting really interesting. I can only see the coach coming from 1 of 4 names. Mills isnt happening would have been a solid hire but hes staying at bell.
Someone said 10 and one says 4 names. I said 2 the other day. Heck who knows. I'm lost but I'm usually easy misdirected ha ha
well any word tonight
Have we hit homerun yet?
I think at this point you might just be looking to put it in play. Just pure speculation on my part though.
This thread just may beat Gut's Whitley County coach's thread!!! And it's been retired to the classic forum!
Do we really have 10 people on the so called hiring comm.? If so why so many and why are 5 of em the same ones that were on the last comm.three years ago
Haven't posted lately because I haven't heard anything new. I really thought they'd get this done sooner, but looks like they're taking their time.
You know, they SHOULD take their time. This impacts the future of Clay County football, and I for one believe they deserve a break!!
The Pepsi man from Corbin that fills up our machines said Greg Duncum but also said he wanted the Lynn Camp job pretty bad since Corbin was home.
I wasn't meaning to sound critical at all. I try to avoid making negative comments. This is a matter that should be done in the correct manner. I sure didn't mean to draw the wrath of you, Granny Bear. You are the best!
Oh walter walter walter walter........that wasn't even close to wrath!! ROFL!!!!

wiznut has my patience on edge today, I'm afraid. Please don't think I'm angry at you....I am NOT!!!

Just want something good for CC football program; I think they're due!!
Why not wait til after the Holidays are over then there's no distractions and the comm. can concentrate and make the right decision?
Granny Bear, you are a great American!
Granny Bear Wrote:You know, they SHOULD take their time. This impacts the future of Clay County football, and I for one believe they deserve a break!!

Walter called this "the wrath of Granny Bear"? This???

Walter...C'mon man!
Walter has evidently not seen me with my panties in a wad!!

Granny Bear Wrote:^^
Walter has evidently not seen me with my panties in a wad!!


I'm just too easy goin', lol. Besides, I'll skip that part!!!!!
I am hearing one name linked to Clay and Knott opening. Coach Maximus McGaventhal. He won two state titles in Pureto Rico in the 60's. Any truth to the rumor's?
Granny Bear Wrote:Oh walter walter walter walter........that wasn't even close to wrath!! ROFL!!!!

wiznut has my patience on edge today, I'm afraid. Please don't think I'm angry at you....I am NOT!!!

Just want something good for CC football program; I think they're due!!

What did I do? :happysmile: I am a loyal BGR poster who is loyal to the den of Harlan.
I posted that before you promised to STOP hijacking threads!!!

former Wrote:The Pepsi man from Corbin that fills up our machines said Greg Duncum but also said he wanted the Lynn Camp job pretty bad since Corbin was home.

Greg interviewed for the Lynn Camp job the other day. No word on who it's going to be yet.

Living The Dream!!
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