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Potential Clay Coach?
It all boils down to seniors. Whoever can get the "participating" senior average of about 6 up to around 13 or more will have fair success at Clay. Not an easy challenge for any coach.
Oldtiger Wrote:No Coach should never walking into a new job with a notebook full of reason he won't have a winning season, the negatives should never be mentioned, they are after all the white elephant in the room, everybody sees them. A good coach will come into a program and convince his kids they are the greatest thing since light bread, and the state championship is a lock.

Which brings up a good questions is a great coach part of the foundation of the program or the pretty fluff added at the end, where does it start.

I think it all starts with your captain, the right coach will lay the foundation brick by brick and create a program just the way Coaches like Mills did at Knox, Hilton did at Bell and Holcomb did at Breathitt.

Now this is something I can agree on. Gotta have a championship attitude.
Heard the coach from Estill County was interested. Him and his son got Coach and Player of the Year in 3A this year.
Mike Jones won't happen. Too much baggage and rumors for the committee to make that hire imo, it will be hard to justify to the community, they will do their homework and he will be out. Does a fine job with what he has at Estill but I don't see him going to Clay.
I think the committee is doing the recommendations and principal is the final say so.
By law the decision will be the principals, still don't see Jones getting it. Way too many wrong questions will be asked imo.
What kind of baggage? I have heard he was a good guy and coach?
If the principal does have the final say so, look for the coach to be someone that the assistants will be able to control. Then, if a good group looks to be forming, a good ole boy will get the coach ran off and take it over. The new coach whoever it maybe will be nothing more than a scapegoat for the former coaches failures. Clay will never let someone from anywhere other than here lead them to anything great. How many coaches, in the major sports, have been from somewhere other than Clay? Stepp in football and Spurlock in basketball, are the only two that come to mind. Stepp never had a chance and Marcum got Spurlocks job one year away from back to back regional titles. Whoever accepts this job, I hope they did their research if they are not from here for their own sake.
I don't want to drag the guys name through the mud. But he's had some major controversy during his time at Estill which led him to resign once before there. I'm sure it's been talked about on here in the past.
Sounds like they need a coach who is no nonsense and will run his program the way he wants to and not the way administration , fans, players and anyone else for that matter wants it done. That is just it boys a head coach has got to do it his way, that is the only way the it works. Heck just look at the redskins or the cowboys. where the owners call the shots!! they need a guy who is not afraid to put his foot down and say THIS IS HOW IT IS GOING TO BE. A guy that is not going to play little Johnny because who his dad is or how much money they have. The bottom line is about winning and they need a guy there that is proven coach of turning programs around. Being a head football coach doesn't mean you are going to make a bunch of friends and pate people on the butt and say it is ok when you mess up.
I remember when that happened. Talked to the old Coach there about it, Hoover Niece, when he resigned wonder why Estill wanted him back? I don't know much about him, but only heard good things. He did a excellent job when he was at Hazard. And seen where he was put into the Hall of Fame at Union College. Well I hope Clay gets a good Coach and get their football back on the Map.
To me its very simple to get success at Clay County.

1. Have two 8th grade teams and two 7th grade teams (Team A and Team B for both classes) This would allow more kids to play and fall in love with the sport. Even though I love to win, it really doesn't matter for the overall picture.

2. Make freshman and JV a priority. This hasn't been the case for many years. I use to beg the coaches to be in a conference but the powers at be did not want to be. I understand that many times these young players need to be hitting dummies for the Varsity because of the low numbers but that only hurts you later on. Make these young players know they are special!!

3. Play simple football but do it Right!!! run the football and play great defense. Also, we have to put time and effort into our special teams. Clay County has always been a joke on special teams. ITS a THIRD OF THE GAME!!!!!

4. we need good quality grade school coaches. we have a few but some our outright JOKES!!!

5. Quality Assistant coaches. You need people around you who you can trust and put the time into it. The salary is 8000 and I think they have about 4 or 5 assistant stipends of 3000. Trust me.... People in Clay are not going to sit back and allow someone from outside the county to bring their people in and give them jobs while we have our on young people who have the education to be jobless. The new coach will have to work with assistant coaches from Clay. Would someone outside the County want that? If i were the coach I would put all the money in a hat and divide it up among all the coaches. Everyone suffers for this game.. Everyone gets paid the same.

6. Encourage your players to play multiple sports!

7. Have a IN-school weight lifting class. if they get their lifting done at school.... Encourage them to go out and get jobs. I'm sure many of these young men see laziness at home but change their minds about that.

8. We have to have our coaches at the School!! how can we lead this young men if we do not work there?? Be seen! Grade checks! Let these students especially the young men know YOU CARE!!

9. KILL philosophy = Keep it Likeable and learn able and the KISS philosophy = Keep it Simple Stupid.

10. Up-date the weight room for all the team sports!

In my humble opinion and you know what they say about opinions is your recipe for success at Clay County.
Dr. Truthful Wrote:I remember when that happened. Talked to the old Coach there about it, Hoover Niece, when he resigned wonder why Estill wanted him back? I don't know much about him, but only heard good things. He did a excellent job when he was at Hazard. And seen where he was put into the Hall of Fame at Union College. Well I hope Clay gets a good Coach and get their football back on the Map.

You seem associated with the Estill program and Coach Jones. I just don't see the administration at clay being able to make that hire right. They would get eaten alive by the fallout. I know it was a huge uproar a few years ago and they did in fact hire another coach after Jones resigned but that guy then resigned. Jones has done a decent job at Estill makes ya wonder why he would want to leave his home county especially after they took him back after that whole ordeal. It would just bring too much bad publicity to this hire that this administration don't need at this point.
Not associated with the Estill program just know my ole buddy who coached there for years, Niece. I get to see him every year at the state playoffs and a lot of other old farts like me. Just going on what they say. As far as baggage I have looked at some of the other names they are throwing around at Clay and shewww, we all bring our fair share of past personal baggage to the table. Getting back to the truth of the matter about the Clay job, it all starts with the administration as far as turning that program around, we all know that. Remember Clay back in the 80's and 90's and hope they get back on track for the kids and the football community.
CCFOOTBALL1 Wrote:To me its very simple to get success at Clay County.

1. Have two 8th grade teams and two 7th grade teams (Team A and Team B for both classes) This would allow more kids to play and fall in love with the sport. Even though I love to win, it really doesn't matter for the overall picture.

2. Make freshman and JV a priority. This hasn't been the case for many years. I use to beg the coaches to be in a conference but the powers at be did not want to be. I understand that many times these young players need to be hitting dummies for the Varsity because of the low numbers but that only hurts you later on. Make these young players know they are special!!

3. Play simple football but do it Right!!! run the football and play great defense. Also, we have to put time and effort into our special teams. Clay County has always been a joke on special teams. ITS a THIRD OF THE GAME!!!!!

4. we need good quality grade school coaches. we have a few but some our outright JOKES!!!

5. Quality Assistant coaches. You need people around you who you can trust and put the time into it. The salary is 8000 and I think they have about 4 or 5 assistant stipends of 3000. Trust me.... People in Clay are not going to sit back and allow someone from outside the county to bring their people in and give them jobs while we have our on young people who have the education to be jobless. The new coach will have to work with assistant coaches from Clay. Would someone outside the County want that? If i were the coach I would put all the money in a hat and divide it up among all the coaches. Everyone suffers for this game.. Everyone gets paid the same.

6. Encourage your players to play multiple sports!

7. Have a IN-school weight lifting class. if they get their lifting done at school.... Encourage them to go out and get jobs. I'm sure many of these young men see laziness at home but change their minds about that.

8. We have to have our coaches at the School!! how can we lead this young men if we do not work there?? Be seen! Grade checks! Let these students especially the young men know YOU CARE!!

9. KILL philosophy = Keep it Likeable and learn able and the KISS philosophy = Keep it Simple Stupid.

10. Up-date the weight room for all the team sports!

In my humble opinion and you know what they say about opinions is your recipe for success at Clay County.

When can you start?
Ccfootball you just explained a coach from Breathitt County to a T. I watched the young man grow up and play football at Breathitt then at Union and he is a great young man. It's a shame that he isn't back in his hometown coaching anymore. But he has helped both teams he has went to since he left breathitt. Coached under Holcomb for a few years till Holcomb bailed out of breathitt. In my opinion he would be a great hire. Won a state title with justin Haddix in 02 at breathitt. Knows what it takes to get there. Like you said CC it starts at the grade school level and middle school. I hope the administration takes a look at him because he deserves to be a head coach somewhere. In my time I've seen a lot of football and this young man knows what he's doing. Defensive coach so you know he will try to be a physical football team. Coach Combs would be a dandy to have at Clay.
It's about that time.. Here's the names mentioned.
Eddie Smith, Tyler Culver, Scott Reid, Russ Shearer, Dave Mitchell, Greg Duncum, Mike Jones, Tim Schickell, MP Sizemore, Steve Jewell, Justin Combs, Jeff Woods, Jamie Gilbert, Tom Larkey, Dudley Hilton, Wayne Mills ...who ya got?
Their's no way that Jones is gonna leave Estill County to go to Clay County. It is true that Mike resigned due to some incidents years ago and the coach that Estill hired, had to step down due to health reasons and Mike was the one that went to the administration and talked to them about it and he got the job back. Honestly, I'm glad that Jones stayed around. He's a good coach and he's an even better person.

The only way that Mike leaves Estill is if he steps down, he isn't leaving for another job.
TheTigersEye Wrote:It's about that time.. Here's the names mentioned.
Eddie Smith, Tyler Culver, Scott Reid, Russ Shearer, Dave Mitchell, Greg Duncum, Mike Jones, Tim Schickell, MP Sizemore, Steve Jewell, Justin Combs, Jeff Woods, Jamie Gilbert, Tom Larkey, Dudley Hilton, Wayne Mills ...who ya got?

Where did you get some of those names. 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree could coach better than (some) those names :biglmao:
Just some candidates that have applied. Unless you got anybody better then the coach is probably going to come out of that list. I don't think you know as much as you let on.
TheTigersEye Wrote:It's about that time.. Here's the names mentioned.
Eddie Smith, Tyler Culver, Scott Reid, Russ Shearer, Dave Mitchell, Greg Duncum, Mike Jones, Tim Schickell, MP Sizemore, Steve Jewell, Justin Combs, Jeff Woods, Jamie Gilbert, Tom Larkey, Dudley Hilton, Wayne Mills ...who ya got?

I think you can throw out Dudley, Tom and Wayne all have better paying jobs than Clay County. Looks like with these names you Can pick an experienced coach or a young un proven one. Good Luck.:biggrin:
Lets not forget DC Turner.He applied also.
Getting interesting!
I apologize, I forgot about DC, he could be the front runner. What's his football background if any?
Going the way most figured. Shouldn't be much longer from what I hear.
Toldje fellars. Done deal.
This just may have been a done deal from the get go.Clay will prolly go the economic route I'm not even sure that a teaching position is guarenteed with this hire.My guess is that they hire someone that doesn't require a teaching job or someone thats already there in the system.
if that is the case they are doomed!!!!
Not doomed. just lucky if it goes as we think
Who are you thinking TC?
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