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Williamsburg 34 Raceland 8(Class 1A Semi-Finals)
OldJacket Wrote:A cheap shot is a cheap shot...One may be a cheap shot, but the other is an assault with the intent to cause permanent harm...

And for one second you do not think that Chase Lowery was not intending to cause UNDO harm to a football player. C'mon man,
64SUR Wrote::dudecomeon: I twisted my ankle walking on the track.

I wish you a quick and full recovery.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:why the hell are we still talking about this? both were at fault. Wburg won, we lost. the game got chippy, flags were thrown, coaches spoke w players. lord.

right.why are you still talking about it?
Listen to your boy Scotty. Football is a rough sport, and kids do dumb things, get over it. What is blasting and name calling going to do about your pity party??? Calling kids out on this site is not cool... Could a moderator please close this thread?
Old_Jacket Wrote:Listen to your boy Scotty. Football is a rough sport, and kids do dumb things, get over it. What is blasting and name calling going to do about your pity party??? Calling kids out on this site is not cool... Could a moderator please close this thread?

good idea.
Children are going to be children, no matter how many time we forget, they always have their way of reminding us. Lets move on down the road.
ram-a-devil Wrote:are you stupid or just from williamsburg. Twisting ankles at the bottom of the pile is the act of a coward. Throwing for a td when you should have kneeled the ball gets your kicker smacked in the mouth.

how on earth did throwing a td pass get another kid hit with what could have been a terrible cheap shot?
I'm sure the mindset that kid was in had a lot to do with their season ending, not playing up to their capability, having to lose to a team that calls a bush league play with the game in-hand, and most teenagers will have impulse reactions in that scenario. So I'm sure he was just trying to get in a good hard hit before the game was over. I very seriously doubt he had any intentions of hurting him. On the other hand, you have a play whistled dead with the runner tackled and on the ground. The play was over. In contrary to the kicker being hit, this young man was absolutely trying to injure him. There is no other reason for him to take a kids ankle, after the play was completely over, and attempt to injure him like that. I think most everyone that has ever played can understand the emotions from the kid that hit the kicker. However, nobody should ever understand or overlook what happened to Messer out of bounds. It was a bush-league attempt to hurt that young man from a bush-league team and a bush-league coach.
manofgod Wrote:and for one second you do not think that chase lowery was not intending to cause undo harm to a football player. C'mon man,

you may be the stupidest person on this entire can agree or disagree all you want but you never call out a kid by name on a post. You also need to take up knitting or collect marbles and stay off. Whether you like it or not is one thing but do not call out kids by name.
i agree on calling a kid out. lets get this thread shut down before what has been a healthy rivalry with alot of fun smack talk becomes a hatred. I dont want to see that. Good luck to Williamsburg in BG. You all have my support.
baseball1974 Wrote:i'm sure the mindset that kid was in had a lot to do with their season ending, not playing up to their capability, having to lose to a team that calls a bush league play with the game in-hand, and most teenagers will have impulse reactions in that scenario. So i'm sure he was just trying to get in a good hard hit before the game was over. I very seriously doubt he had any intentions of hurting him. On the other hand, you have a play whistled dead with the runner tackled and on the ground. The play was over. In contrary to the kicker being hit, this young man was absolutely trying to injure him. There is no other reason for him to take a kids ankle, after the play was completely over, and attempt to injure him like that. I think most everyone that has ever played can understand the emotions from the kid that hit the kicker. However, nobody should ever understand or overlook what happened to messer out of bounds. It was a bush-league attempt to hurt that young man from a bush-league team and a bush-league coach.

dont know who you support but i think its hilarious that you sit back and run your mouth on here when you have no dog in the fight. It's crazy that the people from williamsburg and raceland are okay with the things that happened and are done with it. The coaches and players involved was taken care of and handled well by both teams. Raceland is a class act and you dont judge one incident and try to label a team or a kid. It was emotions of a teenager. Will you people that have nothing to do with williamsburg or raceland get over it. Bush league??? Are you serious......your team must have made an unexpected early exit from the playoffs
baseball1974 Wrote:I'm sure the mindset that kid was in had a lot to do with their season ending, not playing up to their capability, having to lose to a team that calls a bush league play with the game in-hand, and most teenagers will have impulse reactions in that scenario. So I'm sure he was just trying to get in a good hard hit before the game was over. I very seriously doubt he had any intentions of hurting him. On the other hand, you have a play whistled dead with the runner tackled and on the ground. The play was over. In contrary to the kicker being hit, this young man was absolutely trying to injure him. There is no other reason for him to take a kids ankle, after the play was completely over, and attempt to injure him like that. I think most everyone that has ever played can understand the emotions from the kid that hit the kicker. However, nobody should ever understand or overlook what happened to Messer out of bounds. It was a bush-league attempt to hurt that young man from a bush-league team and a bush-league coach.

I don't like the call to throw to the endzone at the end of the game. But, it was 4th down and you don't take a knee on 4th down. May have been better to run the ball and pick up the first and then kill the clock or eat as much of it as possible.But, Williamsburg doesn't have that kind of playcalling philosophy. You don't just give the ball to the other team and stop the clock for them. Everyone calling it Bush League or running up the score including Mayfield fans need to look at their own staff. Winning games 69-0 is running up the score. Then you claim it was our JV running the ball we cant just tell them not to score, but that's what you expected the Williamsburg staff to do. As for the actions by the players I won't comment because I wasn't there.
Let the Williamsburg idiots gloat as much as they want. They were average before these two classes and they will go back to being average after these two classes are gone. Then in 50 years or so they may be back on the radar long enough to run that cut under their noses again. Just remember though.....if you run it up your kicker is going to get it again!
nekysportsfan Wrote:The act I saw on video is the act of a coward and a thug. Is number 2 a relative of yours or something? No reasonable person watching that could defend it.

Nope. Mine doesn't play football. so number 2 isn't entitled to one little cheap shot after 21 tried to twist ankles off all night?
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Let the Williamsburg idiots gloat as much as they want. They were average before these two classes and they will go back to being average after these two classes are gone. Then in 50 years or so they may be back on the radar long enough to run that cut under their noses again. Just remember though.....if you run it up your kicker is going to get it again!

Wburg is on the way to BG to play in their second state final, maybe in 50 years Raceland will get a chance to play in a final...To bad I will not be alive to see it, I hope you will...
A year or two to rebuild and we will be back on the radar...
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Nope. Mine doesn't play football. so number 2 isn't entitled to one little cheap shot after 21 tried to twist ankles off all night?

Does anybody cares that i twisted my ankle walking on the track. :please: move on calling for a MOD ALERT. Confusederiously:
Williamsburg is on their way to another monumental A$$ Kicking again this year. And then we will never hear from them again.
64SUR Wrote:Does anybody cares that i twisted my ankle walking on the track. :please: move on calling for a MOD ALERT. Confusederiously:

If you did twist your ankle on the track i'll guarantee you that 21 was close by.:ChairHit:
Does ken shamrock play for Williamsburg. I figure he does since the burg scored even more twisted ankles than points.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Does ken shamrock play for Williamsburg. I figure he does since the burg scored even more twisted ankles than points.

this thread has gotten out of hand. but that my friend is funny
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Williamsburg is on their way to another monumental A$$ Kicking again this year. And then we will never hear from them again.

Remember people only rain on your parade because they are jealous of your sun and tired of their shade...
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Williamsburg is on their way to another monumental A$$ Kicking again this year. And then we will never hear from them again.

Ram-A-Devil nothing like getting a A$$ kicking in a State Championship game. :Cheerlead.... Just on a side note willaimsburg play their worst offensive game of the year. Plus 3 defensive starter didn't play against raceland nor will they play in the state tournment. Now we lost another defensive starter in the raceland game. Plus our only kicker due to a concusion. Be Thankful that raceland didn't get the running clock. " MOD ALERT"
I think this thread has run its course. To many hurt feelings. Let's move it to the state title thread. Last week is over.

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