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Potential Clay Coach?
I think that in itself would be a deal breaker for a lot of coaches. Head man should pick assistants end of story. Sounds like a guy with a lot of friends on the committee will be the favorite.
Alright! Hiring committee interviewing guys they are buddies with. The decision has already been made.Confusedhh: I heard it's staying in county.
TrueTigerfan Wrote:Heard last night that the committe will investigate each applicant to the fullest. Heard they are looking at everything. Also heard they will have a hand in hiring the coaches assistant. The last reign downfall was in part weak assistants. The big guys on the committe are for real in hiring only the best. A lot big guys on the committe that are smart. Heard another name may be thrown in from clay that has a lot of friends on committe. Going to be interesting.

The "big guys"? Friends on the committee? Not exactly the things you like to hear. We will see where this goes.
Some people on here are just trying to stir the pot. In all honesty if there's people on the committee interviewing friends then Clay County loses credibility. Every one in Manchester knows there's another forum that favors some of these foolish rumors.
If the buddy system is coming into the equation, might as well just turn off the lights, its over. If Sizemore, coming off a 2-20 record is hired, someone formed a ignorant committee. I have also heard its going to be a in county hire, the way its looking I can just hope the committee doesn't have a couple principles pleading cases for their friends and family, those folks don't have the best record either.
If we are staying in county, I hope Eddie gets a shot. He would get more players out, already lives here so that will clear up the traveling critics, has a job at the school, and last but not least he isn't a proven loser.
Finally I agree. Eddie would get more kids to come out and play and he isn't a proven loser.
It can't and won't be Sizemore mark it down. The committe knows better than that. If it's a stay in clay it will be Ed of someone else don't put there name in the pot. Heard one of the committe people talking and they have a lot of interested people.
I am banking on Ed if it is a Clay County Boy.
Is the dog that you don't have in this fight starting to bark? Confusednicker:
TheTigersEye Wrote:Alright! Hiring committee interviewing guys they are buddies with. The decision has already been made.Confusedhh: I heard it's staying in county.

A handful of homeboys are pushing for the hire to be a member of the good old boys club, "none of these guys are on the committee" however those are the same folks who pushed in the past for failing staffs. I truly think this process will end up with the best possible candidate being hired. If what I'm hearing is true the administration is making a commitment to this hire that's unprecedented when it comes to football.
Long holiday in Sanduski but just wanted to know what is going on. I heard 2 names have gone to the top both would be fine additions to our community.
Greg Duncum?
Does he have a chance...
If you heard 2 names went to the top while in Sanduski, they are telling more up there than they are around here.
With the Christmas break soon approaching, and no names coming to the forefront. It looks like we are going to have another disappointing hire. It would seem like a experienced coach would want to come around before the long break to meet with his players and start to develop a relationship with them. The committee knows who is available, what coach worth having is going to throw his name in the hat this late into the procedure? There is just so many questions to ask. Get to it and let somebody start putting the pieces of this puzzle together.
Its amazing but people actually can get cell service there. Have to go to cedar point though. ha ha
Lots of applicants and some conversations already with a couple of them. Got a chance to get a good coach. Committee will go thru recommendations this week I assume
It's getting time to make a decision. New coach will need to meet with the team, set up off season program, and all of the other things that have to be done in the off season, such as equipment inventory and refurbishment, etc. All that most on this board wants to see is a total commitment toward the program, from the coaching decision on down.
One thing I can tell you for sure..... The committee does indeed have the opportunity to hire a proven winner that can make this program. The opportunity is there and waiting.
What happened to him at his previous head coaching stop?
Sounds like some of these guys have good sports agents lobbying on a message board.
The guys I'm familiar with are still coaching at good programs not unemployed One thing fir sure also is that a bad economy does not decrease the abundance of smartass comments.
Fir shore.
What program is the gentleman currently the hc at?
Everybody tell me in clay county they have some great candidates for the coaching job. And when I ask them who are the candidates they start talking about basketball....I have know clue myself....just curious big secret on the candidates. :HitWall: :HitWall:
Joking before BUT out of respect for employees at other schools and the schools themselves it would be damaging possibly to mention specific names. The ones I am aware of have been mentioned on this board and are very well known in the area having coached for decades. I'm no insider and just happen to know them personally. It will be interesting to see the direction the administration chooses and how it works out. I still say there's a lot of talented kids year in and out there at Clay and many coaches mentioned previously will do well. I'm not lobbying but yes I would really love to see certain coaches get back to the front of a potential power program like Clay could be.
If we cant name the interested coaches, who is on the committee? If you are from Clay that will be enough to give you a inside track on who is getting the job. Until politics don't influence the hire, I am going to say they take a "good old boy" like OldTiger mentioned.
I promise you they will not hire from clay applicant no one is proven and if they are going to hire that kind might as well kept who we had!
The reason it's being kept quiet is because the people on the committee are good people that are looking for someone good not a buddy or good old boy. I can't believe the ones from clay think they even deserve a chance what have they done to deserve a look.
In all honesty, gonna be hard to get a proven coach that wants to set up shop in clay county. They had a state championship winner and ran him out of town before he had major health problems. Stepp, Arnett, Hensley, Napiers hadn't proved anything when they were hired. Clay should be happy with whatever they can get.
I totally agree TrueTiger, like I said earlier, Eddie is the only one who isn't a proven loser. All signs lead to someone from anywhere other than Clay to be hired, but when did that matter before. Who are the good people on the committee? Who is different, other than Amon, than the ones who chose Evan? I hope you know what you are talking about when you say these things. The "good old boys" we need to be pulling for right now are in grades 7-12. I believe we need new coaches at the middle school aswell, the system feedng the highschool football team is lacking too.
Boys in all honesty the Eddie guy looks like he is the only one who isn't proven to be able to coach at all from the information I've seen.
Your right a lot are the same that hired the past staff but he was the only one to hire really. They learned their lesson about trying to stay in clay. They know they have to look for change and proven. Eddie is the beat chose if they hire within. I agree the whole program needs revamped. Even elementary too. The good old boys wanted the past ones and some want to keep it at home but we need to hire the beat for the kids not the beat for the admin to work with or control. This person has to be able to handle the clay critics, parents and the kids. Someone has to teach these kids commitment. They can't quit ever time they get mad. It has to be someone tough but can motivate. I think ed can motivate but don't think he can handle all that comes with it. I am pulling for am proven success story from outside
I don't think they will hire someone that's not been a head coach and I don't think they will hire someone that had a losing record last year and really the same three year record of the staff we just had. Who in the right mind would hire back just what they got rid of
Headache if you ask me. I heard they had over 20 applicants.
Now guys, come on, Coach Sizemore has done a pretty good job all things considering where he's at. You guys are saying hes a proven loser but you don't mention He took over a team that had won under 9 games or so combined in the 10 years before he came there and his current team only the freshmen have grew up playing youth league football. To compare where he's at to you guys at Clay is like comparing Apples to fried chicken rather than oranges, its two totally different things. There are reasons they don't run mules in the Ky Derby.. Coach Sizemore just hasn't had the thouroughbreds where hes at yet and he's matched Clay's previous success with much less resources.

He probably has one of the toughest 5 jobs in the state to have sustained success, they are 1A, No Budget, No Assistants, No Indoor Facility, Limited Weightroom, Limited Resources, Kids that never grew up playing youth football. Several of you guys want to talk about youth systems helping out the varsity teams, The kids he's had so far didnt even play youth ball because they are so young as a program and he's won as many as the Tigers the last few years. He is a great guy with 0 character issues, my kid played for him during his time at SL and is better for it.
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