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Young players to step up for the Panthers next season?
Tim, Ted, and McCoy all 3 have a problem of staying practice and school too, but on the field during the game no there all there and u can't get their attention away from them. Na Tim is but they both are pretty bad man...the only thing i'm sayin is that Tim, Ted, and possibly McCoy(if he can get some size and alot of strength to him) can and will probably be three of the freshman to step up to the varsity level and make some statements. Not disin any of them...i'm just sayin they could all benifit from each other to get better.

Posted Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:07 pm:

i should know too D30!
well they both loves girls a lot but dont we all lol
but the fact is they all three could benefit from each other like you said
i think they all three will step it up a notch next season...that is as long as McCoys knee is ok and Honker stops getting these horrible headaches...
Yea.. Ted was so pitful at camp with his head aches, from the way he acted, u'd think his head was going to explode
yea i know ted had them at camp...but now its tim complaining about his head
but im sure he will play!
well maybe if hed loosen those braids............guys ur making this sound like JErry springer the fact of the matter is thye will step up and theres nuthin no one can do
Pikeville Football or Jerry Springer
you decide lol
but seriously the Honakers have just as much football talent as anyone on the team...IMO
they can go as far as they want in that sport, just gotta stick wit it
true dat
i think tate blankenship could be good if he would hit the weights and work on his speed
he would really have to hit the weights hard...and definately work on his footwork and speed
then he could be a real good lineman
but he may end up at phelps
i've heard he may have a starting position there, if he goes
i dunno about that
but he is from phelps so im sure he would have a chance at getting a lot of playing time there...if he doesnt start
well have to wait and see, we may find out this year
i mean it wouldnt be a huge loss for the panthers this year becasue he is just going to be a sophmore but he could be good in the future
i havnt desided on going to phelps or not, i have alot of family there so i might. there losing lineman so i might have a starting position
starting position at phelps= 4th string at Pikeville so if wanna play go to phelps if you wanna win stay with pikeville
I think Matt Sexton will step up nicely for the Panthers next season.
liveMAROON Wrote:starting position at phelps= 4th string at Pikeville so if wanna play go to phelps if you wanna win stay with pikeville

To some people its more important to get playing time and I dont blame them.
i'll have to find out who the new coaches are before i make a decision
i'd stay with pikeville TB78 there better... are you going to move in with your dad
i dont care whose better bwt... its not about the better team... its about playing time...
well if ya leave have fun LOSING at Phelps
or stay and Have fun WINNING at Pikeville
your choice...
but i understand you want more PT
Work hard and u'll get playing time....
haha the only place id leave pikevile for would be Southlake Carrol............
wheres that???
u dont know where southlake is???
the 1# highschool team in the nation if im not mistaken
Some people won't get playing time at a certain school no matter how hard they work.. But if they go to a place where they get PT, then maybe they actually have what it takes, and can actually help a program. Thus possibly getting someone to notice them instead of sittin on a bench behind someone who is a coach's pick.. Who cares if you are really winning, cause if you aren't playing then you aren't really helping much.
possibility but the FOTM is...........scouts dont really check out phelps or jenkins or schools like that
well southlake carrol is in texas. I wouldnt put one school from kentucky againest them. They had half the time go D1.
Not even St. X?
i'd transfer to st. x if i could

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