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Is America the most divided it has been since the civil war?
Tell me your thoughts, and tell me what it would take to unite this country again.
Yes. It isn't going to happen.
Its extremely divided, but from watching, reading, and looking at every single place in this country, it appears most are actually going back to Conservative ideals.

6 years of Obama will do that I suppose. We should thank the President for bringing people back into the light. You can only have so many scandals before even the gays quit asking for things.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Its extremely divided, but from watching, reading, and looking at every single place in this country, it appears most are actually going back to Conservative ideals.

6 years of Obama will do that I suppose. We should thank the President for bringing people back into the light. You can only have so many scandals before even the gays quit asking for things.
What? More and more states are allowing gay marriage, and courts are upholding gay marriage at an alarming rate. More and more states are being receptive to a higher minimum wage, legal cannabis, and all sorts of other democratic driven ideas. Have you been watching the news? This country is getting more liberal by the minute. But, I'll concede that neither side is going to give an inch, and that will be America's demise.
The number one enemy of America, by both sides btw, is big money spending, to buy elections. Until something is done about that, America is on a "slow ride to death". Big money is pitting the voting majority, the dwindling middle, against each other.
Voter apathy is problem one.
nky Wrote:Voter apathy is problem one.
Voter apathy is caused by the fact that people feel their vote doesn't count, because big money buys elections.
No. The 60's were much worse. Imagine if there was a message board, social media, and all these news channels then.
^ Come to think of it, you are probably right.
TheRealVille Wrote:What? More and more states are allowing gay marriage, and courts are upholding gay marriage at an alarming rate. More and more states are being receptive to a higher minimum wage, legal cannabis, and all sorts of other democratic driven ideas. Have you been watching the news? This country is getting more liberal by the minute. But, I'll concede that neither side is going to give an inch, and that will be America's demise.

How many of those states held votes on gay marriage instead of letting the courts decide it?
EVEN California didn't want gay marriage. People with common sense can understand raising minimum wage hurts the middle class, especially the lower middle class. The reason you see so much support is because a large portion of the job force is making minimum wage because no good jobs are being created which falls on....

I watch the news every day. I do see more beheading, murders, and violence, so yes, in some places were becoming more liberal. Reports are coming out of Colorado that the Democratic nominee there is in serious trouble and it was majorly liberal before. If I lived in the Rockies again, id have to smoke pot to since its a crap hole.

As for my original post, im not talking moral ethics, im talking about being fiscally responsible and not forcing a country to live by the governments set of rules.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:How many of those states held votes on gay marriage instead of letting the courts decide it?
EVEN California didn't want gay marriage. People with common sense can understand raising minimum wage hurts the middle class, especially the lower middle class. The reason you see so much support is because a large portion of the job force is making minimum wage because no good jobs are being created which falls on....

I watch the news every day. I do see more beheading, murders, and violence, so yes, in some places were becoming more liberal. Reports are coming out of Colorado that the Democratic nominee there is in serious trouble and it was majorly liberal before. If I lived in the Rockies again, id have to smoke pot to since its a crap hole.

As for my original post, im not talking moral ethics, im talking about being fiscally responsible and not forcing a country to live by the governments set of rules.
That's the thing, states can't hold votes on American citizen's rights, or civil rights, legally.
Most divided since the 1960's yes.

America will never be united in morals or politics. However, they can be united in love of fellow mankind. Remember how quickly we all came together after the attacks on September 11, 2001?
TheRealVille Wrote:That's the thing, states can't hold votes on American citizen's rights, or civil rights, legally.

Its not a right. I cant marry my donkey. I cant have more than one wife. All of these things should also be legal if we allow gay marriage. I will be a supporter of bestiality if Gay Marriage is fully allowed here. Its only fair to protect the rights of the American people.

You might say its different but its as biologically wrong for gays to be going at it as it is a man and his goat. Although, I do not see the liberal science community saying that. It kind of upsets me that so many great minds will speak out about religion and yet wont back simple biology.
LWC Wrote:Most divided since the 1960's yes.

America will never be united in morals or politics. However, they can be united in love of fellow mankind. Remember how quickly we all came together after the attacks on September 11, 2001?

And then the Dems destroyed Bush's approval once they seen how much it could help them in elections. Post 2001 was when the country really started becoming more and more divided, but you couldn't find one person that didn't want to go killing.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Its not a right. I cant marry my donkey. I cant have more than one wife. All of these things should also be legal if we allow gay marriage. I will be a supporter of bestiality if Gay Marriage is fully allowed here. Its only fair to protect the rights of the American people.

You might say its different but its as biologically wrong for gays to be going at it as it is a man and his goat. Although, I do not see the liberal science community saying that. It kind of upsets me that so many great minds will speak out about religion and yet wont back simple biology.
Marriage between consenting adults is a right. The SCOTUS has ruled 14 times that marriage is a right. I would assume it is included in the right to happiness. We don't have the right to tell someone what is biologically wrong. I can't tell you what to do with your body. We don't have the right to get into other's private lives.

But, you can have sex with it. FTR, in Kentucky, beastiality is legal. You might as well get ready to support it, because gay marriage is coming to all states in the next few, short, years.
TheRealVille Wrote:Marriage between consenting adults is a right. The SCOTUS has ruled 14 times that marriage is a right. I would assume it is included in the right to happiness. We don't have the right to tell someone what is biologically wrong. I can't tell you what to do with your body. We don't have the right to get into other's private lives.

But, you can have sex with it. FTR, in Kentucky, beastiality is legal. You might as well get ready to support it, because gay marriage is coming to all states in the next few, short, years.

TheRealVille Wrote:Marriage between consenting adults is a right. The SCOTUS has ruled 14 times that marriage is a right. I would assume it is included in the right to happiness. We don't have the right to tell someone what is biologically wrong. I can't tell you what to do with your body. We don't have the right to get into other's private lives.

But, you can have sex with it. FTR, in Kentucky, beastiality is legal. You might as well get ready to support it, because gay marriage is coming to all states in the next few, short, years.

On this one we have total agreement. But you have left out a few things we can also expect to see in the next few short years, and your premise about confronting those who are enslaved by homosexual pursuits is wrong. We can't order them or compel them not to engage in homosexuality, but we have an obligation to them and to God, to point out the err of their way due to the fact that it is so obviously in direct conflict with the only true authority on matters of moral implication, God's Word. Now, where their rights come into the picture, is they have the right (for now) to ignore our warnings and do whatever they want. But, due to the imminent end of man's time of unfettered rebellion, not only will we see a supernatural exponential explosion of the sin of homosexuality, we will see many more and they are called out in the following two scripture texts. I have highlighted the characteristics of the lost of the last days in red but, the black text is even more interesting so paying close attention to that is recommended.

Romans 1:26-32 (KJV)
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

2 Timothy 3:1-4 (KJV)
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [/SIZE][/COLOR]

The closer man gets to the end, the more prominent these sins will be. In our day all this land's courts find themselves choked with law suits about things like homosexual rights, all the way up to the SCOTUS. The fact that man is presently consumed with such matters has the red flags flying from my perspective, in fact, it's glaringly obvious if you ask me.
TheRealVille Wrote:Marriage between consenting adults is a right. The SCOTUS has ruled 14 times that marriage is a right. I would assume it is included in the right to happiness. We don't have the right to tell someone what is biologically wrong. I can't tell you what to do with your body. We don't have the right to get into other's private lives.

But, you can have sex with it. FTR, in Kentucky, beastiality is legal. You might as well get ready to support it, because gay marriage is coming to all states in the next few, short, years.

Just where do you get your belief that marriage between consenting adults is a right?
TheRealVille Wrote:Marriage between consenting adults is a right. The SCOTUS has ruled 14 times that marriage is a right. I would assume it is included in the right to happiness. We don't have the right to tell someone what is biologically wrong. I can't tell you what to do with your body. We don't have the right to get into other's private lives.

But, you can have sex with it. FTR, in Kentucky, beastiality is legal. You might as well get ready to support it, because gay marriage is coming to all states in the next few, short, years.

Then why does the EPA and global warming scientist have the right to tell us mining is wrong?

Same premise isn't it?
WideRight05 Wrote:Just where do you get your belief that marriage between consenting adults is a right?

It isn't. Marriage was intended by the framers to be a Tenth Amendment issue. This means that each state determines the rules for itself. Only a complete fool would believe that the framers ever intended homosexual marriages. That is ridiculous.

And, absolutely this country is more divided than at any time in its history since the Civil War. The 1960s don't remotely approach the division of today. In the 1960s, you mainly had the outcasts causing trouble with the help from the minorities, morons from the "academic" world, and misguided and unguided children who were susceptible to radicalism and opposed to personal responsibility and soap.
WideRight05 Wrote:Just where do you get your belief that marriage between consenting adults is a right?
SCOTUS says it is, 14 times. It started with a bi racial couple years ago. If I'm not mistaken, one of them became a judge.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Then why does the EPA and global warming scientist have the right to tell us mining is wrong?

Same premise isn't it?
No, mining is endangering the health of citizens.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It isn't. Marriage was intended by the framers to be a Tenth Amendment issue. This means that each state determines the rules for itself. Only a complete fool would believe that the framers ever intended homosexual marriages. That is ridiculous.

And, absolutely this country is more divided than at any time in its history since the Civil War. The 1960s don't remotely approach the division of today. In the 1960s, you mainly had the outcasts causing trouble with the help from the minorities, morons from the "academic" world, and misguided and unguided children who were susceptible to radicalism and opposed to personal responsibility and soap.
The "big" court doesn't agree with you. SCOTUS says it's a 14th amendment issue. I'll take their view over yours.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, mining is endangering the health of citizens.

Do scientist have the right to tell us that though?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It isn't. Marriage was intended by the framers to be a Tenth Amendment issue. This means that each state determines the rules for itself. Only a complete fool would believe that the framers ever intended homosexual marriages. That is ridiculous.

And, absolutely this country is more divided than at any time in its history since the Civil War. The 1960s don't remotely approach the division of today. In the 1960s, you mainly had the outcasts causing trouble with the help from the minorities, morons from the "academic" world, and misguided and unguided children who were susceptible to radicalism and opposed to personal responsibility and soap.

Very well said and accurate in every aspect Harry Rex, and I couldn't agree more. As I have mentioned, until recently, hippies, dopers and liberals were laughed to scorn for their simplistic rationalizations and naïveté. Now it is 'in vogue' to shown one's ignorance. In a twist of irony the quintessential liberal poster boy John Lennon, wrote the following self condemning lyric for the song entitled "Imagine." "You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." Reading through the whole song gives us a clear view of the misguided. In fact, I can't imagine anything that could sum these guys up more completely.

"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one"

He certainly is not the only one, the White House is chocked full of them. How have we come to the point where lucid thought has given way to this kind of La-La monkey puke? America is divided alright, worse than ever.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Its extremely divided, but from watching, reading, and looking at every single place in this country, it appears most are actually going back to Conservative ideals.

6 years of Obama will do that I suppose. We should thank the President for bringing people back into the light. You can only have so many scandals before even the gays quit asking for things.
How do you figure? More minorities are getting involved in politics. Gay marriage is spreading like wildfire. Marijauna legal in two states and decriminalized in many more. Anti war police and military sentiment. And democrats registering way more young voters who are gonna make up the face of politics than Republicans. Face it its time for the Republican politicians to become a little more to the left or in the next decade they will all be out of office. Perfect example look at Mitch McConnell in a red state like ky or in Kansas where a liberal independent is leading the polls.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:How do you figure? More minorities are getting involved in politics. Gay marriage is spreading like wildfire. Marijauna legal in two states and decriminalized in many more. Anti war police and military sentiment. And democrats registering way more young voters who are gonna make up the face of politics than Republicans. Face it its time for the Republican politicians to become a little more to the left or in the next decade they will all be out of office. Perfect example look at Mitch McConnell in a red state like ky or in Kansas where a liberal independent is leading the polls.

You aren't suggesting that Clueless Barbie is ahead of McConnell, are you?

You must be quite young, idealistic, uninformed, politically correct, and still trying to express your "independence" with radical ideas not supported by the traditions of this country. As a famous person once stated, "It is unfortunate that youth is wasted on the ignorant".

Or, to quote Sir Winston Churchill, "If you are not a liberal at the age of 20, you have no heart. However, if you are not a conservative by the age of 40, you have no brain".

By the way, I am still a fan of the Redskins.
TheRealVille Wrote:The "big" court doesn't agree with you. SCOTUS says it's a 14th amendment issue. I'll take their view over yours.

Good for you. On the other hand, I'll take the view held by the framers of the US Constitution. You are familiar with them, aren't you? In the long run, either I'll be right or the country will completely go to hell. I feel sure that Washington, Franklin, Madison, and the other authors of the US Constitution agree. Of course, in their worst fears, they never anticipated constitutional parasites like Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan, Breyer, Muskrat Holder, and your boy, Bucky O.

now well withing the margin for error and certainly this being a non president year favors McConnell as less liberals vote in those years. He could definitely win his election but it has been by far the toughest he has been in. Even going back to the primary. His seat is in danger. Doesn't mean it will happen but it is well within the realm of a win for the Democrats.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:

now well withing the margin for error and certainly this being a non president year favors McConnell as less liberals vote in those years. He could definitely win his election but it has been by far the toughest he has been in. Even going back to the primary. His seat is in danger. Doesn't mean it will happen but it is well within the realm of a win for the Democrats.

The Real Clear Politics composite of all recent polls shows McConnell with a 4+ percent lead. The Bluegrass poll you cite is included in the RCP averages.

Do you suppose that her votes come from anyone who really believes that she is qualified? Surely not. Her votes come from straight line Democrats and those who don't like McConnell. McConnell isn't particularly likeable but he is informed. I would find it almost impossible for anyone to support her because of her competence and experience. That would be impossible. She has followed the instruction of her daddy well. She really has no specific position on anything. What are her definite programs to create jobs, defend the country, cut crime, reform taxes, etc.? No one, including her, has a clue of how she specifically sees these issues. For example, she double talks about abortion and same sex marriage. But, read between the lines and she is obviously completely in line with the liberals on those two issues. Yet, she likes to present herself as a good Catholic and a graduate of LexCath. In light of her positions, she presents a perfect example of an oxymoron. All in all, she is clearly "Clueless Barbie".

By the way, has anyone actually seen her alleged husband, Andy? It appears that daddy runs the show and Andy is in witness protection.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The Real Clear Politics composite of all recent polls shows McConnell with a 4+ percent lead. The Bluegrass poll you cite is included in the RCP averages.

Do you suppose that her votes come from anyone who really believes that she is qualified? Surely not. Her votes come from straight line Democrats and those who don't like McConnell. McConnell isn't particularly likeable but he is informed. I would find it almost impossible for anyone to support her because of her competence and experience. That would be impossible. She has followed the instruction of her daddy well. She really has no specific position on anything. What are her definite programs to create jobs, defend the country, cut crime, reform taxes, etc.? No one, including her, has a clue of how she specifically sees these issues. For example, she double talks about abortion and same sex marriage. But, read between the lines and she is obviously completely in line with the liberals on those two issues. Yet, she likes to present herself as a good Catholic and a graduate of LexCath. In light of her positions, she presents a perfect example of an oxymoron. All in all, she is clearly "Clueless Barbie".

By the way, has anyone actually seen her alleged husband, Andy? It appears that daddy runs the show and Andy is in witness protection.

She's taking her cues from Steve Beshear on political smoke and mirrors. If you listen to his campaign rationale, he's a conservative and quite proud of his Methodist heritage. Always ready to brag about his father's time in the Methodist pulpit, his real life exploits as gambling and alcohol usage advocate, belie his true beliefs. As his staunch support of the Barack Obama agenda does his deeply held liberal convictions.

She would toe that liberal line without hesitation.

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