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Campbell county Tn 64 Lynn Camp 0
Another long year for the campers

Living The Dream!!
Where Oh where has Dave Mitchell gone?
Now I know why tommy Reid didn't stay.
Can't say I don't blame him.

Living The Dream!!
I heard Campbell County could have put a 100 up if they wanted to.

I know I would have. Then again, im not a sportsman. Im a rubber inner.
Just remember karma is a b$$$h. Gotta becareful how you do thing it can come back to bit you.

Living The Dream!!
Ive been getting the bad end of Karma for the past 5 years. If I ever get my chance, im going to make somebody cry Confusednicker:
This may be the worst Lynn Camp team in 40 years.
Where is wonderful Willard, ????
Campbell Co is a great football team they won ten games last year beat good Knoxville teams hundred plus kids on team too strong for Lynn Camp to be playing their line coach played at Bell Co.
Who's the line coach?
DJT Wrote:Campbell Co is a great football team they won ten games last year beat good Knoxville teams hundred plus kids on team too strong for Lynn Camp to be playing their line coach played at Bell Co.

You think it matters where the line coach played? The fact of the matter is Lynn Camp is not a very good football team right now.

Living The Dream!!
Lynn Camp will improved sometime in the near future. :please:

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