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Breathitt County Position
What's going on in Jackson? Heard that Breathitt was looking for a new head coach.
If they are smart, they will give it to the man, Glenn Napier!
Who is rumored to want the job?
I heard they gave the water boy his walking papers. It's probably safe to say they will give it to someone already there. It may be the amazing Wallace Bates. He's more than capable of coaching the men and women. He's already coaching volleyball and softball.
Word going around is Glenn Napier....
Glenn Napier would be good for Breathitt. But they need to do something pretty soon.:HitWall:
Glenn Napier would be a good one. 64SUR :worthy:
They have to post it first right?
John collins is the best coACH IN THE STATE!!!!
strikeout king Wrote:word going around is glenn napier....
yup youre right
I cant believe this one until I see the job posted. Talked to a couple people within the athletic department and they wasn't really willing to confirm he had been fired. Received his yearly letter which everyone gets, but that is all. With the state running the school system and budget concerns, I don't see them making a change. One of his sons looks to be the starting QB this fall as well, doubt they want any bad blood affecting the program.
Glenn charged the refs at Lafayette a few years ago when his boy played for the Generals.
ballboy Wrote:Glenn charged the refs at Lafayette a few years ago when his boy played for the Generals.
If those idiots would of done to my son, what they let happen to his, I would of done more than charge them, someone should of done something! Totally ridiculous! Stand by him 110%. That is who I would want standing by my kids and program. Great guy.:rockon:
I think Spencer's lapdog Bates would be phenomenal! He will need the extra job if coaches' pay gets cut. I have already heard that he is scheduling all doubleheaders so he can coach both girls and boys.
Any news of Breathitts coaching position?
For a place that always has wanted to be a big dog in the 14th region, as well as the state, I can't believe no one isn't making anymore noise about the program and coaching situation at Breathitt. Been 2 months since anything has been said about it on here. What's up with that? What's is going on in Jackson?
Any news on this?
John Collins is the coach at Breathitt still. Wasn't any news to this to start with. He was going to be brought back from the begining.
Breathitt has a good sports tradition, but right now this is not a positive job to take with the Department of Ed running the school because academics are awful. Would you want to teach with the state department all in your business. I wouldn't and right now there just aren't a lot of positives. At least that is the outside perspective.
According to his peers, the water boy doesn't teach he runs the zoo or ISS when it's done right. He ended up back in Breathitt because of his oldest son's talent on the grid iron.
inyourface Wrote:According to his peers, the water boy doesn't teach he runs the zoo or ISS when it's done right. He ended up back in Breathitt because of his oldest son's talent on the grid iron.

Exactly. The Breathitt coaching position is so political they may as well add it to the November ballots. Collins will more than likely remain until he no longer has a son of high school age on the football field. Anyone needs to look no further than the handling of Doug Noble the last few years for proof. Hear he wont be on the bench this year with Wes gone, tho I'm sure if somebody else comes calling he will find his way back by the time his younger sons are ready to suit up varsity.
heard a kid transfered to perry from breathitt. whitmore maybe?
Yeah Whitmore is at PCC this year.

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