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The 2014 season is approaching us
17 days from now the player and coaches will be the center of attention for the next 15 weeks.

We, the fans sometime forget these are young kids busting their tali ends off to bring us the excitement we get.

We to often forget that these young men
go though conditioning before the season starts and then all of the hours they give during the week practicing.

As fans we often criticize these young warriors when they commit a penalty, drop a pass, miss a block or fumble the ball.

This year as you watch the game do not forget to cheer thesde gius when deserved and encourage them when things are not go their way, or the way you want it to.

There will be teams you root for and teams you root against, and that is fine. Just do not lose control and allow the passion you have for the game, for your team or your son run over and cause you to do something to be ashamed off.

To all of the players and coaches, we as fans seldom take the time to say thank you for everything you do, that allows we, the fan to escape the real world for a few hours each game night.

So from me to you, and hopefully many more,thanks for all of the excitement you will bring us during the 2014 season.

Fianlly I know you have all heard this before and in all likelihood you will hear it again and again during the season. Play every play like it is your last. Never allow one mistake ruin your night.

Now go play some ball.

We fans will be treated to great plays, big wins and heart breaking defeats.
Friendships will be rekindled with each game played.

I love high school sports
As do I.

Football being the best.
Well stated!!!!!!!!
Nice Post!!! Stay healthy, play hard and enjoy every moment.
Getting closer.
I would go nuts if they cut out high school football. I care more about it than college and certainly more than the No Longer Football League.
Can't wait for the season to start
Getting closer

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