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Raceland 2014
mysonis55 Wrote:I think we have around 400 total students in MHs. I'm not sure the number of boys. We don't have as good a turnout for any other sport. I wish we did for baseball.

Subtract the girls Mysonis55 Do the :blondetea and give us an answer now that shouldn't be hard. :HitWall:
It is hard if you don't know where to find those numbers. You figure if half of those are boys then we are around 200.
May be different now but when i was in hs we avgd around 2-1 ratio boys to girls. Thats still a trenendous turnout though. Raceland has around 500 in the hs generally and thats 7-12.
Scotty last year you had the Beach Kid do you have A replacement to his equal this year?
Daylin is a hard kid to replace. He had/has tremendous vision, good speed, and desceptive strength. Much like Pikeville will replace Hall, Raceland will replace Daylin by committee. Kane Snyder(great fb name btw), Bailey Walker, and Carson Christian(the back that spured Raceland's only scoring drive in the semis) will be more than capable to fill the void. Christian has potential to be just as good if not better than Beach, he will be a JR. As will Snyder. Walker is a Soph. All hae potential to be 1000 yard backs. But you wont see as much ground and pound out of Raceland. Josh Young will pose to be a dual threat QB as well. Raceland's offense should actually be improved and more balanced this year with more potential in the verticle passing game.
Young has a tremendous arm, good vision, and has really gotten alot stronger in the offseason. Ive spoken with some of the cosching staff and they say this is the most tallented skill guys wehave ever had. 2 of those coaches/former Rams were on tow of arguably best Raceland offenses in the schools history(06/08). If our line continues to develop at the rate it has been, I see no reason why we shouldnt be able to score in bunches this year and we very well may have to. Idk if our defense can fill the void left by losing Manis, Boggs, and Risner on the defensive side of the ball. Having Greg Bowling back from injury will make a difference. This Raceland team is beginning to look better and better though. As it stands rt now, I think the dline is a little more of a question mark than the oline. Beach didnt hardl play defense last year other than the Pikeville and Wburg games, so we return our entire Defensive backfield as well as our LBs(Minus Litteral who was injured for almost all of last year anyway), but only one starter from the dline returns. Another big loss for the Rams is Rodney Vance. He decided to forgo his senior fb season and play AAU basketball. Raceland has good depth at the skill positions and their starting line is capable, the biggest auestion will be can they find some sort of rotation within the line, and develop the backups a bit more.
Williamsburg will have A problem with line debth, but we had the same problem last year. We also have a QB problem, we have 2 or3 good prospects but I have always said if you don't know who is going to be your QB in last of JULY YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.
topnotch Wrote:Williamsburg will have A problem with line debth, but we had the same problem last year. We also have a QB problem, we have 2 or3 good prospects but I have always said if you don't know who is going to be your QB in last of JULY YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.

7 on 7 passing games would help. Confusederiously:
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Young has a tremendous arm, good vision, and has really gotten alot stronger in the offseason. Ive spoken with some of the cosching staff and they say this is the most tallented skill guys wehave ever had. 2 of those coaches/former Rams were on tow of arguably best Raceland offenses in the schools history(06/08). If our line continues to develop at the rate it has been, I see no reason why we shouldnt be able to score in bunches this year and we very well may have to. Idk if our defense can fill the void left by losing Manis, Boggs, and Risner on the defensive side of the ball. Having Greg Bowling back from injury will make a difference. This Raceland team is beginning to look better and better though. As it stands rt now, I think the dline is a little more of a question mark than the oline. Beach didnt hardl play defense last year other than the Pikeville and Wburg games, so we return our entire Defensive backfield as well as our LBs(Minus Litteral who was injured for almost all of last year anyway), but only one starter from the dline returns. Another big loss for the Rams is Rodney Vance. He decided to forgo his senior fb season and play AAU basketball. Raceland has good depth at the skill positions and their starting line is capable, the biggest auestion will be can they find some sort of rotation within the line, and develop the backups a bit more.

will Raceland still be running the same offensive sets? or has the new coach made changes?
Coaches seldom change they try different things and some times those changes look great but when you get down to the nitty griddy they seem to always go back to the same thing so look to where the coach came from and what they ran and chances are you are going to see it at Raceland. I have seen coaches work all week on a new play then game time you never see it run.
They will change things up do to personel. Same system, but more of a verticle passing game i would say. More traps and misdirection, possible some vear, and option stuff. Young is an incredible athelete. He has really impressed me with his work in the offseason.
Bumping to the top. Pikeville seems to have attained a few mids from PCC and East Ridge's lack of finding a coach. This could spell trouble for the Rams. If they pick up a few solid/experienced lineman, Raceland may not get the repeat I know they desire. Should be interesting. There's a 7 on 7 tourny coming up soon, which always has events for the lineman as well. Should tell us a little more about the Rams and where the stand and how well they have grown in the short time between Down and Dirty and Hosting a 7 on 7 on their homefield.
Raceland curretly has 58 on an active roster. I think there are 4 currently awaiting doctors releases and or releases from their previous schools. I think a few more kids moved into the area from somewhere. I think Ironton is continuing to lose kids to several local schools. I think some have come to Raceland, a few to Ashland, and some to Wheelersburg and Portsmouth West. Lets not turn this into another fiasco. Im just updating.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Raceland curretly has 58 on an active roster. I think there are 4 currently awaiting doctors releases and or releases from their previous schools. I think a few more kids moved into the area from somewhere. I think Ironton is continuing to lose kids to several local schools. I think some have come to Raceland, a few to Ashland, and some to Wheelersburg and Portsmouth West. Lets not turn this into another fiasco. Im just updating.

Now that's some good number..Wow :rockon:
Scotty be careful you will have 64 and crew crying that y'all are 3a sized.
Lmao. Raceland has on average 500-600 students in the HS. Thats grades 7-12. Thats averages between 80-100 kids/grade. Thisyear there are only 8 seniors. I think around 10-15 juniors and the soph class is large. I think around 20. When we had tem in JFL we were able to split them up evenly and runn 11 on 11 and still have kids on the sideline. Im sure thise numbers have changed a bit, but that is a loaded class. Full of tallent, speed, size and strength. I dont know alot about the freshman class, but i know the 7th and 8th graders coming in have around 15-20 football players in each class. I dont expect raceland's numbers to drop any time soon. Going by averages, about 1/3 of the boys in each class play football. In some classes 2/3. Pretty good for a 1a ball club. Proud of what we have been aboe to accomplish. Lots of kids wanna play at Raceland. Not havig one any state tiles or semi titles and only 1 regional championship, it says alot about the community and staff at RWHS.
It sounds like y'all are right around our size. That just goes to show you how much of a difference there is between 1a and 2a.
Scotty.....when does the 7 on 7 start..Also do you know what schools will be showing up for it...
7 on 7 is either this weekend or next. I believe its this weekend. Im not auite sure who will be there. Pretty sure its Raceland, Russell, Ironton, Johnson Central, Bath County snd possibly one of the Carter Co schools. I'll try to confirm.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:7 on 7 is either this weekend or next. I believe its this weekend. Im not auite sure who will be there. Pretty sure its Raceland, Russell, Ironton, Johnson Central, Bath County snd possibly one of the Carter Co schools. I'll try to confirm.

What time? Is it open to the public? Cost? I might try to catch a little while I'm in town.
Jarons Wrote:What time? Is it open to the public? Cost? I might try to catch a little while I'm in town.

I believe it is open to the public and free.
We here in Mayfield have our first practice on the 15th.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Lmao. Raceland has on average 500-600 students in the HS. Thats grades 7-12.

No way we have those numbers...more like 470-480 grades 7-12.
Go to your website. I believe it has 456 listed as total enrollment grades 7-12 with an almost even split between m/f. If you break it down there are around 140 boys grades 9-12. With 60 boys, 56 active roster, 4 injured, that's almost 50% of boy participation in football. Seems high to me unless a lot was brought in, transfered in, or however they ended up there, just to play football. No accusations here, just saying it seems like a high %. Maybe its not, I haven't looked at other schools.
Curiosity got to me so I did look at another school. I won't go through all the numbers, but at a football school like Ft Thomas has about 30% of their boy population playing football. If they had the same % as Raceland, there soul be about 185-190 kids playing. I would say 25-39% of boy population playing football sounds about right. I guess Raceland is the exception. Must be great things going on in Ram land.
Slic Ric Wrote:No way we have those numbers...more like 470-480 grades 7-12.

Ud know far better than I old timer. I was thinking that the 7t or 8th grade classes had close to 100 kids. Atleast there were some classes with those numbers when tey were in grade school. I coupled them in with the avg of 60-70 kids per grade. I guess i was incorrect. In regaurds to the 50ish% of the boys playing ball, i am astonished each year, of the turn out that Raceland always has. The sophomore class this year has always had alot of football players. Losing that class in a few years will graduate close to 20 kids. So thats a good chunk of it right there. For a small school we always field a good amout of kids on the football team. Really looking foward to this season. Did the 7 on 7 start today? If so how did it go?
I wish we could get 50% of ours out for football. I can think of 5 pretty good athletes in the soph class that should still be playing ball. I know of at least 3 in the jr class. Then at least another 4 in sr class. I don't know how many of the fr will not show up this year. These are boys that used to play and would probably make starting roles for several teams in our area. We could use them as role players and they just don't play. You would think the lure of a possible ring would get them out there. So if your coaches are getting that kind if turnout the kids must really like them.
There is an incredible amount of support from the community. Not just because its my alma matre but there really is something special about Raceland Football. For a school without a significant championship banner and even though we have one quite a bit, we havent completely dominated our district for the last 20 years. I think we have only won 2 or 3 in the last 10, but I cant remember te last time there was less than 40 on Raceland's roster. Most years its seems to be around 50. But in the last 5 years it seems like there's closer to 60 and there's plenty left roaming the halls to. There were several REALLY atheletic and physically tallented guys that didnt play hs ball. One name in particular that would have made a HUGE difference for the 06 squad was Matthew Phillips, at about 6'5" 200/210, very fast, very good hands. he would have made hell of a target for Grizzle. If things keep rolling like they have been at Raceland, then i wouldnt be shocked to see sn even hire percentage of te boys playing ball. Raceland has picked up a few transfers, but they are all, each and every one, legit, legal, tested transfers. Idk why, but seems like alot of kids want to come play football here. Im not complaining, if we never win another title of any kind, thst alone makes the program a success, imo.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Ud know far better than I old timer. I was thinking that the 7t or 8th grade classes had close to 100 kids. Atleast there were some classes with those numbers when tey were in grade school. I coupled them in with the avg of 60-70 kids per grade. I guess i was incorrect. In regaurds to the 50ish% of the boys playing ball, i am astonished each year, of the turn out that Raceland always has. The sophomore class this year has always had alot of football players. Losing that class in a few years will graduate close to 20 kids. So thats a good chunk of it right there. For a small school we always field a good amout of kids on the football team. Really looking foward to this season. Did the 7 on 7 start today? If so how did it go?

I believe it starts Friday Big Man.
Yessir. It starts Friday at 5pm-?? then resumes Saturday morning 10am-??. Im goina try to go see as much as I can. Interested to see how our skill guys look against Ashland's length and speed in their secondary and how our secondary fairs against the speed that Prestonsburg has. Ironton and Prestonsburg should give us another analysis of the lineman in the few lineman competitions there are, atleast as far strength and agility goes. I believe thise participating are Raceland, Russell, Ashland, Prestonsburg, Flemming Co, Ironton, both Carter Co schools, Greenup Co and Lawrence Co. Supposedly Lawrence has gotten some more basketball guys to come out. Which will help them out alot if their line can grow up a bit from last year. The Dawgs fell apart after their seemigly impossible win over Raceland. The two teams went in completely different directions after that game. I look for Lawrence to improve a bit and possibly have one of the best recieving cores in 3A IF they can develop a qb.
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