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Football For Youngsters
I come from a football crazy family. My grandfather, myself, countless cousins, and soon my sons, will be have played for the Raceland Rams. Im no stranger to football and have coached for sometime now, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts or ideas on how to increae agility for the younger kids. I know motor skills are still being refined, but I see great potential in both of my boys. At 3 and 5, they are beyond their age in understanding basics, especially the 5 year old. He understands the difference in 2,3, and 4 techniques already, and not by my drilling him about it, he simply asked me one night, "Why is that guy standing and the other guy in a stance?"

So he obviously has a knack for the game. His coordination just isnt quite as good as I or he wants.(feels like the other kids run better than him). He is a bigger kid, at 5 he is 51" tall and 65lbs. He is ver mobil, but not extremely fast.

I dont want people to think im crazy or a bad parent, or trying to hirt my kid, bc im not. He is the one that has brought it up. Ive tried explaining to him that he is young, but he wants to "do them drills"...any ideas? We work on cones, he likes going and hitting the sleds, but other than that and wind sprints im out. Atleast for a kid his age, i dont want him hating it.
Bill Parcels has a set of training videos that teach various things to kids to get them prepared for football.
Thanks 55 i will have to look into that.
Google "agility drills" and you'll find all the drills you could ever imagine doing. It will be up to you and him as to which ones he can or can't do effectively. I've always been a big fan of Dot Drills, latter drills, and any drill that makes the exercise somewhat fun.
Thanks guys.
After having a son that was huge for his age, best advice is simple advice. Make positive that in everything he does he is on his toes, especially running. Allow no flat-footed running. Once you get that conquered then move on to other foot work drills.
Thats what i have been trying to do with him as of late. Starting to come around. Alot of it is simply his motor skills are still developing, he isnt an enormous kid but he is bigger than 8/10 of kids his age. Little brother is more of an athelete, very agile and isnt scared of anything, there's alot of size and tallent in the JFL flag program at Raceland. Kids can start at 5, but the kids who are able to keep up and mentally handle it, can play as well. My sons started at 3 and 2 1/2. The younger boy did fine. Got in his stance when he was supposed to and probably had the most "just run foward, son'!" Than any other kid on the team. How are the other programs across the state? Are the schools involved or is it seperated?
Number one thing to train early is hips!!!!! Make him drop his hips on all cone drills. Make him pound his feet and drop his hips while keeping balance thru the drill. Make all drills look like a football move. Meaning.... don't let him round cones and stand up too high. always preach to drop hips while cutting. Work speed and agility different days. These are 2 very different things. Speed training requires at least a min to min and half rest between every rep to get full power in every rep. Build in simple plyo's also to increase explosive movements. You have to separate agility from speed to get best results. Just holler at me man if you need more info i wouyld be glad to share what i know.
What he said. Hips. Hips. Hips. Hips. Hips. Hips.

I tell people all the time that good tacklers are made long before August-November.

Everything that good tacklers have other than the most important which is just an innate ability, are great hips/agility.

Keep it simple. Work on those types of things. Emphasize low hips, quick feet...but, above all...BE positive and make it fun.
Thanks guys. Alot of this is really goina help. He really enjoys the cone drill stuff, Im just goina try and emphasize the hips more now.

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