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Belfry 2014
Granny Bear Wrote:tsk tsk....all this debate and planning.

Too bad the Pirates are going down Labor Day weekend!!

Belfry has too many HB's and QB's...Harlan County should make a bid on them and we'll give you one of our backups so you at least have a chance


[Image: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/image...4BdA10M4Zg]
#78....8 months & 45 pounds ago....
just sayin'

[Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/h...1794_n.jpg]
Granny Bear Wrote:#78....8 months & 45 pounds ago....
just sayin'

[Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/h...1794_n.jpg]


Now clone 21 more of him..... Big Grin
Granny Bear when this game goes down I will be picking Harlan County. But I want be betting any money.....:insane:
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Awesome!

Now clone 21 more of him..... Big Grin

We just need the one!

64SUR Wrote:Granny Bear when this game goes down I will be picking Harlan County. But I want be betting any money.....:insane:

Granny Bear Wrote:We just need the one!
Those are pretty jersey's with the red trim...

Just remember:
The Bigger the Bear....

The Bigger the:

[Image: http://www.peterpalms.com/bearrugs/graph...0-4000.jpg]

(Even did it with the red trim just like the jersey)
91 - she is calling you out. Get that boy of your HUGE to combat that monster. Smile

Luckily we will sport a TE as big as that guy, who is a Soph. Wink
And Francis and Mullins. Belfry will have the biggest line every Friday this coming season.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Those are pretty jersey's with the red trim...

Just remember:
The Bigger the Bear....

The Bigger the:

[Image: http://www.peterpalms.com/bearrugs/graph...0-4000.jpg]

(Even did it with the red trim just like the jersey)

The only point you are proving is that your are excellent with your computer graphics!!

PaytoPlay Wrote:And Francis and Mullins. Belfry will have the biggest line every Friday this coming season.

Maybe not. Ours' will be close if not bigger.
PaytoPlay Wrote:91 - she is calling you out. Get that boy of your HUGE to combat that monster. Smile

Luckily we will sport a TE as big as that guy, who is a Soph. Wink

Get her 91. Granny you ain't got a chance. Can't wait for this game. Can't wait to see granny again either, and def can't wait for my cake. Lol.
Sooo, 91 and skully rear their ugly heads!!! Was wondering when you guys could figure out that I was calling you out.

Tell you something guys. Last weekend, my husband and I could hear this boom boom boom. We thought it was some idiot kid who had his speakers turned up, and passing by the house. Nope. It was Baby Zak working out with one of their huge tires. He lifts that thing with one hand and throws it down. This is above and beyond the practices, and weight lifting. All of our boys appear THAT committed.

In all seriousness, I've compiled a list of deserts to bring to tail gating and I'm taking the entire day off from work. I'm looking forward to the CAM like vacation!!! Anxious for football season to start.

Okay, so I'm bringing Italian Crème Cake, 4 layer Pumpkin Cake that skully and what's his name have already had, chocolate raspberry cake and apple dapple cake. Any other requests???

FYI 91, as of NOW, Zak does not go both ways.

^ Not that there is anything wrong with that. Wink
Granny Bear Wrote:Sooo, 91 and skully rear their ugly heads!!! Was wondering when you guys could figure out that I was calling you out.

Tell you something guys. Last weekend, my husband and I could hear this boom boom boom. We thought it was some idiot kid who had his speakers turned up, and passing by the house. Nope. It was Baby Zak working out with one of their huge tires. He lifts that thing with one hand and throws it down. This is above and beyond the practices, and weight lifting. All of our boys appear THAT committed.

In all seriousness, I've compiled a list of deserts to bring to tail gating and I'm taking the entire day off from work. I'm looking forward to the CAM like vacation!!! Anxious for football season to start.

Okay, so I'm bringing Italian Crème Cake, 4 layer Pumpkin Cake that skully and what's his name have already had, chocolate raspberry cake and apple dapple cake. Any other requests???

FYI 91, as of NOW, Zak does not go both ways.


In all seriousness that matchup between Baby Zak and Ray Horton will be an awesome one to watch. Horton was unblockable in the playoffs last year as a Freshman and most feel he is capable of an All-State kind of season this year. We all know Baby Zak is a beast as well.

I have a feeling there are going to be two sore boys and some heavy pad popping that night. SHould be a great matchup to watch inside the game. Harlan County was Horton's "Coming out" party last year as Horton made 2 or 3 huge plays... may be one of the better matchups in EKY speaking strictly from a 1 on 1 perspective.
Oh, I remember Horton last year! Awesome athlete, and in all seriousness I am quite anxious to see them belly up again this year.

I brag a lot about Zak, and know that there's no way I can have any degree of objectivity. Zak is such a complete person, and I am so proud of him. He's very family oriented and has had God first in his life for a few years now. He practices what he preaches.

I'm gonna miss him horribly come next year!!

He still sits in my lap!

Granny Bear Wrote:Sooo, 91 and skully rear their ugly heads!!! Was wondering when you guys could figure out that I was calling you out.

Tell you something guys. Last weekend, my husband and I could hear this boom boom boom. We thought it was some idiot kid who had his speakers turned up, and passing by the house. Nope. It was Baby Zak working out with one of their huge tires. He lifts that thing with one hand and throws it down. This is above and beyond the practices, and weight lifting. All of our boys appear THAT committed.

In all seriousness, I've compiled a list of deserts to bring to tail gating and I'm taking the entire day off from work. I'm looking forward to the CAM like vacation!!! Anxious for football season to start.

Okay, so I'm bringing Italian Crème Cake, 4 layer Pumpkin Cake that skully and what's his name have already had, chocolate raspberry cake and apple dapple cake. Any other requests???

FYI 91, as of NOW, Zak does not go both ways.


Oh I thought he did..yes I can't wait either..And tire flipping will get us strong quick..I said last year that boy will go places...Tailgating is gonna be a blast...I can't wait..and if you get tired from all the screaming and yelling and don't feel like driving back to Harlan County..you and your family always have a place here..
Who knows 91, maybe we can have a post game tailgate also so we can talk about just how bad we beat them bears. Lol. jk granny.
LOL. Flipping tires is an every day thing at Belfry (seriously) ... our weight training teachers have been doing that up a hill since I was in HS. That bunch is out there sometimes, I have to say. We put a new meaning behind country strong.

Matter of fact, most surprising thing I've ever seen is Coach Haywood & Coach Tackett sawing down a tree behind Food City about 2 years ago.
Pirate1991#8 Wrote:Oh I thought he did..yes I can't wait either..And tire flipping will get us strong quick..I said last year that boy will go places...Tailgating is gonna be a blast...I can't wait..and if you get tired from all the screaming and yelling and don't feel like driving back to Harlan County..you and your family always have a place here..

He had to do go O & D last year because of the thousands of injuries we incurred toward the end of the season. I didn't say a lot about them because champions figure out a way to win, IMO, and I didn't want to be accused of making excuses. But Helton torn his ACL in Bell Co game, Akal broke his neck in the first post season game, etc etc etc. It was a nightmare. So for now, Zak doesn't go both ways, but if he did at any time, it wouldn't surprise me.

Very nice of you to offer me a place to stay! Really. I believe that's Labor Day weekend, so I probably won't drive all the way back to Harlan. Wink

Those tire flips and all the orange cones in my back yard are over and above practice and weight lifting. It makes me feel proud to see him doing all the extra stuff and putting his heart and soul into something that he believe in. You know football is so much more than just football. The kids learn how to be a part of something bigger than themselves; how to give and take in a team situation and how to adjust to problems, large and small. If you are lucky enough to have people like Tom Larkey, Phillip Haywood and Eddie Creech to help with your kids, it's a marvelous teaching tool for life.

Okay, that's it!! Getting outta here before skully starts crying about me hijacking the thread!!

What does the Belfry scrimmage schedule look like?

They going down to Richlands, VA again?
I got Austin throwing 200 pound railroad ties today.pics to follow...lol...Your always welcome in our home Granny Bear....
He sure is a good looking young man!!
I never complain about a thread bein hijacked lol. You must have this fan confused with some of the other crybabies on here. Lol.
Granny Bear Wrote:He sure is a good looking young man!!

Thank you...he gets it from his real daddy...lol
Granny Bear Wrote:#78....8 months & 45 pounds ago....
just sayin'

[Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/h...1794_n.jpg]

Dang Granny all this friendly trash talk has got me pumped for football to start.
I would love to go see this game, but the last Harlan County game I went to was supposed to be a clash of titans, but ended up to be.........well you know.lol
I think Johnson Central did that to every Mountain team last year. Confusednicker:
any word on the 2 new guys? have they been showing up and working out and doing some stuff on there own,with some guys that been at Belfry for a while,like maybe Hatfield,Taylor and X
Everyone knows this is the Belfry area and its coverage is the same as WSAZ coverage area so why all the crying about transfers when their just going to an area school.
BTW We lost a kid this past week, I'm sure you won't find that one in the paper!

Not anyone marquee, but we lost a kid to a WV school. Funny, huh?
AnotherPirateTD Wrote:Everyone knows this is the Belfry area and its coverage is the same as WSAZ coverage area so why all the crying about transfers when their just going to an area school.

Long post...

As long as Belfry continues to compete for State Titles and has kids going on to play collegiate football transfers are going to come with the territory, and with that criticism and outlash. As Belfry fans you just have to have thick skin and realize that is part of the game.

I have mentioned this in different forms of threads over the years, but it is just a model that always holds true. Talent pool always flows. Programs are only as good as their momentum or their ability to have the talent pool flow their way.

"Recruiting" is the most overused and short sighted term in HS Football. In this day and age it is very rare that true "recruiting" goes on in the sense people associate with the word. Coaches at the HS level are not seeking out players and their families...at least not at top programs. But, with the proficiency of social media, information on the internet, and the culture of parents wanting their kids to be winners or get exposure... self-recruitment has became very abundant. With improvement in transportation, communication, and information District Lines are not what they used to be.

My theory is that there is a talent pool for a given area and depending on how a program creates momentum or prestige is how that talent pool flows. Histroically and still n most cases the average family simply takes the cheaper/easier path and stays within their district lines. They take advantage of the shorter commute, the free transportation by bus, sending their kids to school alongside the kids of families they know... and so forth.

What we are seeing though is a change in dynamics. Competition has changed at the grassroots level where there are more people inter mingling. The rise of AAU, Travel Ball, All-Stars, Camps, etc has parents wanting their kids to play with/against the best and pulling people from all across different district lines regardless of sport. Kids are communicating with other kids from different areas via social media and creating friendships that fifteen years ago were improbable due to a lack of communication outlets. Now you can tweet or skype with someone who lives two counties over. Pre-2000's this was a long distance phone call that you got yelled at for.

The landscape of collegiate recruiting has changed as well thanks to the evolution of the internet. What has never changed is the fact parents want their kids to be "the best" and hopefully to get a free education, and kids want to see their name mentioned and get praise. Now everyone can make a highlight video, everyone can create exposure, and now when you are in the headline for a 200 yard rushing game the entire State and sometimes country can know about it, whereas 15 years ago only the people reading the newspaper would see it. It is a cut throat world as a result and parents will flock to where their kid has the best chance to get that acclaim and attention.

A side product of the above paragraph is that with this new information and communication it is easier for parents to know where opportunities exist. In the case of the Corbett kid it is very clear this is what drove that transfer and why a Logan coach is frustrated. Corbett is friends with Horton and Joplin and I am sure communicates with them, has probably competed with them from an earlier age, and it is pretty apparent the reason he moved is because he heard there was an opportunity at Belfry to play QB at an early age and be surrounded by talent that will make sure he wins a lot of games and plays on big stages. From what I have heard this was his family's decision to move their entire life to send their kid to a program where he would have these opportunities, while in the same token get a chance at a better education to prepare him for college. Instead of being the only big fish in a small pond, the Corbett's chose to be a big fish with other big fish in a very huge pond.

The flow of talent pool is everywhere. Belfry gets a bad rap because of Rand McNalley. Because kids come from "Out of State" there is some notion that it is so much different (Even though WV football on the whole is drastically weaker than KY but I digress). In truth, a kid's family relocating 10 miles from Red Jacket to Huddy is the exact same a kid's family relocating 10 miles from Zebulon to Bowles Addition, or Betsy Layne to Pburg.

This principle is why Highlands has dominated for decades and why people hate Private Schools. Highlands doesn't have to recruit, but there is a monumental talent pool in the NKY/Cincy area big enough to support numerous schools. For decades families have made a point to get into the Highlands' District to take advantage of the education and the top tier football program that assures their kids wins, championship rings, and the exposure that comes with it. Private schools are hated because they have "advantages" by not being restricted by a District, typically being elite academically, and in most cases having the financial flexibility to pay coaches more and invest into their program. It's never been about Trinity/St. X actively recruiting players so much as it is the fact Trinity/X are simply THE best option by a large margin in a massive talent pool like Louisville Metro. That's why they are hated is because they are essentially assured the talent pool will flow there while the Jefferson County schools or other 6A County Schools around the State can't match them.

Talent pool flow is why some programs rise while others fall. In NKY there will always be the Have's and the Have Not's... same for Louisville... Lexington... and the Ashland area. That's why the Mingo County people are so frustrated. As long as Belfry keeps winning and is the best option for football/academics the talent pool will flow their way from the Feeder System up, and in correlation they will continue to remain the Have Not's. Yet you don't hear them complain one bit about basketball where the talent pool for years has flowed their direction. This is why Pikeville fans lash out. It is actually hypocritical because over the past five years Pikeville has probably had more transfers than Belfry Grades 9-12, but Belfry continues to win head to head and get more acclaim mainly because Belfry simply has a bigger talent pool to use. In the Late 80's and Early 90's under Hilliard Howard though Pikeville made their name thanks to talent pool flow when the truly elite talents amassed in Maroon so they could play for Championship Rings.

To end my thesis :biggrin: Belfry fans should just own what it is and be thankful the program is where it is at. You can't be mad at others who are upset because if the shoe were on the other foot you would be saying the same thing. What has made Belfry the prime destination is a legendary coach, perhaps the best community support in the State, and the hard work to make the feeder system what it is to assure that regardless of talent fluctuation Belfry will always field a quality product. With a shriveling economy nothing is guaranteed to last and if Belfry ever falters (Haywood retirement?) or another program rises it is never guaranteed to be as good as this.

As for right now though... it is great to be a Pirate fa and seeing what is in the cupboard for the next 3-4 years.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Long post...

As long as Belfry continues to compete for State Titles and has kids going on to play collegiate football transfers are going to come with the territory, and with that criticism and outlash. As Belfry fans you just have to have thick skin and realize that is part of the game.

I have mentioned this in different forms of threads over the years, but it is just a model that always holds true. Talent pool always flows. Programs are only as good as their momentum or their ability to have the talent pool flow their way.

"Recruiting" is the most overused and short sighted term in HS Football. In this day and age it is very rare that true "recruiting" goes on in the sense people associate with the word. Coaches at the HS level are not seeking out players and their families...at least not at top programs. But, with the proficiency of social media, information on the internet, and the culture of parents wanting their kids to be winners or get exposure... self-recruitment has became very abundant. With improvement in transportation, communication, and information District Lines are not what they used to be.

My theory is that there is a talent pool for a given area and depending on how a program creates momentum or prestige is how that talent pool flows. Histroically and still n most cases the average family simply takes the cheaper/easier path and stays within their district lines. They take advantage of the shorter commute, the free transportation by bus, sending their kids to school alongside the kids of families they know... and so forth.

What we are seeing though is a change in dynamics. Competition has changed at the grassroots level where there are more people inter mingling. The rise of AAU, Travel Ball, All-Stars, Camps, etc has parents wanting their kids to play with/against the best and pulling people from all across different district lines regardless of sport. Kids are communicating with other kids from different areas via social media and creating friendships that fifteen years ago were improbable due to a lack of communication outlets. Now you can tweet or skype with someone who lives two counties over. Pre-2000's this was a long distance phone call that you got yelled at for.

The landscape of collegiate recruiting has changed as well thanks to the evolution of the internet. What has never changed is the fact parents want their kids to be "the best" and hopefully to get a free education, and kids want to see their name mentioned and get praise. Now everyone can make a highlight video, everyone can create exposure, and now when you are in the headline for a 200 yard rushing game the entire State and sometimes country can know about it, whereas 15 years ago only the people reading the newspaper would see it. It is a cut throat world as a result and parents will flock to where their kid has the best chance to get that acclaim and attention.

A side product of the above paragraph is that with this new information and communication it is easier for parents to know where opportunities exist. In the case of the Corbett kid it is very clear this is what drove that transfer and why a Logan coach is frustrated. Corbett is friends with Horton and Joplin and I am sure communicates with them, has probably competed with them from an earlier age, and it is pretty apparent the reason he moved is because he heard there was an opportunity at Belfry to play QB at an early age and be surrounded by talent that will make sure he wins a lot of games and plays on big stages. From what I have heard this was his family's decision to move their entire life to send their kid to a program where he would have these opportunities, while in the same token get a chance at a better education to prepare him for college. Instead of being the only big fish in a small pond, the Corbett's chose to be a big fish with other big fish in a very huge pond.

The flow of talent pool is everywhere. Belfry gets a bad rap because of Rand McNalley. Because kids come from "Out of State" there is some notion that it is so much different (Even though WV football on the whole is drastically weaker than KY but I digress). In truth, a kid's family relocating 10 miles from Red Jacket to Huddy is the exact same a kid's family relocating 10 miles from Zebulon to Bowles Addition, or Betsy Layne to Pburg.

This principle is why Highlands has dominated for decades and why people hate Private Schools. Highlands doesn't have to recruit, but there is a monumental talent pool in the NKY/Cincy area big enough to support numerous schools. For decades families have made a point to get into the Highlands' District to take advantage of the education and the top tier football program that assures their kids wins, championship rings, and the exposure that comes with it. Private schools are hated because they have "advantages" by not being restricted by a District, typically being elite academically, and in most cases having the financial flexibility to pay coaches more and invest into their program. It's never been about Trinity/St. X actively recruiting players so much as it is the fact Trinity/X are simply THE best option by a large margin in a massive talent pool like Louisville Metro. That's why they are hated is because they are essentially assured the talent pool will flow there while the Jefferson County schools or other 6A County Schools around the State can't match them.

Talent pool flow is why some programs rise while others fall. In NKY there will always be the Have's and the Have Not's... same for Louisville... Lexington... and the Ashland area. That's why the Mingo County people are so frustrated. As long as Belfry keeps winning and is the best option for football/academics the talent pool will flow their way from the Feeder System up, and in correlation they will continue to remain the Have Not's. Yet you don't hear them complain one bit about basketball where the talent pool for years has flowed their direction. This is why Pikeville fans lash out. It is actually hypocritical because over the past five years Pikeville has probably had more transfers than Belfry Grades 9-12, but Belfry continues to win head to head and get more acclaim mainly because Belfry simply has a bigger talent pool to use. In the Late 80's and Early 90's under Hilliard Howard though Pikeville made their name thanks to talent pool flow when the truly elite talents amassed in Maroon so they could play for Championship Rings.

To end my thesis :biggrin: Belfry fans should just own what it is and be thankful the program is where it is at. You can't be mad at others who are upset because if the shoe were on the other foot you would be saying the same thing. What has made Belfry the prime destination is a legendary coach, perhaps the best community support in the State, and the hard work to make the feeder system what it is to assure that regardless of talent fluctuation Belfry will always field a quality product. With a shriveling economy nothing is guaranteed to last and if Belfry ever falters (Haywood retirement?) or another program rises it is never guaranteed to be as good as this.

As for right now though... it is great to be a Pirate fa and seeing what is in the cupboard for the next 3-4 years.

that to many words for me all day much this this early,lol, btw good post..
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