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Middlesboro job open!!
Captain Jack Wrote:One more thing... After thinking about your post, you are probably right. It is time to move out of Middlesboro. Now...:igiveup:

Well if you just want to talk bad about the place then don't let door hit you on the way out.

As for me, I will stand by my school and community and try my best to make things better. I am proud of my community and I want it to be a progressive place not one that people just sit around and talk about how bad places are.

From the sports side of it, I cheer on the Jackets in the fall where they will have another great season. Hopefully this year they will not be disappointed in the playoffs and win a regional championship.
WhyLie Wrote:Everything you have posted has Paul has been like someone that didn't get to play. This is a football forum not a great thing about the school forum. Middlesborto deserves everything they will get. I just hate it for the kids. What was done here was wrong, you need to accept it. Peoples lives were effected in a tremendous way, so that a friends son could coach. Not only Frazier, but Chappells family as well, as for Martin he has maybe 10 supports in Middlesboro, the rest are scared and yes men. I have lived in this county for 50 plus years and have yet to find more than that.

How do you make that connection? I support the team and disagree with you. Sure it effected peoples lives, but any time someone loses a job it effects their life. If bob at Smithfield is wrongly fired then does it not hurt him and his family too. I do feel bad but I don't talk bad about other people and the team because of it.

Jason Chappell's family has been impacted, only in a good way. He is very excited to be a head football coach. And he will do a great job at it. Being a head football coach is what he wanted.
I am amazed at how calloused some people are. To not care about the impact of a job loss for a coach and the subsequent impact on a family and the impact on a rising senior in high school that hoped to play for his VERY SUCCESSFUL dad is unconscionable.
teampaul Wrote:Well if you just want to talk bad about the place then don't let door hit you on the way out.

As for me, I will stand by my school and community and try my best to make things better. I am proud of my community and I want it to be a progressive place not one that people just sit around and talk about how bad places are.

From the sports side of it, I cheer on the Jackets in the fall where they will have another great season. Hopefully this year they will not be disappointed in the playoffs and win a regional championship.

Recheck my edit.. Let the door hit me on my way out? Good luck to the Jackets, they're gonna need it.
luvspugs Wrote:I am amazed at how calloused some people are. To not care about the impact of a job loss for a coach and the subsequent impact on a family and the impact on a rising senior in high school that hoped to play for his VERY SUCCESSFUL dad is unconscionable.

When did I ever say I didn't care? I have been very torn over this issue. I felt awful when I heard the news. It shocked me just as much as any one.
teampaul Wrote:How do you make that connection? I support the team and disagree with you. Sure it effected peoples lives, but any time someone loses a job it effects their life. If bob at Smithfield is wrongly fired then does it not hurt him and his family too. I do feel bad but I don't talk bad about other people and the team because of it.

Jason Chappell's family has been impacted, only in a good way. He is very excited to be a head football coach. And he will do a great job at it. Being a head football coach is what he wanted.

You know so little about the situation Team Paul. Chappell came here to be with his wife's family and to be the next head coach at Middlesboro. There was no way that was gonna happen after the new Super. So now grand kids can't live close to their grandparents. Think things through before you post.
I didnt name any names...but if the guilty conscience fits...
Captain Jack Wrote:Recheck my edit.. Let the door hit me on my way out? Good luck to the Jackets, they're gonna need it.

Editing your post to make me look like a bad guy may help your argument, however when I replied all you could say was it was time for you to get out. A classic regressive statement made by anyone who lives here. They don't have any desire to make the place better. They just sit around and complain about the place they live. Never desiring to make it better yet always complaining about how bad it is.
Interesting how something is both perceived and interpreted as negative when there is a difference of opinion. One could argue that those who embrace Frazier's firing are the negative ones, not wanting Middlesboro football to succeed.
teampaul Wrote:Editing your post to make me look like a bad guy may help your argument, however when I replied all you could say was it was time for you to get out. A classic regressive statement made by anyone who lives here. They don't have any desire to make the place better. They just sit around and complain about the place they live. Never desiring to make it better yet always complaining about how bad it is.

It wasn't to make you look like a bad guy, you're doing that on your own. Like I said, time for us all to move on. Especially, Frazier and his son to a better situation.
Captain Jack Wrote:You know so little about the situation Team Paul. Chappell came here to be with his wife's family and to be the next head coach at Middlesboro. There was no way that was gonna happen after the new Super. So now grand kids can't live close to their grandparents. Think things through before you post.

I know Chappell would've loved to have been Mboro head coach and I know that they relied heavily on their parents to help with there grandkids. Jason Chappell is a great man, who I hope will be very successful. Things didn't work out the way he hopped but I know he is excited to be a head football coach again, and even happier he gets to stay close to home.
teampaul Wrote:I know Chappell would've loved to have been Mboro head coach and I know that they relied heavily on their parents to help with there grandkids. Jason Chappell is a great man, who I hope will be very successful. Things didn't work out the way he hopped but I know he is excited to be a head football coach again, and even happier he gets to stay close to home.

Thanks for proving my point
Captain Jack Wrote:Thanks for proving my point

Maybe I have fought a big fight over a cause not worth it. I just hate to see so many people bad mouth the school.

I don't agree with everything the administration does, and I don't agree with some of the coaching decision Frazier made. But in the long run my loyalty belongs to MHS not who was or is coaching and not the superintendent.
Most people don't lose teaching jobs just because they are relieved of their coaching duties. Frazier is still employed and paid by Middlesboro schools. Chappell left and was promoted for it. Coaching is an "extra duty/responsibility" and anyone that leaves a situation in which he is close to his family does so knowingly and willingly.

Situation was not handled well by Middlesboro, but that is not the new coach's fault and all parties involved are employed and being compensated for their employment at their respective jobs.
teampaul Wrote:Well if you just want to talk bad about the place then don't let door hit you on the way out.

As for me, I will stand by my school and community and try my best to make things better. I am proud of my community and I want it to be a progressive place not one that people just sit around and talk about how bad places are.

From the sports side of it, I cheer on the Jackets in the fall where they will have another great season. Hopefully this year they will not be disappointed in the playoffs and win a regional championship.

You don't lose 4 or 5 seniors and Jake Brock and Cole Frazier that seven starter from last years team and you expect them to win the region next year Zach will have to get some more horses if he does and i don't see that happening and if Jake decides to play hurt he won't be 100% and i don't see Frazier staying after his dad getting fired and there plenty other school that would like to have him in their program
JacketFan98 Wrote:Who is missing their senior year because of shoulder surgery? Cole is staying. His father is staying. I spoke with them

Just curious on how the Frazier thing is working out for ya...lol:

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