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Bill O'Reilly's interview with President Obama
Im interested to here what everyone thought of O'Reilly's interview with the President. Granny and TRT, let me hear it!!:biggrin:
I did one of my biggest pet peeves in the previous post. I used h-e-r-e when it was supposed to be h-e-a-r! sorry!!
Looked like an average interview to me.
I think he asked Obama things he didn't want to be asked, but Obama knew that was going to happen, so I would imagine hes had a team of 700 employees on the tax payers dime to come up with some type of answers for him.
I'm on too big a high after the Seahawks destroyed the Broncos!!!TongueirateShoTongueirateSho:flame:

So, in an effort to preserve the mood, and after I thoroughly wringing out every last drop of celebration for the game, (which is reminding me how it feels to experience something that has not been fundamentally transformed again), I will comment on what Oblame-a said. :biggrin:
You can tell a lot about a man by the way he sits in a chair. Obama: confident, arrogant, secure. O'Reilly: uncomfortable, intimidated, insecure... The back is on a chair for a reason. Use it, O'Reilly...
Loon Wrote:You can tell a lot about a man by the way he sits in a chair. Obama: confident, arrogant, secure. O'Reilly: uncomfortable, intimidated, insecure... The back is on a chair for a reason. Use it, O'Reilly...

LOL, yeah and you can tell a lot about a man who wears 'mom jeans', and throws a baseball like a girl, and who surrounds himself with vacuous ciphers. :biglmao:
Wow you really ARE high!!!
^That had to be the most entertaining Super Bowl game I've seen in long time. It reminded me of another big game I saw Pete Carroll coach back in 2004 when USC dismantled Oklahoma in similar fashion in the BCS Championship. I believe that was Pete Carroll's last appearance as a college coach.

As far as the O'Reilly/Obama interview goes, I'm still feeling a little sea sick as the result of all the spinning that went on. Sheesh! O'Reilly asked about ObamaCare, the website debacle and why Sebelius wasn't fired. Then he asked if the President thought the biggest mistake of his presidency was to tell the people over and over again they could keep their health insurance. Next was a series of questions on Benghazi. Next were questions about the IRS. The answers to all of which, came in the form of an epitome of polite stonewalling. Then he denied his agenda to fundamentally transform America and totally would not recognize he said the words, "fundamental transformation."

“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” ― W.C. Fields

Out of all those questions, I learned absolutely nothing from any answer that was given. In fact, it was just another affirmation that Democrats are going to demagogue their way through any so-called interview, with the prescribed dose of talking points. And, no power I know of on this earth, is going to stop those talking points from being reiterated. IMO, they are a choreographed screen play, they are sanctioned and implemented by the DNC think tank and, are intended to propagate the Democratic agenda, nothing more. I've heard them repeated by every spokesperson the party has sent out to address the concerns of the public. Confusedhh: See, some folks aren't very good at keeping a secret. Such is the case with Senator Chuck Schumer (D) NY, as was clearly illustrated by his remarks about having been instructed by the DNC to always refer to Republicans as "right wing extremists" and which, was caught on a 'hot mic' gaffe. Between that and other revelations at the various public events at which he has recently spoken, we know that he adheres religiously to the guidelines suggested by the mind manipulators at the DNC. Like I have been saying, Dems don't even feel the need to be discreet about all this stuff right now.

Not surprisingly, the President twice blamed FOX for not helping the rest of the media to carry the liberal torch. But frankly, I thought O'Reilly soft balled on everything. He did ask hard questions but, when the talking points started to spew out, not all that much was offered by way of rebuttal. As I predicted, a bit of demogoguing was permitted and, even though the President landed those two 'left' hooks squarely on the jaw of O'Reilly's employer, Bill none the less ended the interview, by telling Barack that he believed his heart was in the right place.
Not surprisingly, the President twice blamed FOX for not helping the rest of the media to carry the liberal torch. But frankly, I thought O'Reilly soft balled on everything. He did ask hard questions but, when the talking points started to spew out, not all that much was offered by way of rebuttal. As I predicted, a bit of demogoguing was permitted and, even though the President landed those two 'left' hooks squarely on the jaw of O'Reilly's employer, Bill none the less ended the interview, by telling Barack that he believed his heart was in the right place.

O'Reilly DID soft ball on everything. It was almost as bad as the super bowl!! (I was a Broncos fan Smile )
Granny Bear Wrote:Not surprisingly, the President twice blamed FOX for not helping the rest of the media to carry the liberal torch. But frankly, I thought O'Reilly soft balled on everything. He did ask hard questions but, when the talking points started to spew out, not all that much was offered by way of rebuttal. As I predicted, a bit of demogoguing was permitted and, even though the President landed those two 'left' hooks squarely on the jaw of O'Reilly's employer, Bill none the less ended the interview, by telling Barack that he believed his heart was in the right place.

O'Reilly DID soft ball on everything. It was almost as bad as the super bowl!! (I was a Broncos fan Smile )

Sorry Granny, I hope you weren't too disappointed. LOL, my house was a house divided last night, my son and my wife were Bronco fans too. They were shell shocked by the half but, when Harvin took it to the house on the 2nd half kick off, they joined my side! :biggrin:
The Prez never answers anything without spinning or dodging.
Okay, Quickick...I was waiting for the transcript to be printed and it is now available. Bottom line is, Obama is full of political rhetoric and his ability to dodge the real question is remarkable. He has obviously been preened in PR and how to dodge the issues. I am upset with O'Reilly because I think he did a terrible job, both in the choice of questions that he asked and the ability to keep Obama "on track". Obama was allowed to mumble around and answered few, if any, questions directly. In the transcript, the one where every syllable is transcribed, O'Reilly sounded like a boob. Lots of ummms and stuttering; I was disappointed in his performance. Obama's was what I pretty much expected.
Like you Granny, I was disappointed that O'Reilly seemed to let Obama off the hook on many responses, especially about the use of the IRS. In the wake of Sen. Shumer's comments, I thought he would really hammer this one home. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say, but I thought O'Reilly tried to get to much in given the time restraints. I would rather have seen less points touched on and some of the others really hammered. It was a classic interview right out of the Left's playbook. To me, the funniest thing was O'Reilly saying that he thought his heart was in the right place. As a regular viewer of O'Reilly, that sure didnt sound like him, LOL! If we get Hillary in'16, I dont know if we will survive, LOL!
UH-OH. After Obama told O'Reilly there wasn't a "smidgen" of corruption within the IRS regarding the targeting of conservative 501 ©(4) applicants, up jumped the Devil in the details, LOL. It would seem the congressional Ways and Means Committee, has uncovered a very enlightening EMAIL between 5 treasury chief councils and Lois Lerner.

"The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501©(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means. - See more at:
Granny Bear Wrote:Okay, Quickick...I was waiting for the transcript to be printed and it is now available. Bottom line is, Obama is full of political rhetoric and his ability to dodge the real question is remarkable. He has obviously been preened in PR and how to dodge the issues. I am upset with O'Reilly because I think he did a terrible job, both in the choice of questions that he asked and the ability to keep Obama "on track". Obama was allowed to mumble around and answered few, if any, questions directly. In the transcript, the one where every syllable is transcribed, O'Reilly sounded like a boob. Lots of ummms and stuttering; I was disappointed in his performance. Obama's was what I pretty much expected.

Call me crazy if you want but, the reason Obama had the "ability to dodge the real question" so remarkably is because the whole damn thing was scripted. He gave Bill permission to ask those specific questions (in that order) weeks ago, then had his team build his pathetic responses. The whole interview was nothing more than political spew. I give Obama zero credit for anything said in the farce.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Call me crazy if you want but, the reason Obama had the "ability to dodge the real question" so remarkably is because the whole damn thing was scripted. He gave Bill permission to ask those specific questions (in that order) weeks ago, then had his team build his pathetic responses. The whole interview was nothing more than political spew. I give Obama zero credit for anything said in the farce.

I thought the interview was bad but, to me there was nary an unexpected, duck, dodge or spin. But, I almost passed out when I caught his remarks at the national prayer breakfast yesterday morning.

"And here we give thanks for His guidance in our own individual faith journeys. In my life, He directed my path to Chicago and my work with churches who were intent on breaking the cycle of poverty in hard-hit communities there. And I’m grateful not only because I was broke and the church fed me, but because it led to everything else. It led me to embrace Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It led me to Michelle -- the love of my life -- and it blessed us with two extraordinary daughters. It led me to public service. And the longer I serve, especially in moments of trial or doubt, the more thankful I am of God’s guiding hand."----President Barack Obama Feb 6, 2014

Mine is not to judge. But, is not his own DOJ forcing the Catholic Church to fund abortion? I mean, I can't seem to find the words to describe a situation like this. Polar opposites unite? Oxy morons R US? Don't do as I say OR do? I give. :igiveup:
O'Reilly did manage to cover a lot of ground during his interview. There were a number of things he couldn't get to however. Border control and the resulting vast number of illegals who live, work and get government help in our fair land for one. Slightly over 2,700 illegals cross our southern border each day which, adds up to around one million each year for a total estimated to be as high as 20 million. And yet, the narrative delivered by liberals doesn't center around crushing subsidies and costs relative to the flood of illegals. Neither will one hear about the welfare tsunami in which, Americans find themselves awash. Rather, it is the woes America faces as the result of having to pay social security benefits for our retiring baby boomers. HELLO, we'd be speaking a combination of Japanese and German if not for the boomers. Let alone the infrastructure (albeit somewhat aging) and every other perk our citizens enjoy. The short of it is this; we've had it so good and so easy, for so long, that most Americans wouldn't know a threat if they got run over by one. Hence the success various administrations have had in characterizing the problem as having a D or an R attached to it when, in fact, it is downright apathy as demonstrated below.

"Unlike El Paso and other sectors that are separated from Mexico by the Rio Grande River, in the San Diego Sector there is no natural demarcation of the border between Mexico and the United States. Historically, there has also been little in the way of man-made demarcation. Chain link fencing marked parts of the border; low, often out-of-repair barbed wire or cable marked others; mere historical markers were found at still other locations. Generally, there was little physical impediment to crossing the border. Indeed, at some locations - most notably a flat, open area in Chula Vista's area of responsibility that became known as the "soccer field"- hundreds or thousands of illegal immigrants would cross the border and gather each day on U.S. soil and then dash northward once darkness descended. Newspaper accounts describe large groups of immigrants, serviced by Mexican food and drink vendors in a carnival atmosphere. The border area was nothing short of chaotic, with agents literally overrun every night as hundreds of immigrants surged northward."

Illegal immigration headaches, marijuana and heroine (373 thousand heroine users reported in the US in 2007, and 700 thousand in 2013) of sufficient quantity, surge across the border in a daily onslaught against the people of the US, to destroy us IMO.

O'Reilly barely touched on the Keystone Pipeline, one need not be a rocket scientist to know liberals are trying to lessen our so-called carbon footprint by pricing gasoline so high most folks won't be able to afford it. The Keystone line is getting all the attention but, there are many pipelines being opposed by the rabid liberal. Take this one right here in Kentucky;
It's beginning to look like the people will not wake up, and will go quietly into that literal dark night. We are being regulated out of every resource that is the substance of modern life. From bullets (the last active US lead smelter closed it's doors Dec. 31st), to light bulbs, to health care, life in the US is changing to suit the palate of the liberal. Baby boomers are as much to blame as anybody, as suddenly, they seem unable to discern today's liberal Democratic baloney from the very truth they were once willing to lay down their lives for.
TRT, you have become my major source for current news and I dont say that in jest. I dont know how you are constantly coming up with new information sources and websights but keep it up. The touching on the pipeline during the interview totally escaped me and it is a fascinating subject. Also, I didnt know the illegal immigration in Texas was nearly that bad. My son's best friend became a border patrol agent after college and he has some amazing stories. There have been some ingenius methods devised for smuggling drugs (and people) into the U.S. Well, its 8:00....time for O'Reilly!
Quickkickonthird Wrote:TRT, you have become my major source for current news and I dont say that in jest. I dont know how you are constantly coming up with new information sources and websights but keep it up. The touching on the pipeline during the interview totally escaped me and it is a fascinating subject. Also, I didnt know the illegal immigration in Texas was nearly that bad. My son's best friend became a border patrol agent after college and he has some amazing stories. There have been some ingenius methods devised for smuggling drugs (and people) into the U.S. Well, its 8:00....time for O'Reilly!

The thing that I find to be obvious with regard to the impossibly large number of illegals who do make it across the border without getting caught on a daily basis is this. All 2,700 hundred of the 'lucky ones' are laden with their life possessions. Backpacks, suit cases, bags of all sorts come across with them. That being the case, these guys could be smuggling anything they could carry. From drugs to you name it.

Further, who is to say we could even identify their nationality for certain? If I was an enemy of the US, and packing certain contraband, I'd certainly consider an approach from the south. Anybody could be among them, from radical Islamists to North Koreans, Russian spies, Chechens, heck, use your imagination. And, for every thing we could bring up, there are no doubt hundreds more possibilities of which the CIA and FBI are aware.
TRT, I agree. Its really scary to even contemplate. My son's friend said that they catch the same people so often that he has basically became friends with some. Im talking about double figure attempts. The law of averages dictates that they will be successful sooner or later. There is very little that they can do with an illegal if they arent smuggling something, etc., other than sending them back. He says that he has seen some of the saddest situations in the world. Like you pointed out, they are basically carrying everything that they own with them. There are apparently people who make a lot of money carrying illegals to the border. Its their business so they know different routes, etc. Many die in the desert while making an attempt, especially the young and elderly. Its just a very sad situation. I completely believe in "give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses yearning to be free" but the founding fathers could never have envisioned the situation as it exists today. There simply has to be a stopping point. I dont know the answer to the problem but there are many people a lot smarter than me who should be working on the situation. We are still basically a Christian nation and there has to be a compassionate answer.
Quickkickonthird Wrote:TRT, I agree. Its really scary to even contemplate. My son's friend said that they catch the same people so often that he has basically became friends with some. Im talking about double figure attempts. The law of averages dictates that they will be successful sooner or later. There is very little that they can do with an illegal if they arent smuggling something, etc., other than sending them back. He says that he has seen some of the saddest situations in the world. Like you pointed out, they are basically carrying everything that they own with them. There are apparently people who make a lot of money carrying illegals to the border. Its their business so they know different routes, etc. Many die in the desert while making an attempt, especially the young and elderly. Its just a very sad situation. I completely believe in "give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses yearning to be free" but the founding fathers could never have envisioned the situation as it exists today. There simply has to be a stopping point. I dont know the answer to the problem but there are many people a lot smarter than me who should be working on the situation. We are still basically a Christian nation and there has to be a compassionate answer.

You know Quick there is but, it isn't in erasing the border between our two nations. Neither is it our responsibility to ease their perceived suffering at the peril of our own existence. At one time not so long ago, Americans were secure in the knowledge that immigration regulation lay in the capable hands of the US Immigration Agency, but, as with everything else, the liberal influence has rendered them impotent. But in the case of our neighbors to the south, one must ask himself what are the causes of the Mexican people's civil problems? In a word, it is corruption. There is nothing I know of that would inhibit these folks from living in a prosperous society of their own making, other than themselves. The people of Mexico need a government characterized by integrity, not predation. Seriously, what is the true difference between our nations other than the fact they have a more tropical climate? The answer is obvious, our people.

On our side of the border, Republicans recognize that we have a real problem, and are therefore trying to do something about it. That is a decidedly difficult proposition in that their biggest foes in that effort are just across the aisle. The Dems stand four square against real border control and any meaningful slowing of the tide of illegals. Why would they do this? IMO, they want the votes. I heard the perks and government provided programs available in the US are actually advertised down in Mexico. In my mind, it would take a powerful incentive to spur folks enough to cause them to leave their country of birth to live in a land where they are strangers and outcasts to some degree. So, to get folks to mount a daily exodus in leaving their homes by the thousands, the promise of prosperity would necessarily have to be great.

Other than the ever present liberal narrative under which Americans are beset, the evidence of the burgeoning mentality that Americans have the responsibility to shoulder the ills of the planet, is to be seen everywhere we look. Most prominently is likely on TV. You have your TV Ad in which you get heart string pulling music playing in the background, with a representative for some cause pleading with you to give a mere .97 cents a day to help starving children on the international scene, disaster victims, starving and suffering Israeli citizens, wounded Vets, abandoned and abused pets of every stripe, etc. etc. Now, I'm not suggesting for a second that those are not all worthy causes. What I am suggesting is that as a nation, we could not possibly cure the ills of the planet. That is the liberal bent, BTW. Nobody is ever going to successfully win a debate on grounds that are so heart wrenching and thus, the end of each and every discussion about illegals goes like this; "are you saying you're willing to cast out these precious and innocent little children of the illegal immigrants?" End of argument.

So, rather than trying to tackle any sort of moral debate about how many of the world's never ending hoards of 'huddled masses' America might take in. Republicans have reasoned that we can at least disincentivize the problem of Dems actively exacerbating illegal immigration by eliminating the threat of those folks casting illegal votes. Hence the bru ha-ha over voter ID cards. I mean, think about this one for a second. The official position of current Democratic leaders is that it is un-American and unconstitutional to ask folks to get a FREE voter ID card. Supposedly the burden put on them by the travel necessary to get to the agency to do so, would just be too much to ask. And yet, in many cases, because of the narrowing of services mandated by ObamaCare, folks are going to have to travel as far as 90 miles or more in some cases, to see a Urologist or other specialist. Duh.

It's a win, win for Dems. The liberal within them is helping the downtrodden (they think, LOL) and, they get to stay in office helped in no small degree by an endlessly increasing supply of votes. It's "happy days are here again" down at DNC headquarters as, it is an easy matter to slake their consciences for any illegally cast votes in the face of all the good they see themselves as having done. Ask yourself a question. If there are upwards of 20 million illegal immigrants here in the US, how many have voted illegally, assured by agencies such as ACORN, that nobody at the polls in Chi-Town or NY, or any deep blue stronghold, will even ask them who they are, much less demand ID?

So, how can Christian America help Mexico? First, we must recognize that many of their problems are a matter of choice and such, has been the case since the Aztecs first founded Mexico City in 1325 AD. Mexico is far older than is the US and their ways are cemented in the past and the present. I believe we should render foreign aid, and I believe we as Christians through coordinated efforts of the organized Church, should actively minister to the needs and spiritual awakening of the people. And yet, as is adequately demonstrated by the self destructive bloom of apathy that has swept our own country, folks, American and Mexican, have the power to choose. We can choose to be successful or we can take the easy route. That's why the Lord said in John 12:7-8 (KJV)
7 "Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this.
8 For the poor [SIZE="3"]always ye have[/SIZE] with you; but me ye have not always."

If nothing else man's nature is predictable; Thomas Jefferson--- "If the people were to become “inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress, and Assemblies, judges and governors shall become wolves.” The wolves are running things in Mexico. Frankly, even though opportunity still manages to hang doggedly on here in the US, I believe the US and Mexico share a common cancer. The people have become, "inattentive to public affairs." This problem in my view is due to apathy and, in our case at least, is based in our degrading spiritual health. I pray to see evidence of a pulse this mid term, for both our nation's sakes. :biggrin:
You are right about the apathy of Americans. As you know, Jefferson said the biggest danger to a democratic state is an uninformed electorate. Due to our current "information age", being uninformed really isnt the problem. The problem is a misinformed electorate. Due to the apathetic attitude, people just eat up the information handed to them without ever considering the source. At one time, I think that the press did a good job of presenting the news, but now, there is almost always an undercurrent. There has to be a problem with the press when the lead story is Justin Bieber egging one of his neighbors, lol.

Also, you mentioned the 97 cents a day to save the world TV commercials. My daughter, who is still in college, has sponsored a child in Peru for the last 2 years. She even flew down there to see him this summer. Now this is a kid that works 35 hours a week, carries 18 hours in classes and still has a perfect 4.0 gpa in the 2cd semester of her junior year. She saved all year for her trip to Peru. I just dont have the heart to crush that youthful enthusiasm by telling her that she cant save the world. I can remember when I still had a optimistic light myself before it was extinquished after years of slamming my head into the wall, haha! But, Im still proud of her....the world IS a better place because she is in it.
Quickkickonthird Wrote:You are right about the apathy of Americans. As you know, Jefferson said the biggest danger to a democratic state is an uninformed electorate. Due to our current "information age", being uninformed really isnt the problem. The problem is a misinformed electorate. Due to the apathetic attitude, people just eat up the information handed to them without ever considering the source. At one time, I think that the press did a good job of presenting the news, but now, there is almost always an undercurrent. There has to be a problem with the press when the lead story is Justin Bieber egging one of his neighbors, lol.

Also, you mentioned the 97 cents a day to save the world TV commercials. My daughter, who is still in college, has sponsored a child in Peru for the last 2 years. She even flew down there to see him this summer. Now this is a kid that works 35 hours a week, carries 18 hours in classes and still has a perfect 4.0 gpa in the 2cd semester of her junior year. She saved all year for her trip to Peru. I just dont have the heart to crush that youthful enthusiasm by telling her that she cant save the world. I can remember when I still had a optimistic light myself before it was extinquished after years of slamming my head into the wall, haha! But, Im still proud of her....the world IS a better place because she is in it.

WOW! I don't blame you for being proud, I can assure you that both of us are impressed with her! I may have left you with the wrong impression with regard to giving, foreign aid and the rest. Like I said, I would never suggest one should not do something like your daughter does to support a little one like that.

The point I was trying to make is that indeed we must do what we can to help others, the poor across the globe and all the rest. However, where do we draw the line? Do we ever close our porous border, or do we just give up and take everybody who would like to live in America? That is the way the liberal mind seems to work, as is evidenced by the push to just give up on our ideas that drugs are illegal. More and more people want the ban on drugs to be lifted, along with punishment for use and I suppose most of the prison sentences for pushing them.

I guess my mind works in a way that likes to cut to the chase, LOL. Maybe we should think about annexing Mexico entirely, and supplant the Mexican Government with our own. Perhaps at that point we could defend the relatively narrow strip of land there at Guatemala. At any rate, in the scripture I cited, Christ was justifying the actions of Mary the sister of Lazarus, who Jesus had recently raised from the dead. She had broken a spikenard and anointed the feet of the Lord. The objections from the disciples were based on the notion that the ointment, being worth a years wages, would have been put to much better use if it had been sold and the proceeds given to the poor. That sounded pretty good but, Jesus corrected them, mentioning that the poor will always be with us. In other words, we could never eliminate poverty, we can only do what we can.

My position is that the liberal mind cannot concede the point, not recognizing that the problem is systemic due to man's fallen state. I've used the analogy of the blood donor in the past. There comes a point when one must pull the needle or lose his own life. :biggrin:
Quickkickonthird Wrote:You are right about the apathy of Americans. As you know, Jefferson said the biggest danger to a democratic state is an uninformed electorate. Due to our current "information age", being uninformed really isnt the problem. The problem is a misinformed electorate. Due to the apathetic attitude, people just eat up the information handed to them without ever considering the source. At one time, I think that the press did a good job of presenting the news, but now, there is almost always an undercurrent. There has to be a problem with the press when the lead story is Justin Bieber egging one of his neighbors, lol.

Also, you mentioned the 97 cents a day to save the world TV commercials. My daughter, who is still in college, has sponsored a child in Peru for the last 2 years. She even flew down there to see him this summer. Now this is a kid that works 35 hours a week, carries 18 hours in classes and still has a perfect 4.0 gpa in the 2cd semester of her junior year. She saved all year for her trip to Peru. I just dont have the heart to crush that youthful enthusiasm by telling her that she cant save the world. I can remember when I still had a optimistic light myself before it was extinquished after years of slamming my head into the wall, haha! But, Im still proud of her....the world IS a better place because she is in it.

FTR, I wouldn't mention that she can't save the world either. Sounds like you've done an exceptional job with her, which speaks highly of her parents. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:FTR, I wouldn't mention that she can't save the world either. Sounds like you've done an exceptional job with her, which speaks highly of her parents. :biggrin:

I appreciate your kind words. All 3 were HS valedictorians and my oldest 2 boys are teaching and in the military respectfully. I already mentioned my baby girl. And my wife did the outstanding job!!! Anyway, again, I truly appreciate the kind works. We had them in every AP class known to man and they excelled. We were just so lucky and I thank God every day
Quickkickonthird Wrote:I appreciate your kind words. All 3 were HS valedictorians and my oldest 2 boys are teaching and in the military respectfully. I already mentioned my baby girl. And my wife did the outstanding job!!! Anyway, again, I truly appreciate the kind works. We had them in every AP class known to man and they excelled. We were just so lucky and I thank God every day

Hats off to you man. Getting the honor of raising one valedictorian is extremely rare. But three? Wow! Best of luck to your daughter in school and hope she continues her success. Being a recent college grad myself, I can assure you that there are plenty of professors and other minds in academia that are looking for the opportunity to liberalize our youth. Hopefully that won't happen with her!
WideRight05 Wrote:Hats off to you man. Getting the honor of raising one valedictorian is extremely rare. But three? Wow! Best of luck to your daughter in school and hope she continues her success. Being a recent college grad myself, I can assure you that there are plenty of professors and other minds in academia that are looking for the opportunity to liberalize our youth. Hopefully that won't happen with her!

Thanks for the kind words and they would have a better shot at liberalizing me. She came out of the womb with a GOP button on, LOL!
WideRight05 Wrote:Hats off to you man. Getting the honor of raising one valedictorian is extremely rare. But three? Wow! Best of luck to your daughter in school and hope she continues her success. Being a recent college grad myself, I can assure you that there are plenty of professors and other minds in academia that are looking for the opportunity to liberalize our youth. Hopefully that won't happen with her!

Exactly why my grand daughter chose not to return to a certain University!

Quickkickonthird Wrote:Thanks for the kind words and they would have a better shot at liberalizing me. She came out of the womb with a GOP button on, LOL!

So did my grand daughter. She thinks I'm a liberal.
Granny Bear Wrote:Exactly why my grand daughter chose not to return to a certain University!

So did my grand daughter. She thinks I'm a liberal.

Dang Granny! You mean you arent, LOL!! Seriously though, I always warned them that it would be inevitable that you will run into all types of profs just like the regular population. Nobody makes through without running into at least one horse's rear. My wife had a guy her senior year that literally made her cry every day and I had a guy in a Statistics class that I would have had killed if I had known a hit man.(That was a joke before someone reads this and I get a visit from the police, lol)

Its a shame your granddaughter had to transfer. Sometimes you have to keep your head down and keep pounding the rock (FB analogy there, sorry). I had a guy, matter of fact he was head of the dept, in a Philosophy class that really didnt care for me very much, which was ok because the feeling was mutual. He was one of those people who thought that they were an intellectual and was totally condescending to everyone. I got a B in that class and it was close to a C. Midterm and final were both essays so he can grade them any way he wants. I knew the info backwards but I made the mistake of disagreeing with him early in the semester. I felt like choking him but I didnt. I did, however, teach him a few new words straight from Eastern KY, LOL!!:Thumbs:

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