02-04-2006, 08:13 PM
Here is the ultimate determination. If anyone who knows anything about cheerleading can answer yes to all of these questions about South Floyd Cheerleading then maybe they are the best in the 15th region.
Does South Floyd have a squad in which all members can throw a standing back?
Can anyone on their squad throw a full?
In stunting, can they do any single-base stunts?
Can they execute free standing extension heel stretches?
Can they double-full down from any stunts? or can they full down out of any stunts at all?
Can their entire squad throw round-off back tucks at the same time?
Can they successfully make it through a 2 1/2 minute routine with no falls or bobbles?
Can more than one member of the squad throw a standing hand spring back?
These are simple requirements that make an outstanding squad.
Another question? what are the minimum requirements to make the squad during tryouts?? Standing back? doubt it. probably a back handspring if that.
Does South Floyd have a squad in which all members can throw a standing back?
Can anyone on their squad throw a full?
In stunting, can they do any single-base stunts?
Can they execute free standing extension heel stretches?
Can they double-full down from any stunts? or can they full down out of any stunts at all?
Can their entire squad throw round-off back tucks at the same time?
Can they successfully make it through a 2 1/2 minute routine with no falls or bobbles?
Can more than one member of the squad throw a standing hand spring back?
These are simple requirements that make an outstanding squad.
Another question? what are the minimum requirements to make the squad during tryouts?? Standing back? doubt it. probably a back handspring if that.
02-04-2006, 09:25 PM
"PvilleCheerAlum" Wrote:Here is the ultimate determination. If anyone who knows anything about cheerleading can answer yes to all of these questions about South Floyd Cheerleading then maybe they are the best in the 15th region.You know something, I've tried to be nice to you. I adore your Pikeville cheer leaders. I respect their hard work, talent, and ability to always be right in the thick of things from the district tournaments right through to Nationals! I always support them. They are great people. I also support area teams who are working hard to better themselves. No one can just "bat an eye" or "wave a magic wand" and instantly be transformed into an award winning cheer squad. Since you know so much about cheer, you know how much time, hard work, dedication, and working with the right people can mean to building a winning cheer tradition. I for one, am worn out with your recent posts and your put downs. MISS WHEELER & MISS STONE would certainly never appreciate such, in fact it would make them red-faced. You're darned skippy SF try-out isn't on the same level as a Pikeville try-out yet, but then, there aren't very many in this area(15th region) who are. You name them if you know so much. I can tell you this much sissy, talk like you're putting out here will certainly motivate someone to pump up the requirements. Post all you want, but I can guarantee you that it will soon come to bite someone you know in the fanny. BTW those are not simple requirements and you very well know it. Most squads in this region use those types of gymnastics as bonus in the past little bit, but keep talking.:thumb:
Does South Floyd have a squad in which all members can throw a standing back?
Can anyone on their squad throw a full?
In stunting, can they do any single-base stunts?
Can they execute free standing extension heel stretches?
Can they double-full down from any stunts? or can they full down out of any stunts at all?
Can their entire squad throw round-off back tucks at the same time?
Can they successfully make it through a 2 1/2 minute routine with no falls or bobbles?
Can more than one member of the squad throw a standing hand spring back?
These are simple requirements that make an outstanding squad.
Another question? what are the minimum requirements to make the squad during tryouts?? Standing back? doubt it. probably a back handspring if that.
02-04-2006, 09:34 PM
i am sure then that you have completely misses all other posts made in this thread and many others. most people who get on here do not know what constitutes a thouroughly competitive cheerleading squad. I am sorry that i am trying to let others know.
I have been nice to everyone on here. I have taken about 10 years of grief from people bashing pikeville cheerleading. people spreading rumors that we didnt actually win nationals, that we had those jackets made as part of the lie among thousands of other degrading comments.
I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. There is no point in personal insulatation. i have no pointed any fingers at you.
I have been nice to everyone on here. I have taken about 10 years of grief from people bashing pikeville cheerleading. people spreading rumors that we didnt actually win nationals, that we had those jackets made as part of the lie among thousands of other degrading comments.
I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. There is no point in personal insulatation. i have no pointed any fingers at you.
02-04-2006, 09:40 PM
and i am not using that criteria to single out anyone. you can use that on comparison for anyone.
and i am not by any means saying that pikeville has all of these. we have had our share of bombing out at competitions. there have been times when we havent had any tumbling. we have all been there. it takes years and years of training and determination to get to that level. some years squads have it and some years they dont.
South Floyd has it this year. They are on a great start to their legacy. I really do hope they consider trying to go to Nationals. Its a great experience that i think everyone should have the opportunity to experience.
and i am not by any means saying that pikeville has all of these. we have had our share of bombing out at competitions. there have been times when we havent had any tumbling. we have all been there. it takes years and years of training and determination to get to that level. some years squads have it and some years they dont.
South Floyd has it this year. They are on a great start to their legacy. I really do hope they consider trying to go to Nationals. Its a great experience that i think everyone should have the opportunity to experience.
02-04-2006, 09:42 PM
"PvilleCheerAlum" Wrote:i am sure then that you have completely misses all other posts made in this thread and many others. most people who get on here do not know what constitutes a thouroughly competitive cheerleading squad. I am sorry that i am trying to let others know.First, I have not "missed" all of the posts on this thread. Second, don't apologize for trying to "enlighten" others as to our sport, perhaps it's the fashion and wording I find so offensive. You have been nice to folks on here, but taking grief for past transgressions and allowing it to come out on here is not cool. Anyone who would say such a stupid thing about Nationals & those jackets is just too stupid to acknowledge. And as far as "insulatation" is concerned, I've NEVER done it... I'm not certain this is a word, but if it is & it's illegal, I know I didn't do it!:Shaking:
I have been nice to everyone on here. I have taken about 10 years of grief from people bashing pikeville cheerleading. people spreading rumors that we didnt actually win nationals, that we had those jackets made as part of the lie among thousands of other degrading comments.
I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. There is no point in personal insulatation. i have no pointed any fingers at you.
02-04-2006, 09:50 PM
Just because the handle says pikeville doesnt mean that i was comparing other squads to pikeville. that is generally what the squads who attend nationals have.
02-04-2006, 11:17 PM
Does South Floyd have a squad in which all members can throw a standing back? NO...we what 14..3 with standing tucks 4 others very close..and all standing handsprings
Can anyone on their squad throw a full? YES we have a girl that can throw a full!
In stunting, can they do any single-base stunts? We do single base stunts...may not be as good are p.ville's but yes we do them
Can they execute free standing extension heel stretches? umm YEAH..we have 3 groups and 2 can do heel stretches...
Can they double-full down from any stunts? or can they full down out of any stunts at all? No sorry can't double down...but give us anystunt and we will full down!
Can their entire squad throw round-off back tucks at the same time? Not the entire squad..but 7 of 14 can
Can they successfully make it through a 2 1/2 minute routine with no falls or bobbles? well our 2 1/2 minute today looked good! AT THE ALL "A" Comp. that SOMBODY said we didnt compete in (3rd Place by the way..1st time in it)
Can more than one member of the squad throw a standing hand spring back? yelp 3 of us
And no sorry we dont requrie standing backs at try-outs...BHS yes....but look around the 15th how many squads do? some dont even require a BHS..adn p.ville is very lucky they are an independt school and can take whoever they want no matter the age...we can't take anyone under freshman...if we could then we would have another full(6th grader from a feeder school..she was on an all-start..she's pretty awesome)...
Can anyone on their squad throw a full? YES we have a girl that can throw a full!
In stunting, can they do any single-base stunts? We do single base stunts...may not be as good are p.ville's but yes we do them
Can they execute free standing extension heel stretches? umm YEAH..we have 3 groups and 2 can do heel stretches...
Can they double-full down from any stunts? or can they full down out of any stunts at all? No sorry can't double down...but give us anystunt and we will full down!
Can their entire squad throw round-off back tucks at the same time? Not the entire squad..but 7 of 14 can
Can they successfully make it through a 2 1/2 minute routine with no falls or bobbles? well our 2 1/2 minute today looked good! AT THE ALL "A" Comp. that SOMBODY said we didnt compete in (3rd Place by the way..1st time in it)
Can more than one member of the squad throw a standing hand spring back? yelp 3 of us
And no sorry we dont requrie standing backs at try-outs...BHS yes....but look around the 15th how many squads do? some dont even require a BHS..adn p.ville is very lucky they are an independt school and can take whoever they want no matter the age...we can't take anyone under freshman...if we could then we would have another full(6th grader from a feeder school..she was on an all-start..she's pretty awesome)...
02-05-2006, 01:09 AM
In game- South Floyd is the best in the 15th.. and even though pikeville didnt get a chance to compete at the state all A to beat everyone.. they were judged against South FLoyd at the region and didnt come close to placing.. but as far as 2 1/2 minute competions.. pikeville is one of the best squads in the 15th region.. This is South Floyd's second year of even ever competiong with a 2 1/2 minutes routine and only competed in one competion which was last years Kapos... but at the state all A today Pikeville didnt look as good as they normally do.. i think if they would place theirselves in a divison competing against more people then just therselves and unexperienced squads.. pikeville wouldnt make it to nationals and state every year. squads place theirselves in any division they want and can do it even after they see who else has signed up at KAPOS Competions..some squads also drop some cheerleaders before competion to change there division... i think best around is Hazard even tho they arent in the 15th.. They were Awsome today.. even tho they didnt compete against either pikeville squad they were judged on the same criteria and had the highest score at the competion.. i think they could beat pikeville easy.. too bad they wont be able to match up unless they both make it to state..
02-05-2006, 02:22 AM
"Team Spirit" Wrote:Does South Floyd have a squad in which all members can throw a standing back? NO...we what 14..3 with standing tucks 4 others very close..and all standing handsprings
Can anyone on their squad throw a full? YES we have a girl that can throw a full!
In stunting, can they do any single-base stunts? We do single base stunts...may not be as good are p.ville's but yes we do them
Can they execute free standing extension heel stretches? umm YEAH..we have 3 groups and 2 can do heel stretches...
Can they double-full down from any stunts? or can they full down out of any stunts at all? No sorry can't double down...but give us anystunt and we will full down!
Can their entire squad throw round-off back tucks at the same time? Not the entire squad..but 7 of 14 can
Can they successfully make it through a 2 1/2 minute routine with no falls or bobbles? well our 2 1/2 minute today looked good! AT THE ALL "A" Comp. that SOMBODY said we didnt compete in (3rd Place by the way..1st time in it)
Can more than one member of the squad throw a standing hand spring back? yelp 3 of us
And no sorry we dont requrie standing backs at try-outs...BHS yes....but look around the 15th how many squads do? some dont even require a BHS..adn p.ville is very lucky they are an independt school and can take whoever they want no matter the age...we can't take anyone under freshman...if we could then we would have another full(6th grader from a feeder school..she was on an all-start..she's pretty awesome)...
Thats awesome. I had no idea. Didnt mean to direct it to south floyd particularly. You all have come a long way since last year. we never competed NCA. what competition did you all attend to qualify for NCA? You all should definetly go. Nationals is good experience. now is as good a time as any. the younger girls will get the experience and be able to guide the younger girls in the future.
When i cheered varsity, we didnt pull anyone up to help us out. i cant really say i agree with the fact that this happened because it isnt really fair. Pville requires standing backs to push the girls. most of the girls at tryouts have them but alot of girls who cant do them make it anyway.
02-05-2006, 02:25 AM
bestfanever "i think if they would place theirselves in a divison competing against more people then just therselves and unexperienced squads.. pikeville wouldnt make it to nationals and state every year. squads place theirselves in any division they want and can do it even after they see who else has signed up at KAPOS Competions"
we have definetly been competing in small division at nationals since 2000 and havent changed reguardless of who we compete against.
Kapos is usually decided depending on what the girls want to do and if they want all of the girls on the squad to compete. it isnt to avoid competition
we have definetly been competing in small division at nationals since 2000 and havent changed reguardless of who we compete against.
Kapos is usually decided depending on what the girls want to do and if they want all of the girls on the squad to compete. it isnt to avoid competition
02-05-2006, 04:30 PM
"halfstep" Wrote::Cheerlead :Cheerlead :Cheerlead
I know KHSAA doesn't recognize Cheerleading as a sport! But, Me being a cheerdad and a basketball, baseball and football coach, Let me tell ya Cheerleaders are some of the best athletes I have seen! So, I saw a post earlier on here and she said she first put it on here as a joke, well here is one for real!
So I will start it out!
You can even talk about Middle School Squad if you want!
From what I have seen at the High Scool level:
Pikeville is always one of the top in the mountains along with Paintsville and Johnson Central.
As far as Middle School goes:
Johnson County Middle School is by far the best Middle school Squad in the mountains with a VERY strong Tradition! Their squad this year is pretty good but they had a Squad last year that was UNREAL! They have NEVER finished below 1st place in the last 4 years now, no matter where they went!
I was with them last year at the Smokey Mountain Classic in Gattlinberg, TN where they competed. And let me tell you something, They SMOKED the whole field! Not only did they capture 1st in the Middle Scool Div. against 13 other squads from other states! They captured GRAND CHAMPION over 34 total squads. To include High School Varsity, which included Paintsville, and also over Super Varsity and Co-Ed Super Varsity Squads from other states! They were AWSOME!
Their Coach is NEVA BENTLEY and she is a 1st Class Act! She demands Respect and Discipline from her Girls and she also teaches them to respect themselves! If you have an attitude or you don't want to give your best for the squad, you won't be on the squad! The woman has never finished below 1st place since she has been at JCMS! One thing is for sure, she runs the squad, not the parents or the girls.
NOW, What hapens when they go to Johnson Central? You would have to ask Ms. ANNITA STURGILL that question. She has all these champion cheerleaders and tumblers coming in and they get smoked every where they go or they all quit on her. Maybe it is the favoritism she shows her upper class girls, by allowing them to make the calls while on the floor and sidelines, by saying when and what girls can tumble or do lifts. Every year she runs the compitision squad and every year for some reason a bunch of girls quit. This year alone she has had over 17 TOP cheerleaders quit her squad. BUT, NOTHING is wrong. Maybe it is because she makes the freshman girls always roll the mats, pick up the trash and always makes them run if they are late for practice. And she can't even get there on time herself for practices and games. The Juniors and Seniors are always showing up late and leaving early with no backlash whatsoever. She also runs another squad of girls which cheer only games and she only practices those girls before games and wears them out and then jumps them because they mess up. So looks to me the admin. needs to listen to all the complaints and open their eyes and make a change. But, we are talking about JCHS who fired their head basketball coach after winning two District Championships. I quess the only way to have job security there is to loose!
Oh. Lawerence Co. ussually has a pretty good squad also.
So tell me what you think CHEER FANS!
:Cheerlead :Cheerlead :Cheerlead
Why don`t they recogonize as a sport! They are just as good as good as any of the others. You need alot of talent for this! I`ve seen JCHS cheer in Lexington a few weeks ago in competition and your right they could use a little more talent! They were not a squad, more like individuals! Should`nt this tell Sturgill something! She needs to do something next year and not bite more off than she can chew!
02-09-2006, 01:19 PM
"PvilleCheerAlum" Wrote:did pikevilles bball team even make it to the all a tournament. i hate that we cant win the cheer awards at big tournaments because our bball team always sucks.
I too am a former cheerleader for Pikeville. They are talking about the All A region in game competition. Yes Pikeville's bball team was there. I think if you are a competing at state and national levels and winning them then there is no sense in losing the game competitions. It has nothing to do with the basketball team!!!!! It is not the basketball teams fault that they don't cheer good ballgames. You need to show everyone you are the best at all times!!!! When I competed waaaay back in the days our competitions didn't have different categorys and we always finished in the top 5 of the KAPOS state and most of time in the top 3, and we also won all of our district and region ingame competitions. FYI, Pikeville's basketball team hasn't also sucked. They had a few off years but who doesn't. Being a former cheerleader you should give our teams better support.
02-09-2006, 02:51 PM
"Eagle Eye" Wrote:Halfstep, it looks by your aviator that you are a Paintsville fan so why do you even care what the cheerleading coach does at JCHS and JCMS? How do you know so much about their squad anyway?If you look at his avatar you will see that it is a UK avatar not a paintsvillehh: By the way, JCHS has a great coach in Starns. All the qualities that you find honorable in Ms. Bentley is what you will find in Starns. He also demands RESPECT AND DISIPLINE which was something the former coach lacked.
02-09-2006, 06:09 PM
"bball fan" Wrote:I too am a former cheerleader for Pikeville. They are talking about the All A region in game competition. Yes Pikeville's bball team was there. I think if you are a competing at state and national levels and winning them then there is no sense in losing the game competitions. It has nothing to do with the basketball team!!!!! It is not the basketball teams fault that they don't cheer good ballgames. You need to show everyone you are the best at all times!!!! When I competed waaaay back in the days our competitions didn't have different categorys and we always finished in the top 5 of the KAPOS state and most of time in the top 3, and we also won all of our district and region ingame competitions. FYI, Pikeville's basketball team hasn't also sucked. They had a few off years but who doesn't. Being a former cheerleader you should give our teams better support.
my sister still cheers. i do give our teams support, yet it is hard to do so since i no longer live in the area. i can't do anything about how they cheer in ballgames. i have encourged them alot in the past few years and try to make it to practices when i am in town. Since you are a former cheerleader, you cheered under mrs. stone. you should probably be expressing your concerns to her.
And i apologize for using "suck" when it comes to the basketball team, but we arent exactly what you would call great. The boys work very hard, but some times they just dont have it. with bart in there now, i expect them to get much better.
02-09-2006, 06:34 PM
"PvilleCheerAlum" Wrote:my sister still cheers. i do give our teams support, yet it is hard to do so since i no longer live in the area. i can't do anything about how they cheer in ballgames. i have encourged them alot in the past few years and try to make it to practices when i am in town. Since you are a former cheerleader, you cheered under mrs. stone. you should probably be expressing your concerns to her.
And i apologize for using "suck" when it comes to the basketball team, but we arent exactly what you would call great. The boys work very hard, but some times they just dont have it. with bart in there now, i expect them to get much better.
Thanks for the reply back. I accept your apology and I agree we haven't been the best the past few years but hopefully that will change in near future. Things are already looking up.
02-11-2006, 03:30 PM
PIKEVILLE is the elite group look over the years hard work and great sponsors.
02-11-2006, 10:39 PM
Congradulations to SF's cheerleading squad for winning the 15th region Class A Championship and 1st place in the Class A State In-Game Competiton and for finishing 3rd in the Class A Competition or i think that is what it was called... But Sf really hasnt had any experience in competing but gettin third place is really good and I look for them to become better and better each year, but I think Pikeville is a good squad too! Goodluck to all 15th region Cheerleading Squads!
02-12-2006, 12:21 AM
south floyd has the best cheerleaders in the state
02-12-2006, 12:51 AM
After watching the events today, the JCHS girls are in great need of leadership. From what I have seen, all of the other squads were heads above JC. God knows I love and support these girls more than anything. But, there appeareance alone was substandard. The girls just didn`t seem to have the glow and appearance of the other squads. All the other squads appeared to be more perky and more focused. I just hate to see the girls and parents go through the $$s it cost to go down there and be one of the only KY schools to not represent. These girls work so hard all year long yet for nothing! They go down year after year and come back with the same results. Just a nice vacation! These girls need someone who wants more than just a vacation! I know that many people view this from the JC area and, I am NOT putting the girls down what so ever. But, when the basketball, football and baseball teams didn't produce to the standards that you expected, changes were made. So why make these girls suffer year in and year out? You have some of the best female cheerleader athelets in Kentucky attending your school, you wouldn't settle for second with the boys sports , so why settle with below second with the cheerleaders! I just hate to see our girls go down there and come back year after year with such disappointment. They deserve better than that! I lam proud of you girls for all of your hard work. Congrats JC for a job well done!
02-12-2006, 02:41 PM
"MCHS_FBALL#14" Wrote:If you look at his avatar you will see that it is a UK avatar not a paintsville
when I posted that his avatar was Paintsville...:thumb:
02-12-2006, 03:21 PM
Pikevilles better then anyone but i remember that Valley did beat them like 3 or 4 maybe 5 years ago!
02-12-2006, 07:31 PM
omg pvillecheeralum u r so jealous that ther r squads better than ur little old pikeville squad and that dont take much talent 2 be better than because from wat i hav seen they need alot of help...yeh mayb they can do back hand springs...fullls and all of that other stuff but it gets kind of boring jus 2 c a bunch of cheerleaders doing them everytime they get out on the floor and from my prospective that doesnt make a good cheerleading squad 2 do the same ol same ol thing ovr and ovr again cuz most cheerleaders can do all of that.:rock: :rock:
erved: :rock: :rock:

02-12-2006, 09:13 PM
"EKYMAMA" Wrote:After watching the events today, the JCHS girls are in great need of leadership. From what I have seen, all of the other squads were heads above JC. God knows I love and support these girls more than anything. But, there appeareance alone was substandard. The girls just didn`t seem to have the glow and appearance of the other squads. All the other squads appeared to be more perky and more focused. I just hate to see the girls and parents go through the $$s it cost to go down there and be one of the only KY schools to not represent. These girls work so hard all year long yet for nothing! They go down year after year and come back with the same results. Just a nice vacation! These girls need someone who wants more than just a vacation! I know that many people view this from the JC area and, I am NOT putting the girls down what so ever. But, when the basketball, football and baseball teams didn't produce to the standards that you expected, changes were made. So why make these girls suffer year in and year out? You have some of the best female cheerleader athelets in Kentucky attending your school, you wouldn't settle for second with the boys sports , so why settle with below second with the cheerleaders! I just hate to see our girls go down there and come back year after year with such disappointment. They deserve better than that! I lam proud of you girls for all of your hard work. Congrats JC for a job well done!
Well, I must say that you are right. I just received a few calls from some people down there and they concur with everything you just said. I was also told by them that out of all the schools from Kentucky that they were the only ones to not make it past the first round. I hate that for the girls. They worked their tails off all season long. I checked out a few pics on another thread and at www.varsity.com . They looked as if they had just got out of bed. LOL!! At least they had sun shine down there unlike us. LOL!! Pikeville and Graves looked like they were ready to represent. I also agree with your words on fixing things.
I know that many people view this from the JC area and, I am NOT putting the girls down what so ever. But, when the basketball, football and baseball teams didn't produce to the standards that you expected, changes were made. So why make these girls suffer year in and year out? You have some of the best female cheerleader athelets in Kentucky attending your school, you wouldn't settle for second with the boys sports , so why settle with below second with the cheerleaders! I just hate to see our girls go down there and come back year after year with such disappointment.
But, all that said. Congrats to the girls for getting there and doing your best. So enjoy the nice weather and give Mickey a hugg from me! We will be praying for your safe trip home.
02-12-2006, 11:30 PM
done been prooved SF baby we got the tittle!!
02-13-2006, 01:39 AM
From what I can gather. JC's Cheerleading Coach has numerous regional titles and some state and National titles. Why knock her?
02-13-2006, 02:39 AM
02-13-2006, 04:09 AM
yea i grant yall pikevilee has been on top the past couple years for the 15th region but this year everything has changed....becasue of SF baby!!!.....the all a 15th region title isnt the begining either....theres deff gonna b some chamges in the mountains now.....i guess lil ole pikevilees gonna have to sweat a lil bit more to keep up now...cause things dont come so easy 4 them now as they did in the past....watch out p ville sfs comin through
02-13-2006, 11:11 AM
"Nike Man" Wrote:From what I can gather. JC's Cheerleading Coach has numerous regional titles and some state and National titles. Why knock her?
Can you list when these accomplishments occurred at JC?
02-13-2006, 01:15 PM
Well I`ve made it back! I really feel sorry for JCHS they had no chance. The other squads were more advanced and more well dressed, something has got to change! They were the only school from KY that didn`t advance on. Better luck next year!:rock:
02-13-2006, 02:32 PM
south floyd
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