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Person Above you Game
Has a better free throw percentage that Cauley Stein
^^has a greater percentage of not seeing its shadow than WCS's free throw percentage
Likes UK basketball
^Only fault I know of is he is a Green Bay fan. Poor guy may eventually come to his senses.
Should know the cold has gotten to him!!!

Should know the cold keeps the mind clear...
and the nose dripping!

Tired of digging out of the snow
Better get a bigger shovel
Almost 650 post
Ready to watch UK play Georgia today.
Hopes UK wins
Should have know UK would win this one.
Believes UK won this game before it even started
Doesn't seam to have much faith in the big blue!!!
Has a little more faith than I do right now
Registered around one year ago.
Getting close to 6500 post
Just over 2200 post
^Almost 700 post.
Almost 3300 post
Really enjoys this game now.
Enjoys it almost as much as I do
Got 3 likes
Joined in oct 2011
^ Joined a year ago this month.

Joined 4 months before me
Getting close to 800 post
Has a rocking avatar!!
Really cold right now
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