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Who is the best water boy in the 14th?
I just wanted to get in on all the 14th thread. So who is the best?
Bear claw all the way.
Wait a minute, that may also require talent. Sorry bear claw.
You're right, no talent here. Too over weight!!!!
As bad as I hate to admit it bear claw I wouldn't qualify either. Lol
I live in the 13th...Someone need to recruit me I'm in hazard 3 or 4 times a week.At U-Bet off track. Confusednicker:
Do you have a good jump shot and can you get eligible? Lol
The real question is, can you pour a good cup of water?
J. Collins at Breathitt County. Hands down.
LOL This is good and you're right... it seems like every thread on here lately is related to the 14th.
Hmmmm...he pours a good cup of water, he is a proven fan favorite, he lives in Williamsburg, works in Hazard......YES........64SUR = Best Water Boy in the 14th Region!!!

Granny Bear Wrote:Hmmmm...he pours a good cup of water, he is a proven fan favorite, he lives in Williamsburg, works in Hazard......YES........64SUR = Best Water Boy in the 14th Region!!!


Now Granny I'm from Leslie Co..lives in London...Work in Clay Co....I do bet at U-bet off track in Hazard.....And set with the great legend Johnny Cox of hazard...:poker face:
I'm so sorry SUR!!! I thought you lived in Williamsburg since you were such a huge fan of their football team.....

My apologies!!!!
But, hey; the good news is.....YOU STILL QUALIFY TO BE ON ANY 14TH REGION TEAM!!

chris fitch at KCC, He is an animal on the gatorade bucket.
Who 's the best garbage man,mail man,janitor in the 14th region .The 14th regions threads are a JOKE anymore...
Well since you asked, the best janitor is Renee from PCC. She is always ready to sling a towel where needed to clean the floor. The best garbage men are Bowling from Hazard, Davidson and Gross from Owsley, Hoskins at PCC, and Collins and Napier at Breathitt because they have been known to pick up any trash walking the halls. Rodrick Rhodes is the best mailman because he delivers the goods from all over the country.
BUGGER down in Irvine. The best by far.

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