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All state Linebacker Blake Spencer to join UK Football !!
All state Linebacker Blake Spencer from Betsy Layne High School will join the UK Football team this Fall as a preferred walk-on:Cheerlead
Congrats to you Blake. Good luck at UK young man.
Congrats to the young man. He'll have his work cut out for him. But if he doesn't get discouraged, works his tail end off and keeps his nose clean, you just never know. I had a nephew walk on for UK under Brooks. Earned a scholly his senior year. I think he was the only white cornerback on the team. Wasn't a SEC level CB but the coaches loved him because of his work ethic and attitude. Actually got in several games. He loved the experience.
So proud of my son, Blake already has a full scholarship with the Robinson Scholarship Program. Just recieved word this morning from Coach Brown Blake will be walking on this Fall. Thanks to everyone who helped our family out along the way. #21 Don't hang those cleats up yet. GO BIG BLUE(wildcats)
Congratulations from staff at Perry Central
Congrats to Blake Spencer! Great to see a Bobcats succeed like this. Good Luck! I guess I'll have to start rooting for UK now.
Congrats to Blake Spencer from 64SUR and williamsburg nation :Cheerlead
It is great to see kids from the Mountain get a chance. Congrats!!!

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