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Cordia has article in Lexington Herald 12/18/13
the crossover Wrote:Really it's not that Hines is old new it's sad that he and the others got caught up in this mess. These kids happen to be student athletes with parents that obviously care and that's the sin? What I find really annoying is that KHSAA have these kids living in wait because there rule states that the father and son does not constitute a legitimate move...... Excuse me but with all of young black males who do not have fathers or even father figures in their live this should be praised rather than cursed. I honestly feel regardless as to what individual feels are we must practice speaking FACTS ONLY!!!!! Fact Malik left because he has college basketball dreams and no matter how good of a player he without academics there is no college andk without court time there is no recruitment. And this is killing Oritz (he is a Senior). So for Chapman and Ortiz is it the reverse........ If the kids and their fathers have moved how is that any different than CC move with his mother....... both are parents all should be eligible. Really it sound like a case of discrimination to me KHSAA lawyers should be praying this is the suit..... easy win notify your KHSAA official they might want to rethink that ruling.:Sad04::Sad04:

This is what I think:

1) Hines left because a player of his caliber could go to any prep school and play right away and it shouldn't hurt his college situation. Smart move by Hines!! He probably should have done that from the start.

2) Ortiz is a senior that doesn't have a lot of interest from college so he stays because he really has nothing to lose.

3) Chapman is only a jr and will play under an injuction if allowed. If he gets ruled ineligible for his senior season then he just goes outside of Ky and plays his senior year.

4) I think Cordia is filing the injuction for those 2 players because Rhodes truly doesn't think he has a team that can win it this season. He thinks he is close but truly thinks these 2 bigs will put him over the hump. I think he is feeling the heat from everyone around him including his own Lotts Creekers!

5) Don't bring race into this issue. Right is right and wrong is wrong. I feel like I do everything I can for my son. I don't feel I need praise for that, it's what your suppose to do as a black or white parent. It's called responsibility!!! These parents should have checked the KHSAA rules b4 believing what ppl tell them and moving a 1000 miles.

Last thing: I truly believe most of these kids were lied to so they would come all the way to Cordia. I truly don't think they knew what they were getting n2 at all w/ the KHSAA. That part to me is sad. I think the kids should just straight up tell the truth to the KHSAA and whatever happens let it happen.
You make some good points Ballstar. I think these kids get lied to and told they will be able to play and then when they get here thats not the case.
Cordia #1
Some thoughts on this thread. (1) To my knowledge the Lexington Herald hires reporters to write their articles, so let's not blame Cordia for the article.

(2) To answer another question, Yes Cordia does have black out of state students who do not play sports
(3)Cordia has offered credit recovery during school and after school for at least ten years
(4) Cordia will never be a Prep School, that's not the school's mission.
(5)The racial stuff that went down last year was from Knott Central---had nothing to do with the environment on Lotts Creek.
(6)PLEASE--test scores in KY are a JOKE. In addition there are many factors in judging a school than just test scores. I'd say that half of the parents don't know what their kid scored or what it means.
(7) Lastly, since it's clear that to most on this thread that Cordia is the only school that recruits players, let's nail them right? Pretty clear that I'm from Cordia. Been around a long time and have a good memory. No top teams in this area have hands that are lily white when it come to recruiting going back for a long time. Talk about creekers whining--I think it's the other way around
I don't see how it helps their cause at all. Several points made in the article seem to go against what they are trying to accomplish.
RoyHobbs Wrote:Some thoughts on this thread. (1) To my knowledge the Lexington Herald hires reporters to write their articles, so let's not blame Cordia for the article.

(2) To answer another question, Yes Cordia does have black out of state students who do not play sports
(3)Cordia has offered credit recovery during school and after school for at least ten years
(4) Cordia will never be a Prep School, that's not the school's mission.
(5)The racial stuff that went down last year was from Knott Central---had nothing to do with the environment on Lotts Creek.
(6)PLEASE--test scores in KY are a JOKE. In addition there are many factors in judging a school than just test scores. I'd say that half of the parents don't know what their kid scored or what it means.
(7) Lastly, since it's clear that to most on this thread that Cordia is the only school that recruits players, let's nail them right? Pretty clear that I'm from Cordia. Been around a long time and have a good memory. No top teams in this area have hands that are lily white when it come to recruiting going back for a long time. Talk about creekers whining--I think it's the other way around
You say they dont wanna be a prep school but in the article it says Rhodes wants to become another Oak Hill which is a Prep school.
RoyHobbs Wrote:Some thoughts on this thread. (1) To my knowledge the Lexington Herald hires reporters to write their articles, so let's not blame Cordia for the article.

(2) To answer another question, Yes Cordia does have black out of state students who do not play sports
(3)Cordia has offered credit recovery during school and after school for at least ten years
(4) Cordia will never be a Prep School, that's not the school's mission.
(5)The racial stuff that went down last year was from Knott Central---had nothing to do with the environment on Lotts Creek.
(6)PLEASE--test scores in KY are a JOKE. In addition there are many factors in judging a school than just test scores. I'd say that half of the parents don't know what their kid scored or what it means.
(7) Lastly, since it's clear that to most on this thread that Cordia is the only school that recruits players, let's nail them right? Pretty clear that I'm from Cordia. Been around a long time and have a good memory. No top teams in this area have hands that are lily white when it come to recruiting going back for a long time. Talk about creekers whining--I think it's the other way around

1.) The majority of newspapers hire reporters to write their articles. As a matter of fact... I'd say 10 out of 10 do
2.) No one said anything about black - why do you guys keep bringing that up
3.) Credit recovery is common around here
4.) It may not be the school's mission, but it's Rod's mission.
5.) Whether or not the racial stuff was from Knott County or Katmandu: the kids at Cordia had to deal with it. It was also reported that a brick went through a window at the kids' residence - that obviously happened on the Creek. Per a teacher at the school - there were some racially motivated skirmishes early in this school year as well. I'm not saying Lotts Creek is worse off in New York - but SEKY doesn't exactly seem like a shelter for inner-city kids from out of state to the normal person.
6.) Test scores are not jokes to people that take them seriously.
7.) No one on here has EVER argued that Cordia is the only school that openly shops around for talent - only that the way they are operating is to a higher level than anyone else around here and that by the book they probably shouldn't be eligible.

Figured I would whine a little bit.
^ couldn't have said it better myself Zaga. I hate the phrase "call a spade a spade" but please do. Quit trying to say these kids aren't coming here to play ball. That's their main intention for leaving and is directly a result of Rhodes and his attempts to bring them in. He wants it to be a prep school, point blank.
I mean no one is trying to say Perry Central doesn't get transfers...
in fact they have a couple of kids that came from the same situations that these kids at Cordia did - but they didn't come in on a one-year round trip back to wherever they came from.
RoyHobbs Wrote:Some thoughts on this thread. (1) To my knowledge the Lexington Herald hires reporters to write their articles, so let's not blame Cordia for the article.

(2) To answer another question, Yes Cordia does have black out of state students who do not play sports
(3)Cordia has offered credit recovery during school and after school for at least ten years
(4) Cordia will never be a Prep School, that's not the school's mission.
(5)The racial stuff that went down last year was from Knott Central---had nothing to do with the environment on Lotts Creek.
(6)PLEASE--test scores in KY are a JOKE. In addition there are many factors in judging a school than just test scores. I'd say that half of the parents don't know what their kid scored or what it means.
(7) Lastly, since it's clear that to most on this thread that Cordia is the only school that recruits players, let's nail them right? Pretty clear that I'm from Cordia. Been around a long time and have a good memory. No top teams in this area have hands that are lily white when it come to recruiting going back for a long time. Talk about creekers whining--I think it's the other way around

two or more wrongs don't make a right.
Where is Mr KHSAA12? I would love to hear his thoughts on this since he is such a supporter of Cordia.
Rhoades didn't recruit me an now I'm a cordia fan from laurel county...64SUR is that a khsaa violations... :rockon: cordia
64SUR Wrote:Rhoades didn't recruit me an now I'm a cordia fan from laurel county...64SUR is that a khsaa violations... :rockon: cordia

That's because you couldn't play dead in a western movie!!!
ballstar Wrote:That's because you couldn't play dead in a western movie!!!

Becauses I would be shooting threes over your ballstar nice or get ready for a game :lmao:
Question...What is the #1 reason Justin Johnson transferred to Perry Central?
^ I'm sure it's the same as Cordia's transfers. To play ball...
Huggy_Bear Wrote:Question...What is the #1 reason Justin Johnson transferred to Perry Central?

Because he heard from a coworker that Perry "offered safe and structured learning and social environments, and accepted underprivileged students"

and through a friend, he learned about Perry and its credit-recovery program "where students could catch up on missed or lacking high school credit and improve their grades to improve the likelihood that they graduated on time."
Stlcardsfan Wrote:Old news now because he's not playing ball for Cordia? Point made by an obvious Cordia homer (MissB) that this IS all about basketball and nothing else or using a term like "old news now" wouldn't be used IF they actually cared. I'd respect Cordia a whole lot more if they would just call this for what most have been saying since Rhodes has gotten here and almost all are now, bringing them in to play ball. No huge influx of out of state talent randomly showed up for credit recovery to Cordia before. Additionally, the same story keeps getting used for these players and this article points that out. Obviously it is possible but those two background stories of Ortiz and Chapman just seem to similar to me and very similar to situations from previous years. It must be something else that Ortiz and Chapman are hanging around for and that is what might be interesting to see. So tired of this same attacking Cordia whining. People are fed up with the obvious situation that is happening.

pjdoug Wrote:I don't believe many of us are gullible enough to believe that they come to get a good education lol

That's the problem it's not what is believed but what can be proven!!!!!! everyone can assume what the will but it should not have a barring on what decisions are made. FACTS ONLY!!!!!! therefore you can't say a mother and child move is any different from and father and child move. And that's anywhere........
Sounds like Miss Alice is Mother Teresa and Hot Rod is on the same level as the pope. Sainthood is in the future for both of these individuals.
Stlcardsfan Wrote:Old news now because he's not playing ball for Cordia? Point made by an obvious Cordia homer (MissB) that this IS all about basketball and nothing else or using a term like "old news now" wouldn't be used IF they actually cared. I'd respect Cordia a whole lot more if they would just call this for what most have been saying since Rhodes has gotten here and almost all are now, bringing them in to play ball. No huge influx of out of state talent randomly showed up for credit recovery to Cordia before. Additionally, the same story keeps getting used for these players and this article points that out. Obviously it is possible but those two background stories of Ortiz and Chapman just seem to similar to me and very similar to situations from previous years. It must be something else that Ortiz and Chapman are hanging around for and that is what might be interesting to see. So tired of this same attacking Cordia whining. People are fed up with the obvious situation that is happening.
Stop taking my words and twisting them to suit you! I'm saying Hines situation is old news because he is gone. Clearly basketball and possibly recruitment was his agenda that's why he left and he is starting for a team now as we speak. So that makes him "old news"! Move on from that and don't make that the same issues for Ortiz and Chapman. There is no hidden agenda's here. Obviously these boys want to stay. Their school team is "WINNING"( in my Charlie Sheen voice, lol). Ortiz is a senior and we pray that he plays and its a shame if the powers that be, don't allow him to play but as a community we will deal with that. But in the meantime, he is a good student and will play in college or junior college somewhere. He's a kid. Try to understand. If you see him at the games shake his hand and wish him well.
zaga_fan Wrote:Because he heard from a coworker that Perry "offered safe and structured learning and social environments, and accepted underprivileged students"

and through a friend, he learned about Perry and its credit-recovery program "where students could catch up on missed or lacking high school credit and improve their grades to improve the likelihood that they graduated on time."

Give me a break.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Sounds like Miss Alice is Mother Teresa and Hot Rod is on the same level as the pope. Sainthood is in the future for both of these individuals.

How's Letcher this year? Loloolololol
Ballers Wrote:Give me a break.

Sorry my posts don't live up to your standard of insightful and intelligent commentary. Loloolololol
zaga_fan Wrote:Sorry my posts don't live up to your standard of insightful and intelligent commentary. Loloolololol

Well, they don't.
64SUR Wrote:Becauses I would be shooting threes over your ballstar nice or get ready for a game :lmao:

I was just you a hard time. Nothing personal!
You know, this entire thing is disgusting! The "team" that is winning at Cordia is not a team of Cordia kids! It is a team with a few Cordia kids, but the majority is made up of kids from all over the eastern US and some other countries who are playing in a Prep school mentality while living in dorms and being shuttled around like a bunch of grade schoolers who probably couldn't tell you what county Cordia is in before someone pointed them in the direction of Rhodrick Rhodes and his road show! What happened to you Cordia people? Don't you have any backbone! Stand up for your kids. If this team wins anything, it won't be Cordia will be Rhodes Prep Academy, or whatever he chooses to call it! I don't care what you all do with your "band of brothers," just don't bring them in our gyms and play them against teams that are primarily made up of kids from the hill country who have played together since they were infants and hope to win a tournament someplace! Give me a Break!
Letcher... blah blah ... Lions ... Loloolololol ... blah blah ... avatar bet
You guys really have a lot of time wasting on what happens on or off the Creek. Coach Rhodes loses...he can't coach, he starts winning he recruits too much. If he lacks depth in the local boys good for him to find a way to win. You guys criticize him for doing exactly what Coach Cal does. If you don't like top recruits coming to the region and playing here stand up for it and disapprove Cal's recruitment and let's win a national championship with lex boys. Hypocrites the bunch of you.
bulldawgchomp Wrote:You guys really have a lot of time wasting on what happens on or off the Creek. Coach Rhodes loses...he can't coach, he starts winning he recruits too much. If he lacks depth in the local boys good for him to find a way to win. You guys criticize him for doing exactly what Coach Cal does. If you don't like top recruits coming to the region and playing here stand up for it and disapprove Cal's recruitment and let's win a national championship with lex boys. Hypocrites the bunch of you.


Can't argue with that logic

Bulldawgchomp, the magic word in your post is "recruit," something that is unsanctioned in high school sports, and it appears Rhodes has mastered to a tee! I know most school have done this from time to time, but to develop an entire team of "top recruits" and expect the other teams to quietly accept it and go on is ridiculous!

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