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Louisville's New Head Coach
This was a smart hire in the sence that he will bolt in 5 years (7 year contract) but the reason this is good is because he will recruit well and give the best possibility of an ACC championship, if that happens then he will have turned UL into a top teir ACC job...might not be the peoples choice hire but it was the best available coach who can come in and win right away with the kids we have....
And also completely tarnish any hint of integrity that may exist in that program.
Coach_Lockwood Wrote:This was a smart hire in the sence that he will bolt in 5 years (7 year contract) but the reason this is good is because he will recruit well and give the best possibility of an ACC championship, if that happens then he will have turned UL into a top teir ACC job...might not be the peoples choice hire but it was the best available coach who can come in and win right away with the kids we have....

Best available coach, wonder what part of this BARNHEAD did not understand.
I am waiting on GUTS new signature of the Cards and him disowning the CATS,LOL
cuppett777 Wrote:I am waiting on GUTS new signature of the Cards and him disowning the CATS,LOL

Ill never do that. Don't get me wrong, my hatred for Lville is alive and well, but for the past 2 years ive been telling these knuckleheads on here we screwed up not getting Petrino, and now its about to be proven.

I think Stoops will be gone in 2-3 years now.
Your man crush on Scumbag is unwaivering.
FBALL Wrote:Your man crush on Scumbag is unwaivering.

Your the one always saying don't let the facts get in the way. The facts are Petrino Proven WINNER

Stoops Family name.

The people (UK fans) bashing Petrino and making predictions are basing that on his past. And UK fans certainly do not need to be throwing stones at ANYBODY when it comes to integrity. Barnyard stooped pretty low to hire the basketball coach. You can assume anything. You can assume Calipari is going to get caught cheating, jump to the NBA, leave UK with probation. You can assume Petrino is going to have an affair, jump to another program...etc. I don't think Petrino will blow this opportunity. He has come full circle. He has been humbled. I just don't think anyone is that dumb. He is making three million a year and has a TEN million dollar buyout. Not many programs could even afford that. Everyone thought Pitino was washed up and would never recover from his scandal....but clearly he is a much different person. Again, you know how that turned out. This is a chance to redeem himself.
Yes he has repeatedly been "that dumb".
Let me ask you this? Has Cal been humbled yet? Dumb enough to get two final fours vacated. Has agents like World Wide Wes, JayZ....for company. All it would take is one recruit to rollover on him. And the way he treats some of his could posssibly happen. So....I don't want to hear about dumb. He left U of L for another job in the NFL...he left the NFL..for another college job. They weren't dumb moves...the way he handled them was dumb. He was fired for the mess he created in the Arky job. Sorry, don't think he will blow this one. Pitino is a prime example of getting his act together in his personal life and there are others in the profession. But it has nothing to do with's got UK fans out of sorts because they know what the guy has done to them in football.
It's got UK fans damn near giddy.

As for Richard. That's funny. I thought that "college team" run by a "real coach" was going to be something special. Well they just might. Between rap sheets and Richards excuses they may just be special enough to miss the tourney.

NIT anyone? Surely not.
The man crush continues.
FBALL Wrote:It's got UK fans damn near giddy.

As for Richard. That's funny. I thought that "college team" run by a "real coach" was going to be something special. Well they just might. Between rap sheets and Richards excuses they may just be special enough to miss the tourney.

NIT anyone? Surely not.

That college team...and that is what it not, will not, was not ever going to be like last year's team. You can't lose two players like Siva and Dieng, lose Ware...dismiss another player and expect to be at that level. There were no one and dones on either final-four team. Siva graduated. Dieng graduated...a year early. College students do that sometimes. Don't start with the rap sheets hypocrite. Unless you start with..say Terrence. For starters. As for missing the tournament..maybe..but you might want to worry about the 40-0 one and doners. The best team ever "assembled" at UK now has to sell 36-4 t-shirts.
Sounds like you are making excuses to me.
Really? What Cal's excuse? What... five straight number one recruiting classes. Bunches of players NBA ready playing for him and he only has one championship? One could say...the NBA lockout was a factor. Jones, Lamb...gambled and their stock dropped. But it sure benefited UK. He finally got one. Any of them graduate besides the GPA players? Or Billy G's recruits? U of L is not the same team as last year. That is a simple fact. I am ok with that. What you idiots ask at UK is ridiculous. You don't have John Wooden. Taking shots at U of L when the same things can be pointed out at UK and any college program in America is being a hypocrite. Check UK's history buddy. It isn't pretty? What's the excuse for that? Cal's excuse for vacated seasons is "he didn't know that was happening." UK fans are ok with it. All I am saying is you have two great basketball programs on the division one level in this state. And sometimes those OVC schools can create some excitement. U of L has had some great success in football. You can deny it.... but it's there. Just respect it. You don't have to like it. Petrino has a lot of baggage. So did Cal. And his dealt with recruits. So far...he has kept his nose clean. I think Petrino is smart enough to do the same.
Excuses, finger pointing and name calling. Yep, all signs of a losing argument.
fromthebleachers Wrote:that college team...and that is what it not, will not, was not ever going to be like last year's team. You can't lose two players like siva and dieng, lose ware...dismiss another player and expect to be at that level. There were no one and dones on either final-four team. Siva graduated. Dieng graduated...a year early. College students do that sometimes. Don't start with the rap sheets hypocrite. Unless you start with..say terrence. For starters. As for missing the tournament..maybe..but you might want to worry about the 40-0 one and doners. the best team ever "assembled" at uk now has to sell 36-4 t-shirts.

i hope we get to sale 36-4 t-shirts.

That can only mean one thing
Louisville is a good fit for Petrino, he can get good looking girls that aren't involved with the school



I'm disappointed.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:[Image:]

At least he's traveling alone this time.
FBALL Wrote:Excuses, finger pointing and name calling. Yep, all signs of a losing argument.

LOL...yea. You can't call out coaches and programs with "integrity" issues until you look at your own house. What is so of UK's beloved, Richie Farmer had just got sentenced to twenty seven months in federal prison and you guys want to spew ignorance. Cal had an affair with his now wife, who was his secretary (married). Really? You are assuming, based on Petrino's past misgivings he will do it again. You hope he does. That would be good for UK fans in their minds. Only one coach at U of L has had a losing record at U of L in games against UK..Kragthorpe. Even Ron Cooper had a winning record. Would you screw this opportunity up if you were in his shoes? Where is Petrino going find a better situation? UK fans are hellbent that Stoops is the man. The last time UK won ten games in a season....was 1977. And they got caught cheating. Fran Curci got off light on that one. Again based on Cal's history, you could assume he will leave UK with vacated final fours and on probation. And he still is pushing that envelope. Of course...and we are talking excuses here..he was never implicated....he didn't know..therefore he must be innocent. And UK fans actually believe it. Even with your limited comprehension skills you ought to be able to see the hypocrisy in your "argument." can't fix stupid. Really...41-9...4-0 against the bottom line. That's the real issue.
I hated Richie. Was in school at the same time he was. He was a cocky little prick. Not nearly as bad as Travis Ford but still s cocky little prick,

The rest of that diatribe sounds like lil brothers wishful thinking.
I like the Ricky Bobby one. That one made me laugh.
FBALL Wrote:I hated Richie. Was in school at the same time he was. He was a cocky little prick. Not nearly as bad as Travis Ford but still s cocky little prick,

The rest of that diatribe sounds like lil brothers wishful thinking.

Travis has ALWAYS been that way, I went to school with him at Madisonville,probally worse now be a coach with top 25 team,lol
For a 5 foot nothing ginger, basketball was his only ticket in life...

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