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7 Days til.....
That's right folks, only 7 more days til the most wonderful time of the year! I'd like for folks to share their reasons upon why Baseball is their favorite time, who their favorite team is, and what they are looking for their team to do this season! There are a lot of teams in the rebuilding phase of things and a good old fashioned exchange of thoughts and opinions will be appreciated!

My favorite team is the Paintsville Tigers. While I've heard they won't be in pinstripes, they will be returning a corp of players to carry on the Tiger Baseball winning ways! I love baseball because it's out-of-doors, it's traditonally one of our best sports, and I am looking forward to seeing what Coach Howard will do. I know there are several players on the team, who only play baseball and they're excited, there are players playing basketball, but are really champing at the bit to be with the boys of Summer, and there's a host of Tiger Baseball Parents ready to bundle up and take to their folding chairs! Have grill, will travel! I look forward to Paintsville coming out and building up their pitching, I look forward to players being stronger,bigger, and better than last year! It's a season that some of us have worked hard all year in preparation for and I'm sure many other teams are just as anxious to step inside the lines!!! Good Luck to all teams this year! I look forward to seeing who has improved and how the season will unfold!
Lawrence Co. is always strong, not to sure on what they return this year, But Coach Keeton will have them ready.
See... I look forward to seeing Lawrence County back in the 57th and 15th. Is coach Keaton related to Wayne Keaton, Jared Keaton's Dad? I believe Wayne did graduate from LCHS. Lawrence County has a nice facility and as I understand always has a good team out on the field. Didn't David LeMaster, of Paintsville once coach the bulldogs in Baseball?
"Fuzzy5118" Wrote:See... I look forward to seeing Lawrence County back in the 57th and 15th. Is coach Keaton related to Wayne Keaton, Jared Keaton's Dad? I believe Wayne did graduate from LCHS. Lawrence County has a nice facility and as I understand always has a good team out on the field. Didn't David LeMaster, of Paintsville once coach the bulldogs in Baseball?
Coach Keeton spells his name different. They are not related as far as I know.
I love HS babseball. I look forward to watching young talent in the state. Never know when you may be watching a future pro.
I can't wait! I've been looking forward to Feb. 15 since last June. I love the smell of fresh cut grass before a ballgame, the taste of an ice cold Gatorade running down my throat after coming into the dugout out of the sweltering heat. The sound of the cleats on the asphalt, the ping of the bats hitting the balls. The roar of the home crowd after a victory...or maybe the extatic yells of an underdog after completing an upset. I love the sweat dripping down my face as the sun sets behind the hills. Baseball is what I live for, and come next week, it will be in full swing across the Bluegrass!! Guys...America's Pastime is here!!!!!!!!
"baseball_dad" Wrote:I love HS babseball. I look forward to watching young talent in the state. Never know when you may be watching a future pro.

OOOO... you got that right this year the 14th is packed with all kinds of talent you just my be right about this you never know with the way teams are my bad sounding thats alot of talent. :Guitar01: Big Grinrums02: :Trumpet:
six more days!
Its getting close..WOOOOOOOOOO..The thing i love about high school baseball is that on any given night, any team can win. Baseball is unlike any other sport and I LOVE IT!
I can smell the leather and hear the team chanting behind their pitcher already! It's time to get in full swing.
Everybody got their blankets, hooded sweatshirts, and thermals ready?
Tomorrow Starts The Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hug you hunnies tonight and get ready for some BASEBALL!!!

It's time to get this party started! As The Guru said, "Hug your honey"! I say, "Hug your honey today, cause it may be the last time y'all see each other til the end of Summer!!! It's time to "PLAY BALL"!!!!!! It seems like It's been the longest time since we all got together! The bats have been ordered/shipped/delivered, the gloves have been readied, the lists have been made & checked twice(Wink ), and everything has been unpacked, washed, ironed or drycleaned and is ready to go! We're now moving into the finals hours before "True Life Begins"! 9 more hours and the clock ticks on.............. go baby go!!:High5:

It's time to get this party started! As The Guru said, "Hug your honey"! I say, "Hug your honey today, cause it may be the last time y'all see each other til the end of Summer!!! It's time to "PLAY BALL"!!!!!! It seems like It's been the longest time since we all got together! The bats have been ordered/shipped/delivered, the gloves have been readied, the lists have been made & checked twice(Wink ), and everything has been unpacked, washed, ironed or drycleaned and is ready to go! We're now moving into the finals hours before "True Life Begins"! 9 more hours and the clock ticks on.............. go baby go!!:High5:
I like it.....A LOT!!!!!!
I am sitting here thinking about what I love most about baseball.... or maybe what I enjoy about baseball.
I enjoy the comraderie of baseball the most. I love the way the boys all seem to come together and play as one. I love the way the parents all come together and support the team as one. I love the chilly Spring weather and the fact that heavy duty clothing is necessary for the beginning of this season while it moves thru one's entire closet as the season progresses and ends in flip-flops, tee shirts, and shorts! I love grilling out, the aroma of freshly patted hamburgers and hot dogs sizzling on the red-hot grill, while drinking iced cold pop, and listening to the ping of the bat making contact with the ball. I love hearing the Coach bark instructions to his players while they catch fly balls, take batting practice, and hone their skills around the infield! I love seeing Baseball Moms lugg their "stuff" into the park and set up camp, while baseball dads stand around and jawbone looking for a place to watch the game that doesn't include being too close to the wife! I love watching our players do the repetitive drills that make them better players. I love watching players, who want to stay later, work longer, and practice harder to improve their skills! I love seeing past baseball players stop by the field to watch the latest version of the team they loved so dearly! Yep, it is THE most wonderful time of the year! Look, it's only 5-1/2 hours til America's past time begins again O-fficially!:Thumbs:
"SnakE" Wrote:I am sitting here thinking about what I love most about baseball.... or maybe what I enjoy about baseball.
I enjoy the comraderie of baseball the most. I love the way the boys all seem to come together and play as one. I love the way the parents all come together and support the team as one. I love the chilly Spring weather and the fact that heavy duty clothing is necessary for the beginning of this season while it moves thru one's entire closet as the season progresses and ends in flip-flops, tee shirts, and shorts! I love grilling out, the aroma of freshly patted hamburgers and hot dogs sizzling on the red-hot grill, while drinking iced cold pop, and listening to the ping of the bat making contact with the ball. I love hearing the Coach bark instructions to his players while they catch fly balls, take batting practice, and hone their skills around the infield! I love seeing Baseball Moms lugg their "stuff" into the park and set up camp, while baseball dads stand around and jawbone looking for a place to watch the game that doesn't include being too close to the wife! I love watching our players do the repetitive drills that make them better players. I love watching players, who want to stay later, work longer, and practice harder to improve their skills! I love seeing past baseball players stop by the field to watch the latest version of the team they loved so dearly! Yep, it is THE most wonderful time of the year! Look, it's only 5-1/2 hours til America's past time begins again O-fficially!:Thumbs:

Nice post Snake :thumb:
A little under 3 hours left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It"s Here!!!! Wooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!!

:theman: :dance: Big Grinrums02: :Cheerlead Big Grinrums02: :dance:
WOOOOOOOOOOO..can't wait to hear those gloves popping tomorrow at practice.

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