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Kevin Williams Back in Action!
Kevin has decided to rejoin the team and I think everyone is happy to see him back...:welcome:
Yea...I'm confused now.
This is great news! Without Kevin, I think you would've seen the Tigers in tons of trouble. Good luck Kevin!!!
Did he quit beforehand?
i dont like it when a player quits and comes back
"Homer Simpson" Wrote:i dont like it when a player quits and comes back

I promise you he will have alot of making up to do. He will be on the "Blue Mountain" for quite a while, and won't start immediately, he might not the rest of the year. Maybe now we will get to see the real Kevin Williams, I KNOW he can play, hopefully coming off the bench will set a fire under his @$$.
Kevin, Good luck. I support you in whatever you decide to do. Don't pay any attention to the crackpots on here... actually man, make this the last post you ever read on here. Be true to yourself, make every minute count, and HAVE SOME FUN!!!
Why did he quit the first time?
Glad that hes back on the team. I was worried when I found out that he quit because hes a big asset to the Paintsville team
see i think this is horse shit and i dont think it should be allowed. if a player quits then they shouldnt be able to come back that shows not leadership from a senior and a bad attitude
"jackson5" Wrote:see i think this is horse shit and i dont think it should be allowed. if a player quits then they shouldnt be able to come back that shows not leadership from a senior and a bad attitude

Well if you knew ANYTHING about Kevin and why he left the team to begin with, you wouldn't think it was horse shit. His reason for quitting was beyond basketball, it was alot of personal issues, so I am guessing those issues were taken care of. Believe me, had Kevin just quit because he wasn't "having any fun" then Runyon wouldn't have let him come back, and this is what Runyon would say, "Hell it ain't no more fun now then what it was before."
Bmr Knows What He Doing
to each his own, but i was coaching he would not be allowed to come back. These kids need to learn some of lifes lessons the hard way. If i get mad a walk out of work, i dont hink they would let me come back when i wanted to. we need some leadership from our coches
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote:I promise you he will have alot of making up to do. He will be on the "Blue Mountain" for quite a while, and won't start immediately, he might not the rest of the year. Maybe now we will get to see the real Kevin Williams, I KNOW he can play, hopefully coming off the bench will set a fire under his @$$.

He didnt start every game anyways...
Good Luck Kevin
Kevin Williams decided to come back...HUH.. How much did BMR offer to pay him?? Was it more than his football scholarship???Confusedhh: Confusedhh:
where did kevin go?
"piratefaithful" Wrote:He didnt start every game anyways...

True, but you know what I mean.
"catspaws" Wrote:Kevin Williams decided to come back...HUH.. How much did BMR offer to pay him?? Was it more than his football scholarship???Confusedhh: Confusedhh:

:wtf1: That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard :lame: . I guess you think he payed Landon to come to Paintsville, Rolleyes , get real catspaws.
"HomeGrown" Wrote:to each his own, but i was coaching he would not be allowed to come back. These kids need to learn some of lifes lessons the hard way. If i get mad a walk out of work, i dont hink they would let me come back when i wanted to. we need some leadership from our coches

I'm sure you don't know all the hard life lessons he has learned alreay. More than anyone should at that age. I don't think I could have made it through all of them at his age without some serious mental scars. Anything that can be done to help this kid is a blessing. Good luck.
[HTML] I guess you think he payed Landon to come to Paintsville[/HTML]
Rumor I heard was it was technically that in reverse.
"ChillyWilly" Wrote:Rumor I heard was it was technically that in reverse.

:wtf1: So you are saying he Landon payed BMR to let him play?
I wouldnt let him rejoin,

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