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Collins 37 Highlands 34 (4A State Championship)
WideRight05 Wrote:If Bowling Green wins six titles in a row then you can talk. Even if they do though, it is in a watered down 5A class that does not include Highlands, Cov Cath, or Johnson Central. Highlands has been in the past seven title games. Until the past three years when Highlands moved down to a more competitive 4A, Bowling Green was nowhere to be found. Most WKY teams, other than Mayfield, play undisciplined and rely on their talent to win games rather than through execution and discipline. That would not work against a team like Highlands.

Execution and discipline sure worked against Collins Confusednicker:
Isn't Collins classified as a West team?
Glad things have been cleared up for me. I always thought highlands dropped in class to avoid BG but now I have learned they did it for more competition.
gamemaster Wrote:Execution and discipline sure worked against Collins Confusednicker:

It sure did, leading Highlands to a 47-0 win last year. Had these two teams played 100 times this year, Highlands would win 99 of them.

Tommy2tone Wrote:Isn't Collins classified as a West team?
Glad things have been cleared up for me. I always thought highlands dropped in class to avoid BG but now I have learned they did it for more competition.

Why would they stay in 5A against the likes of BG who got destroyed by Highlands? Not to mention that Highlands would slaughter some team in the west that made the finals that beat BG in a previous round. I knew BG fans would start thumping their chest when they didn't have Highlands or Cov Cath to deal with. Teams like Boyle County, Lexington Catholic, combined with Johnson Central and Covington Catholic present a much greater challenge in 4A than would the teams in 5A now.
[quote=WideRight05]It sure did, leading Highlands to a 47-0 win last year. Had these two teams played 100 times this year, Highlands would win 99 of them.

Might want to check out the KHSAA web site and the 2013 Russell Athletics Football Scoreboard, Collins is the 2013 Class 4A State Champs with a 37-34 victory over Highlands in the finals! The 47-0 Highlans victory was in 2012, that old news/history, like a lot of your other posts!
After reading all the bull and excuses. Now I will tell you how Highlands lost the game. And I spoke with 5 other people. They and myself say it was coaching. Highlands never once tried to make defensive adjustments. And trying that onside kick did not help. Collins started playing their best players both ways. Highlands did not. When you are playing a bad team you an get away with that. But you have to have Plan B. Collins did and Highlands didn't. It's a know fact that Highlands defense is not a stellar defense. They weren't even last year when they beat Collins. Highlands believes if the other team scores 40 We will score 50. That shows the confidence they have in their defense. I was taught if the other team doesn't score. You can't lose. Defense wins championships. Plain and simple.
bo67 Wrote:After reading all the bull and excuses. Now I will tell you how Highlands lost the game. And I spoke with 5 other people. They and myself say it was coaching. Highlands never once tried to make defensive adjustments. And trying that onside kick did not help. Collins started playing their best players both ways. Highlands did not. When you are playing a bad team you an get away with that. But you have to have Plan B. Collins did and Highlands didn't. It's a know fact that Highlands defense is not a stellar defense. They weren't even last year when they beat Collins. Highlands believes if the other team scores 40 We will score 50. That shows the confidence they have in their defense. I was taught if the other team doesn't score. You can't lose. Defense wins championships. Plain and simple.

I don't agree with your assessment of 2012 Highlands defense not being stellar. Collins was scoreless in the 2012 Championship game. :Thumbs:
Scoreless with Freshman and Soph playing. They grew up over a one year period.
bo67 Wrote:After reading all the bull and excuses. Now I will tell you how Highlands lost the game. And I spoke with 5 other people. They and myself say it was coaching. Highlands never once tried to make defensive adjustments. And trying that onside kick did not help. Collins started playing their best players both ways. Highlands did not. When you are playing a bad team you an get away with that. But you have to have Plan B. Collins did and Highlands didn't. It's a know fact that Highlands defense is not a stellar defense. They weren't even last year when they beat Collins. Highlands believes if the other team scores 40 We will score 50. That shows the confidence they have in their defense. I was taught if the other team doesn't score. You can't lose. Defense wins championships. Plain and simple.

Lots of thoughts in response; don't have the time right now to post them. But will say that the onside kick was not called. Kicker was supposed to line drive it into and through the second line. He mis-hit it.
charlie22 Wrote:Lots of thoughts in response; don't have the time right now to post them. But will say that the onside kick was not called. Kicker was supposed to line drive it into and through the second line. He mis-hit it.

Isn't trying to line drive it into the second line technically an onside kick? That is exactly what they did the next time they scored correct? If you are having trouble stopping a team defensively why not just kick it deep and try to pin them back since most of the returns were only to about the 20 or 25 based upon what I saw. When Highlands took the lead, they kicked deep and it landed 5 or 6 yards in the endzone. Sounds like someone was trying to outthink themselves a little rather than going with what got you there.
It didn't matter if Collins started at the 50 or the 20 or 25...they were going to score. HHS needed to gain a posession and the kicking game was a way to do it.
Tommy2tone Wrote:It didn't matter if Collins started at the 50 or the 20 or 25...they were going to score. HHS needed to gain a posession and the kicking game was a way to do it.

Seriously? Did Collins not score the game winning touchdown with 7 seconds to go in the game? They were forced to drive 80 yards for the score and there was certainly no guarantee that they were going to score either. 15 yard Unsportsmanlike penalty certainly helped and I am still not sure what HHS was thinking by playing press coverage knowing that Collins needed to score a touchdown and only had 1 timeout. Some sort of mistake was made and I am not sure if it was in the execution or the actual call from the sidelines. Either way, what is done is done.
WideRight05 Wrote:It sure did, leading Highlands to a 47-0 win last year. Had these two teams played 100 times this year, Highlands would win 99 of them.

Why would they stay in 5A against the likes of BG who got destroyed by Highlands? Not to mention that Highlands would slaughter some team in the west that made the finals that beat BG in a previous round. I knew BG fans would start thumping their chest when they didn't have Highlands or Cov Cath to deal with. Teams like Boyle County, Lexington Catholic, combined with Johnson Central and Covington Catholic present a much greater challenge in 4A than would the teams in 5A now.

They may very well win 99, but the one and only one that counted they did NOT.
WideRight is the only Highlands fan who thinks they could win 99 out of 100 games against Collins and I don't think he does either. He doesn't seem retarded. It's just his thing. He talks about my Bowling Green team all the time. It's just what he does. I do think success has spoiled him. He has been on a 6 year rant and it must be hard to adjust to losing. Luckily for him, it's Highlands and they don't lose many. It's tough to be a good troll, but he is the best.
mantax Wrote:Seriously? Did Collins not score the game winning touchdown with 7 seconds to go in the game? They were forced to drive 80 yards for the score and there was certainly no guarantee that they were going to score either. 15 yard Unsportsmanlike penalty certainly helped and I am still not sure what HHS was thinking by playing press coverage knowing that Collins needed to score a touchdown and only had 1 timeout. Some sort of mistake was made and I am not sure if it was in the execution or the actual call from the sidelines. Either way, what is done is done.

My friend you are right. They went 80 yards to score just like they went 45 to score. Highlands got the one stop it needed via turn over on downs. That might have been the only stop I can think of in the seco d half HHS got.
Tommy2tone Wrote:My friend you are right. They went 80 yards to score just like they went 45 to score. Highlands got the one stop it needed via turn over on downs. That might have been the only stop I can think of in the seco d half HHS got.

Are we talking about the second half only or are we talking about the entire game? Collins won the game, but to say they dominated Highlands is over the top IMO. Game was about as evenly matched as you could get from opening whistle to the final whistle. Anyone that believes otherwise was not watching the same game as others. Stats pretty much bare that out. Difference was 2 turnovers to 0 and penalties were what 8 to 2. That makes a big difference in the final outcome for sure.
mantax Wrote:Are we talking about the second half only or are we talking about the entire game? Collins won the game, but to say they dominated Highlands is over the top IMO. Game was about as evenly matched as you could get from opening whistle to the final whistle. Anyone that believes otherwise was not watching the same game as others. Stats pretty much bare that out. Difference was 2 turnovers to 0 and penalties were what 8 to 2. That makes a big difference in the final outcome for sure.

The turnovers were huge, HHS was driving right down the field on both those drives and very good chance they would have scored on both the drives if not for the fumbles. If they hold on to the ball, I think the game ends with HHS winning, but they did not and Collins took advantage of it and won the game. Huge penalty at end of game on the taunting call was also HUGE, stupid penalty that the kid will remember for ever! And people were trying to say on here that it was not a taunting call, but that is exactly what the ref said when he made the call. The one negative I had towards Dale's coaching over the years was the appearance that he did not do enough to curb the personal fouls during games. We have been saying for years it was going to cost them a game one day and it sure helped in this game for Collins to pull off the win.
I think big hits caused those turnovers. Yes I stand corrected on the taunting call rather than shot to head which I might add could have been called at least 5 times. If Farris was able to get to his feet after that play I don't think they throw that flag but with kid on ground, you have to throw it.
It was even played game and one of the best that will ever be played in finals. If you like D, that is what you had in the first half. If you like fireworks, you had the second half. Difference in game was Cteque hit his FG and HHS missed theirs. Creque scored 7 points that day and probably avg'ed close to 8 on the year.
Tommy2tone Wrote:I think big hits caused those turnovers. Yes I stand corrected on the taunting call rather than shot to head which I might add could have been called at least 5 times. If Farris was able to get to his feet after that play I don't think they throw that flag but with kid on ground, you have to throw it.
It was even played game and one of the best that will ever be played in finals. If you like D, that is what you had in the first half. If you like fireworks, you had the second half. Difference in game was Cteque hit his FG and HHS missed theirs. Creque scored 7 points that day and probably avg'ed close to 8 on the year.

Interesting view that we are now saying the difference was the kickers. Creque's field goal was from 27 yards correct and HHS attempt was from 45 after a 5 yard penalty. Big difference on a cold blustery day. Also shows you a difference in the programs. I am sure Collins kicker attempted 10 or more field goals on the year whereas HHS might have attempted no more than 5 I would guess. As they say practice makes perfect and when you do not work on it during games it can come back to bite you somewhere down the road. Much like sstack was saying about the personal foul penalties.
Tommy2tone Wrote:I think big hits caused those turnovers. Yes I stand corrected on the taunting call rather than shot to head which I might add could have been called at least 5 times. If Farris was able to get to his feet after that play I don't think they throw that flag but with kid on ground, you have to throw it.
It was even played game and one of the best that will ever be played in finals. If you like D, that is what you had in the first half. If you like fireworks, you had the second half. Difference in game was Cteque hit his FG and HHS missed theirs. Creque scored 7 points that day and probably avg'ed close to 8 on the year.

Is helmet to helmet a penalty in high school?

I agree with sstack: the taunting by Highlands after big hits, particularly the past two seasons, bothers me. Not only is it poor sportsmanship, the attempt to make "highlight tape hits" very often results in missed tackles; it sure did in the state game. Just breakdown, wrap and make the sure tackle. Plus, and most importantly, the helmet to helmet big hits are dangerous. If it's not a penalty in high school, it should be.
It is a penality and should have called a few times.
I agree the coaches lost this game. They didn't put in their best players when they needed them most. But then again, how do you tell a kid that's started in a position all year that all of a sudden he's gonna sit so a better athlete can come in to cover? That's a tough one for any coach to make. Win or Lose.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:I agree the coaches lost this game. They didn't put in their best players when they needed them most. But then again, how do you tell a kid that's started in a position all year that all of a sudden he's gonna sit so a better athlete can come in to cover? That's a tough one for any coach to make. Win or Lose.

They didn't put in their best players when they needed them most? Do you mean that their best players did not play? Please explain what you are saying. I thought the purpose of 2-platooning was to get ALL of your best players on the field.
There were about 5 offensive players better than 5 of the defense starters on the field all year. That should have went both ways when needed. And they were needed in that game. You practice Plan B. Just in case.
MANTAX...You are right. HHS has a kicker that can put the ball in the end zone 9 out 10 times. They rolled the dice kicking the way they did. And it could be part of the loss.
bo67 Wrote:There were about 5 offensive players better than 5 of the defense starters on the field all year. That should have went both ways when needed. And they were needed in that game. You practice Plan B. Just in case.

Hold the phone here. 5 should not have been on the field? That is almost half of your defense. You mean to tell me they competed with Elder and won 13 other games with 5 guys that did not belong on the field? Find that hard to believe.
Just let this one go the game was played Highlands lost time to move on:please:
You are right about the wins. Other than Cov Cath...who did they play? They lost to Elder and Collins. All I am saying. Plan B. Makes your defense really really good. Collins went from only having players going 1 way. To putting kids going both ways. They don't do that. They don't beat Highlands. Let's not forget what Warren Central did to that defense and what Lexington Catholic did.
And if Highlands had kids hurt...Oops..Plan B...Some kids go both ways. Doesn't take much to figure it out. And let me add. Some of the defensive struggles was coaching. I am now finished talking about Collins and the Highlands season.
mantax Wrote:Interesting view that we are now saying the difference was the kickers. Creque's field goal was from 27 yards correct and HHS attempt was from 45 after a 5 yard penalty. Big difference on a cold blustery day. Also shows you a difference in the programs. I am sure Collins kicker attempted 10 or more field goals on the year whereas HHS might have attempted no more than 5 I would guess. As they say practice makes perfect and when you do not work on it during games it can come back to bite you somewhere down the road. Much like sstack was saying about the personal foul penalties.

I was told by very reliable source that highlands does not practice field goals during the year and I would guess less than 4 attempts this year.
mantax Wrote:They didn't put in their best players when they needed them most? Do you mean that their best players did not play? Please explain what you are saying. I thought the purpose of 2-platooning was to get ALL of your best players on the field.

Correct, had they put in hoge, hayes, and some other athletes, it would have been a much different situation for sure. They lost b/c the coaches didn't do this. Like I said before, it's tough for any coach to all of sudden tell a kid, especially a senior, that he's coming out b/c theres another who can play his position better so we can win the game. Very tough so I don't blame the coaching staff. They ended up taking it on the chin when they needed it most. There is no question that Highlands, if they did this, would beat the best in Kentucky. The athletes they had on this team were exceptional and grossly underutilized.
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