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Harlan 58 Pineville 52
Actually agree with Downtown, but in fairness to the one making the schedule, Harlan has been down and trying to build momentum, and the roster looks very different now than when the schedule was made. If you have a decent season after several bad ones, then I would definitely suggest making it tougher.

Meanwhile, ol' (or actually the young) professor just proved the point yet again.
I thought this was about Harlan vs Pineville?
Started that way...HDE and Tri-County Sports tried to rank the All "A" though, Professor tried explain again that Harlan is a one-man team, and the rest is history. If you have insight on the game, have at it.
The only insight I can offer is Harlan must have plenty of talent and size this year. This teams size and athleticism is the talk of the region. The rest will be up to the coaching staff to keep this team focused and ready to play in the Class A, district/region. It is also looking like Simpson is becoming the go to player for the Dragons at 6'7. Should be them and Jackson Co. for a trip to the All "A" state. Good Luck to all teams in the 13trh.
You're right Harlan has size and some talent. Here is how I rank the All "A" teams in the region.

1. Jackson Co.
2. Barbourville
3. Middlesboro
4. Williamsburg
5. Harlan
6. Pineville
7. OBI
8. Lynn Camp
9. Red Bird

It seems to me that almost everyone is sleeping on Middlesboro. I know they lost by 50 to Jackson, but that was a fluke. They played Harlan co. tough, and they have two of the top players in the region. I have been saying that Foister is the best pure scorer in the 13th and Poindexter, when he comes to play, is as good as there is. They also have a very underrated supporting cast. Don't forget that the Jackets always play big come tournament time.
The prelude to my rankings were for my vicious mommas..u happy now???
TheProfessor33 Wrote:You're right Harlan has size and some talent. Here is how I rank the All "A" teams in the region.

1. Jackson Co.
2. Barbourville
3. Middlesboro
4. Williamsburg
5. Harlan
6. Pineville
7. OBI
8. Lynn Camp
9. Red Bird

It seems to me that almost everyone is sleeping on Middlesboro. I know they lost by 50 to Jackson, but that was a fluke. They played Harlan co. tough, and they have two of the top players in the region. I have been saying that Foister is the best pure scorer in the 13th and Poindexter, when he comes to play, is as good as there is. They also have a very underrated supporting cast. Don't forget that the Jackets always play big come tournament time.

LOL everything is a fluke to you. :Shaking:
Actually agree with those rankings at this point, and was going to praise your manners, until you ruined it. Will lead by example. Good luck on the big game tomorrow. Will be there to support you. Hope the winning streak keeps going.
ok..thanks.. I guess??
I guess its ok for you to take a shot at Red Bird now (that game is tonight, by the way).
I'm not exactly sure what you all are arguing about, but The Professor is spot on in his description of Middlesboro. Foister is one of the best shooters I've ever witnessed, and he plays just as hard on defense. Poyndexter didn't start the other night against Harlan County, but came in about mid way through the first quarter. I don't remember him being very effective until fourth quarter. When he is motivated, he is quite impressive, too. I don't know about Jackson County, but I can't imagine any team that's 50 points better than Middlesboro right now. I haven't seen one, anyway.
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm not exactly sure what you all are arguing about, but The Professor is spot on in his description of Middlesboro. Foister is one of the best shooters I've ever witnessed, and he plays just as hard on defense. Poyndexter didn't start the other night against Harlan County, but came in about mid way through the first quarter. I don't remember him being very effective until fourth quarter. When he is motivated, he is quite impressive, too. I don't know about Jackson County, but I can't imagine any team that's 50 points better than Middlesboro right now. I haven't seen one, anyway.
IMO The Professor is not spot on about anything! He said Harlan has only 1 player? That is not only disrespectful to the Harlan kids but it is wrong.. Aaron Simpson is in the process of establishing himself as a very solid player, if you don't believe me then just call up Lewis Morris and JD Strange and see what they tell you folks!! Also, Noah Busroe is clearly athletic and talented and is becoming a nice player for the Dragons! Caleb Hogue is from a long line of quality players and he is a consistently solid player also. The Dragons also have other athletic reserve roll players... The Miller kid is not even playing very well right now and Harlan has been very competitive so far, if he ever starts playing like he's supposed to be able to these guys could be a little dangerous.
In regards to Middlesboro, they have two solid players and IMO Foister is not a great shooter, he is a good, but streaky shooter and You never really know for sure what you are gonna get out of Poindexter. I would take Harlan's roster any day of the week and twice on Sunday over Middlesbor's roster! Harlan is young however and the way Mboro's top two guys played in the postseason last year they will be a tough out for the Dragons for sure. If the Harlan guards grow up enough by All A time however they will have a shot to win some games in that tourney.
I don't think you can sleep on any team in the 13th this year.
Clay is strong this year!
How is Harlan?
Wow..Foister is not a great shooter!! Who have you been watching?
Harlan county is coming on strong this year starting 5-0
Can anyone beat clay?
I disagree Black Bear Cuz, with your Middlesboro assessment. I didn't know that Harlan city was thrown in the mix until just now. I haven't commented on them at all, and certainly don't won't to step on your toes by saying anything negative.
Middlesboro has the potential to be the second best team in the All A, next to Jackson. But, I can't see them living up to it. That's just my assessment on the situation in Middlesboro. I like Bell Co at 2 and Williamsburg has the players to compete as well.
Granny Bear Wrote:I disagree Black Bear Cuz, with your Middlesboro assessment. I didn't know that Harlan city was thrown in the mix until just now. I haven't commented on them at all, and certainly don't won't to step on your toes by saying anything negative.
Middlesboro got beat by fiddie points by Jackson County and barely beat OBI.. Whew! They must have eaten their spinach before they caught the bus up to Black Bear country? As far as Harlan Ind goes you wouldn't be stepping on my toes no matter what you have to say about the dragons. I just thought the professor was way off tearing their kids down and disrespecting a couple of the posters who are obvious Harlan Dragon supporters...Barbourville also beat the Jackets by 17.
BBN30, Tobin, and Black Bear cuz. Get some thicker skin. Stop taking everything so personal. I love you all. I'll be standing by to be absolutely trashed when Harlan Ind. does something of any significance. I'll take my medicine!!!

The Professor
I wouldn't throw dirt on the Jackets grave just yet. I don't believe that they are the 13th best team in the 13th region. I think they are a little higher than that. Seems like people want to point at the 50 point loss at Jackson Co as the death nail in the coffin. Jackson shot over 70% that night and nothing went right for MHS. Truth is its one loss early in the season. The Bville game was a 5 point game in the 4th until BHS took it out on free throws. Again, both BHS and Jackson have really good teams. But remember this is only December and the Jackets will get things rolling. Played really well at HC against a good team. Coach Thompson and his staff will have them ready to play when the big stage comes. Plus any coach in the region would take Foister and Poindexter any day of the week. Don't sleep on MHS!
I've talked a lot about Middlesboro. Anytime you have two guys the caliber of Foister and Poindexter, you have a chance...period. But, the underrated thing about Middlesboro is the supporting cast. The PG is underrated. He's actually pretty solid. they have a few other guys that fill roles. I know BBN30 thinks the professor overuses the term "fluke", but Middlesboro lsoing to Jackson Co. by 50 was just that. There isn't a team in this region or even the 14th that is 50 points better than Middlesboro. ITCS needs to move Foister up their charts. I'm saying it now...he is the best pure scorer in the region. Give him his due!!!
He is the best pure shooter that I have seen, but I haven't seen many so far. I'm gonna reserve saying that until I can see some of the others teams play.
I agree Granny.
I have to say, I agree with the Professor, Miller is all they have. Their guards are not going to get the job done and Miller can't do it alone.
I'm going to try to say this tactfully, without offending anyone. I may have been off with some of my earlier assessments of Harlan Ind's team. I do think they have some good young talent in their backcourt. The Busroe kid has a lot of upside. However, I think it is going to take time for him. When I say time, I mean time beyond this year. That kid is talented. He is fast, and can do some things, but I think he is a couple of years away from really being effective. The Parks kid can shoot the ball, but needs space. Hogue is gritty. Now, the big surprise so far for Harlan has been the lack of numbers and overall play of Miller. I think through their first five games he is averaging about 9.5 ppg. That's a bit of a surpirse, considering he was supposed to be the focal point when he got there. ITCS as well as others had the kid rated among the region's top 10 players, but at this point he isn't playing like a top ten player. I think the consensus opinion was that he made the change to maybe put up better offensive numbers and become more of the "go to guy". So far, it hasn't worked out that way. Maybe he gets on track, I don't know. IMO he may be missing the experienced kids around him that knew how to get him the ball. I'm not sure he realized that he would be going through growing pains with young guards at Harlan Ind.
TheProfessor33 Wrote:I'm going to try to say this tactfully, without offending anyone. I may have been off with some of my earlier assessments of Harlan Ind's team. I do think they have some good young talent in their backcourt. The Busroe kid has a lot of upside. However, I think it is going to take time for him. When I say time, I mean time beyond this year. That kid is talented. He is fast, and can do some things, but I think he is a couple of years away from really being effective. The Parks kid can shoot the ball, but needs space. Hogue is gritty. Now, the big surprise so far for Harlan has been the lack of numbers and overall play of Miller. I think through their first five games he is averaging about 9.5 ppg. That's a bit of a surpirse, considering he was supposed to be the focal point when he got there. ITCS as well as others had the kid rated among the region's top 10 players, but at this point he isn't playing like a top ten player. I think the consensus opinion was that he made the change to maybe put up better offensive numbers and become more of the "go to guy". So far, it hasn't worked out that way. Maybe he gets on track, I don't know. IMO he may be missing the experienced kids around him that knew how to get him the ball. I'm not sure he realized that he would be going through growing pains with young guards at Harlan Ind.

Hogue is a wonderful player; if you count grit, determination and effort....and I certainly do!!

Bolded: Did Miller not have a change in address?? I thought that was the only way you could legally change schools. Oh well; guess I misunderstood.

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