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What's the latest on PT coaching???
I am hearing rumors about the PT coaching staff. What is the latest?
nothing is going to happen. the people that make decisions dont know jack about football.Randy had a meeting with the parents and told them he was the coach and would do what he wanted. His reasons for shanks leaving is bull. Randy was taking up for an assistant that cusses at the boys and doesnt teach them anything.
Mark my words, there will be a new witchhunt to identify and punish any dissenters who publicly questioned the man. Reminds me of the Caine Mutiny. We will find out who ate the ice cream.
The attitude Randy has is if you do'nt like what i'm doing go to the county school has helped mccracken. I wish Randy would put the program first and stop protecting useless coaches who do more harm than good. Anyone who knows football watches a confused and poorly coached team every game tilghman plays.Randy hangs his hat on the 2009 championship.I personally would rather have a winning record against mayfield. 8 losses in a row is a disgrace.
Tica, you could not have been more right in your Caine Mutiny reference. I was thinking during the meeting that all Wyatt lacked was two small metal balls to roll around in his hand.
Of course it is never a good sign when the coach demands that all parents attending a meeting place their purses and cell phones in another room so he knows the meeting cannot be recorded.
Wonder why Wyatt would be so concerned about someone recording?
bleedblue81 Wrote:The attitude Randy has is if you do'nt like what i'm doing go to the county school has helped mccracken. I wish Randy would put the program first and stop protecting useless coaches who do more harm than good. Anyone who knows football watches a confused and poorly coached team every game tilghman plays.Randy hangs his hat on the 2009 championship.I personally would rather have a winning record against mayfield. 8 losses in a row is a disgrace.

You can forget about beating Mayfield. Before the MF game this year Wyatt addressed a group of alumni and said beating Mayfield is not important, what matters to him is winning state.
Lucky us, we got neither.....
As a casual observer over the last few years, I think that Wyatt has ruined the football program. I think McCracken County will get some very good atheletes, if things don't change. I hope they do, because Paducah Tilghman has been one of the flagship programs in Kentucky for over 100 years.
The politics of Tilghman, as they currently stand, will keep some applicants away and only serve to reinforce the tentacles of ineptness which have taken root. You play Art's game and you got a job. Wyatt is a tense, angry man. His mood swings keep everyone around him on permanent edge. I used to support the man and I gave him credit for acknowledging the problems he had before calling his ace defensive coordinator out of retirement, but the varnish has worn off. When a team cannot get a play called from the sideline without the histrionics of Freddie Kruger crashing a slumber party, it is painfully obvious the direction needs to be corrected.
If they do not correct it this year, PT will be completely insignificant , not just in the state but in western ky in less than 3 years. They will lose kids to Ballard, McCracken and others. You can remind me of this later if I am proven wrong. I say that because I would bet that I am not.
I am seeing long time posters on this and other boards who were previously supportive of Wyatt changing their positions. I am seeing parents who were singing Wyatt's praises for years who now are silent. He has reached his high water mark at PT, he left a decent record and now its time to turn it over to someone else. This year - more than any other - was entirely his kids. He has said if he gets the time, he can develop players. He brought them up through middle school, freshman and JV. And for that work - we go 8-6 and could have easily (two points) been 6-8. We are lucky to have 400 - 500 fans in a stadium that seats 8500. Joe Morris has figured it out. If he keeps the Tilghman score fairly close every year, PT will keep Randy. If Joe embarrassed him with a 50-0 rout, the school would have to do something.

Honestly, are we at the level of Commander Queeg skullduggery that invited parents can't bring coats and phones into a meeting with the coach? Really?
Time to start accepting applications.. this is so sad.. no phones.. lol... wow.. sounds like a man with no integrity... imo PT lost their chances with jack haskins.. it will be interesting to see if PT can get it bac together...
Sounds like the villagers are getting out their pitchforks.They may run the monster out of town.
I heard Gut was seen in Paducah house hunting.
He has to be an upgrade to what they currently have.
E's Army Wrote:I heard Gut was seen in Paducah house hunting.

It was Bowling Green and i wasnt house hunting.
I was talking to Bobby Petrino about the Whitley job.
Just make sure he has a detail to follow him around to make sure he don't have any motorcycle accidents.
The kids at Tilghman deserve better. They've had so many wasted talented teams these past few years, it's really embarrassing. They should have at least 2 more championships in Wyatt's tenure, but, they can't even manage much better than a 5-5 or 6-4 record and they do that on sheer talent alone, because the coaching is non existent. The worst part is, now, kids have a lucrative 2nd option 3 miles down the road in McCracken Co. If a change isn't made soon, I would expect at least 8-10 talented kids a year heading west to McCracken. Great for the Mustangs, not good for Tilghman. May as well do like Henderson Co and Scott Co did and just merge them into 1 school. Talk about a juggernaut. It would be one.
Heard Bert Browne may be coming to town.
Second thought, yall please don't make the change at PT we love beating yall and increasing the record streak. Give him about 5 more years and then we can have the lead in the series.
mysonis55 Wrote:Second thought, yall please don't make the change at PT we love beating yall and increasing the record streak. Give him about 5 more years and then we can have the lead in the series.

lol you know it is really bad when even the MF fans admit it is a problem. For years the Card faithful have chosen to stay silent about the serious coaching issues at PT. They just sit back, quietly shaking their heads and grinning at their luck.

But now it has gotten so bad that it is no longer even fun for them to beat Tilghman (how much candy DO you really need to take from that baby). And I think Mayfield fans are speaking out now because they mourn what the rivalry used to be.

I have a great respect you Mayfield fans for speaking up, and I really appreciate you guys more than I can ever say.
You are exactly on point. My question is, when is the PT faithful going to own up, copy this stuff and present it to the admin. If they knew how ridiculous the rest of us think this is, maybe they would be shamed into making a change. Heck, give it to Shanks if nothing else.
Fan boycott will have no effect because crowds are already so small it looks like a boycott is already underway. He needs to take his drama to the track team and keep it there. I highly doubt PT will do anything. It will take a revolt from former players and parents to make a change. It will take a flood of kids transferring to get the admin's attention.
Get ready for the flood. It will happen after they lose again next year.
next year will be brutal:

McCracken Co home
Evansville Reitz home
Mayfield away
Graves home (pt is 2-4 against graves in the wyatt era)
Ft Thomas Highlands away
Henderson co away
(I smell an 0-6 start, and not close losses like last year)
Madisonville home

Then the district, with Fort Campbell an away game.
and to top it all off, it is an even year, so most playoff games are away.

I think the pressure will mount on Wyatt next season if the current effort to oust him does not succeed.
mysonis55 Wrote:You are exactly on point. My question is, when is the PT faithful going to own up, copy this stuff and present it to the admin. If they knew how ridiculous the rest of us think this is, maybe they would be shamed into making a change. Heck, give it to Shanks if nothing else.

I and a few others are trying to do just this right now.
We are having a meeting with any interested alumni, fans, parents, ex players, etc. If there is a consensus then we intend to request a meeting with the superintendent and ask him to remove coach Wyatt,

Maybe noting will come of it, but I cannot sit idly by any longer and watch this program sink into mediocrity.
Until the higher up administration looks for a change, things are likely to stay the same.
The principal and AD love him.
The other battle you will have to fight is this; they will say
" you are complaining about making it to the final four? most teams would die for that!"
Now PT fans realize the talent was in place to possibly do better than our record speaks, but it was not allowed to.

Next year will be BRUTAL with the big loss of talent and the schedule we will play. We will see if the pressure cracks the egg then.
I can hear it now. "There are people working to undermine this program and undermine my authority. All they want is for their son to play. They put their own interests over the team's. These kids this year did not follow their coaching. I had them prepared ......

Three years in a row - PT was NOT PREPARED for key playoff games.

Wyatt: taking great players and making them good. Taking good players and making them average.

It should be instructive for the PT administration to note that people who deeply supported the program and even Randy for years will no longer stay quiet and see great athletes coached to a mediocre level.
Well, now you no longer have to worry.
Sorry as a Cardinal to see him go but congrats to PT. I think it will be a move that will pay off. Your fanbase should now come back and the wins will soon as well. Tica, you are always spot on, who do you see them targeting?
Chuck Smith
You heard it here first-

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