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Saint or Sinner?
In Death, as in Life, Truth About Mandela Overlooked

[SIZE="2"]"With the widely anticipated passing of South African revolutionary leader Nelson Mandela late Thursday, December 5, presidents and dictators from around the world — as well as everyday people, and especially the press — are in mourning. Lost amid the tsunami of praise and adoration, almost canonization even according to some of his supporters, however, is the truth about the man himself, who was, after all, still just a man.
Meanwhile, Mandela’s wife during much of that time, (Mandela's prison years) fellow ANC revolutionary Winnie, was a zealous and open advocate for one of the most brutal murder tactics ever conceived by man. Pioneered by the ANC, so-called “necklacing” involves filling a tire with gasoline before putting it around the victim’s neck, setting it ablaze, and watching the poor target slowly writhe in horrifying agony before eventual death. Most of the ANC’s “necklace” victims were fellow blacks."[/SIZE]

Present day events demonstrate the way the media white washes history for some, while focusing shame on those who oppose their liberal philosophical views. In any case, this article is a must read, especially for younger folks who missed all the headlines Mandela generated before and during those prison days.
I was wondering about this. He was a "gay rights" supporter, and it looked like he had many socialistic views. I don't like talking bad about the dead like that, so may God bless his soul, but I certainly wish Margaret Thatcher would have received the same respect he did when she passed away earlier this year. One journalist even wrote an article bashing her while mentioning how big of a free speech supporter she was to give them the backing on writing that article.
WideRight05 Wrote:I was wondering about this. He was a "gay rights" supporter, and it looked like he had many socialistic views. I don't like talking bad about the dead like that, so may God bless his soul, but I certainly wish Margaret Thatcher would have received the same respect he did when she passed away earlier this year. One journalist even wrote an article bashing her while mentioning how big of a free speech supporter she was to give them the backing on writing that article.

For which point, I was admittedly a little reluctant to post about the matter in the first place. And yet, when those who do know the truth, sit idly by and allow the white wash to continue unabated, those who are not old enough to remember the truth are being done a tremendous disservice. At any rate, mine is not to judge.

In my mind, one needs to ask himself how brutal the constraints imposed by Great Britain could possibly have been? The English people are a fair people. I believe that in general, the racial awakening which swept America during and after the Civil War era of the early 1860's, was also sweeping the rest of the world, including the British Empire. Therefore, in this one case men actually did aspire to more noble heights through their actions and their words. Great Britain came in after a time of war in South Africa and rebuilt that nation. Were some of those folks taken advantage of? No doubt. But, were the Brits ruthless overlords or, did their presence do good for the vast majority?

Now, with regard to Nelson Mandela. Being a Communist which, he was, is somewhat more of a problem for his saintly legacy than being a socialist. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher put Mandela on their country's list of terrorists. No small thing in and of itself. And, if you read the article for which I provided the link above, you saw that Mandela forces were responsible for the murder of "countless" blacks. EXCERPT--- "Mandela’s ANC and its South African Communist Party partners were widely viewed as ruthless communist terrorists. Considering their murderous activities, which included the barbaric executions and torture of countless South African blacks who opposed them, it is easy to understand why."

To me, the accolades being offered up, seem more uniquely applicable to Mahatma Gandhi, a true man of peace, than they would be to Nelson Mandela. Bottom line, real history has already recorded the story of man to date, including Nelson Mandela. Therefore, let's let history tell the true story, not accept the alternative view offered by overzealous liberal media, who are rewriting history across the board to suit their own palate.
Also, not attempting to disrespect Mandela...

but it pains me hear people say "He went to jail for three decades for his beliefs"

He was jailed for illegally exiting the country to train in guerilla warfare techniques after being a peaceful protester for years.

I guess you could say that he broke the law to fight for his beliefs... but he wasn't thrown in jail simply because he opposed apartheid.

We've all got our demons.
If places like CNN and MSNBC dedicate there entire homepage to somebody when they die, then that person is not to high on my list.....just saying.
TheRealThing Wrote:For which point, I was admittedly a little reluctant to post about the matter in the first place. And yet, when those who do know the truth, sit idly by and allow the white wash to continue unabated, those who are not old enough to remember the truth are being done a tremendous disservice. At any rate, mine is not to judge.

In my mind, one needs to ask himself how brutal the constraints imposed by Great Britain could possibly have been? The English people are a fair people. I believe that in general, the racial awakening which swept America during and after the Civil War era of the early 1860's, was also sweeping the rest of the world, including the British Empire. Therefore, in this one case men actually did aspire to more noble heights through their actions and their words. Great Britain came in after a time of war in South Africa and rebuilt that nation. Were some of those folks taken advantage of? No doubt. But, were the Brits ruthless overlords or, did their presence do good for the vast majority?

Now, with regard to Nelson Mandela. Being a Communist which, he was, is somewhat more of a problem for his saintly legacy than being a socialist. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher put Mandela on their country's list of terrorists. No small thing in and of itself. And, if you read the article for which I provided the link above, you saw that Mandela forces were responsible for the murder of "countless" blacks. EXCERPT--- "Mandela’s ANC and its South African Communist Party partners were widely viewed as ruthless communist terrorists. Considering their murderous activities, which included the barbaric executions and torture of countless South African blacks who opposed them, it is easy to understand why."

To me, the accolades being offered up, seem more uniquely applicable to Mahatma Gandhi, a true man of peace, than they would be to Nelson Mandela. Bottom line, real history has already recorded the story of man to date, including Nelson Mandela. Therefore, let's let history tell the true story, not accept the alternative view offered by overzealous liberal media, who are rewriting history across the board to suit their own palate.

That's one thing I have noticed, TRT, is how liberals tend to re-write history if there is something that differs from their philosophical beliefs. For example, I know someone who saw a really old history book one time. It had several references to God that would not be shown in a history book in this time period. Liberalism is like a cancer in our society, and its roots bear strongly in the public school system.
WideRight05 Wrote:That's one thing I have noticed, TRT, is how liberals tend to re-write history if there is something that differs from their philosophical beliefs. For example, I know someone who saw a really old history book one time. It had several references to God that would not be shown in a history book in this time period. Liberalism is like a cancer in our society, and its roots bear strongly in the public school system.

You gotta understand the liberal mind. These guys are la-la's. Straight out of John Lennon's Imagine album. They believe that war, famine and the other ills that plague this world will evaporate as they gain power. To think that they control so much of the US government is a painful reality to be reckoned with, on every level of life, and for every US citizen. From the soon coming diminished availability of health care, to the ridiculous, retro engineered data that has been forged in order to support bogus claims of global warming. It's all a fantasy. A bunch of geeks with no world experience. If they had to make it in the work-a-day world, they'd be clerks and cashiers in department stores and the like. Unfortunately for us, the emergence of academia into circles of power, with their supreme commander in the captain's chair, has put this country into a nose dive that we will be very lucky to pull out of before the ultimate splat.

The truth is far removed from that fantasy, as has been evidenced by the ObamaCare argument. For nearly five years liberal Dems got by with poo-poohing Republican claims that folks would lose their health insurance and many other dire developments, all of which have recently proven to be very well founded. Dems got by with that because up until implementation, it was all based in theory. The gullible were easily led by Democratic promises of yet more free goodies. The true believer liberals were so sure that such untried dreams would work, it never occurred to them that the Republicans were actually right all along. Only AFTER implementation of the ACA law did we see the carnival of calamity which is the true face of the ObamaCare law. Now we are up to our eyeballs in revelations of the untimely end of the world's greatest health care system, because we have the facts and events laid out before us to examine, "away from the fog of controversy." as Nancy Pelosi would say.

As long as liberals can keep any controversy in the form of oratory, an argument, they will maintain the upper hand. Why? Because they have no honor. Lies mean nothing to them as we have seen from Fast and Furious to the so-called roll out. And, you are spot on, liberals certainly are not above rewriting history. Heck, they're not above trying to spin their way out of what they said yesterday, LOL.

I said they are geeks, I didn't say they are dumb. They have managed to steal our youth right out from under our noses. High Schools and colleges represent vast fields, ripe and "white unto harvest." The shortest definition I can think of for liberalism in general, is a counterfeit for Christianity. A false religion that sounds good but, denies the authority of God and celebrates the dignity of man. That my friend is how these goofs can delude themselves to such an extent for the likes of Nelson Mandela. The irony of liberalism is that liberals are subject to swallow their own lies.
TheRealThing Wrote:You gotta understand the liberal mind. These guys are la-la's. Straight out of John Lennon's Imagine album. They believe that war, famine and the other ills that plague this world will evaporate as they gain power. To think that they control so much of the US government is a painful reality to be reckoned with, on every level of life, and for every US citizen. From the soon coming diminished availability of health care, to the ridiculous, retro engineered data that has been forged in order to support bogus claims of global warming. It's all a fantasy. A bunch of geeks with no world experience. If they had to make it in the work-a-day world, they'd be clerks and cashiers in department stores and the like. Unfortunately for us, the emergence of academia into circles of power, with their supreme commander in the captain's chair, has put this country into a nose dive that we will be very lucky to pull out of before the ultimate splat.

The truth is far removed from that fantasy, as has been evidenced by the ObamaCare argument. For nearly five years liberal Dems got by with poo-poohing Republican claims that folks would lose their health insurance and many other dire developments, all of which have recently proven to be very well founded. Dems got by with that because up until implementation, it was all based in theory. The gullible were easily led by Democratic promises of yet more free goodies. The true believer liberals were so sure that such untried dreams would work, it never occurred to them that the Republicans were actually right all along. Only AFTER implementation of the ACA law did we see the carnival of calamity which is the true face of the ObamaCare law. Now we are up to our eyeballs in revelations of the untimely end of the world's greatest health care system, because we have the facts and events laid out before us to examine, "away from the fog of controversy." as Nancy Pelosi would say.

As long as liberals can keep any controversy in the form of oratory, an argument, they will maintain the upper hand. Why? Because they have no honor. Lies mean nothing to them as we have seen from Fast and Furious to the so-called roll out. And, you are spot on, liberals certainly are not above rewriting history. Heck, they're not above trying to spin their way out of what they said yesterday, LOL.

I said they are geeks, I didn't say they are dumb. They have managed to steal our youth right out from under our noses. High Schools and colleges represent vast fields, ripe and "white unto harvest." The shortest definition I can think of for liberalism in general, is a counterfeit for Christianity. A false religion that sounds good but, denies the authority of God and celebrates the dignity of man. That my friend is how these goofs can delude themselves to such an extent for the likes of Nelson Mandela. The irony of liberalism is that liberals are subject to swallow their own lies.

As to the first bolded part, liberalism "kick-started" in the 1960's but a lot of the liberal ideas were laughed at by both political parties back then. A lot of the political leaders in America now were the teenage hippies of the 1960's and early 1970's when the movement started. Scary to think, those hippies are now leading our country.


As to the second bolded - the liberals have a good and sneaky way to capture the minds of our youth. What might that be, you ask? Tolerance and open-mindedness. Except, of course, for those who love God and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins, and those who express conservative views. I had a few courses in college with liberally biased professors who were outspoken about their views. We had a discussion board like BGR in one of the classes that was shut down because the professor just couldn't handle opposing views. Big Grin


I don't even see the point of college, honestly. I could understand for something like the medical field, but it's nearly useless in business. Most of my learning experience in college came from my jobs/internships and networking through student organizations. Other than to get the piece of paper that is required so you can get the job for your major. A while back RIUTG mentioned how he would take a 50 year old farmer any day over a college grad with no experience. Couldn't agree more. It's one thing to work in theory all day and another to actually experience it.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
If places like CNN and MSNBC dedicate there entire homepage to somebody when they die, then that person is not to high on my list.....just saying.

Then I should take first place on your "list"!

Now, seen the international "selfie" photo that our Prez took with the blond, bodacious and beautiful Danish prime minister?? My grandchildren know better how to behave at a funeral than that!!! This, after he shook hands with Raul Castro!!

Reckon he knew who he was???
WideRight05 Wrote:As to the first bolded part, liberalism "kick-started" in the 1960's but a lot of the liberal ideas were laughed at by both political parties back then. A lot of the political leaders in America now were the teenage hippies of the 1960's and early 1970's when the movement started. Scary to think, those hippies are now leading our country.


As to the second bolded - the liberals have a good and sneaky way to capture the minds of our youth. What might that be, you ask? Tolerance and open-mindedness. Except, of course, for those who love God and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins, and those who express conservative views. I had a few courses in college with liberally biased professors who were outspoken about their views. We had a discussion board like BGR in one of the classes that was shut down because the professor just couldn't handle opposing views. Big Grin


I don't even see the point of college, honestly. I could understand for something like the medical field, but it's nearly useless in business. Most of my learning experience in college came from my jobs/internships and networking through student organizations. Other than to get the piece of paper that is required so you can get the job for your major. A while back RIUTG mentioned how he would take a 50 year old farmer any day over a college grad with no experience. Couldn't agree more. It's one thing to work in theory all day and another to actually experience it.

All points very well taken. Where in the world did you find that pic of Hill and Bill? Classic! I believe the reason legislators are willing to offer so much in the way of financial aid at the college level is at least in part, due to the training ground type opportunity our universities offer.

To the bolded. Throughout history, men have imagined themselves to be wise and powerful, and through various means have declared that to be so. Notable examples, to just name a few, Nebuchadnezzar, King Herod, the Ceasars of Rome, Hitler, Stalin, etc. etc.. Hence, this message was delivered to all men, Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)
18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." America is certainly headed for a fall, and, if haughty would not perfectly define many of the personalities in high office, (and, I would submit, perfectly describe the contention between Dems and Republicans) then, they defy definition. There is a reason that disagreement between the parties at the federal level has mutated into hatred and, it's origin isn't particularly political. It is war between those who honor God and those who don't. Rather preferring to rely on their own wisdom, liberals are the one's legislating against the long standing Godly tenets of our moral code and, IMO, they are the perpetrators of all the vitriol. Why? Because it's personal with them. Kind of like in the movies. You have your Priest duking it out at the spiritual level with yet another possessing spirit, and said Priest says something like the following. In the name of Jesus Christ come out. That's when the victim of the possession starts to foam at the mouth and their head starts to spin around, LOL.

Now, though governments are God's own plan for order among the nations and, have always been requisite to establish civilizations, we can still extrapolate (through scripture) the idea of arrogance out of control to it's logical end. To do that we would need to consider the following;
Romans 1:21-25 (KJV)
21 "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"

In the past I have said that America has left the path. What I meant by that apart from the myriad of ills that plague our land is this one simple truth. The Lord said in the Gospel of John that "He is the Light of the World." When men turn their backs on His divine guidance, as we have clearly done, they will inevitably lose their way. I mean, would you throw away your only flashlight while spelunking a cave deep within the earth? Although it really didn't seem so at first, because during those first baby steps we could still see the right road, during the early 60's we were already well on our way to becoming lost. However, at some point the 'right road' did fall from view and, we were at that point, on our own, with only our own sense of right to guide us. It is interesting to note that man cannot rely on his sense of direction, even while trying to hike out of the woods, in that it is a well established fact that we tend to go in circles rather than a straight line. This phenomenon holds true on land and water. America has just one hope.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

This is why I believe any dialogue intended to shed light on what ails this great land must include the mention of God. We will not prevail in any case, apart from honoring Him as a nation. And, all this bru ha-ha about the so called separation of church and state is nothing more than Satan at work among us to make any mention of our God illegal. So I ask, Who is doing all the pushing where it comes to abortion rights, gay rights, and the effort to expunge all mention of God from the ranks of any form of local, state and the federal government? LIEBERALS.
Granny Bear Wrote:Then I should take first place on your "list"!

Now, seen the international "selfie" photo that our Prez took with the blond, bodacious and beautiful Danish prime minister?? My grandchildren know better how to behave at a funeral than that!!! This, after he shook hands with Raul Castro!!

Reckon he knew who he was???


Look at Michelle, she just loves it! You gotta check out this thread, hilarious! :biglmao:


Thanks laugh I've had all day!!


POLL----- ^Which one of these two guys knows what he's talking about?
TheRealThing Wrote:CLICK ME


POLL----- ^Which one of these two guys knows what he's talking about?

They're pretty equal. Confusednicker:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
No!! It's the guy on the right of the know, the one with the scowling frown!

TheRealThing Wrote:All points very well taken. Where in the world did you find that pic of Hill and Bill?Classic! I believe the reason legislators are willing to offer so much in the way of financial aid at the college level is at least in part, due to the training ground type opportunity our universities offer.

To the bolded. Throughout history, men have imagined themselves to be wise and powerful, and through various means have declared that to be so. Notable examples, to just name a few, Nebuchadnezzar, King Herod, the Ceasars of Rome, Hitler, Stalin, etc. etc.. Hence, this message was delivered to all men, Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)
18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." America is certainly headed for a fall, and, if haughty would not perfectly define many of the personalities in high office, (and, I would submit, perfectly describe the contention between Dems and Republicans) then, they defy definition. There is a reason that disagreement between the parties at the federal level has mutated into hatred and, it's origin isn't particularly political. It is war between those who honor God and those who don't. Rather preferring to rely on their own wisdom, liberals are the one's legislating against the long standing Godly tenets of our moral code and, IMO, they are the perpetrators of all the vitriol. Why? Because it's personal with them. Kind of like in the movies. You have your Priest duking it out at the spiritual level with yet another possessing spirit, and said Priest says something like the following. In the name of Jesus Christ come out. That's when the victim of the possession starts to foam at the mouth and their head starts to spin around, LOL.

Now, though governments are God's own plan for order among the nations and, have always been requisite to establish civilizations, we can still extrapolate (through scripture) the idea of arrogance out of control to it's logical end. To do that we would need to consider the following;
Romans 1:21-25 (KJV)
21 "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"

In the past I have said that America has left the path. What I meant by that apart from the myriad of ills that plague our land is this one simple truth. The Lord said in the Gospel of John that "He is the Light of the World." When men turn their backs on His divine guidance, as we have clearly done, they will inevitably lose their way. I mean, would you throw away your only flashlight while spelunking a cave deep within the earth? Although it really didn't seem so at first, because during those first baby steps we could still see the right road, during the early 60's we were already well on our way to becoming lost. However, at some point the 'right road' did fall from view and, we were at that point, on our own, with only our own sense of right to guide us. It is interesting to note that man cannot rely on his sense of direction, even while trying to hike out of the woods, in that it is a well established fact that we tend to go in circles rather than a straight line. This phenomenon holds true on land and water. America has just one hope.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

This is why I believe any dialogue intended to shed light on what ails this great land must include the mention of God. We will not prevail in any case, apart from honoring Him as a nation. And, all this bru ha-ha about the so called separation of church and state is nothing more than Satan at work among us to make any mention of our God illegal. So I ask, Who is doing all the pushing where it comes to abortion rights, gay rights, and the effort to expunge all mention of God from the ranks of any form of local, state and the federal government? LIEBERALS.

I went to google images and typed in "Bill Hillary Clinton Hippie." I had seen that pic somewhere before, couldn't remember where though.

The strange thing being, most of these people fighting to get God out of government claim to be Christians. I noticed a big difference in the Republican and democractic conventions this year. The democrats actually had to have a vote (of which was a 50/50 split despite what that mayor said) to include God and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I'm not 100% sure on this because I didn't see the convention, but from what I understand the democrats had a Christian prayer, a muslim prayer, and a Jewish leader pray. The Republicans recognized God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It's like the democrats have something against Christianity in general, even though most claim to be Christians. I think of a professor I had that constantly bashed Christianity, and it stunned me one day to hear her in class say, "I'm a Christian and I go to Church." Of course, she also claims buddhism as a religion as well.

Like you have been saying lately, our only hope is 2014. If we can keep the house and regain the senate, that will be huge. Hopefully Harry Reid's nuclear option will end up backfiring on him.

BTW - Obama is losing media support. The lie of the year was "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it."
WideRight05 Wrote:I went to google images and typed in "Bill Hillary Clinton Hippie." I had seen that pic somewhere before, couldn't remember where though.

The strange thing being, most of these people fighting to get God out of government claim to be Christians. I noticed a big difference in the Republican and democractic conventions this year. The democrats actually had to have a vote (of which was a 50/50 split despite what that mayor said) to include God and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I'm not 100% sure on this because I didn't see the convention, but from what I understand the democrats had a Christian prayer, a muslim prayer, and a Jewish leader pray. The Republicans recognized God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It's like the democrats have something against Christianity in general, even though most claim to be Christians. I think of a professor I had that constantly bashed Christianity, and it stunned me one day to hear her in class say, "I'm a Christian and I go to Church." Of course, she also claims buddhism as a religion as well.

Like you have been saying lately, our only hope is 2014. If we can keep the house and regain the senate, that will be huge. Hopefully Harry Reid's nuclear option will end up backfiring on him.

BTW - Obama is losing media support. The lie of the year was "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it."

Liberals are an arrogant lot to be sure. They want the all constraints of God's law dissolved from their environment. Any mention of God, His Son, Christmas etc. etc., makes them foam at the mouth and their head to spin around. Self enlightened and devoid of respect for the traditional values on which this land was founded, they have the courage to criticize absolutely anybody or anything. The Catholic Church is certainly no exception and they, like the US Constitution, have found themselves under withering fire from the left. And so, like the Constitution, their (once) rigid stand on matters of birth control/abortion and, gay rights, have been vastly eroded in favor of standards that liberals find more palatable. Liberals sit in judgment of even the Tenets of God. You see, it was only a question of time until they took on the world's ultimate authority. Liberalism therefore, is a form of rebellion. And, like all rebellion, will result in the destruction of the social order that has been established.

'VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis may have been named Time magazine's Person of the Year, but he has come under scathing criticism from a growing number of traditionalist Catholics for cracking down on a religious order that celebrates the old Latin Mass. The case has become a flashpoint in the ideological tug-of-war going on in the Catholic Church over Francis' revolutionary agenda, which has thrilled progressives and alarmed some conservatives."

Like their Christian counterparts, liberals identify innately as a group. Through an entirely natural and predictable upswelling of conscience, Christians are guided by God's gift of conscience and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, they may be counted on to 'naturally' do what is right. Hence, we saw the long standing national run of strength of character possessed by the main stream citizenry of this land. Which, was necessary for fulfillment of the concept proffered by the founding fathers they called "self governance." Said founding fathers referred to this frame of mind as the "natural" state of man, as ordained by the "God of Nature." On the other hand we have the secular humanistic upswelling of liberalism which, although not natural by God's standards, is natural to men in their fallen state and, just as dependable. Consider this passage of scripture;
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV)
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without [SIZE="3"]natural affection[/SIZE], trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

There are two very dependable constants in this universe where man is concerned. Those two constants are good and evil. They have warred with each other for all of man's history, striving to possess the heart and mind of man. That war will culminate soon at the Battle of Armageddon.

We live in the last days my friend. I thought King's Island's 'Son of Beast', was a wild ride because hanging on was nearly impossible and if not for the built in restraints, folks would have been flying out all over the place. Same thing will be true for what is coming upon this earth. The only protection for man will be the shed blood of Jesus Christ, nothing else will safeguard life and limb. We are seeing what happens to a society which once publicly honored God but, that now, through a "fundamental transformation" of changing laws and moral standards according to the dictates of the minds of men, is reaping the whirlwind.

I believe 2014 will tell the tale. Is it over, or do we yet have time to honor Him for a while longer?
I've known for some time about the liberal scheme to rewrite history in a vein more flattering so as to better serve their own ends. Seems though some folks may have gotten it all wrong while it was happening, the history police can arrange a more convenient story line.

"Before being sanitized by a “ghostwriter” who now works in the Obama administration, the recently released original manuscript of South African revolutionary Nelson Mandela’s autobiography exposed the widely celebrated figure as a violent enemy of “democracy.” The first Long Walk to Freedom manuscript also reveals Mandela’s little-known support of violence and terror to advance communism. Largely ignored thus far, the document paints a picture of Mandela that is entirely at odds with the myths of a peace-loving political prisoner propagated by the establishment, communists, and the Western media."

^Worth the read.

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