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Collins 37 Highlands 34 (4A State Championship)
Did Wacky n Tacky commit hari kari?
You JC fans should be on this like a pack of wolves.
Ohhhhh Sleestack......?
WideRight05 Wrote:The truth is the truth. Highlands has better players, better coaches, better overall team, better facilities, better fans, better community. Collins just got lucky on one night.

hop24 Wrote::Sad04:

The facts are the facts!
Crossbones Wrote:You JC fans should be on this like a pack of wolves.

I wonder how they are gonna like everyone telling them everything they do wrong and how they should do this and how they should do that, and if they are going to win the big ones they better do it the way we do it!!!!.....:Sad04:
Bob Seger Wrote:I wonder how they are gonna like everyone telling them everything they do wrong and how they should do this and how they should do that now......

They got beat by the pass tonight, at least somebody was listening to us!
WideRight05 Wrote:The facts are the facts!

Maybe...but Collins just pulled off one of the biggest...if not the biggest upset in KY HS Football Championship History.

Collins is at the top of the mountain.......
Hey CornHusker, at least you've still got that pig farm out there in Neeebrasker!!!
sstack Wrote:They got beat by the pass tonight, at least somebody was listening to us!

Isn't it funny how you guys even wanna take the credit for all that infinite wisdom when someone else beats you....:Clap:
No one has said highlands was not a great team, they have had a great run. BUT NO ONE WAS GIVING COLLINS A CHANCE. Jerry Lucas has done a remarkable job building that program from scratch in 4 years.
Bob Seger Wrote:Ohhhhh Sleestack......?

I already posted a lot in the other thread but looks like some did not see it so I will repeat. Congrads to Collins. It was a great game. Highlands did not play their best and poor D has been a problem all year and it cost them tonight. Collins is unbelievable in improvement in one year with basically same players. Hate to see a stupid personal foul penalty have such a big play in the game, have been saying for years that I do not like the number of personal fouls that Dale allows.not one of Dale's better coached games. Collins was better team tonight and gave the state a game that will be talked about forever. By the way Becker has ice water in his veins!
To tell the truth about it, I was going to ride y'all some. Just because ole Wideright likes to give it to Belfry. But, I do like Highlands, can't help to. They have built an awesome program that we all should strive to be like..IMO. As a Belfry fan there is never a worse feeling to lose in a close one in the state finals. Hate it for you all, But congrats to Collins!! Well deserved young men. Enjoy!!
I'll bet over on bluegrasspricks.com the attorneys(Chuck??) are already filing the Chapter 7 papers.
Crossbones Wrote:To tell the truth about it, I was going to ride y'all some. Just because ole Wideright likes to give it to Belfry. But, I do like Highlands, can't help to. They have built an awesome program that we all should strive to be like..IMO. As a Belfry fan there is never a worse feeling to lose in a close one in the state finals. Hate it for you all, But congrats to Collins!! Well deserved young men. Enjoy!!

Very well said....I definitely concur:Clap:
Bob Seger Wrote:Isn't it funny how you guys even wanna take the credit for all that infinite wisdom when someone else beats you....:Clap:

You do know I was being sarcastic don't you?
Crossbones Wrote:To tell the truth about it, I was going to ride y'all some. Just because ole Wideright likes to give it to Belfry. But, I do like Highlands, can't help to. They have built an awesome program that we all should strive to be like..IMO. As a Belfry fan there is never a worse feeling to lose in a close one in the state finals. Hate it for you all, But congrats to Collins!! Well deserved young men. Enjoy!!
One of these days you guys over there at Belfry will figure out you'll never win a state championship with that danged old pound it on the ground game....You guys are gonna have to start listening to the Blue Boys on how to do it right one time!!!

BTW, big congrats to Belfry on their championship.....Confusedinglepar
Gee, and I almost forgot about ole Blue Boy, with all dem stats and newspaper arteecles!!!!...
I tried to tell you all week that Collins was to hit HHS hard and they did. Where was the running clock? Where was dale making adjustments. The better team with better players won. Don't give luck crap all that BS.
Now I guess we know why some of the FTH parents didn't want to waste their times traveling to Bowling Green for another one of those danged ole' running clock blowouts...:popcorn:
Upset of the year x1000000000000!!!!
I hate to see what the SK fans will say now
Bob Seger Wrote:Isn't it funny how you guys even wanna take the credit for all that infinite wisdom when someone else beats you....:Clap:

Tommy2tone Wrote:I tried to tell you all week that Collins was to hit HHS hard and they did. Where was the running clock? Where was dale making adjustments. The better team with better players won. Don't give luck crap all that BS.
Dale did not do a good coaching job today and yes the better team did win today.
I guess cov cath is the second best team in state. These kids are great. You guys saw the real Collins team. Can score when they have to. What an ending. I wi say this, page helmet didn't come off it was roped. Becker came in and bam, game over!!!!
Where are all the birds???? The streak had to come to an end.
WideRight05 Wrote:The facts are the facts!

your right facts are facts,HIGHLANDS CHOKED:Clap::biglmao::rockon::eyeroll:
HHS chocked cause they had a foot on their throat.
I am so glad dale kept. His foot on the gas. Highlands tires didn't go flat either. They arrived before Collins did.
sstack Wrote:Confusederiously:

Dale did not do a good coaching job today and yes the better team did win today.

I suppose he pulled the starters to rest them for all the post game festivities, and then pushed that infamous cruise control button.:popcorn:
Tommy2tone Wrote:Where are all the birds???? The streak had to come to an end.

Flying south for the winter...
I guess that weak schedule that Highlands played all season finally came back to haunt them.......:devilflam
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