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Bell co. getting turf in 2014?
I had a buddy of mine from Bell co. Send this to me today. He said it would be ready next season? Can anyone confirm that?[Image:]
It is true, suppose to be ready for 1st home game in September! Updates include new press box and visitor locker room. Both badly needed! Should be a exciting year on log mountain.
Awesome! Bell County deserves it. Great program and first class fan base!
Every team going to turf.
It looks good Bell, it really does.

Ive just always been partial to grass, and hope Whitley never changes over.

I will say this, and i cant speak for now, but Bells field was always one of the toughest to play on. It felt like running in quicksand.
Looks good, although I've never been a turf fan myself. I looks good but there just something about playing on grass.
IMO I think you get more knee injuries on turf to. It may not be true but it just seams that way to me.

Any way I will be a nice stadium when done!!
Maybe Dudley will come back.
Glad to hear Bell is getting turf. But now is the time to protest the track around the field IMO it takes the fans out of the game. But hey that,s just me.
Boy, am I with you on that!!! But, maybe the track is put there for that reason!! LOL

If the turf looks as good as the picture, it will be gorgeous. I love turf, but I've never played a game of football in my life..(except for family games on the beach) go figure. I've heard a lot of people comment negatively, like Gut and panther nation, about the injuries being more frequent.

Be that as it may; it sure does look good!
Much needed upgrade for them. Looks Good.
The injuries was true on the old astro turf but new studies show that the new "field turf" is as safe as natural grass.

It was in the newspaper today that it is a done deal.
Looks good!! Does anyone know what it cost????
Nice! Congrats to Bell County. Well deserved.
Who is the architect? Who drew the rendering of the new field?
Congrats to Bell!!!
Shondue Wrote:Who is the architect? Who drew the rendering of the new field?

Ross-Tarrant out of Lexington.
Cellking Wrote:Looks good!! Does anyone know what it cost????

what ever it is will be too much ......I have a hard time with schools spending tax dollars on anything but education. From what I understand these upgrades will come from a new property tax on the people of Bell Co. If your gonna do upgrades like this it should come from booster or donations not money meant to educate.

I love Bell football better than most but I have mixed feelings on this

TopCat don't be too hard on me for this statement
Have to agree with Objective on this........
Well you can cancel Hilton out as ever coming back to Bell Co. Its hard to turn them sprinklers on Thursday nights when the field is synthetic!
Perry Central, Harlan County, Hazard and Letcher Central all have synthetic turf. Are they keeping up with the Jones?
Objective there are certain moneys in a district coffers that is ear marked for buildings and grounds only. Can't be used for teachers, books or even pencils. It has to be spent on buildings. They are also expanding 2 of the schools and doing updates to all the others including more efficent HVAC systems at the 2 oldest buildings.

Bell BOE of has not spent any money on buidling updates in nearly a decade. If you have been to the HS lately you know it is showing its age outside. The field and pressbox is only a small portion of that money.

Currently they are keeping up 3 fields for football/soccer. This will cut that cost as well. They are spending a ton on paint, mowing, fertilzer and so on. That cost will be eliminated for the next 20 years.

Without the new tax the buildings were going to get in terrible shape and some phases already are. Our kids deserve the best just like the kids of Harlan co, Letcher co., perry co. and many others. I personally am glad the BOE has made the decsion to do that.
E's Army Wrote:Perry Central, Harlan County, Hazard and Letcher Central all have synthetic turf. Are they keeping up with the Jones?

These school with maybe the exception of Harlan Co got Coal severance money to build theirs and I agree with you TopCat that turf has some advantages long term. But, most of those fields will be maintained anyways as practice facilities.

Again I have mixed feels about this, I understand need, and cut of maintenance and of repair cost and this centralizes Middles school, JV, Freshman Football and Soccer. I see all the points that where used to pass this tax hike. But I'm tired of paying more money out when I think the Fed's/local goverment/BOE could manage my money a little better and pay for it with what they get already. I'm not against the upgrades just the upgrade to my taxes.

At some point you have to say enough is enough but it passed the election so I guess I'm in the minority once again
Turf is the way to go. it does cost a pretty penny, but no more covering, watering, cutting, or striping the field. Not only does Boyle use it for football but, soccer, band, softball, JV, Freshman, Middle School, and Little League football games are played on it. Boyle made a great decision to installed it.
Objective Wrote:what ever it is will be too much ......I have a hard time with schools spending tax dollars on anything but education. From what I understand these upgrades will come from a new property tax on the people of Bell Co. If your gonna do upgrades like this it should come from booster or donations not money meant to educate.

I love Bell football better than most but I have mixed feelings on this

TopCat don't be too hard on me for this statement

Great idea. Get us started, How much....
Yea come on Objective get the fundraising going!! I think this and the other building plans are a great investment for the future. Bell Co. kids deserve just as good as any other.

The plans are to phase out all the property at Old Bell high b/c it lies below the flood plan and costs a fortune to insure. Also the current practice field at Bell Central will become a Softball field for High School.

So NO objective they will still not be maintain 3 other fields. ALL PRACTICE will be at High school.

BTW have you seen how much this tax raise cost you? Not much.
Those fields cost around 700,000. With press boxes and all that other stuff gonna be over a 1.5 million
Congrats to Bobcat Nation. Turf seems to be the way to go nowadays. If I am not mistaking HC played on turf every game except the Bell game.
The biggest problem with turf is you gotta buy back brand new within 20 years or so.
So every 20 years, your going to have to keep dishing out hundreds of thousands.

I honestly dont think a lot of schools have thought about that.

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