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Top 10 Teams in the Mountains
I know its early, but who makes your list for top 10 in the mountains. I guess we can include Cordia Prep lol
1. Knott Co
2. Perry Central
3. Cordia
4. Johnson Central
5. Clay Co
6. Fleming Co
7. Lawerence Co
8. East Ridge
9. Hazard
10. Shelby Valley
1. Perry
2. Cordia
3. Knott
4. Clay County
5. Johnson Cent.
6. Lawrence
7. Knox
8. Fleming
9. Hazard
10. Shelby Valley
1. Cordia
2. Cordia
3. Cordia
4. Cordia
5. Cordia
6. Cordia
7. Cordia
8. Cordia
9. Cordia
10. Cordia

Nobody else even matters. LOL
I don't understand how you can put Cordia in the top 3 in the mountains when no one has seen all these players play. It is all based on hype. Top 3 IMO Knott Co., Perry Co., Johnson Central.
On a serious side.
1. Knott
2. Perry
3. Cordia
4. Hazard
1. Knott
2. Perry
3. Johnson Central
4. Cordia
5. Clay County
6. Lawrence County
7. Knox County
8. Fleming County
9. East ridge
10. Shelby Valley
1. Knott
2. Perry
3. Cordia
4. Johnson Central
5. Shelby Valley
6. Hazard
7. Clay
8. Lawrence
9. Jackson
10. Bell Co
1. Cordia Prep (might as well name them State Champs)
2. Knott Central
3. Perry Central
4. Clay Co
5. Johnson Central
6. Hazard
7. Jackson Co
8. Lawrence Co
9. Shelby Valley
10. Knox Central
No offense to anyone that has replied to this thread but how in the world do you have Hazard at 9?!?! Do you not realize that they return nearly their entire team from last season? I'd say they are at least top 6 team.
1. Knott
2. Cordia
3. PCC
4. Clay
5. Johnson Central
6. Hazard
7. Lawrence
8. Shelby Valley
9. Jackson
10. Knox

I don't include 16th region teams, although it is still technically the mountains.
BBN30 Wrote:I don't understand how you can put Cordia in the top 3 in the mountains when no one has seen all these players play. It is all based on hype. Top 3 IMO Knott Co., Perry Co., Johnson Central.
I can agree with you on hype, but Ohio State, KY and others are not there for no reason. Players draw the attention not the crazies on the creek tooting their horn.
OutsideLookingIn Wrote:I can agree with you on hype, but Ohio State, KY and others are not there for no reason. Players draw the attention not the crazies on the creek tooting their horn.

I agree fully, but no one has seen them play as a collective unit against other competition. I'm not saying they aren't good, just haven't proven anything yet.
Cordia ( If the rumor are true ) :1:
Knott co
Perry co
Hazard ( football player gets to play early this year ) Confusednicker:
Johnson central
Clay co
Lawrence co
Shelby valley
Jackson co
Fleming co ( guessing ) Confusednicker:

I really have no ideal from 64sur

Sleeper team Knox central and Williamsburg :rockon:
11. Lawrence County!!!!!!!
BBN30 Wrote:I agree fully, but no one has seen them play as a collective unit against other competition. I'm not saying they aren't good, just haven't proven anything yet.

the same reason that UK is ranked number 1. no one have saw them play as a unit. they rank them by the player they got. that is the only thing preseason polls can go off of. when they get into the 3rd or 4th week of the seasons everyone can get a better pic of what kind of team someone got.
1. Knott Co. Central
2. Perry Central
3. Cordia
4. Clay Co.
5. Johnson Central
6. Knox Central
7. Hazard
8. Shelby Valley
9. Bell Co.
10. Jackson Co.
Preseason Top 10....

1. Knott Central
2. Perry Central
3. Johnson Central
4. Clay Co.
5. Lawrence Co.
6. Hazard
7. Cordia
8. Shelby Valley
9. Jackson Co.
10. South Laurel
Does anyone know how you get selected to go to the wymt tournament? Seems as though if clay co is supposed to be as good as everyone thinks, shouldnt have they got an invite?
1. Cordia University
2. Cordia Community College
3. Pippa Passes University
4. Perry County All Stars
5. Candian National Team
Preseason Top 10....
1. Knott Central
2. Perry Central
3. Cordia
4. Johnson Central
5. Clay Co.
6. Lawrence Co.
7. Shelby Valley
8. Jackson County
9. Harlan County
10. Hazard
Watched Cordia lose to a mediocre Thomas Nelson. They had 8 players onnthe bench in warmups and the refs said they werent playing becauae they were still not eligible. Not sure what they will look like when and if everyone gets eligible but right now its only fair to say there not in the mountain top 15.
1. Knott County
2. Perry Cent
3. Cordia
4. Johnson Cent
5. Hazard
6. Clay County
7. South Laurel
8. Jackson County
9. Lawrence County
10. Knox County

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