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Oh the irony
[YOUTUBE="You can't write a funnier promo"]Rc3lvSRFkJ8[/YOUTUBE]
This used to be played before Dolphin games:truestory:
Karma a b@tch ain't it?
In all honesty, in todays sad, sad world, it only takes two things to make people turn on someone.

Call them a bully
Call them a racist

Once you do those things, the media will side with the "victim" everytime.

Looks like all the dolphins are backing incognito and more or less saying there pissed at martin.

I think it will come out Martin is gay or something, and all hell will break loose. There will be so many rainbow flags outside of the dolphins stadium, they'll have wear sunglasses to hide the flame.
Incognito shouldn't have used the racial slurs or said anything about the dude's family, but this is something that should have been taken care of in the locker room, not the politically correct outside world. Martin should have punched him right in the face if he was bothered that bad. Antrelle Rolle spoke what most players are probably feeling but no one wants to get crucified by the PC press like he has. Most people don't understand the culture of a football locker room, that's all there is to it.
geauxtigers75 Wrote:Incognito shouldn't have used the racial slurs or said anything about the dude's family, but this is something that should have been taken care of in the locker room, not the politically correct outside world. Martin should have punched him right in the face if he was bothered that bad. Antrelle Rolle spoke what most players are probably feeling but no one wants to get crucified by the PC press like he has. Most people don't understand the culture of a football locker room, that's all there is to it.

^this....he is a 300+ lb lineman, punching him in the face would have probably kept it in the locker room and stopped the madness.
Im not sure i ever thought it would come to a 300 pound lineman whining about getting picked on.

Too many "feelings" for me.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Im not sure i ever thought it would come to a 300 pound lineman whining about getting picked on.

Too many "feelings" for me.

The wussification of America continues, unfortunately.
geauxtigers75 Wrote:The wussification of America continues, unfortunately.

yes - yes - and yes

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi

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