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Bowling Green 26 Blackman (TN) 25
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:^^ Your first example shows a player stumbling on the side line into the opposing player. Good no call.

Actually, there was no stumble, the kid was hit by a second player (90) at the knees to cause him to go down.
Go to 11:35...
^Still looks like the kid fell to his knees and inadvertently fell into the player. Still a good no call.
^^Complete fantasy Blackcat. You have drank too much of the purple Kool-Aid.
I will say if the way the Blackman team entered the field is any indication of how they acted on the field I could see all the unsportsmanlike conduct flags. Why run down across the 50 into the opposing team? You are just asking for trouble. Looks like the Purple was above that, so nothing transpired.
Go cry on the CoachT board instead of coming up here and posting your vids..
The no call on the hit out of bounds wasn't a bad call IMO. You could have called that, but it wasn't blatant or on purpose by the second defender.

The flag on the TE bumping into the ref was a terrible call though.

Not sure on all the unsportmanlike calls. Can't really tell what's going on when 22 players are bunched together.
This reminds me of the reaction from the Tennessee whoop te doo team Trousdale County that lost 48-40 at Mayfield a few years back. Their fans were asking for addresses of the refs and the Mayfield folks can add more to this, but there was some talk on a bulletin board post down there about burning down houses and such. I don't think their coaches were involved by name, but it was a pretty bitter overall reaction to the loss. Tennessee schools just do not like losing to Kentucky schools.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:^^ Your first example shows a player stumbling on the side line into the opposing player. Good no call.

Your second example doesn't even show what call the official made. I would assume it was an unsportsmanlike conduct on the team in white. We do not know what was said on the field so how can we dispute it.

I assume you are talking about the "bump". That is what was called. He didn't say anything. It was for "contact with an official".

Congrats to Bowling Green on the win. Good luck in the playoffs.

#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:I will say if the way the Blackman team entered the field is any indication of how they acted on the field I could see all the unsportsmanlike conduct flags. Why run down across the 50 into the opposing team? You are just asking for trouble. Looks like the Purple was above that, so nothing transpired.

Because that is what they are used to. Why does BG have to come onto the field towards the visitors sideline? Blackman is used to running onto the field through a tunnel of students (usually 100 yards long). BG's funky set up caused them to run onto the field on the opposite side. Ideally, they would have run down the other hash/numbers, but that would have run directly into the Purples.

BlackcatAlum Wrote:The no call on the hit out of bounds wasn't a bad call IMO. You could have called that, but it wasn't blatant or on purpose by the second defender.

The flag on the TE bumping into the ref was a terrible call though.

Not sure on all the unsportmanlike calls. Can't really tell what's going on when 22 players are bunched together.

If it would have been one player, maybe I could have seen your argument. If Blackman wouldn't have been called for at least 2 that were basically the same, except for being just 1 player...i would understand it. However, he was hit the first time, that spun him around, then the second guy comes in and pulls him down. Whether intentional or not, it HAS to be called. If you swallow your whistle there, you have to swallow your whistle completely...which obviously they didn't.
blazeburnin Wrote:

Please tell me where this insulting began? Honestly, I've never seen the head coaches go out for the coin toss before. Is that a Kentucky thing? You can tell from both the upper and lower views that there is no insulting going on pregame. Please tell me the time stamps in the video evidence of these "antics" by the Blackman team. I'll give you a few to start with.

9:12 - Blackman QB scrambles and is hit not once, but twice, out of bounds, with the 2nd one pulling him down - NO Call. Somebody says something to him as he is walking back to the huddle and he turns around and says something back....flag on him! Play should have been late hit out of bounds, 1st and 10 Blackman around the Purples' 37 yard line...or even 3rd and 3 with a No-call or Off-setting. Instead it is 3rd and 18 at the Blaze 33.

Then, it gets even more comical. As the Blaze break the huddle, their TE "brushes" and tries to avoid the white hat. That brutality is another 15 for the 3rd and 33 from the Blaze 18.

That is a 45 yard swing. Bottom line is Blackman was driving to likely go up 2 scores with BG falling apart offensively and that was unacceptable.

10:34 - It "appears", they flagged #40 because #70 was holding onto his foot and #40 didn't lean over and say "may i have my foot back please" and just pulled it away. Flag flies....then somebody probably said something in reaction to the flag and out comes #2.

Do officials normally carry 2 flags?

I want to know what happened to draw the flag on their touchdown, and love the "no call" on the play at 11:15 where they are shoving #2's head in the dirt with a ref standing right there...oh yeah, they were driving to score, I forgot.

First off, Coach Shadowens is NOT a "turd" and his team is definitely NOT a bunch of "thugs". Again, please show me on the film. Who did show out like a turd is the BG head coach. He didn't go in at halftime immediately in order to go on quite the demonstrative rant, yelling and cussing at the head ref. Apparantly it worked, because they threw 6 in the 2nd half against the Blaze. Honestly, has anybody EVER seen a half of football where there is a 6-0 disparity in those type fouls?
I never used the words turd or thugs. Second I'm only basing my comments based on what was said on here. I live 5 hours from bowling green so i didn't attend the game.
blazeburnin Wrote:

Please tell me where this insulting began? Honestly, I've never seen the head coaches go out for the coin toss before. Is that a Kentucky thing? You can tell from both the upper and lower views that there is no insulting going on pregame. Please tell me the time stamps in the video evidence of these "antics" by the Blackman team. I'll give you a few to start with.

9:12 - Blackman QB scrambles and is hit not once, but twice, out of bounds, with the 2nd one pulling him down - NO Call. Somebody says something to him as he is walking back to the huddle and he turns around and says something back....flag on him! Play should have been late hit out of bounds, 1st and 10 Blackman around the Purples' 37 yard line...or even 3rd and 3 with a No-call or Off-setting. Instead it is 3rd and 18 at the Blaze 33.

Then, it gets even more comical. As the Blaze break the huddle, their TE "brushes" and tries to avoid the white hat. That brutality is another 15 for the 3rd and 33 from the Blaze 18.

That is a 45 yard swing. Bottom line is Blackman was driving to likely go up 2 scores with BG falling apart offensively and that was unacceptable.

10:34 - It "appears", they flagged #40 because #70 was holding onto his foot and #40 didn't lean over and say "may i have my foot back please" and just pulled it away. Flag flies....then somebody probably said something in reaction to the flag and out comes #2.

Do officials normally carry 2 flags?

I want to know what happened to draw the flag on their touchdown, and love the "no call" on the play at 11:15 where they are shoving #2's head in the dirt with a ref standing right there...oh yeah, they were driving to score, I forgot.

First off, Coach Shadowens is NOT a "turd" and his team is definitely NOT a bunch of "thugs". Again, please show me on the film. Who did show out like a turd is the BG head coach. He didn't go in at halftime immediately in order to go on quite the demonstrative rant, yelling and cussing at the head ref. Apparantly it worked, because they threw 6 in the 2nd half against the Blaze. Honestly, has anybody EVER seen a half of football where there is a 6-0 disparity in those type fouls?
the personal foul on 40 wasn't for him pulling his foot away but the two shots he delivers to the BG players head right before that. I'm guessing the flag just got stuck which is why it came out late. Second the late hit was indeed a late hit. The receiver was going out of bounds. But it amounted to what? A 2 yard penalty.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:the personal foul on 40 wasn't for him pulling his foot away but the two shots he delivers to the BG players head right before that. I'm guessing the flag just got stuck which is why it came out late. Second the late hit was indeed a late hit. The receiver was going out of bounds. But it amounted to what? A 2 yard penalty.

So the shots the BG player get were ok. Should have been a no call, and it looks like it was. He doesn't reach for the flag until right after he pulled his foot back.

It was the QB that was hit late...and it wasn't a 2 yd penalty. It led to a 45 yard swing because it wasn't called. 15 yds on the QB for responding to BG players/coaches. 15 yds for "bumping" the official. Add the 15 yds NOT called on the late hit. Instead of 1st and 10 at the BG 37, it ended up 3rd and 33 on Blackman 18.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:I never used the words turd or thugs. Second I'm only basing my comments based on what was said on here. I live 5 hours from bowling green so i didn't attend the game.

You didn't use "turds and thugs". That was geauxtigers that I was responding to.
both sides get over it, the game ended Friday night

If Blackman was more dominant, flags wouldn't have been an issue
If Bowling Green was more dominant, they would've won by more

these were 2 really good teams that played a tough football game, sounds like money well spent for a football game
These Blackman people are really sad. No wonder their kids acted the way they did. These "adult" fans can't accept reality. There's a twenty page thread about this game on a Tn. message board. I was at the game with a very good view. As the teams were leaving the field at halftime, our coach was jawing the refs and the Blackman coach came over and said something that our coach didn't like and they had a few words. The Blackman players leaving the field started yelling and barking and started towards our bench and stands. Their coaches finally got them off the field. That changed the whole atmosphere of the game. They looked more like a street gang than a football team. Many people were worried it was going to get ugly and it did when the 3rd quarter started. The officials had to get control of the game and Blackman and their coach were extremely slow to comply. It took 6 unsportsmanlike conduct flags ect... to get control of the game. After that, the rest of the game was great football. Blackman tried to turn it into a backyard brawl. Our guys maintained their cool and won the game. I'm sorry if their little Jimmy couldn't control their tempers and it cost them the game. It would be a great lesson for those Blackman kids, but their coach and daddy's won't let them accept any responsibility for their actions.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:^^ Your first example shows a player stumbling on the side line into the opposing player. Good no call.

Your second example doesn't even show what call the official made. I would assume it was an unsportsmanlike conduct on the team in white. We do not know what was said on the field so how can we dispute it.

Congrats to Bowling Green on the win. Good luck in the playoffs.

First example should have been called. It doesn't matter if the defender stumbled or not; it doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. Both hits on the QB were while the QB was OB and a penalty should have been called.

As for the second example, I sincerely hope that the penalty was called for something other than the Blackman player brushing the ref. Something had to have been said. Or else that was a terrible call by the white hat.
blazeburnin Wrote:

Please tell me where this insulting began? Honestly, I've never seen the head coaches go out for the coin toss before. Is that a Kentucky thing? You can tell from both the upper and lower views that there is no insulting going on pregame. Please tell me the time stamps in the video evidence of these "antics" by the Blackman team. I'll give you a few to start with.

9:12 - Blackman QB scrambles and is hit not once, but twice, out of bounds, with the 2nd one pulling him down - NO Call. Somebody says something to him as he is walking back to the huddle and he turns around and says something back....flag on him! Play should have been late hit out of bounds, 1st and 10 Blackman around the Purples' 37 yard line...or even 3rd and 3 with a No-call or Off-setting. Instead it is 3rd and 18 at the Blaze 33.

Then, it gets even more comical. As the Blaze break the huddle, their TE "brushes" and tries to avoid the white hat. That brutality is another 15 for the 3rd and 33 from the Blaze 18.

That is a 45 yard swing. Bottom line is Blackman was driving to likely go up 2 scores with BG falling apart offensively and that was unacceptable.

10:34 - It "appears", they flagged #40 because #70 was holding onto his foot and #40 didn't lean over and say "may i have my foot back please" and just pulled it away. Flag flies....then somebody probably said something in reaction to the flag and out comes #2.

Do officials normally carry 2 flags?

I want to know what happened to draw the flag on their touchdown, and love the "no call" on the play at 11:15 where they are shoving #2's head in the dirt with a ref standing right there...oh yeah, they were driving to score, I forgot.

First off, Coach Shadowens is NOT a "turd" and his team is definitely NOT a bunch of "thugs". Again, please show me on the film. Who did show out like a turd is the BG head coach. He didn't go in at halftime immediately in order to go on quite the demonstrative rant, yelling and cussing at the head ref. Apparantly it worked, because they threw 6 in the 2nd half against the Blaze. Honestly, has anybody EVER seen a half of football where there is a 6-0 disparity in those type fouls?

Disagree with your analysis of the incident at 10:34. 40 shouldn't have done the arms extension towards the BG blocker's head. Ref should have immediately thrown the flag. As for the second flag, my guess is that the Blackman players said something to the ref. If so, that flag should have been thrown too.
On CoachT they are up in arms over the ejections. They want the THSAA to investigate and overturn all the ejections so the won't miss any playoff action. Its a disgrace on KY football and we will get whats coming to us.

Guess what? There were no ejections. Some Blackman fan made that up and the whole state of Tennessee went running with it. Just like the Lie they are telling about only having (4) 15 yard penalties all year because they are choirboys.
Iam4thecats Wrote:On CoachT they are up in arms over the ejections. They want the THSAA to investigate and overturn all the ejections so the won't miss any playoff action. Its a disgrace on KY football and we will get whats coming to us.

Guess what? There were no ejections. Some Blackman fan made that up and the whole state of Tennessee went running with it. Just like the Lie they are telling about only having (4) 15 yard penalties all year because they are choirboys.
adopted purple Wrote:These Blackman people are really sad. No wonder their kids acted the way they did. These "adult" fans can't accept reality. There's a twenty page thread about this game on a Tn. message board. I was at the game with a very good view. As the teams were leaving the field at halftime, our coach was jawing the refs and the Blackman coach came over and said something that our coach didn't like and they had a few words. The Blackman players leaving the field started yelling and barking and started towards our bench and stands. Their coaches finally got them off the field. That changed the whole atmosphere of the game. They looked more like a street gang than a football team. Many people were worried it was going to get ugly and it did when the 3rd quarter started. The officials had to get control of the game and Blackman and their coach were extremely slow to comply. It took 6 unsportsmanlike conduct flags ect... to get control of the game. After that, the rest of the game was great football. Blackman tried to turn it into a backyard brawl. Our guys maintained their cool and won the game. I'm sorry if their little Jimmy couldn't control their tempers and it cost them the game. It would be a great lesson for those Blackman kids, but their coach and daddy's won't let them accept any responsibility for their actions.

So it's perfectly acceptable for "your" coach to jaw/curse the officials, but if the Blackman coach comes over, that is unacceptable. The Blackman players were barking because they were being rained down on with "N" words and m'effers. How do you think most 16-17 year old boys would react. Those were your fans and daddys that were doing that. Please show me on the film where anybody tried to turn it into a backyard brawl? Was it where they hit our QB twice out of bounds and had the BG team and coaches cussing him? Was it where there was a BG player on top of our QB/FS shoving his head in the dirt long after the play was over right in front of an official? It WAS a great lesson. Sometimes things don't go your way, and sometimes people will do what they can to keep you from succeeding.

charlie22 Wrote:First example should have been called. It doesn't matter if the defender stumbled or not; it doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. Both hits on the QB were while the QB was OB and a penalty should have been called.

As for the second example, I sincerely hope that the penalty was called for something other than the Blackman player brushing the ref. Something had to have been said. Or else that was a terrible call by the white hat.

Sorry to break it to you, but nothing was said! They told our coaches it was for "contact with an official".

Iam4thecats Wrote:On CoachT they are up in arms over the ejections. They want the THSAA to investigate and overturn all the ejections so the won't miss any playoff action. Its a disgrace on KY football and we will get whats coming to us.

Guess what? There were no ejections. Some Blackman fan made that up and the whole state of Tennessee went running with it. Just like the Lie they are telling about only having (4) 15 yard penalties all year because they are choirboys.

Unfortunately you are mistaken, and unfortunately I highly doubt the TSSAA does anything about it. There hasn't been an appeals process for these things in the past.

And yes, we have only had 4 15 yarders all year, and 2 of those were off-setting.

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