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Harlan Co 23 Bell Co 18 Final Score
I think we all agree that the refs weren't the best in the world. As stated in previous post missed calls for BOTH teams. Once again Congrats BOBCATS on a hard fought game. Put this game behind you and get ready for Etown.
I guess the main thing is HC won, and while i could write a book about why it wasnt a bigger margin of victory, i really don't want to catch alot of flack from others on here, but i will say this if anyone blames some of the bad calls on the refs, then you should also be questioning the play calling for HC last night, One of the worse play calling games i've ever witnessed in any football game, those kids from HC won with determination, and heart last night, Hats off to the kids on the field, not so much to the play calling/callers....
Anybody got anything on Helton? PM me if you do. Great kid!!!
CatMomma Wrote:You people never cease to amaze me.... You thought you were going to come to Log Mtn and run all over this Young Bobcat team and that didn't happen. They played their HEARTS out. Take your win and enjoy it and get your team ready for playoffs. Prayers for the injured HC player.

Our team DID come up there and run all over Bell County. Bell did play their hearts out. Caldwell would have been a big boost. Hope he's able to play in play offs. Bell County has improved since beginning of season. The officials should not have intervened to prevent the score of being what it would have been. It may not happen every year, but this year total domination by the Black Bears and the score didn't indicate it because of officiating. Take it as a compliment. It's a good rivalry. We've taken our lumps. Bell can take theirs. Next week both teams will be dancing to the same tune, "Staying Alive". Good luck during the Play Offs!
HDE Wrote:Bell was only penalized three times for 25 yards.
I had HCHS with 99 yards in penalties, but the Harlan County stats had 110 yards, so I may have missed one.
I thought Bell played with a lot of heart. They were better than I expected. It could have been real interesting if not for the dropped touchdown pass.

bear claw Wrote:My point is Harris' crew calling the Bell/Harlan Co game. It happens EVERY time we come to Log Mountain and we all know how Harris hates Larkey and will have it put to him. It is just a shame that they won't let the kids just play. If you don't believe me ask a couple of other refing crews and they will tell you that comments have been made from some of the members of Harris' crew that they will put it to Larkey. Don't believe me? That crew has had us twice this year and they have threw around 25 penalties and over 200 yards. Look, I am done with this complaining about his crew and yes we have made stupid penalties over the year, but the bottom line it is obvious that Harris has a vendetta against Larkey and it only punishes our kids.
I do want to congratulate Coach Mills and his team. NOBODY gave them a shot this year but they are 6-4 and have a home playoff game. Bell will only get better.
Congrats to my Bears!!! We are now 0-0 and the real season begins. Stay focused and finish the job. I hope Gary Helton is ok. If someone has a report on him I sure would like to know.

BB CLAW Wrote:The refs were horrible and always an issue on Log Mtn. HC ruled Bell. HC ends the game with 355 yards while Bell has 134. HC had at least 150 more yards negated. Black Bears just overpowered them 355-134. Bell's only positive offense after the first TD was produced by FLAGS! GO BLACK BEARS!!!!!!!!!!

BB CLAW Wrote:Seriously, the KHSAA needs to hold officials accountable for this type stuff. By all means, on Log Mtn. I don't care what team comes to Log Mtn, they will get a raw deal. Minus the, lets call them unwarranted flags, the Black Bears would have had 500 yards of offense easily. Bell was afforded 70 of their 134 yards after the stupid calls, leaving them with (64) very few yards of offense. Anybody, at the game, seen just that. The Black Bears ruled Bell, running it at will and stuffing Bell and also after the first TD pass, made adjustments on pass defense and played it pretty good. The score , minus the officiating crews attempt to make it an opportunity for Bell, would have been 46-12. Anyone, who watched seen the Black Bears overpowering Bell in the run game and shutting down Bell. Good luck to Bell, their kids play hard and I hope they go far in the playoffs. Officials, you should be ashamed after that. GO BLACK BEARS!!!!

Patriot Wrote:Typical bell moral victory even when the refs keep you in the game! Rose tinted glasses really 12 penalties 110 yard compared to 3 for 25 . HC was backed up. 3rd and 35 when a touchdtown drive would have more than likely put the game away. I can't forget to mention that two of the halfback passes were forward passes to the half back, only on log mountain can you throw two forward passes on one play.

I'm glad there are some Harlan county fans that are not just absolutely ignorant. I just don't understand how As a fan u can pretend that your team doesn't hold, hit late, and start early on every play. Just wait until the play offs when you have a ref crew that could care less about tom larkey or anybody else. Facts are holding could be called on every play. #42 tackled the bell DBS every play. 74 held every play. And the guards were starting early every play. Rockcastle used to do it and now Harlan co does it. Stop pretending it didn't happen. And to fuss about two refs from mboro they hate bell co. Wasn't that obvious after the clip out in open field in front of the white hat? And the face mask after a bell sack that handed HC their go ahead td before half? Idiots how many refs on the crew were from Harlan? Looked to me like bell was out manned. Congrats to HC respectable effort bell. U EARNED EVERY TD U GOT BELL.
Officiating was terrible on both sides. The 2 calls on HC's last drive of the first half was horrible. The facemask penalty kept the drive alive when their was no facemask. The defender had his hand inside the jersey and it looked bad. Kelly had no vantage point to call it. Then a block in the back directly in front of the white hat come on!!!!

But at any rate as I said the officiating sucks period! I have watched quit a few games in our area this year and no matter who is playing the zebras are awful. For all teams!!!

This game is over. 2 good teams played very hard and have 2 great fan bases! I would like to see both teams win 5 in a row from here on. Good luck to the bears in the playoff's!!!

Also I hope big 58 is able to return for the rest of the year. I personally know some of his people and hated to see him hurt, any kid for the matter.
Demarcus ware Wrote:I guess the main thing is HC won, and while i could write a book about why it wasnt a bigger margin of victory, i really don't want to catch alot of flack from others on here, but i will say this if anyone blames some of the bad calls on the refs, then you should also be questioning the play calling for HC last night, One of the worse play calling games i've ever witnessed in any football game, those kids from HC won with determination, and heart last night, Hats off to the kids on the field, not so much to the play calling/callers....

From listening on the radio last night, I will say this much.
Larkey played to win, and nothing else.

HC should have killed Bell. Bell was loading the box with 8 or 9 guys on every single play, and Larkey was comfortable running the ball right up the middle. Larkey knew he could overpower Bell to win by a close margin, and thats what he did.
Had HC run there offense like they did against Whitley, It would have been just as bad, but Larkey doesnt do that. Its like he moving chess pieces to see what he has before the playoffs.
BellCoFaithful Wrote::please: complaining about the refs? I agree, that crew is terrible. I agree, it seemed like they were being nit picky with holding calls, but to me, anytime holding is called on the offensive/defensive lines its incredibly nit picky. But the refs had no outcome on this game. The better team won, and the refs sucked for both sides. HC got away with roughing the passer and a few huge clips on scoring plays that was clear as day. But it had no outcome on the game. Had the TD's been called back, it would have took two runs to score instead of 1 with how we tackled.

I thought Harlan County was incredibly tough, I thought we came out strong and jumped on them and shocked them and couldn't finish. I thought our defense played well, but just didn't finish plays, we were hitting the HC back 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage, 2 yards across the line, then 6, 7, 8, 15 yards ripped off left and right, HC has some good tough backs. They were bigger, stronger, more physical and more experienced in big games/tough games than us, hats off to them. I still have real high hopes for us in the coming years, So many young kids on the team, a heavy sophomore driven team with a few juniors and freshman sprinkled in, we are showing some flashes, and some fight, there's reason to be excited. All in all it ended up being the kind of game I expected, a dog fight until the very end. Congrats HC, Good luck going into the playoffs. I think we have a better shot to make some noise in the playoffs than a lot of people are giving us credit for but oh well, we'll do what we do and take it as it comes. Also hope the injured HC player is ok, I hate seeing that, especially right before playoff time.
why don't you explain to us how the refs were bad for Bell????? It is well documented how they were bad for HC!!!!!!!!
Please HC people, you are short changing yourself by not accepting the facts. HC could be a heck of a team, watched the HC /Belfry game and I seen a tremendous amount of talent on the HC team that could represent the mountains very well, but face it, your team is an undisciplined team that think they can punch and punk the opposing teams and refs. I heard a ref say once that was preparing his group to ref the HC team and was warning the fellow refs "if the HC players start their crap then throw the flags and maintain control of the game" Players should be taught control and self discipline, should maintain respect for other teams and refs, if you gain and maintain a rep of a classless team it carries a long ways. Refs and other teams communicate your actions to each other to prepare, if taught at home and in practice to be respectful the results won't be as they are.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I always keep my word :Thumbs:

Gut got to give you credit that u will and sometimes u get under peoples skin but they got to love your post:thanks:
Bell county has improved so much throughout the season. I wouldn't overlook bell in playoffs. They are able to smash some dreams
On to Lincoln Co. Back to Coal Miners' Memorial Stadium for two weeks, saying we beat Lincoln, and then the challenge starts. Michigan signee Harris will come back to Harlan County to try to even the score. BUT, that is two weeks away. GO BEARS!!!!!!!
CATDAD2 Wrote:Please HC people, you are short changing yourself by not accepting the facts. HC could be a heck of a team, watched the HC /Belfry game and I seen a tremendous amount of talent on the HC team that could represent the mountains very well, but face it, your team is an undisciplined team that think they can punch and punk the opposing teams and refs. I heard a ref say once that was preparing his group to ref the HC team and was warning the fellow refs "if the HC players start their crap then throw the flags and maintain control of the game" Players should be taught control and self discipline, should maintain respect for other teams and refs, if you gain and maintain a rep of a classless team it carries a long ways. Refs and other teams communicate your actions to each other to prepare, if taught at home and in practice to be respectful the results won't be as they are.

That loss last night must have stung a little more than some let on than to get on here and to attack the integrity of Harlan County's Coaches, kids, and even their parents. Keeping it classy Bell County!:Thumbs:
bear claw Wrote:My point is Harris' crew calling the Bell/Harlan Co game. It happens EVERY time we come to Log Mountain and we all know how Harris hates Larkey and will have it put to him. It is just a shame that they won't let the kids just play. If you don't believe me ask a couple of other refing crews and they will tell you that comments have been made from some of the members of Harris' crew that they will put it to Larkey. Don't believe me? That crew has had us twice this year and they have threw around 25 penalties and over 200 yards. Look, I am done with this complaining about his crew and yes we have made stupid penalties over the year, but the bottom line it is obvious that Harris has a vendetta against Larkey and it only punishes our kids.
I do want to congratulate Coach Mills and his team. NOBODY gave them a shot this year but they are 6-4 and have a home playoff game. Bell will only get better.
Congrats to my Bears!!! We are now 0-0 and the real season begins. Stay focused and finish the job. I hope Gary Helton is ok. If someone has a report on him I sure would like to know.

When u say harris crew what r the names of these refs that r the crew
As I said in the previous post, I am done with posting on the HARRIS' crew.
bear claw Wrote:As I said in the previous post, I am done with posting on the HARRIS' crew.

Excuse me i was just wanting to know there names and see if that is the one i saw last night. Could anyone else tell me them thanks in advance.
Good luck to a GREAT coach in Mills and to the Bobcats in the playoffs. Take care of business the first round and head to Louisville and SHOCK THE WORLD!!!!!
I was able to get off work and make it to the game! What I seen was Bell being overmatched but playing really hard. Harlan County is very big and physical and made plays. The size difference in players was huge!! Both teams play. Really hard and this is becoming a great rivalry.

Now as for the refs Harlan Co is extremely physical. They intimidate and basically try to beat you to submission. I feel like they are on the edge of personal fouls or holding every play. And a lot of times they did hold and it was called. That's what happens when you are that physical.
Mama Bear Wrote:That loss last night must have stung a little more than some let on than to get on here and to attack the integrity of Harlan County's Coaches, kids, and even their parents. Keeping it classy Bell County!:Thumbs:
Perfect example........
Bobcats 9108 Wrote:You are seeing things one sided all of those calls were legit. You are looking through rose colored glasses. Bell played your a---- off. They were bad for Bell too it didn't cost us the game we missed some opportunities that is the bottom line. Bell County has gotten better you need to quit listening to gut.

Are you telling me that signaling Bell ball after the muffed punt was legit? If so you lose all credibility in any conversation you ever participate in. I didn't say shit about the holding but since you chose to call me out on a post I was clearly correct about I will. It must have been awful watching those bigger stronger Harlan County offensive linemen holding those smaller, younger, inexperienced Bell kids that ever have a reason to hold. And another thing...someone needs to teach this crew how to count. Holding is 10 yards, PF is 15. Not 12 and 17. They also need to understand how to apply spot of the foul vs. end of the run. The crew undoubtedly did not call a perfect game for either side, but let's be perfectly was obviously one sided.
Bear_Paw Wrote:Are you telling me that signaling Bell ball after the muffed punt was legit? If so you lose all credibility in any conversation you ever participate in. I didn't say shit about the holding but since you chose to call me out on a post I was clearly correct about I will. It must have been awful watching those bigger stronger Harlan County offensive linemen holding those smaller, younger, inexperienced Bell kids that ever have a reason to hold. And another thing...someone needs to teach this crew how to count. Holding is 10 yards, PF is 15. Not 12 and 17. They also need to understand how to apply spot of the foul vs. end of the run. The crew undoubtedly did not call a perfect game for either side, but let's be perfectly was obviously one sided.

You need to go back and read post #37. I may have the wrong button and didn't mean to put you in something. Harlan Co has a good team the refs were terrible on both sides but almost all of the penalties against HC were legit. There was terrible spotting on both sides. There was a block in the back on HC 2 point conversion before the half right in front of the white hat that wasn't called and many other times that things weren't call on both teams. Harlan Co commits a lot of penalties that is what Coach Larkey's teams have all ways done go back and check some Rock stats when he was there the same things were going on then. Good Luck to Harlan Co rest of the season go and represent the mountains.
pureathlete Wrote:I'm glad there are some Harlan county fans that are not just absolutely ignorant. I just don't understand how As a fan u can pretend that your team doesn't hold, hit late, and start early on every play. Just wait until the play offs when you have a ref crew that could care less about tom larkey or anybody else. Facts are holding could be called on every play. #42 tackled the bell DBS every play. 74 held every play. And the guards were starting early every play. Rockcastle used to do it and now Harlan co does it. Stop pretending it didn't happen. And to fuss about two refs from mboro they hate bell co. Wasn't that obvious after the clip out in open field in front of the white hat? And the face mask after a bell sack that handed HC their go ahead td before half? Idiots how many refs on the crew were from Harlan? Looked to me like bell was out manned. Congrats to HC respectable effort bell. U EARNED EVERY TD U GOT BELL.

Can you imagine the complaining about the officiating if The Bobcats would have won?:argue:
Patriot Wrote:Typical bell moral victory even when the refs keep you in the game! Rose tinted glasses really 12 penalties 110 yard compared to 3 for 25 . HC was backed up. 3rd and 35 when a touchdtown drive would have more than likely put the game away. I can't forget to mention that two of the halfback passes were forward passes to the half back, only on log mountain can you throw two forward passes on one play.

I have been told that it is legal to throw 2 forward passes in Ky high school football on one play as long as the first one is thrown behind the line of scrimmage.
SEKYFAN Wrote:I have been told that it is legal to throw 2 forward passes in Ky high school football on one play as long as the first one is thrown behind the line of scrimmage.

The were both not 2 forward passes both of them were laterals.
SEKYFAN Wrote:I have been told that it is legal to throw 2 forward passes in Ky high school football on one play as long as the first one is thrown behind the line of scrimmage.

I have heard this as well, but couldn't find it written down anywhere. Anybody know?
SEKYFAN Wrote:Can you imagine the complaining about the officiating if The Bobcats would have won?:argue:

Who wins or loses has no effect on the fact that the officiating sucked. Had Harlan County lost, you would just say that we were crying sour grapes. We have nothing to gain from complaining.

SEKYFAN Wrote:I have been told that it is legal to throw 2 forward passes in Ky high school football on one play as long as the first one is thrown behind the line of scrimmage.

You will have to show me this in writing; I sure can't find it. I will; however, admit that the officials allowed Bell County to do this twice on Friday night.

Bobcats 9108 Wrote:The were both not 2 forward passes both of them were laterals.

I respectfully disagree. This play was run twice, and the second one was arguably close to being a lateral. The first one was definitely two forward passes.
Yes you can throw as many passes as you want as long as you or the ball has not crossed the line of scrimmage, but once you or the ball has crossed that line, you may not forward lateral the ball to another player, the pass must be a backward lateral.

I was wrong; and apologize for my error.
wow Harlan CO. is really having problems this year aren't they?
Granny Bear Wrote:Yes you can throw as many passes as you want as long as you or the ball has not crossed the line of scrimmage, but once you or the ball has crossed that line, you may not forward lateral the ball to another player, the pass must be a backward lateral.

I was wrong; and apologize for my error.

I had heard that, but I was skeptical. Thanks! Where did you find this info?
I had asked a bunch of people that I trusted. All of them but one said, only one forward pass....after I posted my rebuttal, Spirit100 found this and PMd me with it.

There's always one, right!??!


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