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Why the moral outrage against Fairview?
I've been reading the tales about Fairview for about 18 months now, and I just don't get why so many have such angst for Fairview. So what if they have players whose original residence was W. VA. ? Are we all so naive to think that Trinity has never had a player from Indiana or Highlands has never had a player from Ohio on its roster?

When you play the game of football and the officials decide not to enforce the rules, you either adjust what you are doing, or you lose. KHSAA has decided that they are unwilling or unable to enforce the rules , and Fairview has adjusted.

Fairview is doing the same things that the tradition powers in the state have been doing for decades. The only difference is that the traditional powers do it more more subtly, and lets face it, have had allies in KHSAA that have allowed them to do it.

I believe some of these traditional powers, particularly in the east, feel threatened by the prospect of the path to easy regional titles being stiffened. Well folks, its now your turn to adapt or die and stop whining about KHSAA not enforcing the rules!
I think it's more than just the w va kids. But I do think some are spending too much time talking about it. Raceland already proved that even with them boys, they are a nonfactor.
Fairview was certainly not a non-factor last year.
I think it is more about the player playing his junior year twice.

How many teams do you know of doing that?
It's cause it isn't a traditional power and its more than just a kid or two. When it was just Chris Jennings noone said anything. But it's 5 or 6 kids being housed by the school district not there family. And by some accounts being above the rules of the school, fighting with other students,not attending class etc....and then still allowed to play on Friday. Also you ask the question why fairview? You understand why kids and there family want to go to Russell,Ashland,Raceland, or Ironton across the river. Those are schools with traditional athletic success as well as a good academic record. Fairview has falling test scores and almost no athletic tradition. So it isn't like the school recruits itself like the case for highlands and some other schools.
Personally, i couldnt care less who thy play with any more. No matter who thy have, you still have to line up against the team from Westwood and play. The coaching staff they had in place was doing a fine jon with the students they had. The first two victories McPeak had over Raceland were with homegrown kids for the most part, it wasnt till last year that they brought in major factors. This year th dis things a little different and brought in under classmen. That is what i believe shook things up within the school system. But, for the most part, Fairview has spent the last 30 years as a door mat to other area schools. I believe the Raceland/Fairview series is something like 32-11. With 5 of those wins coming in the last 10-12 years.

Last year they beat up a pitiful schedule and this year managed to win with a much improved schedule. But, with a few injuries and a loss to Raceland, the sky is falling for many in Millseat.

I think what gets under most people's skin about Fairview, is the wide open mouths of a few, making statements of a "storied football and atheletic tradition" and "Raceland car beat us because they cant out recruit us"(no that is not the quote from the same coac many have heard) but direct from the mouth of a BOOSTER. Bill Musick is a wordsmith and classless king pen who has always turned a blind eye to issues like this. This is way i think there are so many with problems against Fairview. Winning a few games in recent years, by no means warrants a "storied football tradition". All of their success, minus one or two seasons, has come in the last 10 years. Truly, only 2 have been anything more than Raceland has done and only 1(last year) was anything more than what Russell did, WITH THEIR OWN KIDS,against Mercer Co in the state championship, except Fairview got blasted by 47 pts last year in the champ game.
Pick6 Wrote:I've been reading the tales about Fairview for about 18 months now, and I just don't get why so many have such angst for Fairview. So what if they have players whose original residence was W. VA. ? Are we all so naive to think that Trinity has never had a player from Indiana or Highlands has never had a player from Ohio on its roster?

When you play the game of football and the officials decide not to enforce the rules, you either adjust what you are doing, or you lose. KHSAA has decided that they are unwilling or unable to enforce the rules , and Fairview has adjusted.

Fairview is doing the same things that the tradition powers in the state have been doing for decades. The only difference is that the traditional powers do it more more subtly, and lets face it, have had allies in KHSAA that have allowed them to
I believe some of these traditional powers, particularly in the east, feel threatened by the prospect of the path to easy regional titles being stiffened. Well folks, its now your turn to adapt or die and stop whining about KHSAA not enforcing the rules!

Louisville Trinity and Fort Thomas Highlands really don't have to recruit. They are clearly the top private school and top public school in the Commonwealth. Both, particularly Trinity, have fine athletic programs and both are stellar in academics. Students, particularly gifted athletes, seek out these two schools because of the many substantial benefits accruing to graduates, athletes and academics, of those schools.

In addition, Trinity has no physical boundaries as do public schools. While this is a material advantage, the government schools have a bigger advantage in that they are funded from the public coffers. Trinity must raise its own money.

What about the "attraction" of Fairview? In reality- nothing. Without the super power and super status of Trinity and Highlands, Fairview must offer something to attract students and athletes to Millseat. The question is "What is the inducement?".
Thats what my question has been
There's cheaters, arrogant cheaters, and cheaters in denial who substantiate their actions.

Our level of tolerance gets less as we move from left to right and from what I've read a couple of the parties involved went from left to right and kept on going Confusednicker:.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Has a lot more to do with their attitude and feeling like they were above the rules. After the injunction and judge's decision to make those Huntington boy's eligible, it only got worse. Plus if you watch them play, they don't play the right way, play dirty, and run up the scores on people. All of that has just as much to do with everyone hating them as the kids they bring in.
I am a supporter of a program that is not a historical power, but, has had success in the past 5-6 years. As the success increases, so does the venom from the supporters of the local traditional powers. I see parallels between the reactions to Fairview and the reaction to our program. That reaction is definitely motivated by insecurity.

Maybe Fairview has done some things that are not legal, but I've witnessed first hand kids in the feeder programs of the historical powers recruiting kids from the feeders of other programs. While technically legal at the middle school level, morally, I don't see a distinction from what Fairview does. Either they are both right, or they are both wrong.
To answer your question you have to have some people tell the truth about things. For instance, Fairview is supporting their coach and I would like to know what his version of the conversation he had with Greenup's head coach a couple of years ago when the Greenup coach offered him every game film except the Raceland game because he felt that could give one team an advantage. It should sound something like "if that's the case I wont be held responsible for the score" speaking of the results of an overmatched Greenup team. If that isnt enough, why don't he elaborate on the circumstances involving his former employer and that school's head coach, not only the coach but the coach's own family. These are a few of the reasons people have an outrage at what has gone on.
It is one thing for other kids trying to get other kids to come play for their team. And yes 5th and 6th graders have that ability without being told to. Even getting kids in their jr high seasons, no gripe from me. But bringing in "one and doners" isnt fair to the kids who have put in the hours and years of hardwork to only get their chance taken from them from somebody who's only claim to the school is a supercicial decal on a helmet. To the kids in these systems, once they r soph and jr, the letters on their chest and decal on the helmet may as well be tatooed on them for life. Doesnt reall work like that for a one year transfer.
It's no coincidence that none of the teams around will schedule them, that's why they have to get games from Columbus, Cincinnati, wherever they can find them. They have burned bridges with a lot of the area schools and fans, so now everyone is happy to see them get what is coming to them.
Pick6 Wrote:I am a supporter of a program that is not a historical power, but, has had success in the past 5-6 years. As the success increases, so does the venom from the supporters of the local traditional powers. I see parallels between the reactions to Fairview and the reaction to our program. That reaction is definitely motivated by insecurity.

Maybe Fairview has done some things that are not legal, but I've witnessed first hand kids in the feeder programs of the historical powers recruiting kids from the feeders of other programs. While technically legal at the middle school level, morally, I don't see a distinction from what Fairview does. Either they are both right, or they are both wrong.

Well.....i can tell you right now. Raceland is right and everybody else is wrong. it's that simple. we are just a big harry winning machine! we piss excellence. If you aint first....You're last! Shake-n-Bake!!
Pick6 Wrote:I am a supporter of a program that is not a historical power, but, has had success in the past 5-6 years. As the success increases, so does the venom from the supporters of the local traditional powers. I see parallels between the reactions to Fairview and the reaction to our program. That reaction is definitely motivated by insecurity.

Maybe Fairview has done some things that are not legal, but I've witnessed first hand kids in the feeder programs of the historical powers recruiting kids from the feeders of other programs. While technically legal at the middle school level, morally, I don't see a distinction from what Fairview does. Either they are both right, or they are both wrong.

I don't think the conversation between 3rd graders is relevant. If you are referring to middle school and some kids parents circumvent the rules because a 13 yr old kid asked then you need to look no further for the problem with your test scores, its genetics.
Actually Pike Central "Was" taken behind the woodshed and fined, coach suspended, players were in Pike Circuit Court several times, and forfeit the entire season, due to the coach giving two players a Mt Parkway ride.... At least Pike Central stayed in state, but that's old news now... "All" on this team are legit and come up through the feeder system... Do it the right way, and no one can complain just my opinion?
Raceland benefited from a couple Russell kids that came over during JR High. But, other than that, Raceland has been successful with their own crop of kids for years. As I hae said, i never had an issues with a school picking up kids in JR High, thy have to then go through the ranks at the high school level like everyone else. Russell has a great feeder system and so does Raceland. Fairview has never had much of one outside of the westwood boys club. Which hasnt produced much. Thus thy went to Rose Hill to get Matt Thomas in his 7th grade year and OJ Mayo in his 8th grade year, to play football bc Rose Hill didnt have the football team going yet. They tried a few years later, but it fell through. Through all this, it has maid me that much more thankful that my family and friends have had the chance of playing for good, wholesome, christian valued men, like Ivan McGlone(Russell) and TJ Maynard(Raceland).
recruiting goes on everywhere Basketball is terrible, All I say is if you going to punish one school you need to look around close because its going on at other schools I will not name names but all of us know were they are they just havent got caught yet.
Like so many have said, one of the biggest issues is that Fairview became arrogant after getting their way last year after the KHSAA actually tried to do the right thing. And a lot of these "B.I.T.W." fans are the same ones who blasted Rose Hill for the same thing, until they had the chance to get the best players from the boy's and girl's teams at Rose Hill when it all fell apart for the Rose Hill programs. It boils down to this; you can cheat and do whatever you want and get by with it for a while, but when it blows up in your face don't try to pan it off on everyone else, just own up to it and go on.
Hearing things. Will not repeat till confirmed. Anybody heard nething on their end?0
These football posters need to read about basketball in the 14th region. As far as the transfers or recruiting by Fairview, it fails in comparison as to what is going on at Cordia in Southeast Kentucky. They have had more transfers across the nation and continent the last three years than probably Fairview has gotten in the last ten years. This is also at a academically failing school which is in the top 10 of the worst academically achieving schools in the state of Kentucky.
I think it because everybody is happy they don't have to listen to the McPeeks talk about how good they are anymore and cockiness. There's a different between confidence and cocky and those guys defiantly have a world of both. It's always been about me to those people and they are just another testimate to "karma". It's kinda like the neighbor who only talks to you and wants to be your friend because you have a lawn mower and wants his grass to be better than yours. Hopefully they will actually learn from this and understand they aren't above anything or better than anybody.
I think its because everybody is happy they don't have to hear the McPeeks talk about themselves anymore. There's a difference between confidence and cocky, and those guys went about their business as if "I'm the one and only reason we are successful and I can do anything I want;inside of their own minds". It's always been a "me" attitude with those people and it got worse with Nathan having some success in sports; Gary living through Nathan. Some people can handle the situation and some people carry an attitude their whole life, never really knowing how to deal with being a public figure. It's kinda like your neighbor who only wants to be your friend only because you have a lawn mower and weed eater and his grass is tall. Hopefully they will learn from this and mature in life as they move forward wherever that may be.
KHSAA was obviously outraged also.

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