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Coaching and Sportsmanship
fb fan Wrote:Can you tell me how you would react if you were the opposing coach, if those things mentioned above happened to your team. Regardless who or what team we are talking about. Forget that part.

You don't play sports to loose! ......... You play sports to win!

I've never seen a foam finger (that wasn't a photoshop) that says.... We're #2


When you take a coaching position..... there is a 50/50 chance you are gonna win... there is a 50/50 chance you are gonna loose. That is sports.

What happens on the field/court/diamond of play is COMPETITON! Competition is defined as an event or contest in which people compete.

You COMPETE in sports!!!! That's why you play the game. That's why you coach the game!!!
Back to my original topic of this post. Please feel free to answer logically how you would react with your team of kids. I am curious to know how you would take this fine show of sportsmanship.
Ok I give up. I can see I'm not going to get any answers to the points of interest / facts that were put out. Just getting a bunch of holier than thaw allegiance to their coach comments.
fb fan Wrote:Again I appreciate your allegiance to your team and coach. But would you like to address any of the points of interest that were brought up?

I certainly would! You have my number!

Why dont you ask Rowan co. Why they were on are Eagle head dancing and jumping on it during are interduction!
Look here bro! If you have a problem with someone tell them to their face. Don't be a coward all your life.
Yes I know we all play to win. Duh I know all about the aspect of competition. Thank you for enlighten me on that. Wasn't what I was getting at. But thanks anyway. Forget it not going to get an educated response.
brown_ind1977 Wrote:I certainly would! You have my number!

Why dont you ask Rowan co. Why they were on are Eagle head dancing and jumping on it during are interduction!
Look here bro! If you have a problem with someone tell them to their face. Don't be a coward all your life.

Why don't you answer my questions then??
Not taking up for any other behavior that you addressed. Shouldn't do that either.
fb fan Wrote:Yes I know we all play to win. Duh I know all about the aspect of competition. Thank you for enlighten me on that. Wasn't what I was getting at. But thanks anyway. Forget it not going to get an educated response.

Reasons why fb_fan hates on JC all the time.

Maybe it's because you didn't have the success Matney is having at JC...
Maybe it's because your team can't beat JC...
Maybe it's because you were passed over for the coaching spot at JC once upon a time...
Pulp Fiction Wrote:If I remember correctly.... didn't a team you coached beat JC a few seasons back?

fb_fan must have missed this post.........
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Reasons why fb_fan hates on JC all the time.

Maybe it's because you didn't have the success Matney is having at JC...
Maybe it's because your team can't beat JC...
Maybe it's because you were passed over for the coaching spot at JC once upon a time...

My guess is all of the above...
:1: :champ:

If I'm gonna work and train for something.... I can promise you, I'm gonna give it my all. I may get beat by somebody better than me. But that doesn't mean I didn't give it everything I had.

If you don't compete to win... your doing it for the wrong reason.


This is funny!!!! You all seem to know who your talking to. LMAO
Please someone address the topics that were stated above. With some sort of educated response.
Bob Seger Wrote:My guess is all of the above...

Glad you showed up Bob....

Me and brown_ind1977 have been holding off the Yankee aggression spearheaded by fb_fan.
From my personal standpoint and I have no dog in this fight. I would as a coach be walking the halls of the school incouraging all the boys that I could to come out and play ball. I would work to build my team to compete with any team in front of us. I would build my feeder school program all the way down to youth league. All the way reminding my team of the beatings we took and instill it in them that we don't want to be that team anymore. That's just me. Use it to your advantage, don't whine about it. Get the community behind you and your team and grow and get better. I'll agree, it does suck and can get embarrassing to get beat like that.
Crossbones Wrote:From my personal standpoint and I have no dog in this fight. I would as a coach be walking the halls of the school incouraging all the boys that I could to come out and play ball. I would work to build my team to compete with any team in front of us. I would build my feeder school program all the way down to youth league. All the way reminding my team of the beatings we took and instill it in them that we don't want to be that team anymore. That's just me. Use it to your advantage, don't whine about it. Get the community behind you and your team and grow and get better.

NOW THAT IS A GREAT RESPONSE!!!! Thank you Crossbones. Thanks for the honesty. Wish some others could get past their dying allegiance and at least answer the questions. Again great response.
fb fan Wrote:NOW THAT IS A GREAT RESPONSE!!!! Thank you Crossbones. Thanks for the honesty. Wish some others could get past their dying allegiance and at least answer the questions. Again great response.

Ok, how about you answer this question...I've asked it before and you ignore it....How come you want everybody else to answer your questions but you wont do the same?

How is anything that you have perceived to be classless, any more classless (and gutless) than the way you are acting?

Spotlight's on you now...
stop being holier than thaw!

Bob Seger Wrote:Ok, how about you answer this question...I've asked it before and you ignore it....How come you want everybody else to answer your questions but you wont do the same?

How is anything that you have perceived to be classless, any more classless (and gutless) than the way you are acting?

Spotlight's on you now...

Not sure how you mean I'm being classless or gutless. But here it goes. I am simply stating my opinion about some lack of sportsmanship by your coach. Nothing bad about the boys. That is why I mentioned the topics above. I am not a fan of your what. There are other coaches that don't like him in the area either. I am simply bringing up such behavior that has been displayed. So not sure if that answers your question, but I gave it a shot. Now you please attempt to answer any of the points of interest that I mentioned.
[quote=brown_ind1977]I certainly would! You have my number!

Why dont you ask Rowan co. Why they were on are Eagle head dancing and jumping on it during are interduction!
Look here bro! If you have a problem with someone tell them to their face. Don't be a coward all your life.[/QUOTEI

I sent you a PM
fb fan Wrote:Not sure how you mean I'm being classless or gutless. But here it goes. I am simply stating my opinion about some lack of sportsmanship by your coach. Nothing bad about the boys. That is why I mentioned the topics above. I am not a fan of your what. There are other coaches that don't like him in the area either. I am simply bringing up such behavior that has been displayed. So not sure if that answers your question, but I gave it a shot. Now you please attempt to answer any of the points of interest that I mentioned.

lol. Way to not answer the question....and you are accomplishing what? with the constant barrage of insults and making yourself look like a childish fool?
Bob Seger Wrote:lol. Way to not answer the question....and you are accomplishing what? with the constant barrage of insults and making yourself look like a childish fool?

LOL........Back at ya. LOL...........Way to answer the points of interest.
brown_ind1977 Wrote:I certainly would! You have my number!

Why dont you ask Rowan co. Why they were on are Eagle head dancing and jumping on it during are interduction!
Look here bro! If you have a problem with someone tell them to their face. Don't be a coward all your life.

Check your PM Rich.
fb fan Wrote:LOL........Back at ya. LOL...........Way to answer the points of interest.

No, tell me (and everybody else) what you think you are accomplishing.
Bob Seger Wrote:No, tell me (and everybody else) what you think you are accomplishing.

Accomplishing???? Nothing. Didn't ask the question to accomplish anything. Just as most posters don't put opinions or ask questions on here to ACCOMPLISH anything. Just merely bringing up a point of unsportsmanlike behavior that seems no one wants to admit is taking place from your perspective.
Don't worry I won't bash your almighty coach or ask any questions about your coaches lack of sportsmanship behavior anymore. It seems that no one in your neck of the woods wishes to answer such tough questions. Good luck to you all........and I do so hope you all get to play Highlands. Better be ready for Ashland though. NOT going to be a pushover. I'm done with this one.
fb fan Wrote:Please someone address the topics that were stated above. With some sort of educated response.

I have been a JC fan for many years, even throught the bad years. We have gone from being the whipping boy for even Calls A schools to one of the most respected and sucessfull programs in KY. We have top of the class facilites and one of the best feeder programs in the state. Matney is the primary reason for this, but it has been the work of a great Board of Education that has the financial resources to do so because the system was managed well. I guess with this comes alot of jelousy from programs that are on the decline or school systems that are not managed properly and do not have all the resources we do because we worked harder and smarter.

FB, you have given yourself away on another thread by saying you coached against Jared Lorenzen. We all know which local school system played agains Lorenzen and I can see why you would feel jelous with your school system.

The reason no one is answering you is there is not any responce needed for your comments. If you hate Jim Matney and JC so bad why do you not meet with them. With all the posters on this site, I know a meetinig could be set up with the JC School Administration and Matney and you could "man up" and ask them in person and not be chicken.... and hide and complain here. Do you want the meeting? If not shut up!
MonsterMan Wrote:I have been a JC fan for many years, even throught the bad years. We have gone from being the whipping boy for even Calls A schools to one of the most respected and sucessfull programs in KY. We have top of the class facilites and one of the best feeder programs in the state. Matney is the primary reason for this, but it has been the work of a great Board of Education that has the financial resources to do so because the system was managed well. I guess with this comes alot of jelousy from programs that are on the decline or school systems that are not managed properly and do not have all the resources we do because we worked harder and smarter.

FB, you have given yourself away on another thread by saying you coached against Jared Lorenzen. We all know which local school system played agains Lorenzen and I can see why you would feel jelous with your school system.

The reason no one is answering you is there is not any responce needed for your comments. If you hate Jim Matney and JC so bad why do you not meet with them. With all the posters on this site, I know a meetinig could be set up with the JC School Administration and Matney and you could "man up" and ask them in person and not be chicken.... and hide and complain here. Do you want the meeting? If not shut up!

Again have no clue. But that's ok I do appreciate your statement about your school system. And that I do agree with you. You do have a great system down there. Just can't seem to get those questions um......I mean facts addressed about on the field behavior. LOL Have a good day. As I said before.........I'm done with this post. :igiveup:
Pulp Fiction Wrote:If I remember correctly.... didn't a team you coached beat JC a few seasons back?

Pulp Fiction Wrote:fb_fan must have missed this post.........

3rd time....... surely he won't miss this post 3 times.
What if you coached a kid with a special ability to break records. He works his butt off all year (edit: his whole life probably) and ask you for a chance to show scouts and the rest of the state his special ability. You have the chance to let that kid shine in a situation that wouldnt cost your team a win regardless. My question, why not give the kid a chance to get his?

Do you think every record in the books was broken or added on to during 7-0 ball games? Id have a hard time believing that any single or career record were all accomplished in losing or close score efforts. It just seems to always be JC you have been calling out lately. I think this is why you are catching such a hard time and coming off as a hater.

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