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Texas Team Loses 91-0 and Parent Files Bullying Lawsuit
Is this outrageous or is it just me?
Title should read "Complaint," not "Lawsuit." My error.
That is ridiculous. I think everyone on here should vote on this. If enough people across the country vote against this, I think it will make a statement that we are tired of the whining give everyone a pat on the back and trophy group. Here is your chance to make a statement.
Political correctness knows no bounds
As one of the comments at the bottom of the article said, can you imagine being the kid of this mother, you know it would embarrass the kid...Sounds like the coach did everything he could to prevent running up the score, and that's all you can ask for...
The losing school should be sued for impersonating a football team.
I want a Lawyer mysonis55 is bully me :biglmao: now,now just joking don't go freaking out mysonis55 Confusednicker:
I gotta admit that is pretty funny 64. Please vote on that site.
At least Logan County scored 10 points on us. That's quite comical.
I voted No....sometimes nothing at goes wrong for a team and you can't ask those players who practice their butts off everyday not to play when they get the chance
This kid must be embarrassed. I hope she at least told him about this before doing it and gave him a chance to get a head start to a new family.
The team that won 91-0 should file a lawsuit that the other team wasted there time.
this shit is crazy. the JV or FR want to play just as much as the other games. like Bama vs ARK this weekend. bama have the 3 team in, didn't do nothing but run the ball. he break one for 80 yards.
What are high school teams suppose to do when we live in a world of BCS and computer rankings in college?
If you dont blow bad teams out, you drop in the rankings. Its happened many times this year. I know high school football is not the same, but in some states, like Ohio, it could make a difference. I honestly dont know what the deal with all the whining is.
Have we become so liberal and hippinized that kids cant lose anymore to be "fair".
You learn your greatest life lessons in defeat. I always expected to win as a football player, but not one time did i get mad at the other team for putting up points on one of my teams. Its not there fault that we didnt stop them. Its also on the losing coach for scheduling that game, and if its a district game that they had to play, they should not be playing in district play. Why do we keep record books if there not meant to be broken as well?
This world has become sissified. Thats the best way i can put it. Even the NFL has started talks about ending kick-offs because of the risk of injury. They know the risk. They also get paid very well to do it. Should we stop building skyscrapers because its to high? Or are those guys paid well because its dangerous?

We really need to get rid of all the political correctness in this country. Its destroying our dedication and commitment to succeeding.
Simply put, were becoming "soft".
maybe the mom should put her son into another sport like soccer
This is just stupid. My gosh what has our country turned into? If a team gets beat 100-0 or 10-0 it's still a loss. Man the hell up and learn to play better and not be the welcome mat for all the other teams or just quit. Complaining cause little Johnny's team stinks and are no good is just dumb.
I swear I read the title of this and facepalmed so hard I gave myself a concussion. We are turning into a nation of wimps.
Have a bunch idiots out there for parents in Texas.
The next thing you know we will be paying the Afghanies and Iraqies for hurting their feelings by kicking their tales so bad. Where does this crap stop. The complete problem is that the decent people with common sense now days just set back and don't say a word when this idiots file stuff like this. We need to be more outspoken. If not the few will lead the whole.
This parent simply took a Texas only embarrassment for her kid and turned it into a national embarrassment. It's sad. I'm thinking her player should focus on another sport.
Can the kid file a complaint and get NEW parents?
I hope you guys are all going to the listed site and voting on this. If we band together we can stop the crazies in their tracks.
It said on sports center today and maybe in the article (sorry didnt read it) The winning team only ran like 32 plays total and ran the clock. The losing team actually did something to make it worse, not sure what they said now.
geauxtigers75 Wrote:I swear I read the title of this and facepalmed so hard I gave myself a concussion. We are turning into a nation of wimps.

Youll have to refrain from posting for 2-3 weeks and get checked out by a doctor before resuming typing. We can take any chances for a lawsuit around here Confusednicker:
1225 people say it was. and 30182 said it wasn't. as of right now. the 1225 people that said it was, must be from that town in texas.

I would hate to be in that locker room with that boy, or any of the other teams that they play. I would be afraid that his mom would sue me for saying something to him. and the other teams, score on them because if it.
If I were the next team on the schedule, id break all kinds of records on them for whining.
Maybe i look at the world differently, but id put up 200 on them if i could.
Memo Luna Wrote:The losing school should be sued for impersonating a football team.

Yes, this....well said Memo Luna :notworthy!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
nky Wrote:maybe the mom should put her son into another sport like soccer

Hey what is wrong with soccer? It just as much of a sport as football is, and is physical too
mysonis55 Wrote:the next thing you know we will be paying the afghanies and iraqies for hurting their feelings by kicking their tales so bad. Where does this crap stop. The complete problem is that the decent people with common sense now days just set back and don't say a word when this idiots file stuff like this. We need to be more outspoken. If not the few will lead the whole.
nky Wrote:maybe the mom should put her son into another sport like soccer
Maybe she should just keep her mouth shut and let the coach take care of it. Too many moms and dads think they have control over the program their kids play in. Sick society in which we live.!:lame:

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