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What happened to Bell County
Bell once was a team that came close to stopping Highlands in 2004 on their quest to a state title - now they look to be a punching bag in the playoffs. How did they go down so quick?
WideRight05 Wrote:Bell once was a team that came close to stopping Highlands in 2004 on their quest to a state title - now they look to be a punching bag in the playoffs. How did they go down so quick?

They are no exception to the rule everyone has a down year from time to time and just don't have the number of kids I watch the game last night and look like between 35 and 40 players dressed with 5 or 6 on sidelines hurt enrollment is down and as far as numbers don't look to get any better!:HitWall:
Dudley Hilton left.
You hit the nail on the head. Hilton made sure they had players......from Tn., middlesboro, Harlan co. And all of pinevilles best.
Bell may be down this year but what a huge win they had last night against a good corbin team. That juat shows me that bell has some potential and energy in them. Congrats to bobcats
You should come join me in the current Bell debat Wide.
Bells problem is that Dudley left.
Wearing a "bell" jersey as it turns out, does not mean your going to win.

Oh, and according to there fans....they are "rebuilding" and will be for the next decade or so :biglmao:
Diogenes Wrote:Dudley Hilton left.


Whitley bound.
What happened to Bell???

Bell County earned a home playoff game while Corbin will be on the road.
To all you Bell haters out there. Just sit back and keep dogging Bell and telling yourselves they are so down, horrible, and suck! We in Bell know that we are Getting Better Every week!! Yes we've had a couple bad games where our kids didn't play good at all, but that happens to all young inexperienced teams. The main thing is they have improved tremendously throughout the year!! So just keep hating and being jealous while we keep improving and maybe later you will believe like Corbin and Knox does after they all underestimated the Bobcats!! We really appreciate all the inspiration you give our boys to show their PRIDE!!! Because after all it is A BOBCAT NATION!!!! Go Bobcats and DON'T HATE US CAUSE YOU AIN'T US and never will come close to being a program like we have had and always will have!!!! Get over it!
I don't think Bell is as bad as many think. This is why everyone jumps on Bell. For the past years Bell fans blow everyone up on here and the team could back it up. The can not do it now. The fans are very few on here, unless they win. Then here they come. Bell will be about the same next year then down more after that. Doesn't look as good as Bell fans want many to believe. They are not playing JV and their MS won maybe 1 game. Future is not as bright as they want things to seem.
Ive been saying that all year.
Get ready to get trashed. Bell won this week, so there fans are here Confusednicker:
Middlesboro and Pineville have kept some of their athletes. They are both having good years.
The same thing that happened to Bell the first time Dudley left.
People who get used to winning all the time get the big head and start to think that they will do so forever. When you lose a coach like that it will hurt your program a bit, I don't care who you are or how good you were it just does. This could happen to any school. People think that just because they hire a new coach who had some success at another school or they hire a guy who worked under the old coach that things will stay the same but you just never know if they can do what the old coach did or as good as the old coach did it. I think coach Mills is a good coach and it will take some time for him to get things going but when he does Bell will be a good team once again but will they be as good as some of the Hilton teams...............only time will tell.
Dudley knew this year would be tough. He said it many times, all the while wanting more money or easier job for his wife. When that did not happen he lost interest in the youth programs. Of the 6 seniors bell has only 3 played in middle school. Coach mills went out his first day in the job and began to recruit the halls for kids and got some kids out. In fact when Dudley did not get his way he lost all interest in Bell co PERIOD!!! He knew he was gone and did not care the last 2 years about the lower levels.

Bell is playing a TON of young kids including 3 freshman, 2 sophomores and 4 juniors who start on defense. 1 freshman, 6 sophomores and 2 juniors on offense. They are getting better everyday and will continue to get better. If you think those guys will get worse as they get older, I have some oceanfront property on log mountain I will sell you cheap.
By the way since nearly beating highlands in 2004 they have won a state championship, 3 regions and a ton of districts.
Did not say they were going to get worse. About the same next year, one game above 500. Cox and Brock will not play anymore. You have nothing coming from MS. Better. Get back on recruiting trail. After next year things get worse.
TopCat Wrote:By the way since nearly beating highlands in 2004 they have won a state championship, 3 regions and a ton of districts.

What is your point. We are talking about the decline since then.
TopCat Wrote:Dudley knew this year would be tough. He said it many times, all the while wanting more money or easier job for his wife. When that did not happen he lost interest in the youth programs. Of the 6 seniors bell has only 3 played in middle school. Coach mills went out his first day in the job and began to recruit the halls for kids and got some kids out. In fact when Dudley did not get his way he lost all interest in Bell co PERIOD!!! He knew he was gone and did not care the last 2 years about the lower levels.

Bell is playing a TON of young kids including 3 freshman, 2 sophomores and 4 juniors who start on defense. 1 freshman, 6 sophomores and 2 juniors on offense. They are getting better everyday and will continue to get better. If you think those guys will get worse as they get older, I have some oceanfront property on log mountain I will sell you cheap.

Isn't that Dudley. That is the way he has all ways been.

The young kids are getting better.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Ive been saying that all year.
Get ready to get trashed. Bell won this week, so there fans are here Confusednicker:

Bell has become a laughingstock. Not that they weren't already, but I certainly don't see things starting to improve anytime soon. Bell and Rockcastle should still be a good rivalry though. Maybe it should be called the "can't win our region" bowl.
Are you kidding me, Bell County just be a very good Corbin team. They are 5-3 that doesn't tell me anything, they haven't lost the region, simply because they haven't played for one yet this year. I heard this same thing in 1997, when they were 0-4 start and people crying their eyeballs out, just because a loss to then a not so good Knox Central team. All they did after that was when the region and play in the state semi finals. Coach Mills is a good coach, if Bell County is down, they will not be down for very long. This coach will have Bell County in no time back to being a powerhouse. The sky is not falling Bell County, you will be all right.
WideRight05 Wrote:Bell has become a laughingstock. Not that they weren't already, but I certainly don't see things starting to improve anytime soon. Bell and Rockcastle should still be a good rivalry though. Maybe it should be called the "can't win our region" bowl.


According to Bell fans, over there next two years, they are going to get much better.
I beg to differ. I suppose we can relive this thread in the future....
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Confusednicker:

According to Bell fans, over there next two years, they are going to get much better.
I beg to differ. I suppose we can relive this thread in the future....

I thought they said that two years ago?

They really look like state championship material this year don't they? Confusednicker:
foxbatone Wrote:Are you kidding me, Bell County just be a very good Corbin team. They are 5-3 that doesn't tell me anything, they haven't lost the region, simply because they haven't played for one yet this year. I heard this same thing in 1997, when they were 0-4 start and people crying their eyeballs out, just because a loss to then a not so good Knox Central team. All they did after that was when the region and play in the state semi finals. Coach Mills is a good coach, if Bell County is down, they will not be down for very long. This coach will have Bell County in no time back to being a powerhouse. The sky is not falling Bell County, you will be all right.

Make that at least 6-4 (losing to the Bearshow of Harlan County), or 5-5 if they overlook McCracken Central. I'm sure Mills is a good coach, but he got put in a bad situation. Things aren't looking too good for Bell County.
Mills will leave Bell after this year.....just IMO.
BobcatForever Wrote:They are no exception to the rule. Everyone has a down year from time to time and just don't have the number of kids. I watched the game last night and it looks like there are between 35 and 40 players dressed with 5 or 6 on sidelines hurt. Enrollment is down and as far as numbers don't look for it to get any better!:HitWall:

It would take two years for anybody to unscramble this post! You're welcome.
FlippedOut Wrote:Mills will leave Bell after this year.....just IMO.

Should have never left Knox.

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