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Person Above you Game
pipe dreamers

^ Knows that Kentucky has a good chance to beat South Carolina especially if Conor Shaw gets hurt early
Wishful thinking
^ has no faith
should know if Kentucky was gonna pull the upset, it would've beeen last week at home!
^Surprised at how well the Cats did tonight!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
is correct!!

(Conor Shaw, is he mortal???)
This comment has been deleted by Real Badman.
Got busted!!
Great observation.
wonders about the post!
Getting ready for Halloween
should know I LOVE the holiday season!!!
^Is a Granny who loves Halloween.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
^ Doesn't know Granny is a witch in Granny clothing
This comment has been deleted by Alfus21.
Busted again
Has a football night open this week!
Needs to come to Harlan County!!
Didn't come to Knox last week, when HC was open.
Now I'm busted!!

(supposed to rain last Friday!!)
Ready to get back on the winning track!!

( it didn't rain last week!! Was a perfect night for football!!)
Is a cheesehead.
faithful Panther!
Early bird
pot calling kettle black!
Took a picture from the wrong side of the bleachers. :x
Should know I didn't take that picture!!
Likes to hang out with the visiting team?? Lol
stayed home and was lazy tonight!!!
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