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Wayne County 35 Corbin 28
Good game... Wayne is now officially in the driver seat
Sounds like this was a great game .Congratulation Wayne Co.
Congrats wayne big win.
Corbin played hard I think they may see each other again, if so I think Corbin will win.
Congrats Wayne. Corbin showed they are a contender also
Corbin wont beat Wayne again. They are lucky they stayed this close.
Only got to listen to the last 8min of this one. It sounded like it was one hell of a game. Momentum swings both ways all night long. Congrates to wayne on a heck of a win.
topnotch Wrote:Corbin played hard I think they may see each other again, if so I think Corbin will win.

BOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Shoulda coulda woulda!!!!! Why didn't they? Let me guess the referees!! Thats everyone's excuse.
The TD drive that Wayne Co. put together in the last couple of minutes of the first half to take a 21-20 lead was huge. Corbin had just taken the lead and were going to receive the ball to start the second half with the momentum, but Wayne came up big and hit a couple of big pass plays to move it down the field. I'm not sure why Corbin was blitzing at that point and playing the WR's man to man, but that's the way they play defense and Guffey made them pay.Corbin seemed rattled during the last 6 minutes or so of the game and Wayne County just outplayed them down the stretch, which is what good teams do. Wayne County is a little better than the Hounds and I expect them to make a deep run this year.
This was one hell of a game between two teams that I think are dead even. I think Corbin is a little more physical although Wayne is very physical too. However, Wayne has the advantage when working the space and that got them the win.

In the first half, I feel that Wayne was afraid to throw the ball because of Corbin's pressure but on that last drive before halftime, Corbin switched up to a looser D and allowed Wayne to see a weakness that they could use to their advantage. In the second half, Wayne was able to hit more passes and forced Corbin out of their D.

There were a few bad calls but none that you can say cost Corbin the game. Towards the end, on a fumble, the ref called time and the clock let 39 seconds run off but the odds of that making much of a difference is no more than the 1 second Wayne should have got before halftime.

I didn't have a good view but why was there no pass interference call when they tried the screen to Coppock and he got tackled before the ball got there?

Again, calls made no diffrence in the outcome. What I saw were two damn good football teams. If there is a better 3A team than these two, they must be awful dang tough. Congrats to the Cards on the win. All I ask is build some bigger bleachers. That was a packed house but dang it was fun.
Sounds like this must have been an epic game! Would have been nice to have watched it! Congrats Wayne!
Pass interference is for plays beyond the LOS. Official made the correct call. Wayne wiped their own score off after a block in the back when the cannon was already firing. That would have pushed it out a little.
Corbin was more physical in the first half. I hope there is a rematch.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Pass interference is for plays beyond the LOS. Official made the correct call. Wayne wiped their own score off after a block in the back when the cannon was already firing. That would have pushed it out a little.
Corbin was more physical in the first half. I hope there is a rematch.

Agree. I wasn't really at an angle to see if he was beyond or not so I wasn't sure.

Hats off to that WC receiver for holding onto the ball after absolutely getting blown up by Waddle. Shoot, I'm not just surprised he held onto the ball, I'm surprised he got up. That was as vicious of a hit that I've seen in high school football.

I too hope there is a rematch. Tonight was one for the ages.
I was listening to post game report on my way to work. Corbin coach made no excuse for them losing other than saying wayne was the better team tonight. He said Corbin just lost focuse in the last 6 min is what cost them the game. I thought his commits where spot on and he wasn't crying about the refs or anything else, just classy in his commits.
Great high school football game from two very good football teams! Corbin is much improved from last year and deserving of their ranking. Wayne County out gained the Hounds 415 to 250yards, or so, but this was a down to the wire battle. The Cards made some defensive adjustments at halftime and improved to 7-0 on the season. Great atmosphere, great matchup for both teams, that could see each other again. I said it would be the team that executes and controls the line of scrimmage, well execution goes to Wayne, line of scrimmage was a push and Corbin won field position battle most of the night, so tonight edge to Wayne Co! Corbin will be a tough out for anyone, I hope they do win, I'd love to see the rematch at Jewell Field! Good Luck to both teams.
Just got home from the game. What a great game! No excuses...the better team won tonight. Wayne's qb was spot on and was the difference in the game. Best high school QB Ive seen in this area by far. The hounds lost composure a little in the last 5 minutes and the play calling was questionable. Wayne simply outlasted Corbin and made bigger plays. Corbin was more aggressive and physical in my opinion but simply gave up too many big plays. I honestly thought the game was called good by the refs. The no call pass interference was actually not a forward pass so the defender can hit the receiver behind the line of scrimmage before the ball arrives. Trust me....I guarantee Wayne doesn't want to play us again. Wayne was just a little better tonight and they are for real. They are actually a better than they were earlier in the season. Corbin is definately for real and by far the best team in the tri county area. I think one of these teams will find themselves in the state finals. Really good game and the atmosphere was amazing.
Awesome game can't remember one that was any better. That was two heavyweights going at it. No complaining about calls or what could of happen. Sure would have liked to see Wayne come to Corbin and play. Hats off to the Wayne kids they played a close to perfect game. We will definitely meet again down the road and I expect the same type of game hopefully the hounds can come away with a win!!!!

HAROLD Wrote:This was one hell of a game between two teams that I think are dead even. I think Corbin is a little more physical although Wayne is very physical too. However, Wayne has the advantage when working the space and that got them the win.

In the first half, I feel that Wayne was afraid to throw the ball because of Corbin's pressure but on that last drive before halftime, Corbin switched up to a looser D and allowed Wayne to see a weakness that they could use to their advantage. In the second half, Wayne was able to hit more passes and forced Corbin out of their D.

There were a few bad calls but none that you can say cost Corbin the game. Towards the end, on a fumble, the ref called time and the clock let 39 seconds run off but the odds of that making much of a difference is no more than the 1 second Wayne should have got before halftime.

I didn't have a good view but why was there no pass interference call when they tried the screen to Coppock and he got tackled before the ball got there?

Again, calls made no diffrence in the outcome. What I saw were two damn good football teams. If there is a better 3A team than these two, they must be awful dang tough. Congrats to the Cards on the win. All I ask is build some bigger bleachers. That was a packed house but dang it was fun.

There can't be pass interference behind the line of scrimmage.
You are correct. The refs made the right call.
A game like this doesn't come down to one call!! Guffey played the ge of his life, he was on stroke tonight. That's what it took for Wayne to beat Corbin. I wasn't crazy about the play calling either on the last couple drives Corbin had two diffrent chances late and failed to exacute. We will grow from this and so will Wayne part two coming soon. Wouldn't miss it for the world!!!

Thanks for clearing up the play towards the end. I was on the parking lot end and it happened on the far end so I couldn't even see the play. I just heard the ooohs and ahhs.

The Wayne QB was great tonight. He's not the fleetest of foot but he's a very strong runner. He'd not go down easy. He seemed to struggle getting the ball to guys in the flats as he would float it or not lead them well but beyond 15-20 yards he's as good of a vertical passer as I've seen in a while. If he were 2-3 inches taller, he could be playing on Saturdays at a high level in my mind.

Big #9 is a great asset too for the Cardinals. He seemed to get a little winded rather easily and may not be an every down type of back but when you need him in spots to get yards, he's a dandy to have. How big is he? Looked about 6'2" 225 out there. Not quite Noah Rice but a big kid none the less.
Well I hope atleast one of these teams knock Central out.
Called this one dead on, even the score.

Hey Bell fans, if theres any of you left, are you worried my predictions are coming true yet?


Cmon now.
A very good High School Football Game. Both teams played well. Corbin blew up in last 6:00 of the Game. Corbin has improved from the 1sr game of the season. Hats off to Shawn and Wayne County Football. Good Luck the rest of the season.
One reason Corbin struggled in the last 6 minutes is that Wayne's defense to it to another level. Go back and watch the film. Almost every possession they were either in the backfield with alot of pressure ( and that caused Corbin to get some of those penalties for motion) or they made stops.

As far as the QB from Wayne, he had a typical game. He is just very good and this game was no different than any other game for him. Just a very good player.

On the game, it was a great high school football game. The way it should be. Corbin is very very good. Its gonna be a long night for Bell County.
Wayne wants to play Corbin again. It means they are in the 3rd round at home and Corbin has beaten Central, so I guarantee they want to play Corbin again.

The alternative is driving to Central again.
Hope to see a rematch.

Matt Dillon Wrote:One reason Corbin struggled in the last 6 minutes is that Wayne's defense to it to another level. Go back and watch the film. Almost every possession they were either in the backfield with alot of pressure ( and that caused Corbin to get some of those penalties for motion) or they made stops.

As far as the QB from Wayne, he had a typical game. He is just very good and this game was no different than any other game for him. Just a very good player.

On the game, it was a great high school football game. The way it should be. Corbin is very very good. Its gonna be a long night for Bell County.

I think you are right in that Wayne just flat outplayed Corbin late in the game, which led to Corbin getting rattled. Guffey is just good and would like to have one just like him, just another day at the office for him.
Matt Dillon Wrote:One reason Corbin struggled in the last 6 minutes is that Wayne's defense to it to another level. Go back and watch the film. Almost every possession they were either in the backfield with alot of pressure ( and that caused Corbin to get some of those penalties for motion) or they made stops.

As far as the QB from Wayne, he had a typical game. He is just very good and this game was no different than any other game for him. Just a very good player.

On the game, it was a great high school football game. The way it should be. Corbin is very very good. Its gonna be a long night for Bell County.

I don't know about Wayne's d turning it up the game I saw was Corbin was driving the ball running it and decided to try and pass on 3rd & 7 when they where in 4 down teritory regardless and got picked on a bad throw. The last possession was all on Corbin the qb did not handle the snap 3 plays in a row. The kid was just shook up and again I think he will grow from this and get better. Guffey is a really good QB but our secondary made him look better, there was a few of the passes that should have been picked. Both teams played very well hats off to Wayne and I do believe we will be headed back over that way in the playoffs!!!

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