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Top Ten 1a games of the week ending 9-28-13
Wow, I don't think this week can live up to the games of this past weekend. We had a lot of great games with some outstanding results across the state for 1a. I think we still have some pretty good games this week as we continue to shake things out. Isn't it funny how certain programs continue to rise to the top in the challenges? Well, without further ado, here is the top 1a games of this week:

1) 3a Lawrence Co @ #7 Raceland
Well this game should give all of us somewhat of an understanding as to where the Rams rank against their district rivals, Fairview. Fairview has already hung the only loss on Lawrence Co's schedule this year. Lawrence Co comes into this one at 4-1. Their average game would be them outscoring their opponents 48-27. The Rams come in also at 4-1, that one loss being by 1 point. The average game for the Rams this year would be them outscoring their opponents 43-21. These two teams on the surface would look similar. I have said all along that Raceland is better than the Eagles this year. They will win this game.

2) 2a Middlesboro #6 @ Pikeville #3
Middlesboro is searching to find out just how good they are and if they stack up well enough against Somerset. They come into this one at 4-0. They would like to use this game to get a better feeling about themselves. The Panthers come into this game still stinging after their first loss of the season to a very good Belfry team. The Panthers will enter this one at 4-1. I would not want to be facing them on their own field after that poor showing. I therefore will take the Panthers in a close one.

3) 3a East Ridge @ #5 Fairview
East Ridge comes in with a respectable 4-1 record. They average a score of 27-14 against their opponents. Fairview comes into this one with a perfect 4-0 record on the line. They average a score of 38-25 against their opponents. They come off a win by the skin of their teeth against a good Hazard team. The Eagles better get some offense going if they want to win this one. The key for East Ridge and any other team facing Fairview appears to be to not kick the ball deep to King.

4) 4a Harrison Co @ #8 Williamsburg
This one has the feel to me to be one of those games that Williamsburg would have scheduled last year instead of this year. This being because of the record of Harrison Co and the fact that I have never even heard of them. Harrison Co comes into this one with a record of 2-3. They have averaged being outscored 25-32 per game. Williamsburg comes in at 2-2 with a tougher schedule this year than in years past. The Jackets have averaged outscoring their opponents 29-27 per game.

5) Hazard #6 @ 3a Breathitt Co
Hazard comes into this one off a disappointing loss to Fairview in a game they seemed to control from the opening kick off until very late in the game. They enter this one with a record of 2-2. The average game would result in the Hazard being outscored by their opponents 33-35. Breathitt does not seem to be the usual powerhouse of old coming into this one with a mark of 1-3. The average game for them would see them getting outscored by their opponents 25-34. I look for the Bulldogs to rebound in this one.

6) Ky Country Day #13 @ Eminence #15
The Bearcats do not appear to be the team they have been over the past 2 years, as they enter this one at 2-3. The average game would show them getting outscored 18-19. Eminence appears to be ready to earn a little respect in 1a across the state. They come into this one at 3-1 and the average game would show them outscoring their opponents 34-19. I look for Eminence to send a message in this one.

7) Beechwood #4 @ 4a Holmes
Beechwood is playing their usual tough schedule to don't let the results surprise you. They enter this one at 2-2 and the average game would be the wood outscoring their opponents 29-22. Holmes is a pretty good 4a school and comes into this one at 3-1. The average game would show them outscoring their opponents 30-24. I expect to see the Tigers rebound here in a close one.

8) Frankfort #11 @ 2a Lexington Christian
Frankfort will be looking to rebound from a disappointing loss to their cross town rivals. They enter this one at 2-2. The average game would see them outscoring their opponents 24-23. Lexington Christian is not the power they once were and are struggling heavily this year. They enter this one at 1-4. The average game would show them getting outscored 17-37. I look for Frankfort to embarrass the Eagles on their own field in this one.

9) Russellville #2 @ 4a Franklin-Simpson
Russellville continues to blow out their opponents and appear to have only been tested once this year. The Panthers come in at 5-0 and have outscored their opponents 217-62. Franklin-Simpson is a program in decline, that appears to be in need of demoting their principle so that he can come back to coaching. Franklin-Simpson comes into this one at 2-3 and has been outscored 100-115. I look for Russellville to continue true to form in this one.

10) Holy Cross #14 @ 4a Waggener
Holy Cross does not appear to be the program they were just a couple years ago. They are trying very hard to find their way back to the top of 1a. They come into this one in dire need of a win and especially against a larger class team. Holy Cross enters this one at 2-3 and having been outscored 64-113. Waggener is just in need of a win, period. They come into this one at 0-4 and having been outscored 34-135. I look for Holy Cross to get the W here in a sloppy game.

Well, that's it for the week. Take a look. Toss it around the horn and let me know what you think.
I wish I was still around EKY to see the Raceland/Lawrence game. Looks like it has the potential to live up to some of the classics in the late 80's early 90's.
This is a great chance for the Rams to earn some respect from the Eagles. If they don't now, they will shortly.
Hazard controlled the game in the 1st half of the Fairview game , Fairview controlled the 2nd half . Fairview overall had more rushing yrds than Hazard in that game . Also to point out another well known fact from that game was during the first hald Hazards RB had 166 yrds rushing with 3 Fairview defensive starters a DL , LB , & especially DE Caleb McNight sat out to serve a half game susp . In the 2nd half when those 3 were able to play Hazards RB only gained 13yrds total for the half . Also btw on kickoffs Fairview has 3 threats King being one of them , but the lesser of the 3 . #4 Fred Hightower , & #3 Kurtlen Brown are the main threats as they are real burners . Dont get me wrong King is a fast threat , but not as fast as those other 2 . Hightower ran the kickoff back for the TD for Fairview the other night against Hazard . Fairview has real talent , & getting better every week thanks to great coaching from Nate McPeek , & the tougher compition . I suspect big things out of Fairview next yr because we will be returning almost everybody . I believe 17 of 21 position starters will be back next yr including all LBs , O skill players , & 3 of the 5 OL
Talon, I knew that. But even you have to know and agree if Hazard simply kicks either a squib kick or an onside every kick, they win this game. They kept kicking it back there to watch it get returned either for a td or way into Hazard territory. I think they also skewed the running stats because for some reason they fell in love with the pass in the second half.
Hazard got away from running the ball the 2nd half..
I think the Hazard coaching staff may have just been using this game as a feeler. They are very sneaky over there. I wouldn't be too confident about this if I were an Eagle. I can speak from experience.
Well i wouldnt keep underestimating the Eagles either if i were you . McPeek has been known to be sneaky himself . A good team finds a way to win , & a good team can make another good team make mistakes . Last yr it all i heard was soft schedule , & this yr while yonger , & playing tougher teams ,& winning it seems people still try to put Fairview down .
I haven't heard anyone putting them down. I just think they are not at the level they were last year. I know that is sometimes hard to hear from someone else. I don't mean for that to sound negative. You just have real good years and then years that are not real good. I think in the end they will fall just short. I think that Raceland and Pikeville are poised to be the elite in the east. I would then say that Hazard and Fairview would be the next two in line. I hardly think that is saying bad things. I am saying they are in the top 4 in the east, that is pretty impressive. If they prove me wrong, then good for them and you. I am on the outside looking in and I think that makes it a little easier to evaluate.
Hazard has had tendencies in the past to do things the way they did. Much like the NewCath/Beechwood Rivalry from years ago, you would see a scores like this in the reg season:

Hazard 44
Pikeville 20
Beechwood 56
Newport Cath 30

Only to have the post season meeting be a flipped around decision. I do however, strongly believe the difference in the hazard run game had more to do with more pass attempts, than Fairviews defense making THAT big of an adjustment. Similar to Prince going off on Raceland. The Rams were prepared for Baker. So they stopped to ing him the ball i the 2nd half and Raceland had no answer for Prince or Vaughn. But if ai am Fairview I am more concerned about the passing that Bellevue had success with. Especially with teams like Raceland, Pikeville, and Williamsburg coming out of the east. All of thise teams have more than one weapon to throw to. Outside of Hudson, Olinger is really the only threat at reciever. Does Faieview have the height+speed to cover up to 5 wideouts? Beech and Kiser are both great receivers as well. Even with all this said, I still believe have to be proven to, that Raceland is better than Fairview. Till they prove it on the field, Fairview is the favorite imo. Seems to be a mental thing.
One thing for sure. It will be one heck of an atmosphere when they meet this year.
mysonis55 Wrote:I haven't heard anyone putting them down. I just think they are not at the level they were last year. I know that is sometimes hard to hear from someone else. I don't mean for that to sound negative. You just have real good years and then years that are not real good. I think in the end they will fall just short. I think that Raceland and Pikeville are poised to be the elite in the east. I would then say that Hazard and Fairview would be the next two in line. I hardly think that is saying bad things. I am saying they are in the top 4 in the east, that is pretty impressive. If they prove me wrong, then good for them and you. I am on the outside looking in and I think that makes it a little easier to evaluate.

Mysonis55 you will suck up to anybody except Williamsburg you are feeding these team dirty water :biglmao:
64, I have to preserve what credibility I have left. You guys are still another year away from being ready.
Williamsburg has a good shot of knocking hazard of this year in the playoff considering hazard will travel there.. But the good thing about the playoff is local refs from either team cant call the game. Williamsburg key to beating good team must consist for having a balanced offense to keep defenses honest. We know they can throw it but they must be able to run it as well..
I will also tell you what I think on Hazard and Williamsburg side of the bracket before they possibly meet each other playoffs. That these teams should have cake walks until they play each other. On the Pikeville and Fairview and Raceland side these teams are going to battle it out hard because I think this region has better competition that in region 3. So its possible these teams may not be fully healthy for there games.
That's the key that can kill any 1a team. We don't have enough numbers to survive key injuries.
Numbers are what wore Raceland down vs Ashland. Our entire line goes both ways. With the exception of having Isaac Wallace(6'1" 295lb frosh) and a few others in the rotation, big number 74(his name ecscapes me) but looks to be about 6'3 or 4" and around 330 has come along tremendously and has actually been getting some pt now. Beech hasnt had to play as much defense with a Josh Young stepping up. But if one of those starting lineman go down, it can shake up the continuit on offense. These 5 have been starting/seeing significant pt since they were sophs. Thats the key with this team. The starting lineman's brotherhood has spilled over into the other players on the team. One of the tightest knit teams Racelandhas had in awhile.

I also agree that Williamsburg has Hazard and Hazard has Williamsburg to worry about. I also believe that whoever comes out of that bracket will be playing a team that has been tested atleast once, by one another. I think Wburg is a year removed from "non upset" contention, as is Hazard. Imo the representative from the east, at this time in the season, are Pikeville(gets the knod bc they have done this before), Raceland(their defense is probably the toughest in the East rt now, Fairview(may still be a year removed).

Raceland got blasted for over 400yds of offense last week, that was the first game the line had been tested. They didnt break though, just bent. The REAL test is Fairview, bc of the mental aspect of that rivalry and then, then, win or loose, how they play against Paintsville and their newly found success. This is one of the most competitive years in 1A that i can remember. I cant remember the last time that each side of the bracket had 3 contenders.
Possibly 4 if u count Wburg and Frankfort
Heres my playoff predictions

1 Mayfield
4 Caverna
2 Holy Cross
3 Fulton Co

4 Fulton City
2 Russellville
3 Bethlehem

1 Frankfort
4 Ludlow
2 Bellevue
3 Emience

1 Beechwood
4 Bracken Co
2 Paris
3 Dayton

1 Williamsburg
4 Jenkins
2 Pineville
3 Campbellsville

1 Hazard
4 Berea
2 Lynn Camp
3 Harlan

1 Raceland
4 Phelps
2 South Floyd
3 Paintsville

1 Pikeville
4 Nicholas Co
2 Fairview
3 Allen Central

That's my predictions.
bac2369 Wrote:Heres my playoff predictions

1 Mayfield
4 Caverna
2 Holy Cross
3 Fulton Co

4 Fulton City
2 Russellville
3 Bethlehem

1 Frankfort
4 Ludlow
2 Bellevue
3 Emience

1 Beechwood
4 Bracken Co
2 Paris
3 Dayton

1 Williamsburg
4 Jenkins
2 Pineville
3 Campbellsville

1 Hazard
4 Berea
2 Lynn Camp
3 Harlan

1 Raceland
4 Phelps
2 South Floyd
3 Paintsville

1 Pikeville
4 Nicholas Co
2 Fairview
3 Allen Central

That's my predictions.

Looks about right to me.
I will break it down even further for you. This is what the regional championship games will look like:

Russellville @ Mayfield

Beechwood @ Frankfort

Hazard @ Williamsburg

Pikeville @ Raceland
Looks pretty solid...
Hoping you are right. Raceland looks to be a team that can get over the hump if they are healthy. From what I coukd see, Raceland should have lost to Coal Grove. I am not one to complain about officiating and how it sometimes determines a games outcome. I say if you play good football, it shouldnt matter. But with everything that happened(a no call on a late hit spearing play that could have left Conner Messer unconscious, then Beech retaliates and gets tossed due to recieving his 2nd PF, the Coal Grove MASSIVE offensive line), 2 no calls of pass interference that honestly stopped 2 more Ram TDs. Gance and Messer were both tackled before they got the ball on two skinny post routes).

If this game were played last year, Raceland would have been broken and tucked their tails, hung their heads, and left CG w a loss. But they didnt this year.ashland was a better conditioned football team in week 2. Raceland played their sloppiest game of the season that night and Ashlands numbers wore them down. But they responded well the following week at Boyd Co.

This Raceland team is much MUCH more mentaly tough than in previous years. They hae finally started playing with some swag offensively. Messer is a Play maker. Even though the same guys got Pushed around defensively, the Oline dominated the los against CG. Elkins had plenty of time and Beech is running his way into a small d1 or large NAIA D2 schollarship. Throw in Snyder and the running game is stout. Best part is, this Raceland team hasnt Played a full 4 quarters yet. The starters hae had to go the distance twice this year, once was a 1 point loss to Ashland and the other the win over Coal Grove. Slowly but surely, with a few more things to do before i completely buy in, this Ram team is restoring my faith.
If u get a chance check out the Raceland/Coal Grove game on ihigh. I am at a complete loss as to how Coal Grove is 0-5. I think it may come down to coaching. Raceland went up 21-7 in the 2nd quarter and they started slinging the ball all over the field in despiration, wen they were gaining about 6 yds/carry on the ground. Maybe its coaching, maybe they ran into far better teams, idk, just doesnt play like a winless team.
Glad Raceland is playing good and hope they continue to play good because they do not need to let up in the playoffs or peak to early..
One thing i have notice about this Raceland squad is Rhythm. Once they find a Rhythm on offense, they are hard to stop. Against East Carter it halpened ińthe 3rd Quarter. Against both Ashland and Boyd it came in the 2nd. Against Coal Grove thy found it in the 2nd and again in the 4th. If they get it figured out, how to come out like that and finish like that, they can compete with anyone in class A, without question in the East. They have the ability to grind out the clock of needed, big play capability, longer passing game, screens for off tempo kinds of things, thogh the RBs need to learn to be more patient and follow blockers on the bubble screens. I just finished watching all of the Raceland game films up to this week. This team does alot of things fundamentally they disnt do last year.

Elkins is much more affective, the recievers are better on 3rd sown at getting beyond the mark before breaking out of their routes. Players like Messer and Beech have seemed to found a toughness they havent had. The more i see of this team the more i believe they can get the monkey off their back this year.
I really expected a Raceland vs Hazard game in 08 went Hazard went to state but I was disappointed..
We all did that year. The first half of the LCA at Raceland Regional Championship game, The Rams made no buts about it, they were the No 1 team in class A. Problem was, LCA had the skills to come back and Raceland Began playing not to lose rather than to win. We were blasting them offensively off the edges and o corner routes. Then all of a sudden its bubble screens and running between the tackles. Poorly called second half left Raceland a td short of what probably would have been for the state championship.
I don't know how anyone could say they were a touchdown away from state championship in 08. They Lost to Lex Christian. Lex Christian didn't even represent the east at state. Hazard represented the east that year. Beechwood won the state championship that year.

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