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Chuck Hayes contract extended
Houston Rockets extend Chuck Hayes 10 day contract for at least the remainder of the season. In 7 games Chuck has averaged 7.7 points per game and 8.3 rebounds per game. Chuck averages 23.8 minutes of playing time per game.

If he continues playing like this Houston may sign him a long term contract. He would be a great rebouder that they could get cheap.
I saw some highlights of him playing last night.. he looked good. They showed some highlighs of Gerald Fitch playing for the Heat too
What position does he play.........
Thats awesome!
He does the dirty things that a coach LOVES. Congrats Chuck and keep it up!
GOod JOb
The Heat vs. Rockets game was fun to watch the other day if you are a Kentucky fan. Gerald Fitch and Antoine Walker are on the Heat roster, and on the Rocket Roster you have Chuck Hayes and Derek Anderson. Not to mention Pat Riley coaching the Heat.
Fitch plays for the heat?? I didnt know that.. also Chuck for the Rockets.. well finally a couple of uk players are on a good team.... and yes they should sign chuck to a long term contract..
that is great news for Chuck, the ULTIMATE TEAM PLAYER, and its good that Houston came to their senses and signed him thru the rest of the season. Although, my feeling is that he'll see a multi-year deal from either Houston or somebody else after the season. 8 pts and 8 boards in 24 minutes isn't too shabby. Way to go Chuck!!
congrats chuck......he was always one mof my favorites at uk
Great news. They have a great player.
This is great for a great guy in chuck hayes !
He's a player with great head for basketball. He's not out there to be the star of the team, just to hold it together like he did UK.
im glad hes finally getting a chance
Heard this on the radio the other day. glad to hear that Chuck's doing good and congrats to him
I love the University of Kentucky and its players and I am glad to see them succeed. Way to go Chuck!:worthy:
its about time
Im glad to see chuck was one of my all time favorite players to come out of kentucky...good luck hayes and the best of luck in the nba...
I am glad for him, thats awesome.....
It's good to see them representing Kentucky in a positive way. I'll admit, when they played for us, I didn't see either of them,(Hayes & Fitch) really doing anything in the NBA.
Congrats Chuck
they should

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