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Wayne County 40 Williamsburg 12
mysonis55 Wrote:Jacket4life, I apologize. I meant nothing towards your son. I will pray for him and I do not want to see any injuries. It did appear that this was just another excuse to me and apparently to others as I am not the only one that has commented. I promise you that I do not want any kids injured. But there are always complaints about officials, no matter the sport. I am sure they did not miss this on purpose. Some just don't see everything. They really take it hard when they watch films and see stuff they miss as well. I cannot recall the screen name but you all really did have a fan on here before complaining that y'all didn't have a chance because you were made to wear orange jerseys and stand on the sunny sidelines. So, when I read this, I guess you could say I had a flashback.

You saw what you wanted to see. You were so sure we were going to get on here making excuses that you saw them when they weren't there. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Newjacket Wrote:Not blaming them for the loss, but the refs tonight did a horrible job. Not keeping control of the game directly led to a player gets piled on after he lost his helmet and getting carted off the field. The whistle was extremely late so players kept playing. Ref was out of position all night and missed several facemask on both teams that led to player frustrations which inevitably led to kids getting hurt unnecessarily. Hope to never see him working another game.

officiating was fine we got our ass kicked by a very very good football team. I thought we hung in there very well. The score Did not reflect how close it was. I hope Wayne Co. goes all the way.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Exactly right. Home fans were livid but all officials fault. Then they got flag happy. Rough night for that veteran crew.

I really get disgusted when I read excuses of any type. Would you not consider the strength of that team?
jetpilot Wrote:They better all have tickets or they won't get in. W'burg has no shot getting to Bowling Green. None Zip Nada Zilch. And Slim's out of town.:blabbermo:dontthinkConfusednicker::flame::closeenough::insane::flush::devilflam:please:TongueirateSho:lame::ChairHit::popcorn::worthy::eyeroll:

Jet Pilot I would like to remind you,, Williamsburg has lost Two games to Two undefeated teams no one not even you know how good those two teams are, The next game Williamsburg plays will be the first game they have played all season with all their personell ready to go, Stone, Sanders, Sulfridge, all could play for anyone. They will be ready. and the two loses we had were very close.
topnotch Wrote:officiating was fine we got our ass kicked by a very very good football team. I thought we hung in there very well. The score Did not reflect how close it was. I hope Wayne Co. goes all the way.

Corection I am a CORBIN Fan I hope Wayne beats every body except Corbin.
topnotch Wrote:officiating was fine we got our ass kicked by a very very good football team. I thought we hung in there very well. The score Did not reflect how close it was. I hope Wayne Co. goes all the way.

I've seen the film. There were at least 6 flagrant facemask that were not called. That is why it kept happening and eventually led to kids getting hurt. Coaches even said the refs were yelling at each other for being out of position to make the calls. As I've said, did not affect outcome, but setting kids up to get hurt is not excusable.
IQis55 got a little touchy when somebody mentioned your child getting hurt. You are a troll. You have no respect. You were so intent on trolling you did not pay attention to what the posts said. You just jumped in and made a smart ass comment. Nobody wants your child to get hurt. Please respect other people's children.
Mysonis55 you need to get out of the house and out of bed Confusedleep: an think before you drink water out of the Ohio river.:why:
I like what i see in Williamsburg the other night rb Jefferson Patrick had to have over a 100yd rushing against Wayne county and I think if we will use the running game more the sky is the limit for the yellow jacket making it to the state just my opinion an my opinion only.go Williamsburg :Cheerlead:Clap::Cheerlead:Clap::Cheerlead
Newjacket Wrote:I've seen the film. There were at least 6 flagrant facemask that were not called. That is why it kept happening and eventually led to kids getting hurt. Coaches even said the refs were yelling at each other for being out of position to make the calls. As I've said, did not affect outcome, but setting kids up to get hurt is not excusable.

I agree with you 100 percent. The officiating did not have an impact on the game, but I think officials in general need to do a better job policing the game. The kids playing today are bigger, faster, and stronger than in the past. The game is changing, and there is a reason why there have been rule changes.
E, so my a** is smart unlike most of your posts and probably you in general.
IQis55 go away. Come back and troll another day. This thread was almost gone until your decided you had not trolled enough. Move on to next week idiot.
Two teams that will probably never meet are the two biggest trash talkers to each other on the site.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Confusednicker:
Two teams that will probably never meet are the two biggest trash talkers to each other on the site.

well atleast we can trash talk RIUTG Confusednicker: we are contender wanting to play the best and thats mayfield :1: Let's keep the dream alive in williamsburg :truestory:
Is it me or do yall pick up a little anger in e. Seems his 4th grade education didn't take him past the name calling stage. So far I have been called a scumbag and an idiot. Not to mention being talked to disrespectfully about my dog, my wife and my kid. I remember some of that kind of stuff from the 8-10 year old kids, but it seemed like most grew out of that by 12.
mysonis55 Wrote:Is it me or do yall pick up a little anger in e. Seems his 4th grade education didn't take him past the name calling stage. So far I have been called a scumbag and an idiot. Not to mention being talked to disrespectfully about my dog, my wife and my kid. I remember some of that kind of stuff from the 8-10 year old kids, but it seemed like most grew out of that by 12.

I no how you feel right now some time the truth hurt mysonis55 :lmao:Confusednicker::lmao:Confusednicker::lmao:
Thanks 64. I knew I could count on you.
myson you are what you are. Do you want to bet on who has more education. I'll put up a Cnote on that. Better yet you never post again if I have more education than you. Put your money where your mouth is.
If that's the case, then use it. Come up with something better than scumbag or idiot. That is fourth grade crap.
I really hope Mayifled and Wburg meet at state. Dont think it will happen, but it would be a fun week at BGR.
I see the scumbag does not want to put his money where his mouth is at. He also wants to bait and then say don't be mean to me. Don't bait like a scumbag idiot if you don't want to be called one.
E, do you feel better now. Did you look in the mirror and puff your chest out when you said that, or could you not see over the top of the computer screen. Made you feel machismo didn't it. I felt it all the way over here. Keep practicing buddy. You might actually be intimidating some day.
E's Army Wrote:myson you are what you are. Do you want to bet on who has more education. I'll put up a Cnote on that. Better yet you never post again if I have more education than you. Put your money where your mouth is.

O.K. it's test time :blondeteaConfusedecret::rules::google::help: looks like E is the winner :1: and myson55 gets:Second:
E's Army Wrote:I see the scumbag does not want to put his money where his mouth is at. He also wants to bait and then say don't be mean to me. Don't bait like a scumbag idiot if you don't want to be called one.

The bad news for Williamsburg fans on here is that I believe that his son may only be a frosh...:HitWall:
seky, you may be on to something. I think you all misunderstand me though. I really don't have a problem with Wburg. I have no reason to. I just don't think they are ready to be world beaters yet. I think they are a year behind where they need to be. I think if they played this tough of a schedule last year they would be on track. I would say out of the east I would say I like Hazard, then, Raceland, then Pikeville and then Wburg. I can only hope they win until they get to bg though. I would like to see them at state for no other reason than I would like to shake 64's hand. He has kept things very entertaining for me and others over the past 2 years.

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