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Class A 2013...lord is it August yet?
Agreed. And after the way the KHSAA ruled in the Fairview case last year, i feel nothing will change. I say do away with it all together, let kids play where they want to play. I understand however that the schools rely on having a certain number financially so i understand why rules must be there. But idk why it matters, when u can just file an appeal or a greivance and have it overturned. Fairview does have a good thing going. They have good sponsors backing their athletic program, their acedemics have improved vastly, so i can see why a student-athelete would want to be there. But much like u, i will "judge a man by his batting avg, rather than his last at bat". In Fairviews exhistence with a football program, they historically were a door mat team, but have a hand full of good seasons as of late. BUT i am glad to see it. Footbal in our are has really declined in the last 10 years. Carter Co schools have fell apart, Greenup Co is a mess, Lawrence Co is finally back on the rise, Russell isnt the Russell they used to be. Raceland has been a 6-4 or 7-3 team that still cant win the big game. Glad to see Fairview boost their ability to compete. What are the thoughts on the decline of football in the county teams i our area?
I have been out of town for awhile, other than the Pikeville 7 n 7, does neone know of any passing camps/scrimmages and how the smalle schools looked?
:HitWall: like to see williamsburg play some 7-7 Confusednicker:
Im sure Wburg would fair strongly in passing tournaments, BUT. A passing tournament is primarily to build chemistry amongst the skill guys and their qb. When I was a freshman we beat mayfield by 4 tds in a passing scrimmage. They woukd have destroyed us in a regulation game.
MattJonesKSR Wrote:1.Beechwood

Sorry. Matt. Love KSR, but I see no reason why Beechwood changes anything. Never have beaten Mayfield. They have to travel to Mayfield in the playoffs this year. Saw a T-shirt this year that said Beechwood Football property of the Mayfield Cardinals. Mayfield returns a boatload of talent off a team that won a State Championship with a running clock. With a qb that threw for 3000 yards 30tds and only one int. Playing one of the toughest schedules in the state regardless of class. Its Mayfield and everyone else this year.
rednblackattack Wrote:Sorry. Matt. Love KSR, but I see no reason why Beechwood changes anything. Never have beaten Mayfield. They have to travel to Mayfield in the playoffs this year. Saw a T-shirt this year that said Beechwood Football property of the Mayfield Cardinals. Mayfield returns a boatload of talent off a team that won a State Championship with a running clock. With a qb that threw for 3000 yards 30tds and only one int. Playing one of the toughest schedules in the state regardless of class. Its Mayfield and everyone else this year.

AGREED. and this coming from someone who would LOVE to see a Russellville, Raceland, Williamsburg, Fairview, Frankfort, Hazard, Pikeville State Champ. Preferably Raceland, but I know that is an incredibly long shot. Outside of Hazard a few years back and Pikeville in the early 90s it's been nothing but Mayfield, Beechwood, New Cath(2 A now), Danville(2A now), with a LCA title in the mix as well. Would love to see a few dark horses finally get over the hump. But it's the same powers every year and its because of things like every 2 years having an offensive/defensive line full of jrs and srs.

Raceland has that this year, with a bunch of guys seeing significant time since being freshman, but winning is a habit and tradition and the above mentioned schools. Winning your district isn't enough, Raceland hasn't even been able to do that in almost 6 seasons.

But with all that said, it is Mayfield's to lose. But that is why the games are played. Even though there is really a toss up among the top 3-8 teams. Looking ahead to play off time, Beechwood and Hazard will by that time have figured things out. So it is safe to say they will be in the hunt by the end of the year.

Raceland and Fairview are toss ups, because you don't know what Fairview will field and Raceland seems to be unable to win the big one, meaning a Regional Championship. Pikeville is the team to watch IMO. Their talent and skill are through the roof at this point. But Beechwood and Mayfield general produce a line that is much bigger and stronger than teams from the Eastern Bracket outside of Hazard and Raceland.

This will be an interesting season. Though many look at 1A being down, which it probably is, the top 4 or 5 teams after Mayfield should make for some great games to watch when they finally get to face one another. Matchup's that I am looking forward to:

Raceland vs Fairview
Mayfield vs Russellville
Pikeville vs Hazard
Beechwood vs Bellvue
Hazard vs Fairview

several games here that will have HUGE meanings. Rivalries aside, big implications, district titles, home field advantages, etc.

i believe its 35 days and counting before the season starts...let the countdown begin!
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:AGREED. and this coming from someone who would LOVE to see a Russellville, Raceland, Williamsburg, Fairview, Frankfort, Hazard, Pikeville State Champ. Preferably Raceland, but I know that is an incredibly long shot. Outside of Hazard a few years back and Pikeville in the early 90s it's been nothing but Mayfield, Beechwood, New Cath(2 A now), Danville(2A now), with a LCA title in the mix as well. Would love to see a few dark horses finally get over the hump. But it's the same powers every year and its because of things like every 2 years having an offensive/defensive line full of jrs and srs.

Raceland has that this year, with a bunch of guys seeing significant time since being freshman, but winning is a habit and tradition and the above mentioned schools. Winning your district isn't enough, Raceland hasn't even been able to do that in almost 6 seasons.

But with all that said, it is Mayfield's to lose. But that is why the games are played. Even though there is really a toss up among the top 3-8 teams. Looking ahead to play off time, Beechwood and Hazard will by that time have figured things out. So it is safe to say they will be in the hunt by the end of the year.

Raceland and Fairview are toss ups, because you don't know what Fairview will field and Raceland seems to be unable to win the big one, meaning a Regional Championship. Pikeville is the team to watch IMO. Their talent and skill are through the roof at this point. But Beechwood and Mayfield general produce a line that is much bigger and stronger than teams from the Eastern Bracket outside of Hazard and Raceland.

This will be an interesting season. Though many look at 1A being down, which it probably is, the top 4 or 5 teams after Mayfield should make for some great games to watch when they finally get to face one another. Matchup's that I am looking forward to:

Raceland vs Fairview
Mayfield vs Russellville
Pikeville vs Hazard
Beechwood vs Bellvue
Hazard vs Fairview

several games here that will have HUGE meanings. Rivalries aside, big implications, district titles, home field advantages, etc.

i believe its 35 days and counting before the season starts...let the countdown begin!
4 classes would a lot more fun, IMO. State Championship chances go down, but you have more diverse finals, more competitive rounds of the playoffs, and added meaning to playoffs wins and regional titles.
Panther Thunder Wrote:4 classes would a lot more fun, IMO. State Championship chances go down, but you have more diverse finals, more competitive rounds of the playoffs, and added meaning to playoffs wins and regional titles.

It would be interesting to see what they would do as far as who goes down and who goes up in class size if they went back to a 4 class format. In the past, it was the same situations though. You had NewCath, Danville, Somerset, Mayfield, Beechwood competing each year for the title. With occasionally having a Hazard or Pikeville come out of the East. I think a 4 or atleast a 5 class system would be better. Fact of the matter is though, if it goes back to a smaller amount of classes, someone would gripe for a bigger class system. Kentucky football in general is no where as competitive across the board. But I would love to see something change.

Private schools having the ability to bring in out of state student-athletes will always cause issues for people. That will be the new-old argument. That is why there was such a big difference in New Cath and the rest of the 1A east bracket for so long. I think more of the small schools should merge and make bigger schools. IE: South Floyd and Allen Central etc...
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:It would be interesting to see what they would do as far as who goes down and who goes up in class size if they went back to a 4 class format. In the past, it was the same situations though. You had NewCath, Danville, Somerset, Mayfield, Beechwood competing each year for the title. With occasionally having a Hazard or Pikeville come out of the East. I think a 4 or atleast a 5 class system would be better. Fact of the matter is though, if it goes back to a smaller amount of classes, someone would gripe for a bigger class system. Kentucky football in general is no where as competitive across the board. But I would love to see something change.

Private schools having the ability to bring in out of state student-athletes will always cause issues for people. That will be the new-old argument. That is why there was such a big difference in New Cath and the rest of the 1A east bracket for so long. I think more of the small schools should merge and make bigger schools. IE: South Floyd and Allen Central etc...

99.9% of the kids at Newcath are from Campbell county. That's a fact! There might be an occasional student that comes from Kenton Co, but you'd be hard pressed to go through their roster for the last 25 years and beyond and find a kid coming over from Ohio, its just not true.
The only only thing I can say in regaurd to NewCath is when we played them in high school, there were an awful lot of cars with OHIO tags but had newCath bumper stickers. Now, does that mean they were parents or prove the kids were from oh? Not by any means, just found it odd. Regaurdless, i will always say, newcath was and always has been a premier school with great tallent and always showed CLASS.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:The only only thing I can say in regaurd to NewCath is when we played them in high school, there were an awful lot of cars with OHIO tags but had newCath bumper stickers. Now, does that mean they were parents or prove the kids were from oh? Not by any means, just found it odd. Regaurdless, i will always say, newcath was and always has been a premier school with great tallent and always showed CLASS.

I've got ohio tags on my car, I live in Ky but its a company car I drive for work. Thanks for the CLASS quote. The kids are taught to act like they've been there and you let your play do the talking. They're teenagers and at times they might get out of control but one thing you can bet on, is if they act out they hear about it in the locker room or they get pulled off the field.
Here in Williamsburg we have a lot of Tennessee cars on Friday night football games.but no one from Tennessee play football here.I fill your pain
What Fairview does is on a completely different level than just getting a couple transfers from other area schools on occasion.. Yes Raceland, Russell, and Ashland all get transfers but they don't physically go to other schools and recruit position specific needs on a yearly basis. If Fairview needs a running back, they go out and find a running back, despite the character of the student athlete. Fairview has such a negative reputation in this area, no area parents want their kid to play there. This is why Fairview has to go to WV and OH to recruit. Not to mention that Fairview offers these kids parents jobs and housing opportunities.. How in the world is that the same as when Raceland or Ashland gain a transfer or two on occasion??! Fairview is a dirty system from the ground up and everyone including them, is aware of it.
NoPicks Wrote:What Fairview does is on a completely different level than just getting a couple transfers from other area schools on occasion.. Yes Raceland, Russell, and Ashland all get transfers but they don't physically go to other schools and recruit position specific needs on a yearly basis. If Fairview needs a running back, they go out and find a running back, despite the character of the student athlete. Fairview has such a negative reputation in this area, no area parents want their kid to play there. This is why Fairview has to go to WV and OH to recruit. Not to mention that Fairview offers these kids parents jobs and housing opportunities.. How in the world is that the same as when Raceland or Ashland gain a transfer or two on occasion??! Fairview is a dirty system from the ground up and everyone including them, is aware of it.

That's why they have huge enrollment from all area schools you are way off base! Don't hate on success no picks might come back and bite you! Jealousy is a dangerous thing, I'm sure your a snake in the grass Raceland fan where they are kings of recruiting! Kids wanna play for Fairview just like The rams. I remember bill Tom Ross going and driving bus around when he was at Raceland don't think Fairview does that so be quiet!
Guys please remember these are still kids we are talking about. They move schools all the time. It happens everywhere not just certain places. Let it go and talk some football.
I agree mastadon89 guys let's move pass this.:HitWall:Anybody want to transfer to Williamsburg you are welcome to come an play for us Confusednicker:
Justify it however you want Nate... The bottom line is, nobody recruits like Fairview.. How can you justify getting in players from OH and WV every year? It's not every now and then, it's every single year you guys get position specific needs satisfied through illegal recruiting. Yes schools get players in but not multiple players every single year from the same out of state pipeline, come on Russell McPride, even through those red tinted glasses covered with smudges of unethical behavior, you can still see the difference between what you guys do at Fairview and the occasional transfer student athlete. Nobody gripes ab Baker at Ashland, probably bc he's just one kid, one time. He's not a whole stable of skill guys or a whole entire defensive backfield like you brought in 10'. Nobody would have been throwing accusations at the Eagles over just Turner or Roy but an entire fleet of skill from out of state, multiple times... KHSAA NEEDS TO WAKE UP! And no not a Raceland fan, just a fan of the game and of the respectable, tradition rich programs of this area, unlike Fairview.
NoPicks Wrote:Justify it however you want Nate... The bottom line is, nobody recruits like Fairview.. How can you justify getting in players from OH and WV every year? It's not every now and then, it's every single year you guys get position specific needs satisfied through illegal recruiting. Yes schools get players in but not multiple players every single year from the same out of state pipeline, come on Russell McPride, even through those red tinted glasses covered with smudges of unethical behavior, you can still see the difference between what you guys do at Fairview and the occasional transfer student athlete. Nobody gripes ab Baker at Ashland, probably bc he's just one kid, one time. He's not a whole stable of skill guys or a whole entire defensive backfield like you brought in 10'. Nobody would have been throwing accusations at the Eagles over just Turner or Roy but an entire fleet of skill from out of state, multiple times... KHSAA NEEDS TO WAKE UP! And no not a Raceland fan, just a fan of the game and of the respectable, tradition rich programs of this area, unlike Fairview.

As I have stated several times I know Nate and disagree with you totally if your going to say stuff don't be a keyboard cowboy and talk about people be a man and go talk to him or other administrators at Fairview I'm guessing your a very young immature person I would hope. Have a great blessed day
Hahaha why would I waste my time talking to the administration at Fairview? The KHSAA are the ones who need to do the talking..not me. I'm just an area football fan who loves watching the tradition rich, respectful teams such as Ashland, Raceland, and Russell, compete with class on Friday nights.
All those programs you mention recruit too so you contradict yourself but no changing your mind have good day
Who cares, go get the best you can find and lets play. That's the way I feel about it
MayfieldCardinal Wrote:Who cares, go get the best you can find and lets play. That's the way I feel about it

I feel the same way who cares :doughnutc
Agreed who cares
russellpride Wrote:Agreed who cares

:popcorn: Yelp!! Somebody cared! :popcorn:

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