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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Crossbones Wrote:I didn't think you gave a rat's ass?:rockon:
No, I didn't give a rat's ass what you thought.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, I didn't give a rat's ass what you thought.

:biglmao: Back at cha my friend!!
TheRealVille Wrote:If you want to kill someone, go to Florida.

Same thing, and same verdict would have been applied here.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you want to kill someone, go to Florida.
looks like the jury ruled correctly on the law
nky Wrote:looks like the jury ruled correctly on the law
The jury ruled. I respect that. That's all.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Same thing, and same verdict would have been applied here.
I have no doubt.
Crossbones Wrote::lame: Nothing has been proven, just stated by a set of lawyers. Well, if the "stone" fits. The dead teenager was a thug. Its been proven. Actually, yes, I did do stupid stuff as a kid in school. I didn't break the law, I didn't steal, I didn't do drugs or post pictures of me smokin weed and brag about it. Difference between stupid kid stuff and being a gangsta wannabe. Is that really your argument? :biglmao:
Want to compare the criminal records of both Zimmerman and Martin?

TheRealVille Wrote:Want to compare the criminal records of both Zimmerman and Martin?

At the time of the shooting, Zimmerman was gainfully employed and volunteered to help keep his neighborhood safe. Trayvon Martin was serving his third suspension of the current school year. Martin's death was tragic because he may have turned his life around at some point but the odds were against it. Most thugs his age never amount to much and he was a thug. His attack on Zimmerman was just further proof of that fact.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:At the time of the shooting, Zimmerman was gainfully employed and volunteered to help keep his neighborhood safe. Trayvon Martin was serving his third suspension of the current school year. Martin's death was tragic because he may have turned his life around at some point but the odds were against it. Most thugs his age never amount to much and he was a thug. His attack on Zimmerman was just further proof of that fact.

To further evidence your point. Trayvon had more than ample time and opportunity to enter his father's, girlfriend's front door. He was out of Zimmerman's sight for about 4 minutes and he was within steps of the apartment. He had an avenue of retreat. Zimmerman wasn't afforded the opportunity to retreat because Trayvon consciously made the decision to lie in wait for him, jumping him from behind the bushes.

Suddenly, Zimmerman was in the first fight of his life and it was a doozy. I think those screams were his, listening to them he was obviously terrified. And to challenge the weak point made by prosecutors, how many people are going to go on screaming after they shoot their attacker and the blows cease to fall? There is no doubt. After all the time prosecutors took to prepare their case, if Zimmerman had lied, those lies would have been revealed in the court proceedings.

Added to that is the fact that the first prosecutor and Sheriff were both fired because they wouldn't play ball with the true racial profilers of this unfortunate mess who wanted to see a white man swing. Turns out, Zimmerman isn't white so liberal media types obliged Sharpton and Jackson, creating a new white social group, that of white/Hispanics, LOL.
TheRealThing Wrote:To further evidence your point. Trayvon had more than ample time and opportunity to enter his father's, girlfriend's front door. He was out of Zimmerman's sight for about 4 minutes and he was within steps of the apartment. He had an avenue of retreat. Zimmerman wasn't afforded the opportunity to retreat because Trayvon consciously made the decision to lie in wait for him, jumping him from behind the bushes.

Suddenly, Zimmerman was in the first fight of his life and it was a doozy. I think those screams were his, listening to them he was obviously terrified. And to challenge the weak point made by prosecutors, how many people are going to go on screaming after they shoot their attacker and the blows cease to fall? There is no doubt. After all the time prosecutors took to prepare their case, if Zimmerman had lied, those lies would have been revealed in the court proceedings.

Added to that is the fact that the first prosecutor and Sheriff were both fired because they wouldn't play ball with the true racial profilers of this unfortunate mess who wanted to see a white man swing. Turns out, Zimmerman isn't white so liberal media types obliged Sharpton and Jackson, creating a new white social group, that of white/Hispanics, LOL.
Great points. I would add that Zimmerman said that he was screaming because he thought that the police had time to respond to the 911 call and may have been looking for him. He said that Martin told him to shut up and even tried covering his mouth to silence his screams. The screams sounded like somebody trying to be heard more than screams of agony to me. Zimmerman's story makes perfect sense and the more you think about the excuses given for Martin's behavior, the less sense they make. The fact that none of the neighbors who heard Zimmerman's screams came to his aid or even called 911 says a lot about the quality of the neighborhood.
TheRealVille Wrote:Want to compare the criminal records of both Zimmerman and Martin?

you forgot the photos
[Image: http://sadhillnews.com/wp-content/upload...l-news.jpg]
TheRealVille Wrote:Want to compare the criminal records of both Zimmerman and Martin?


What do you want to compare? Speeding vs weed....resisting arrest which was redused vs having burglary tools? Who had drugs in their system? Hmmm....still a thug....also, I like how you used nbc....they will be one of the ones that will give zimmerman millions.
Crossbones Wrote:What do you want to compare? Speeding vs weed....resisting arrest which was redused vs having burglary tools? Who had drugs in their system? Hmmm....still a thug....also, I like how you used nbc....they will be one of the ones that will give zimmerman millions.
If you are going to tell his record, tell it right.

Quote:In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar.
In August 2005, Zimmerman’s ex-fiancee, Veronica Zuazo, filed a civil motion for a restraining order alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman counterfiled for a restraining order against Zuazo. The competing claims were resolved with both restraining orders being granted.
In December 2006, Zimmerman was charged with speeding. The case was dismissed when the officer failed to show up in court.

Quote:Shocking new allegations have been made about George Zimmerman. An old family friend, whose identity has not been revealed and is only known as Witness 9, has come forth and accused the 28 year old of molesting her when the two were children. The incidents occurred at Zimmerman’s family home when the two were children, starting when she was 6 and he was 8. Their two families were close, usually meeting up at least once a year. She alleges the attacks continued until she was 16.

The woman came forth about a month after Trayvon Martin’s murder. She claims Zimmerman had made racist comments in the past, and she feared he killed Martin because he was black. The woman also claims that she was not the only victim.

Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, doesn’t believe the testimony will be used in the trial as it was uncorroborated. O’Mara had fought to keep this information sealed, as he felt it would stoke anger against his client. The judge in the case rejected these calls, and audio tapes of the interview the female victim gave a little over a month after Trayvon was shot are now public.

The more damaging portion of the woman’s testimony comes from her claim that Zimmerman’s family was littered with racists, particularly his Peruvian mother. The woman is the second person to come forward with such claims against Zimmerman’s family. This flies in the face of what investigators have concluded about the Trayvon Martin incident. Their findings suggest that race had nothing to do with the teenager’s shooting, but that it was an avoidable situation.
TheRealVille Wrote:After the police told him not to. Zimmerman was caught in a lie, saying Martin jumped out of bushes and attacked him. There are no bushes there. He also said Martin raised up and said "you got me", after he was shot in the heart, which is unbelievable in it's self, not counting that Matin was found face down. Irregardless if Martin was beating him up, he was defending himself against a stalker,( while walking where he was allowed to,)that ended up killing him.

TheRealThing Wrote:I find it odd, as I have since this thing happened, that you suppose yourself to be in a position to make judgments about guilt or innocence in this case. IN FLORIDA, lol. I also find it odd that you refuse to honor many of the facts, one of which glares through big time. The Seminole County Sheriff has jurisdiction in this matter. They initially found that Zimmerman had legally self defended himself under the provisions of the "Stand Your Ground" law. It was only when liberals inside and outside of the media and so-called preachers, started to butt their noses into the matter from as far away as California no less, that the Sheriff was somehow compelled to reopen the case. The pressure brought to bear on law enforcement ought to be unconstitutional of itself.

You really need to give your accusations of racial bias against everybody other than your liberal compatriots a rest. And come up with an argument that requires a little intellectual discipline for a change. Contrary to your overworked imagination, it is not a racial or a partisan thing and BTW is not Zimmerman Hispanic? His father called him a "Spanish speaking minority" with many black relatives and friends. Rather it is as I have already mentioned, and you even confirmed this in the early posts about it on the original thread, liberals and media were and are the one's calling for Zimmerman's head. Since when can the media make demands in legal proceedings, and that not even in their state?

TheRealVille Wrote:If you are going to tell his record, tell it right.
If you are going to use uncorroborated charges against Martin, which were not submitted into evidence, and which the FBI apparently did not buy, then maybe you should include Martin's alleged assault of a city bus driver. Because he was a juvenile, we will probably never know the full extent of Martin's criminal activities. He reportedly had child porn on his cell phone, which was one of the facts that the prosecutor failed to disclose during discovery.

The FBI interviewed three dozen friends, associates, and relatives of Zimmerman and found no evidence that he is a racist. How much political pressure do you think that Eric Holder's FBI was under to find some dirt on Zimmerman?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you are going to use uncorroborated charges against Martin, which were not submitted into evidence, and which the FBI apparently did not buy, then maybe you should include Martin's alleged assault of a city bus driver. Because he was a juvenile, we will probably never know the full extent of Martin's criminal activities. He reportedly had child porn on his cell phone, which was one of the facts that the prosecutor failed to disclose during discovery.

The FBI interviewed three dozen friends, associates, and relatives of Zimmerman and found no evidence that he is a racist. How much political pressure do you think that Eric Holder's FBI was under to find some dirt on Zimmerman?

You can bet it was a ton and yet, they found nothing. I'd go one step further and say the FBI put Trayvon through the same level of scrutiny and I'd bet they actually know the full extent of Trayvon's criminal activities.
TheRealThing Wrote:You can bet it was a ton and yet, they found nothing. I'd go one step further and say the FBI put Trayvon through the same level of scrutiny and I'd bet they actually know the full extent of Trayvon's criminal activities.
According to what I have read, Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Juice are two common ingredients (out of three) required to make a drug concoction known as Purple Drank (a/k/a Lean). The third ingredient is Robotussin DM. According to some of Martin's FB posts, he was looking for a source of prescription strength codeine to substitute for the over the counter cough syrup.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you are going to use uncorroborated charges against Martin, which were not submitted into evidence, and which the FBI apparently did not buy, then maybe you should include Martin's alleged assault of a city bus driver. Because he was a juvenile, we will probably never know the full extent of Martin's criminal activities. He reportedly had child porn on his cell phone, which was one of the facts that the prosecutor failed to disclose during discovery.

The FBI interviewed three dozen friends, associates, and relatives of Zimmerman and found no evidence that he is a racist. How much political pressure do you think that Eric Holder's FBI was under to find some dirt on Zimmerman?
I wouldn't put it past you to post stuff about a dead kid that isn't proven to be true. You are that kind of dickhead. We know Zimmerman's record, and Martin's record. Anything else that you are posting is merely rumors, but that won't stop a person like you.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:According to what I have read, Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Juice are two common ingredients (out of three) required to make a drug concoction known as Purple Drank (a/k/a Lean). The third ingredient is Robotussin DM. According to some of Martin's FB posts, he was looking for a source of prescription strength codeine to substitute for the over the counter cough syrup.
That kid is dead you dumbass. Do you have no scruples?
TheRealVille Wrote:I wouldn't put it past you to post stuff about a dead kid that isn't proven to be true. You are that kind of dickhead. We know Zimmerman's record, and Martin's record. Anything else that you are posting is merely rumors, but that won't stop a person like you.
You just posted unsubstantiated allegations against Zimmerman and you have posted lie after lie in the Zimmerman threads. And you are complaining about me posting about Martin's Facebook posts about his drug use, screenshots of which have been circulating on the web for weeks? You claim to have followed this case closely and you cannot even remember your own posts. Don't worry, I remember them so that you don't have to! Confusednicker:

If you are trying to convince us that you are an idiot, you can stop anytime. Mission accomplished!:biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:That kid is dead you dumbass. Do you have no scruples?
Zimmerman was found not guilty, and yet you continue to post unsubstantiated allegations against him. Zimmerman is alive. Is it okay to post rumors about a guy who was cleared of wrong doing in a court of law, but not okay to do the same about a dead dopehead who attacked an innocent man with a slab of concrete? Dumbass? You crack me up, RV. Most people who screw up half as many facts as you do would be too embarrassed to question anybody else's intelligence - but not you, no, you remain convinced that the entire country failed to notice things that only you picked up on. (Like those bushes that disappeared, then reappeared, and finally turned into trees.)
TheRealVille Wrote:That kid is dead you dumbass. Do you have no scruples?

You are not following the liberal line. You must say the "child" is dead and not the "kid" is dead.

His death is a tragedy for his family and those who love him.

Nonetheless, from all indications, he was well on his way to a criminal life.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are going to tell his record, tell it right.

If you are going to tell Trayvon's record, tell it right.
Crossbones Wrote:If you are going to tell Trayvon's record, tell it right.

The majoriy claim 2 times.
Im not sure why whites are even really being involved in any of the conversation.
Zimmerman looks like a mexican if ive ever seen one.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Im not sure why whites are even really being involved in any of the conversation.
Zimmerman looks like a mexican if ive ever seen one.
Because liberal media couldn't keep from it. Race sells and keeps people watching. Just like nbc leaving out key parts of the 911 call.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Im not sure why whites are even really being involved in any of the conversation.
Zimmerman looks like a mexican if ive ever seen one.
He's of the white side of the borderConfusedinglepar ok that was pretty:lame:
But George Zimmerman is a white Hispanic because the media told me so. By the way does that make President Obama White-Black?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Im not sure why whites are even really being involved in any of the conversation.
Zimmerman looks like a mexican if ive ever seen one.
Th is incident had nothing to with with racism, at least not on Zimmerman's side, and everything to do with racial politics. Obama knew that black turnout would be lower than it was in 2008 and his people were just looking for opportunities to drive black turnout at the polls. When it turned out to their surprise that "Zimmerman" was not white, they created a new hyphenated-race category of "white-Hispanic" for him.

Every American should be outraged at what is happening to George Zimmerman, no matter what their race is. If Obama and Holder keep trying to demonize Zimmerman and paint Trayvon Martin as an angelic young boy, innocent people will die. Innocent people have already been assaulted, all of them white as far as I know.
nky Wrote:He's of the white side of the borderConfusedinglepar ok that was pretty:lame:
But George Zimmerman is a white Hispanic because the media told me so. By the way does that make President Obama White-Black?

Trust me, Obama is much more white than he ever was black.
Unless it benefits him not to be...
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