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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Crossbones Wrote:I've seen you throw several stones at Zimmerman throughout this entire thread. :dontthink

He has been caught in lies, it's been proven. Zimmerman killed, and lied about it. That's already proven. I'm talking about the stone throwing at a dead teenager. Did you do anything stupid as a kid in school?
nky Wrote::happytear:
from George Mason University.
Weed is more potent today maybe you need to by from a new supplier

Maybe you need to be a toker before you offer a googled opinion. You find any stat that sides with any opinion on the net, I've lived real life.
TheRealVille Wrote:He has been caught in lies, it's been proven. Zimmerman killed, and lied about it. That's already proven. I'm talking about the stone throwing at a dead teenager. Did you do anything stupid as a kid in school?

:lame: Nothing has been proven, just stated by a set of lawyers. Well, if the "stone" fits. The dead teenager was a thug. Its been proven. Actually, yes, I did do stupid stuff as a kid in school. I didn't break the law, I didn't steal, I didn't do drugs or post pictures of me smokin weed and brag about it. Difference between stupid kid stuff and being a gangsta wannabe. Is that really your argument? :biglmao:
Crossbones Wrote::lame: Nothing has been proven, just stated by a set of lawyers. Well, if the "stone" fits. The dead teenager was a thug. Its been proven. Actually, yes, I did do stupid stuff as a kid in school. I didn't break the law, I didn't steal, I didn't do drugs or post pictures of me smokin weed and brag about it. Difference between stupid kid stuff and being a gangsta wannabe. Is that really your argument? :biglmao:

Yes, Zimmerman's different accounts have been proven. They are recorded.
What different accounts? A little wording here and there, is all. Martin beating Zimmerman head has been proven. Pictures show cuts. What about the rest of it? I take it your all fine an dandy for kids stealing and doing drugs and braggin about fighting...ect. Just because it kids doing stupid stuff and you done it, so its all OK! Not all of us aspired to be a doper and thug. What about the weight you stated earlier in thread? You simply will not admit when you are wrong. You have no credibility with anyone on this site.
Crossbones Wrote:Martin beating Zimmerman head has been proven. Pictures show cuts.
RV thinks that those wounds were self-inflicted. He broke his own nose and slammed his own head into the pavement. :hilarious:
Crossbones Wrote:Martin beating Zimmerman head has been proven. Pictures show cuts.
RV thinks that those wounds were self-inflicted. He broke his own nose and slammed his own head into the pavement. :hilarious:

You cannot win an argument with a delusional man.
^ 2 cuts, 3/4 inch, and 1/5 inch. Not very consistant with a deadly pounding on concrete.
^ I didn't say he did, I said he could have. It wouldn't be the first time a killer did something like that to get off.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ 2 cuts, 3/4 inch, and 1/5 inch. Not very consistant with a deadly pounding on concrete.
What about the bloody nose? I won't even say that it's broke, because of no xray. When a persons head hits a hard surface hard enough to be cut open then other factors come in. Light headness, dizziness, blackout. That would be enough to cause me to be in fear of my life. What about the rest of it? Keep dancing Snow White.
[quote=TheRealVille]^ 2 cuts, 3/4 inch, and 1/5 inch. The police who were at the scene within minutes of the shooting and the paramedics who treated Zimmerman's wounds thought that they were consistent with Zimmerman's account of events and Zimmerman passed a lie detector test the following day.

Do you still believe that Zimmerman broke his nose and inflicted the wounds to the back of his head himself? I only ask because the longer you refuse to admit the obvious truth the sillier and more irrelevant it renders your opinions on any topic. :hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe you need to be a toker before you offer a googled opinion. You find any stat that sides with any opinion on the net, I've lived real life.
sorry I don't participate in illegal activities (all though I am for legalizing it and making a Kentucky Weed Trail):eyeroll:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:[quote=TheRealVille]^ 2 cuts, 3/4 inch, and 1/5 inch. The police who were at the scene within minutes of the shooting and the paramedics who treated Zimmerman's wounds thought that they were consistent with Zimmerman's account of events and Zimmerman passed a lie detector test the following day.

Do you still believe that Zimmerman broke his nose and inflicted the wounds to the back of his head himself? I only ask because the longer you refuse to admit the obvious truth the sillier and more irrelevant it renders your opinions on any topic. :hilarious:
He was examined, and the cuts were measured. It's in testimony. Are you the culprit in these quote screwups in threads? Do they need to give you a class on quoting?
TheRealVille Wrote:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:He was examined, and the cuts were measured. It's in testimony.
You did not answer my questions. Do you still believe that Zimmerman's wounds were self-inflicted? It is a very simple question. Did George Zimmerman break his own nose and gash the back of his head?
TheRealVille Wrote:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:He was examined, and the cuts were measured. It's in testimony. Are you the culprit in these quote screwups in threads? Do they need to give you a class on quoting?
I suspect that you are screwing up the quotes, but I will let you focus on simpler questions like why Zimmerman's injuries support his account of events and why your explanation is worthy of ridicule.

If I were you, I would not be so confident that there are no long term negative health effects of long term marijuana abuse. Your "logic" in this thread is Exhibit 1.
BTW, it looks like you guys got a new cheerleader on your team, Hoot.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You did not answer my questions. Do you still believe that Zimmerman's wounds were self-inflicted? It is a very simple question. Did George Zimmerman break his own nose and gash the back of his head?

Again, I didn't say they were. I said they could have been. Or, may have been. It wouldn't be the first time a killer tried to cover up a murder.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I suspect that you are screwing up the quotes, but I will let you focus on simpler questions like why Zimmerman's injuries support his account of events and why your explanation is worthy of ridicule.

If I were you, I would not be so confident that there are no long term negative health effects of long term marijuana abuse. Your "logic" in this thread is Exhibit 1.

Look at the first quote screwup, and see who did it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, I didn't say they were. I said they could have been. Or, may have been. It wouldn't be the first time a killer tried to cover up a murder.
In your opinion, after closely watching the testimony in this trial, is there any "reasonable doubt" that Zimmerman's wounds were inflicted by Martin? Are you really confident enough that is what happened in this case that if you were on that jury you would vote to convict him and possibly send him to prison for the rest of his life. Do you really believe the words that you are typing here to the extent that you would deprive another human being of their liberty?

Because if Martin did slam Zimmerman's head into the concrete, what reasonable man would not be fearing for his own life at that point?
"Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutors in the George Zimmerman murder trial should be charged with "prosecutorial misconduct" for suggesting the defendant planned the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin. "That is something no prosecutor should be allowed to get away with … to make up a story from whole cloth," Dershowitz told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"These prosecutors should be disbarred. They have acted absolutely irresponsibly in an utterly un-American fashion."


Alan Dershowitz ain't exactly chopped liver in legal circles. I'm sure RealVille would happily take to task Dershowitz' for his opinion on the George Zimmerman trial anyway though. Normal people can always recognize what is likely the truth in most matters of governance and justice in particular. Meanwhile liberals seem to always be a ball in high weeds, forever loving the lie and having contempt for those who don't share their self destructive zeal, for the lemming like rush toward the cliffs of historical obscurity. Their most fervent pursuit seems to be to watch their own demise.
TheRealVille Wrote:Look at the first quote screwup, and see who did it.
It's too late after the fact because people sometimes edit their posts after the submit them. Have you never mistakenly deleted the last bracket of a close quote tag, RV? Do you really think that if I did so that reflects negatively on my programming ability? Just how petty of a man are you? Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In your opinion, after closely watching the testimony in this trial, is there any "reasonable doubt" that Zimmerman's wounds were inflicted by Martin? Are you really confident enough that is what happened in this case that if you were on that jury you would vote to convict him and possibly send him to prison for the rest of his life. Do you really believe the words that you are typing here to the extent that you would deprive another human being of their liberty?

Because if Martin did slam Zimmerman's head into the concrete, what reasonable man would not be fearing for his own life at that point?

I would convict him, but his wounds wouldn't play a part. I would convict him for stalking, and killing Martin, while Martin was standing his ground.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In your opinion, after closely watching the testimony in this trial, is there any "reasonable doubt" that Zimmerman's wounds were inflicted by Martin? Are you really confident enough that is what happened in this case that if you were on that jury you would vote to convict him and possibly send him to prison for the rest of his life. Do you really believe the words that you are typing here to the extent that you would deprive another human being of their liberty?

Because if Martin did slam Zimmerman's head into the concrete, what reasonable man would not be fearing for his own life at that point?

Heck, I got this one. The answer is no reasonable man but, any liberal moron who feels self enlightened enough to let his own opinion circumvent reality.
TheRealThing Wrote:"Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutors in the George Zimmerman murder trial should be charged with "prosecutorial misconduct" for suggesting the defendant planned the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin. "That is something no prosecutor should be allowed to get away with … to make up a story from whole cloth," Dershowitz told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"These prosecutors should be disbarred. They have acted absolutely irresponsibly in an utterly un-American fashion."


Alan Dershowitz ain't exactly chopped liver in legal circles. I'm sure RealVille would happily take to task Dershowitz' for his opinion on the George Zimmerman trial anyway though. Normal people can always recognize what is likely the truth in most matters of governance and justice in particular. Meanwhile liberals seem to always be a ball in high weeds, forever loving the lie and having contempt for those who don't share their self destructive zeal, for the lemming like rush toward the cliffs of historical obscurity. Their most fervent pursuit seems to be to watch their own demise.
Dershowitz is one of the very few liberals who has my respect, despite his role in the OJ case. Dershowitz sincerely believes that everybody accused of a crime, whether they are in fact guilty or innocent, deserves a competent and energetic defense. He is a man of principle. Despite being a devout Jew and fervently against radical Muslim terrorism, I believe that Dershowitz would have willingly worked as Bin Laden's defense attorney, had he been captured and charge with a crime. I don't believe that I would be willing to work for a racist who wished me dead, but that seems to be one of Dershowitz's core principles.
TheRealVille Wrote:I would convict him, but his wounds wouldn't play a part. I would convict him for stalking, and killing Martin, while Martin was standing his ground.

Can you say convoluted?
TheRealVille Wrote:I would convict him, but his wounds wouldn't play a part. I would convict him for stalking, and killing Martin, while Martin was standing his ground.
So you would convict Zimmerman, despite the fact that he committed no crime? There was no evidence presented that suggested Zimmerman cornered Martin and made him fear for his life. There was also no evidence to support your "stalking" theory. Neighborhood watch operations reduce crime and the way that they work is to patrol neighborhoods looking for suspicious characters and calling 911 when they spot one. That is what Zimmerman did.

How was Martin standing his ground when Zimmerman had lost sight of him for several minutes before he sucker punched Zimmerman? If Martin felt like he was being stalked, then why didn't he call 911 instead of his girlfriend?

If you are being honest, and that is always a big IF, and you would send somebody to prison for decades given the facts that are known, then you are one crazy dude, RV.
^ I've got an excuse, I'm getting ready to go to work. What the hell are you guys doing on here on a Saturday? Don't you have wives?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So you would convict Zimmerman, despite the fact that he committed no crime? There was no evidence presented that suggested Zimmerman cornered Martin and made him fear for his life. There was also no evidence to support your "stalking" theory. Neighborhood watch operations reduce crime and the way that they work is to patrol neighborhoods looking for suspicious characters and calling 911 when they spot one. That is what Zimmerman did.

How was Martin standing his ground when Zimmerman had lost sight of him for several minutes before he sucker punched Zimmerman? If Martin felt like he was being stalked, then why didn't he call 911 instead of his girlfriend?

If you are being honest, and that is always a big IF, and you would send somebody to prison for decades given the facts that are known, then you are one crazy dude, RV.
If Martin was circling his truck, and Zimmerman was afraid of him, why did he get out of his truck?
TheRealThing Wrote:Can you say convoluted?
No, I would say deranged. :biggrin:

In RV's strange reality, the stalker called 911 and the guy being stalked beat him up. That kind of logic is what one would expect from a two-time Obama voter.
TheRealVille Wrote:If Martin was circling his truck, and Zimmerman was afraid of him, why did he get out of his truck?
According to Zimmerman, he lost sight of Martin and wanted to give the dispatcher the street address where he last spotted him. He said that he got out of the truck to find a street number. Zimmerman did not need to be in fear of his life when he left the truck. If his head was bouncing off of concrete and he feared for his life when he shot Martin, then nothing that happened before that second matters - it was a case of self defense. Unless there is reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was beaten an feared serious injury or death, then no crime was committed.

What you are saying that the law does not matter, you would vote to convict Zimmerman anyway. To cast that vote, jurors will need to ignore the judge's instructions and the law. That may very well happen, but it will be a great miscarriage of justice if it does.
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