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54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues - See more at: http://cnsne
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What facts do you have to dispute the claim that the unemployment rate has not dropped below 7.5 percent for the past 54 months. Let's see them.
Improving economy, shrinking deficit, jobs coming back after a nose dive, saving us from falling into a depression, housing prices going back up. There is a plethora of things. Bringing us back from the brink of hell, though not as fast as you republicans would like, although it was your guy that put us there.
TheRealVille Wrote:Improving economy, shrinking deficit, jobs coming back after a nose dive, saving us from falling into a depression.
So, are you saying that the unemployment rate has not been at least 7.5 percent every single month that Obama has been in office? What facts do you have that dispute that this has been the weakest recovery in American history and the longest period of unemployment at or above 7.5 percent since records began being collected in 1948? Let's see those facts.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, are you saying that the unemployment rate has not been at least 7.5 percent every single month that Obama has been in office? What facts do you have that dispute that this has been the weakest recovery in American history and the longest period of unemployment at or above 7.5 percent since records began being collected in 1948? Let's see those facts.
I didn't say anything about unemployment, but I posted facts about what is happening as we speak. Are you hanging your hat on the unemployment rate, and ignoring the things I posted? Those facts are on record, use your excellent search skills, they are there to find.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't say anything about unemployment, but I posted facts about what is happening as we speak. Are you hanging your hat on the unemployment rate, and ignoring the things I posted?
Yes, I am choosing not to address the things that you posted because the time to blame Bush for all of Obama's shortcomings has long since passed. I posted the facts about Obama's performance and you said that I was ignoring the facts. Yet, you have not contradicted anything that was posted in the OP. Instead, you want to continue to give Obama a pass for his very poor job performance.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, I am choosing not to address the things that you posted because the time to blame Bush for all of Obama's shortcomings has long since passed. I posted the facts about Obama's performance and you said that I was ignoring the facts. Yet, you have not contradicted anything that was posted in the OP. Instead, you want to continue to give Obama a pass for his very poor job performance.
I told you the positives that have happened since Obama took office, and you ignore it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, I am choosing not to address the things that you posted because the time to blame Bush for all of Obama's shortcomings has long since passed. I posted the facts about Obama's performance and you said that I was ignoring the facts. Yet, you have not contradicted anything that was posted in the OP. Instead, you want to continue to give Obama a pass for his very poor job performance.
Show one improvement I posted in the quote that is untrue.

TheRealVille Wrote:Improving economy, shrinking deficit, jobs coming back after a nose dive, saving us from falling into a depression, housing prices going back up. There is a plethora of things. Bringing us back from the brink of hell, though not as fast as you republicans would like, although it was your guy that put us there.
TheRealVille Wrote:Show one improvement I posted in the quote that is untrue.
Start your own thread to trumpet Obama's great economic accomplishments if you want. I am not interested in dismantling your propaganda again. Obama's record speaks for itself - 54 months in office an 54 months of unemployment rate at a level of 7.5% or above. It is a record that may never be broken, once Obama finishes his unimpressive run.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Start your own thread to trumpet Obama's great economic accomplishments if you want. I am not interested in dismantling your propaganda again. Obama's record speaks for itself - 54 months in office an 54 months of unemployment rate at a level of 7.5% or above. It is a record that may never be broken, once Obama finishes his unimpressive run.
Confusederved: That's what I thought. :hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:Show one improvement I posted in the quote that is untrue.

"shrinking deficit"

If you ever expect to be taken seriously you need to come off of this one right off the bat. The debt was 10.4 trillion when O ascended. Now it will tear a 17 trillion dollar bill to pieces and before his time is mercifully over, it will be at least 22 trillion. Now, I know dems like to stretch credulity as thin as a gnat's rear stretched over a boxcar. But, nobody in their right mind would buy that one.
TheRealThing Wrote:"shrinking deficit"

If you ever expect to be taken seriously you need to come off of this one right off the bat. The debt was 10.4 trillion when O ascended. Now it will tear a 17 trillion dollar bill to pieces and before his time is mercifully over, it will be at least 22 trillion. Now, I know dems like to stretch credulity as thin as a gnat's rear stretched over a boxcar. But, nobody in their right mind would buy that one.
Is the deficit shrinking? Confusednicker: Do you deny the CBO's claim?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is the deficit shrinking? Confusednicker:

You know, where I'm from it's important to have others agree with you before you claim victory and start laughing at your debate opponents. What's shrinking are America's expectations for this lame presidency. I'm just thankful I can think for myself. Even if that were not true, there are far more economists who laugh at Obamanomics and the less than brilliant who follow his reasoning. Something cannot be shrinking and growing at the same time.
TheRealThing Wrote:You know, where I'm from it's important to have others agree with you before you claim victory and start laughing at your debate opponents. What's shrinking are America's expectations for this lame presidency. I'm just thankful I can think for myself. Even if that were not true, there are far more economists who laugh at Obamanomics and the less than brilliant who follow his reasoning.
The CBO said the deficit was shrinking. It isn't about victory, it's about facts. Is the deficit not shrinking?
TheRealVille Wrote:Confusederved: That's what I thought. :hilarious:
I believe that you think the way that I believe Obama is a great speaker. Obama reads what scrolls across his dual teleprompters. You post garbage from Obama campaign websites and socialist blogs.

You have repeated the same Bush-bashing claims to excuse Obama's poor performance for years now, and the economy is not getting any better. Real income is declining, Americans' net worths are declining, and fulltime workers are being displaced by part time workers, all thanks to Obama's disastrous policies. Now, he has been forced to acknowledge his failure by refusing to enforce the provisions of Obamacare that would destroy even more fulltime jobs.

Obama has been a total failure and no amount of propaganda to the contrary will change that fact. FYI, the average unemployment rate during George W. Bush's presidency was 5.3 percent. That's right, under Obama, the unemployment rate has never dropped to within 2 percent of the average unemployment rate during the 8 years of Bush's presidency.
TheRealThing Wrote:You know, where I'm from it's important to have others agree with you before you claim victory and start laughing at your debate opponents. What's shrinking are America's expectations for this lame presidency. I'm just thankful I can think for myself. Even if that were not true, there are far more economists who laugh at Obamanomics and the less than brilliant who follow his reasoning. Something cannot be shrinking and growing at the same time.
Hyenas also laugh for no apparent reason and nobody mistakes their laughter as a sign of intelligence.
TheRealVille Wrote:The CBO said the deficit was shrinking. It isn't about victory, it's about facts. Is the deficit not shrinking?

The estimate is for the budget to shrink and has been for some months now. That's a neat trick since we don't even have a budget. We'll see but, the forestalled employer mandate has a lot to do with the estimate from what I'm hearing. I hope we do get the runaway debt under control, I'm not seeing what your so happy about.
TheRealThing Wrote:The estimate is for the budget to shrink and has been for some months now. That's a neat trick since we don't even have a budget. We'll see but, the forestalled employer mandate has a lot to do with the estimate from what I'm hearing. I hope we do get the runaway debt under control, I'm not seeing what your so happy about.
The estimate is for the deficit to shrink. Are you spinning?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I believe that you think the way that I believe Obama is a great speaker. Obama reads what scrolls across his dual teleprompters. You post garbage from Obama campaign websites and socialist blogs.

You have repeated the same Bush-bashing claims to excuse Obama's poor performance for years now, and the economy is not getting any better. Real income is declining, Americans' net worths are declining, and fulltime workers are being displaced by part time workers, all thanks to Obama's disastrous policies. Now, he has been forced to acknowledge his failure by refusing to enforce the provisions of Obamacare that would destroy even more fulltime jobs.

Obama has been a total failure and no amount of propaganda to the contrary will change that fact. FYI, the average unemployment rate during George W. Bush's presidency was 5.3 percent. That's right, under Obama, the unemployment rate has never dropped to within 2 percent of the average unemployment rate during the 8 years of Bush's presidency.
So you want to divert away from the facts I posted? I see. BTW, what was unemployment in December 2008? What was it 2 months after Obama took office? Did Obama have full control 2 months after taking office? Did it start coming down after Bush's budget time in Oct. 2009.?
TheRealVille Wrote:So you want to divert away from the facts I posted? I see. BTW, what was unemployment in December 2008? What was it 2 months after Obama took office? Did Obama have full control 2 months after taking office? Did it start coming down after Bush's budget time in Oct. 2009.?
54 consecutive months, unemployment 7,5%+, and Bush has not been sitting in the White House for one of those 54 months. Those are the facts. Americans are beginning to blame Obama for his own failures. At least, thinking Americans are seeing the light.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:54 consecutive months, unemployment 7,5%+, and Bush has not been sitting in the White House for one of those 54 months. Those are the facts. Americans are beginning to blame Obama for his own failures. At least, thinking Americans are seeing the light.
Talk about the other facts. :hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:Talk about the other facts. :hilarious:
I will talk facts and leave the Obama talking points to you.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I will talk facts and leave the Obama talking points to you.
Dispute any fact that I posted above.
TheRealVille Wrote:Dispute any fact that I posted above.
I don't need to. The unemployment figures are what they are, and you have posted nothing that disputes the facts in the article linked in the OP. 54 months and Obama has a shot at extending his record for another 42 months. Just think, that is longer than the previous worst American president ever was in office. :biglmao:

(I don't believe that even Obama will serve 8 years without seeing the unemployment rate dip below 7.5 percent but it won't be for a lack of effort.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't need to. The unemployment figures are what they are, and you have posted nothing that disputes the facts in the article linked in the OP. 54 months and Obama has a shot at extending his record for another 42 months. Just think, that is longer than the previous worst American president ever was in office. :biglmao:

(I don't believe that even Obama will serve 8 years without seeing unemployment rate dip below 7.5 percent.)
So, you don't want to discuss any of the other facts I stated? :hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:So, you don't want to discuss any of the other facts I stated? :hilarious:
Do your talking points have anything to do with the record unemployment numbers that Obama has posted? I don't see the connection. Propaganda does not put food on unemployed peoples table or money in their bank accounts. Americans are going broke under this socialist regime.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do your talking points have anything to do with the record unemployment numbers that Obama has posted? I don't see the connection. Propaganda does not put food on unemployed peoples table or money in their bank accounts. Americans are going broke under this socialist regime.
Are you saying the other facts I posted aren't true? :hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you saying the other facts I posted aren't true? :hilarious:
I am saying that if you have any new talking points that don't address the current unemployment rate, then you should start a thread. Just repeatedly posting the same talking points that the Obama administration feeds you gets boring, and so many of your "facts" don't prove to be so, I don't want to waste my time.

Has the unemployment rate been 7.5 percent or more for the past 54 months and has Barack Obama been president during that entire time? You have no facts to refute those and Bush cannot be used as an excuse after 4-1/2 years of this train wreck of a presidency. The average unemployment rate during the Bush years was only 5.3 percent.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obama has shattered all modern records for unemploying Americans. Now, to avoid watching real unemployment soar even higher, he has suspended the imposition of the onerous Obamacare employer mandate. Obamacare has already led to employers dropping fulltime employees in favor of part time employees, so the employment situation is even worse than the numbers indicate. Part-time burger flipping jobs are not what young American citizens need, but it is what the lucky ones can find in the Obama economy.

Bush has now been out of office for 5-1/2 years. This is Obama's economy and the policies that are impoverishing Americans are his. You should be ashamed that you have supported policies and the man who is busy destroying our economic foundation. Would you vote for Obama for an illegal third term, as RV says that he would? Would you support Obama as the first American dictator?

duck dodge and spin why don't you just answer the ?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Manchin had to run against Obama and position himself as a conservative during the campaign. West Virginia obviously did not have enough votes to make a difference in a national election, but Obama is turning it into a red state. It's hard to believe it is the same state that sent former KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops, Democratic Senator Robert Byrd to Washington so many times.

I get's that is why he was for gun control you are so full of shit it's not even funny

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